Hi all,
I'm trying to build a distribution that has multiple partitions. The
desiderata is something like:
- rootfs.ubifs mounted on /
- data.ubifs mounted on /data
- opt.ubifs mounted on /opt
I was wondering if there is a standard way to achieve the goal. I see that
there is a tool called wic,
Hi all,
I have a custom recipe that builds and installs a C program that include:
I can compile it with TI prebuilt SDK, but when I try to build it with
yocto the compiler is unable to find those headers.
In the recipe do_compile I simply execute:
${CC} ${CFLAGS} $
> >
> > Von: yocto-boun...@yoctoproject.org [mailto:
> yocto-boun...@yoctoproject.org] Im Auftrag von Gabriele Zampieri
> > Gesendet: Montag, 4. März 2019 12:17
> > An: yocto@yoctoproject.org
> > Betreff: [yocto] Multiple ubifs partition
> >
> > H
Hi all,
I'm building a custom image that install boost libraries:
IMAGE_INSTALL_append = " boost"
How can I trim the installed libraries? I see inside
meta/recipes-support/boost/boost.inc a variable called BOOST_LIBS that
lists all the boost components, so in my custom-image.bb I tried:
Forgot to include the mailing list
-- Forwarded message -
Da: Gabriele Zampieri
Date: gio 28 mar 2019 alle ore 13:38
Subject: Re: [yocto] Trimming BOOST libraries installed
To: Burton, Ross
Thank you for the fast reply.
So I just specify the dependencies in my recipes, and
Hi all,
I'm setting up a layer that will compile our applications and libraries.
All the applications are based on cmake and they share modules. Before
using yocto I kept the modules in /cmake (under version control)
alongside applications and libraries. With yocto I wrote a recipe that
checkout t
Il giorno mer 3 apr 2019 alle ore 12:07 Gabriele Zampieri <
gabbla.mal...@gmail.com> ha scritto:
> Hi all,
> I'm setting up a layer that will compile our applications and libraries.
> All the applications are based on cmake and they share modules. Before
> usin
> Henrik
> On Wed, Apr 3, 2019 at 1:18 PM Gabriele Zampieri
> wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> I'm setting up a layer that will compile our applications and libraries.
>> All the applications are based on cmake and they share modules. Before
>> using yoc
install my configuration from the image recipe?
Il giorno mer 13 mar 2019 alle ore 16:14 Gabriele Zampieri <
gabbla.mal...@gmail.com> ha scritto:
> Hi all,
> thank you very much for the suggestion, I will check genimage and test it.
> Gabriele
> I
2019 alle ore 15:15 Ulrich Ölmann <
u.oelm...@pengutronix.de> ha scritto:
> Hi Gabriele,
> On Wed, Apr 24 2019 at 14:06 +0200, Gabriele Zampieri <
> gabbla.mal...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > I'm now testing genimage via meta-ptx in my Yocto workflow, but I foun
The easiest way is to add them via patches. You can write a recipe that
patch the Linux tree and put it in your meta layer (usually in
meta-xxx/recipes-kernel/linux). Then you need to tell Yocto to export the
dtb via KERNEL_DEVICETREE variable (
> that dts file to generate a dtb file in recipe. Appreciate more
> clarification.
> Thank you.
> - jh
> On 5/6/19, Gabriele Zampieri wrote:
> > Hi,
> >
> > The easiest way is to add them via patches. You can write a recipe that
> > patch the Linux tre
Il giorno ven 3 mag 2019 alle ore 07:59 Ulrich Ölmann <
u.oelm...@pengutronix.de> ha scritto:
> Hi Gabriele,
> On Thu, May 02 2019 at 13:25 +0200, Gabriele Zampieri <
> gabbla.mal...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > ok, I guess I miss-understand how that class work
Perfect, thank you!
