Hi Jeffrey,

the extension "ptch" is not treated as patchfile by Yocto (only *.diff and
*.patch). You have two options:

   - Rename your patch in inputrc.patch
   - Adding the apply switch:
   SRC_URI_append =" file://inputrc.ptch;apply=yes"
   In this way you are telling yocto that 'inputrc.ptch' is a patch file

In both cases you can remove your append.
This should be enough.

Best regards,

Il giorno mar 16 lug 2019 alle ore 18:44 Siegel, Jeffrey (Nokia - US/Murray
Hill) <jeffrey.sie...@nokia.com> ha scritto:

> Hi,
> I am trying to use a bbappend file to patch a file in $WORKDIR. To my
> understanding, the native Yocto patching process only works for patching
> files in $S.
> I have come up with a solution:
> FILESEXTRAPATHS_prepend := "${THISDIR}/files:"
> SRC_URI_append =" file://inputrc.ptch"
> do_patch_append () {
>     cmd="patch <inputrc.ptch"
>     (exitstatus, output) = oe.utils.getstatusoutput(cmd)
>     if exitstatus != 0:
>        raise bb.process.CmdError(cmd, output)
>     return output
> }
> It does work. But I think this is line is not very elegant: cmd="patch
> <inputrc.ptch". Using devshell, I have confirmed that the “patch” program
> being executed is the one from the Yocto environment
> ($BUILDDIR/tmp-glibc/hosttools), not the build host. But I still suspect
> there is a better way. Any suggestions?
> Regards,
> Jeff
> --
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