Thank you..It worked for me :)
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Sent from the wix-users mailing list archive at
ProgramFiles is a per-machine location. You can only access it when elevated.
If you want to install program code in a per-user installation, you should
install to %LocalAppData%\Programs.
Remove the condition entirely. The component will be installed but will have
no effect until you uninstall t
Mission completed!!! At least at this issue.
Thx for the displacement tip.
After that, from the log it was obvious there were missing files in missing
amd64 directory.
I looked into both .inf files and provided the 64bit directories (for both .inf
files) and
:-) the installer
Thank you very much! Now it is clear.
2012/9/18 Peter Shirtcliffe
> ProgramFiles is a per-machine location. You can only access it when
> elevated.
> If you want to install program code in a per-user installation, you should
> install to %LocalAppData%\Programs.
> Remove the condition entirely
Hi I have a registry entry that only gets put in if the Variant does not
equal Zero.
I then set my property to be set using the following:
When I run my MSI in the verbose log I can see that this is working
Action 11:08:46: KeyDlg. Dialog created
Have you marked the VARIANT's element with Secure="yes" ?
-Original Message-
From: Natalie Carr []
Sent: 18 September 2012 11:19
Subject: [WiX-users] Adding a registry value, displaying empty data
Hi I have a registr
Hi Peter,
Yes I have
-Original Message-
From: Peter Shirtcliffe []
Sent: 18 September 2012 11:45
To: General discussion for Windows Installer XML toolset.
Subject: Re: [WiX-users] Adding a registry value, displaying empty data
Have you marked the VARIANT's el
Then I'd search a verbose log for all instances of "VARIANT" and see if the
property is being reset anywhere.
Also check that the registry value being created in the log is the same path
as you're expecting.
You could also search the registry for "Variant" to see if your being
affected by virtualis
I am using WIX 3.6 and VS2010 I have 4 merge modules that are services... I
have just created 2 wixlibs that I would like to "share" with each merge
module, how would I add them to the merge module?
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okay I figured out how to add the wixlib, however the files are not being
installed :(
in the wixlib:";>
Can the Iis:Certificate stuff be used to install certificates not connected
with IIS, say for example for use with an SSL VPN?
(A per machine cert in this case.)
Keith Douglas
Statistics Canada | 170 Tunney's Pasture Driveway, Ottawa ON K1A 0T6
Statistique Canada | 170, promenade Tunney's Past
NAnt support is broken in the release version of WiX 3.6 and as support for
NAnt will be dropped from 3.7 I am guessing the problem won't be fixed.
Fortunately there is a simple fix, create the following registry key and it
should start working:
In the project page, you need to select bind files to get them included inside
the WixLib.
-Original Message-
From: StevenOgilvie []
Sent: Tuesday, September 18, 2012 9:10 AM
Subject: Re: [WiX-users] creating database problem
I don't understand the question.
On Mon, Sep 17, 2012 at 10:50 PM, Katherine Moss
> So then, why have that as a project type? It seems kind of silly, doesn't
> it?
> -Original Message-
> From: Rob Mensching []
> Sent: Tuesday, September 18, 2012 1:17
Sorry I don't understand what you mean? What project page?
I looked under the project properties but there is nothing about binding...
-Original Message-
From: John H Bergman (XPedient) []
Sent: September-18-12 10:22 AM
To: General discussion for Window
Should do. It's kinda' legacy at this point that the Certificates are in
the IIS extension.
On Tue, Sep 18, 2012 at 7:08 AM, wrote:
> Can the Iis:Certificate stuff be used to install certificates not
> connected with IIS, say for example for use with an SSL VPN?
> (A per machine cert in this c
Help. We have some installs that we have already released and on some of the
components the multinstance="yes" flag was not set. However we have now found
and fixed this error, but the new installers with the same major version will
not update the old installs that were installed without the mul
I would remove TARGETDIR from the Fragment and change MergeRedirectFolder
to a DirectoryRef. Might even call "MergeRedirectFolder" something more
like "ThePurposeOfThisFragmentFolder". That ends up being a reference to a
folder that the .wixlib will need the "parent project" (MSI or Merge
I'm a bit confused. Why do you call Detect and Apply twice? I assume you
called Plan in there some place as well, right?
