On 2012-10-25 at 12:42 -0700, k clair wrote: > I can't find anywhere that this is documented: Is there a way to > get the machine-readable output of a search to return the 16-digit > keyid rather than the 8-digit keyid?
Not at present. It would require code changes, nothing too severe. Here's the code that generates the lines; a little option sprinkling into the line generation, tied into setting that option from the query form, and that should be all that's needed. ----------------------------8< cut here >8------------------------------ let key_to_lines key = let full_keyid = Fingerprint.keyid_from_key ~short:false key in let keyid = Fingerprint.keyid_to_string ~short:true full_keyid in let pkey = KeyMerge.key_to_pkey key in let key_packet = pkey.KeyMerge.key in let pki = ParsePGP.parse_pubkey_info key_packet in let uids = pkey.KeyMerge.uids in let exp_string = match pki.pk_expiration with | None -> "" | Some 0 -> "-" | Some days -> sprintf "%Ld" (Int64.add pki.pk_ctime (Int64.mul daysecs (Int64.of_int days))) in let key_line = sprintf "pub:%s:%d:%d:%Ld:%s:%s" keyid pki.pk_alg pki.pk_keylen pki.pk_ctime exp_string (if (Index.is_revoked key) then "r" else "") in let uid_lines = List.map ~f:(fun (uid,sigs) -> match uid.packet_type with User_ID_Packet -> uid_to_line full_keyid uid sigs | User_Attribute_Packet -> "uat::::" | _ -> "???::::" ) uids in key_line::uid_lines ----------------------------8< cut here >8------------------------------ And then in fingerprint.ml: ----------------------------8< cut here >8------------------------------ let keyid_to_string ?(short=true) keyid = let hex = Utils.hexstring keyid in if short then String.sub ~pos:(String.length hex - 8) ~len:8 hex else hex ----------------------------8< cut here >8------------------------------ _______________________________________________ Sks-devel mailing list Sks-devel@nongnu.org https://lists.nongnu.org/mailman/listinfo/sks-devel