On Fri, 10 Feb 2023 14:50:36 GMT, Patricio Chilano Mateo 
<pchilanom...@openjdk.org> wrote:

> Please review the following change. Some of the JVMTI functions had to be 
> modified since they are not supported by the specs on virtual threads 
> (StopThread, RunAgentThread, GetCurrentThreadCpuTime, GetThreadCpuTime, 
> PopFrame, ForceEarlyReturnXXX) or shouldn't include virtual threads in the 
> results (GetAllThreads, GetAllStackTraces, GetThreadGroupChildren). Others 
> were modified because they should work on virtual thread but they weren't 
> (SuspendAllVirtualThreads/ResumeAllVirtualThreads). Also support for 
> VirtualThreadStart/VirtualThreadEnd events was added.
> There were a total of 71 tests under serviceability/jvmti/ that had the 
> vm.continuations requirement. Of those, 24 where under 
> serviceability/jvmti/vthread/. I was able to remove that requirement from 50 
> tests. Most of those tests were already passing for the alternative vthread 
> implementation just by removing the check in jni_GetEnv for VMContinuations.
> From the other 21 tests, 20 still fail with the changes either because they 
> actually test continuations or because of different assumptions in the tests 
> that don't hold true for the alternative vthread implementation. So for those 
> I left the vm.continuations requirement untouched (from those 20 tests there 
> are actually 4 tests from the thread/GetStackTrace/ family that are passing 
> because of a bug in the test, but I can fix that in another RFE). The other 
> remaining test is vthread/GetSetLocalTest/GetSetLocalTest.java which I see is 
> problemlisted.
> Regarding variable _is_bound_vthread, although it's handy as a cache to avoid 
> repeating the check, I mainly added it to avoid transitioning for 
> GetCurrentThreadCpuTime (we are native and cannot access oops).
> I added new test BoundVThreadTest.java which just checks for the 
> unsupported/supported behavior mentioned previously. For some extra basic 
> coverage I also added a new run with -XX:-VMContinuations on tests inside the 
> serviceability/jvmti/vthread/ directory that don't require vm.continuations 
> anymore. I could also add that for all the other tests in 
> serviceability/jvmti/ for which I removed the vm.continuations requirement.
> I run the patch through mach5 tiers 1-6 plus some extra local runs on the 
> relevant tests.
> Thanks,
> Patricio

src/hotspot/share/classfile/vmClassMacros.hpp line 92:

> 90:   do_klass(Thread_Constants_klass,                      
> java_lang_Thread_Constants                            ) \
> 91:   do_klass(ThreadGroup_klass,                           
> java_lang_ThreadGroup                                 ) \
> 92:   do_klass(BasicVirtualThread_klass,                    
> java_lang_BaseVirtualThread                           ) \

It should be BaseVirtualThread_klass rather BasicVirtualThread_klass (probably 
my fault when adding the alt implementation).


PR: https://git.openjdk.org/jdk/pull/12512

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