On Thu, 9 Nov 2023 07:58:29 GMT, David Holmes <dhol...@openjdk.org> wrote:

> > LGTM. Thanks for verifying we are not hiding a leak with the increase.
> Has that actually been verified? I couldn't quite understand what was being 
> said in the description. This new value would need to be tested on all 
> platforms, on an unpatched VM to see if the leak is still present.

The test has been executed with 1700 instead of 700 iterations a number of 
times to see if a leak occurs but it did not show up.
If you think that the other platforms (!= AIX) should continue with the 
previous memory settings that's fine.  I already asked this above . We could 
set up two jtreg test blocks one for AIX one for the other platforms.


PR Comment: https://git.openjdk.org/jdk/pull/16553#issuecomment-1803338202

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