On Oct 25, 2012, at 4:50 PM, John Clizbe <jpcli...@gingerbear.net> wrote:

> Phil Pennock wrote:
>> On 2012-10-25 at 12:42 -0700, k clair wrote:
>>> I can't find anywhere that this is documented: Is there a way to 
>>> get the machine-readable output of a search to return the 16-digit 
>>> keyid rather than the 8-digit keyid?
>> Not at present.  It would require code changes, nothing too severe.
> Kristian and I were discussing this exact item yesterday. From my reading of
> [1], I think 16-digit key IDs should be returned in the mr index. I /think/
> Kristian may also be thinking that way.

Ideally, a full fingerprint should be returned in the index.  Second best is 
the 16-digit key ID.  Third best is the 8-digit key ID.


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