On Thu, 1 Sep 2022 06:51:21 GMT, David Holmes <dhol...@openjdk.org> wrote:

>> “Mapping to itself” is how this table works internally. I am not sure if 
>> this information is useful here. But the purpose of this table is really to 
>> keep track of all PDs that have been registered and not yet garbage 
>> collected.
> "mapping to itself" is more useful than "mapping ... to a unique Weakhandle" 
> - which is even more of an internal implementation detail. I found the use of 
> this table very hard to discern based on the internal use of the hashtable, 
> as there is no real mapping operation - we simply track if a PD has been seen 
> or not. The use of the hashtable is purely for lookup convenience - we could 
> instead have a linked-list of PD's that we traverse for lookup.
> So perhaps we drop my second sentence above, and move it to where the 
> hashtable itself is declared?

"mapping a PD to a unique Weakhandle" is not an implementation detail. It's the 
only useful API provided by this class:

WeakHandle obj = ProtectionDomainCacheTable::add_if_absent(protection_domain);

and that's the reason I question why this table is needed at all.


PR: https://git.openjdk.org/jdk/pull/10043

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