On Thu, 11 May 2023 03:41:46 GMT, David Holmes <dhol...@openjdk.org> wrote:

>> src/hotspot/share/services/management.cpp line 2107:
>>> 2105:     // twice, once in the loop and agsin in exited_allocated_bytes if 
>>> it's
>>> 2106:     // removed from the list after it's encountered in the loop but 
>>> before
>>> 2107:     // adding exited_allocated_bytes.
>> This is not an accurate description.
>> Once we have the TLH we have a fixed set of threads and none of them can 
>> update exited_allocated_bytes. If we read exited_allocated_bytes while the 
>> TLH is held then the count can be short for two reasons:
>> 1. Newly started threads
>> 2. Terminating threads that already escaped the TLH but which hadn't updated 
>> exited_allocated_bytes by the time we read it.
>> AFAICS with the current logic there is no possibility of double-accounting.
> Sorry I thought you had made the change to only update exited_allocated_bytes 
> after the thread removed itself from the threads-list. It really makes things 
> so much simpler.

I made that change. The comment now reads:
    // A thread increments exited_allocated_bytes in 
    // only after it removes itself from the threads list, and once a TLH is    
    // created, no thread it references can remove itself from the threads      
    // list, so none can update exited_allocated_bytes. We therefore initialize 
    // result with exited_allocated_bytes after after we create the TLH so that 
    // the final result can only be short due to (1) threads that start after   
    // the TLH is created, or (2) terminating threads that escape TLH creation  
    // and don't update exited_allocated_bytes before we initialize result.


PR Review Comment: https://git.openjdk.org/jdk/pull/13814#discussion_r1192473858

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