Il giorno lun 6 mag 2019 alle ore 14:15 Ulrich Ölmann <
u.oelm...@pengutronix.de> ha scritto:
> Hi Gabriele,
> On Mon, May 06 2019 at 13:32 +0200, Gabriele Zampieri <
> gabbla.mal...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > thank you very much for
Hi all,
Bas' defconfig trick (do_set_custom_defconfig) is already implemented by
Yocto itself: just add a file called defconfig to SRC_URI and the system
will apply it for you (you can read kernel_do_configure in kernel.bbclass)
. For more information check
Hi all,
I need to add a couple of tools to my build system (build2 and odb). The
second one depends on the first. Following a snippet of the build2 recipe:
DEPENDS = "openssl-native"
SRC_URI = "https://dow
ed to either build bpkg as a native recipe or install and make it
> available as a hosttool from build machine distribution itself
> On Mon, May 13, 2019 at 6:07 AM Gabriele Zampieri
> wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> I need to add a couple of tools to my build system
Hi all,
I need to include in my native sdk the ODB compiler in order to produce
some sources. Since it is a nativesdk- only package, I wrote the following
I found the problem, I was installing the package in the wrong location, so
it wasn't shown in the output SDK.
Il giorno lun 20 mag 2019 alle ore 23:55 Khem Raj ha
> On Mon, May 13, 2019 at 11:17 PM Gabriele Zampieri
> wrote:
> >
> > Hi Khem,
Hi all,
I need to link some applications with "--static" flag. To do so I need to
add some static libraries in the SDK, that I've added with
SDKIMAGE_FEATURES_append = " staticdev-pkgs"
However, I still miss "libgcc_s.a" and I cannot find a way to add it. Any
Hi Pierluigi,
just to be clear, have you specified your defconfig in the SRC_URI of your
kernel recipe? You can write an append file (that I guess you already did)
and add:
FILESEXTRAPATHS_prepend := "${THISDIR}/files:"
SRC_URI_append= " file://defconfig"
The above snippet assume that you are pl
Hi all,
is it a good idea to share the SSTATE_DIR between a docker container (used
with GitLab pipelines) and the local bitbake instance? They both work on
the same MACHINE.
yocto mailing list
Cool, thanks!
Il giorno lun 17 giu 2019 alle ore 14:03 Burton, Ross
ha scritto:
> It's always a good idea to share sstate between builds.
> Ross
> On Mon, 17 Jun 2019 at 12:32, Gabriele Zampieri
> wrote:
> >
> > Hi all,
> >
> > is i
Hi all,
does anyone have a guide on how to setup Yocto to run inside docker? Right
now I managed to trigger the build from GitLab, but I'm facing an issue
related to ssh keys (some recipes from my meta layer are hosted on a
privare repository). Probably this is not the best mailing list to ask thi
rver on AWS. You need to add deploy a key to the repo you want
> to access and then push the key to your Docker instance from gitlab-ci.yaml
> from the repo that you are using with GL CI.
> :rjs
> On Mon, Jun 17, 2019, 07:20 Gabriele Zampieri
> wrote:
>> Hi all,
Hi Matthias,
an easier solution may be write those data during production. I don't think
that having a custom partition for each device is a good idea. You could
start the device in "production mode" and inject into the device specific
data through serial or USB. Obviously you must have some piece
Hi all,
is there a way to get a specific package version from another?
Best regards,
yocto mailing list
Up, with more details:
I have a top recipe that depends on *my-image:do_build*. I'd like to
retrieve the PV of a couple of packages (from that top recipe) that are
used to mark our custom software. Any suggestions?
Il giorno ven 28 giu 2019 alle ore 11:25 Gabriele Zampieri <
you must use double quotes around nand, so:
However I cannot guarantee this line will be the solution, I usually use a
customized uboot.
Il giorno mar 2 lug 2019 alle ore 04:07 JH ha
> Hi,
> The imx6ullevk.conf defined sdcard for booting on imx6 E
> yet.
> Thank you very much.
> Kind regards,
> - jh
> On 7/2/19, Gabriele Zampieri wrote:
> > Hi,
> >
> > you must use double quotes around nand, so:
> > UBOOT_CONFIG = "nand"
> >
> > However I canno
of included packages, I always just dump
> the
> manifest file into their lap.
