Move JVM implementation access flags that are not specified by the classfile format into Klass so we can shrink AccessFlags to u2 in a future change.
Tested with tier1-7. NOTE: there are arm, ppc and s390 changes to this that are just a guess. Also, graal changes. ------------- Commit messages: - Fix C1 nodes for misc_flags access. - Fix s390 compilation errors. - The test compiler/types/ asserts because the opcode is Op_LoadUB. No idea why. - Fix C2 things I hope. - Fix typeo. - Add in has_finalizer and is_cloneable_fast but doesn't work for C2 yet. - Refix is_hidden_class to use misc_flags. - Move JVM_ACC_IS_VALUE_BASED_CLASS. - Move JVM_ACC_IS_HIDDEN_CLASS. Changes: Webrev: Issue: Stats: 322 lines in 52 files changed: 165 ins; 43 del; 114 mod Patch: Fetch: git fetch pull/20719/head:pull/20719 PR: