On Wed, 26 Oct 2022 17:39:56 GMT, Xue-Lei Andrew Fan <xue...@openjdk.org> wrote:

>> `URLStreamHandler` really belongs to `java.net.URL`, and is an 
>> implementation detail of the infrastructure/SPI that makes it possible to 
>> eventually call `URL::openConnection`. I do not think it would be 
>> appropriate to have such a method in `java.net.URI`. Dealing with 
>> `URLStreamHandler` is advanced usage and is not something that a regular 
>> developer will need to do, and it is better if it isn't too prominent.
> I see your point.  It may be more appropriate if URI.toURL was designed as 
> URL.fromURL.
> I was wondering to have application developers a consistent way to get an URL 
> instance.  Now there are two methods in different classes URI.toURL and 
> URL.fromURI.  It might be easier to use the old URI.toURL form.
> Never mind, it is just my personal preference.  It is fine to me to have a 
> new URL.fromURI method.

One thing we might do is change the name of the method into `URL.of(URI, 
StreamHandler)`. It's named `fromURI` merely because there was a pre-existing 
package protected `fromURI` method. However since we're making it public now, 
it could be fair game to change its name. Possibly adding an overload 
`URL::of(URI)` method could be considered, but then there really would be two 
paths to do the same thing - so I'd rather not add such an overload - unless I 
get some more feedback on that from the CSR/PR review.


PR: https://git.openjdk.org/jdk/pull/10874

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