On Mon, 17 Mar 2025 10:44:30 GMT, snake66 <d...@openjdk.org> wrote:

>>> Another follow-up is if it would hurt to include $LIBPTHREAD for _all_ 
>>> Hotspot tests, to avoid the huge list. @dholmes-ora Do you have anything 
>>> coming to mind directly that would make that infeasible, or is it just a 
>>> matter of testing to add it and see if any tests fail?
>> Sorry I was out of contact for a while. I can't imagine why any test would 
>> fail if linked with libpthread, given the VM is linking to it anyway.
>>> We can then check if we can turn -lpthread into -pthread on Linux as a 
>>> follow up.
>> I have a vague recollection that at one time `-pthread` set some 
>> _POSIX_SOURCE define (or something like that) which conflicted with our use 
>> of some gcc specific things. But that was long ago so I would try it and 
>> see. Of couise it then becomes hard to classify what kind of flag this is 
>> because it isn't strictly a library flag.
>> > Another follow-up is if it would hurt to include $LIBPTHREAD for _all_ 
>> > Hotspot tests, to avoid the huge list. @dholmes-ora Do you have anything 
>> > coming to mind directly that would make that infeasible, or is it just a 
>> > matter of testing to add it and see if any tests fail?
>> (...) I can't imagine why any test would fail if linked with libpthread, 
>> given the VM is linking to it anyway.
> I'm happy to test this, if you want. Won't have time this week, though.

@snake66 No need, I'm already on it: https://github.com/openjdk/jdk/pull/24130


PR Comment: https://git.openjdk.org/jdk/pull/23930#issuecomment-2740320801

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