> You can also ask and report the version numbers at runtime (e.g. using
> opkg or
> dpkg). That also prevents lying to your users :)
> On 01-07-19 11:28, Gabriele Zampieri wrote:
> > Up,
Hi Chad,
why are you checking out such an old version? As the tutorial said, try:
git checkout tags/yocto-2.7 -b my-yocto-2.7
Probably some URLs are no longer available.
Il giorno mar 2 lug 2019 alle ore 14:53 Chad Gong ha
> Hi,
> I am new to Yocto project and try to
in your machine conf add: (or just overload it, if you need only tar.gz
images, this will speedup the image generation process)
IMAGE_FSTYPES += " tar.gz"
The list of (standard) available image types can be found here:
as far as I know, there is no mechanism to add custom bootargs and/or
bootcmd to uboot via Yocto (correct me if I'm wrong). I usually patch the
upstream uboot to achieve this task.
Best regards,
Il giorno lun 8 lug 2019 alle ore 22:43 JH ha
> Hi,
> Which Yocto files and
Yes, thanks Maciej for pointing that out! It may be a good starting point
for JH.
Il giorno lun 15 lug 2019 alle ore 10:29 Maciej Pijanowski <
maciej.pijanow...@3mdeb.com> ha scritto:
> On 15.07.2019 08:45, Gabriele Zampieri wrote:
> Hi,
> as far as I kno
> Thank you.
> Kind regards,
> - jh
> On 7/15/19, Gabriele Zampieri wrote:
> > Yes, thanks Maciej for pointing that out! It may be a good starting point
> > for JH.
> >
> > Gabriele
> >
> > Il giorno lun 15 lug 2019 alle ore 10:29
Hi Jeffrey,
the extension "ptch" is not treated as patchfile by Yocto (only *.diff and
*.patch). You have two options:
- Rename your patch in inputrc.patch
- Adding the apply switch:
SRC_URI_append =" file://inputrc.ptch;apply=yes"
In this way you are telling yocto that 'inputrc.ptch'
Hi all,
for legacy reason I need to install some libraries in a non-standard path
(/opt/custom/lib). I achieved this quite easily via cmake. However, when I
generate the SDK, those libraries and headers are installed in
/sysroot/arm/opt/custom/[lib|include] and this is quite annoying.
Is there
Hi all,
I just created my first eSDK for a custom image. It installs just fine.
When I try to run "devtool --help" (after sourcing the env setup), I got
this output:
/home/user/poky_sdk/sysroots/x86_64-pokysdk-linux/usr/bin/python3: line 5:
you could define two machines, where the manufacturing one is just an
overlay of the production one. If the two kernels differs only for their
config, you can specify different defconfig based on machine. If you need a
completely different kernel, just specify
est regards,
Il giorno ven 19 lug 2019 alle ore 14:49 Patrick Doyle
ha scritto:
> On Fri, Jul 19, 2019 at 1:58 AM Gabriele Zampieri
> wrote:
> >
> > Hi,
> >
> > you could define two machines, where the manufacturing one is just an
> overlay of th
chema plus an extra partition that contains the production image. The
implementation depends on which tool you are going to use to partition the
output image (if any).
Il giorno ven 19 lug 2019 alle ore 17:35 Patrick Doyle
ha scritto:
> On Fri, Jul 19, 2019 at 10:03 AM Gabriele
you need to add
DEPENDS = "opencv"
to your recipe. This will import the needed header in your recipe sysroot.
Best regards,
Il giorno lun 19 ago 2019 alle ore 13:09 Ekaterini Voulgari <
sdi1100...@di.uoa.gr> ha scritto:
> Hello all,
> I'm trying to add a program to my image that us
you can inspect the testdata file located next to the generated image,
under deploy floder.
Best regards,
Il giorno mer 21 ago 2019 alle ore 08:25 Mauro Ziliani <
ma...@faresoftware.it> ha scritto:
> Hi all.
> How can I inspect the final value of DISTRO_FEATURES when bitbake ha
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