My feeling is that until you can get a network connection and, say, get ssh
working (assuming you have enabled it), and make sure their hostnames match
with the reverse lookup of their hostnames, this is a general system
administration issue, not specifically an SGE issue.  Maybe you need to
call in the next level of sysadmins, in your organization.


On Wed, Oct 24, 2018 at 7:39 PM Zorger, Richard <> wrote:

> Hello,
> We recently moved our equipment to a new data center. We have have some
> older compute nodes, they are all PowerEdge M600 in PowerEdge M100e
> enclosures. These are all powered up but for some reason they cannot be
> seen on the network and be used by SGE.
> If I log into the Dell Chassis Management Controller interface for the
> enclosure I can access them. I have tried setting the First Boot Device to
> PXE and warm booting them boot they still did not come back. I really don't
> know much about SGE and would greatly appreciate any advice that would help
> me trouble shoot this and get them back on line.
> best
> RZ
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