> Am 26.10.2018 um 22:12 schrieb Zorger, Richard 
> <zor...@pennmedicine.upenn.edu>:
> Hello,
> Our nodes can now see rest of the network but still are not booting to Rocks. 
> The movers had not cabled the port connecting the enclosure to the network. 
> Luckily I had snapped a picture of the wiring before the move.
> Now I can ssh from the head node to each compute node via its name or IP 
> address. However when I boot them they are not finding the head node to load 
> SGE, even if I force them to use PXE. I have tried PXE booting from both the 
> console and the Open Management Controller from the enclosure.

Does the headnode have two network interfaces? One for the utside world and one 
for inside the cluster?

-- Reuti

> What are some troubleshooting steps I could try?
> thanks
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