On Wed, 20 Nov 2024 10:14:40 GMT, Kevin Walls <kev...@openjdk.org> wrote:

> Remove redundant SecurityManager, AccessController references
> (following on from JDK-8338411: Implement JEP 486: Permanently Disable the 
> Security Manager).


In the method unwrap(..) at the old line 1565

We used to be able to return null from this method: when you catch a 
PrivActionException, get the cause, and it's not IOException (which we throw) 
or ClassNotFoundException, which we throw in an UnmarshalException.  Other 
exceptions, we may log, and return null.
We have tests that check the behaviour of these exceptions, and what I have 
here passes it all.  Trying to reinstate something that can return a null has 
so far failed!

There is still a local method named doPrivilegedOperation in here, but it no 
longer uses AccessController.doPrivileged.
It is now not correctly named, should be cleaned up.
As there are so many call sites and there is much Exception-handling here,  I'd 
like to do that further tidyup separately.
i.e. fully remove PrivilegedActionException.


PR Comment: https://git.openjdk.org/jdk/pull/22270#issuecomment-2491958271

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