On Mon, Sep 17, 2012 at 8:36 PM, Gregory Beaty wrote:
> So after doing a ton of analysis I figured out my problem. Here is the
> process in which my upgraded bundle goes throug
Inside visual studio there is a setting for the Setup Library project.
Right-click on the project choose properties.
Click on the Build Tab
It is the bottom checkbox in the output section.
-Original Message-
From: Steven Ogilvie []
Sent: Tuesday, September
I created a bundle with a custom managed boostrapper application using .net
framework 3.5 SP1. I’m trying to run this on a VM (Win 7 64bits, with
framework 3.5 SP1 installed). I get a window “Microsoft .NET framework
required” with Cancel and Accept&Install buttons. Whichever I click, the
I have added the two wixlibs as a reference in the merge module...
In my Merge Module I have:
In my wix libs (I am just showing one :)";>
Or one could also write a custom action that calls PowerShell and have
PowerShell install the cert if you wanted to, right? Or in the next version,
move the cert activities out of that extension and into a new extension of
their own.
-Original Message-
From: Rob Mensching [mailto:r..
I am not calling Detect again. I will post the logs from the wixstdba and
the custom mba if you want.
Here's what is happening during an upgrade in the wixstdba:
Plan - Upgrade
Apply - Upgrade
Plan - Upgrade
Apply - Uninstall (Older bundle)
There are thr
This is what I tried, in OnDetectRelatedBundle() save the "operation". In
OnPlanRelatedBundle() if the saved operation ==
BOOTSTRAPPER_RELATED_OPERATION_NONE (which from previous emails I believe
indicates that the version matches) then set *pRequestedState =
In the past I've used the x509 classes in .NET to install certs. I find the WiX
extension far more elegant despite any taxonomy inconsistencies.
From: "Katherine Moss"
Sent: Tuesday, September 18, 2012 11:11 AM
To: "General discussion for Windows Instal
I mentioned that because it's one of the ways in which people could start using
self-signed certs more in the public world;to have them install automatically
with their applications. Because you want to know the truth? I'd trust a
certificate if I saw that it had the name of the developer on i
Hi all,
I've got a product that has historically been 32-bit only but has since
gained a 64-bit installer. I still have to distribute both 32- and 64-bit
versions (if only to support 32-bit systems as well as 64).
I don't want to allow both a 32-bit and a 64-bit version to be installed
I am trying to use WiX v3.7.910.0 to create an installer in Visual Studio
2012 (4.5 Framework) . My executable file uses TopShelf
(, which auto-installs via a command line.
I have a couple of custom actions that install and start the service, as
shown below
Hi all,
Newbie question. Brand-new to WiX, I'm trying to follow the
instructions here:
I'm running Visual Studio 2010 ( SP1Rel) and WiX 3.6. (I
downloaded the latter from SourceForge as a binary today and r
There are 2 places to look. The first is defining them, which is what you
The second is in the InstallExecute or InstallUI sequence, where you use
NOT Installed
-Original Message-
From: racingcow []
Sent: Tuesday, Sep
Yes, Setup project is the right type. It's probably just a
documentation/cleanup issue, though I have no clue if it's logged. When you
right click on "References" on the Setup project, you missed the step of
selecting the "Projects" tab in the next dialog.
-Original Message-
On 14-Sep-12 10:24, Ed and Beth Brey wrote:
> Option 1: Install .NET 4.0 (just what you need)
> Pros: None known
It works on Windows XP, which .NET 4.5 doesn't.
Live Security Vir
On 14-Sep-12 11:18, Nick Ramirez wrote:
> Has anyone used the -bt or -bu flags with Pyro? Can you tell me how they
> work? Do they solve this problem I mentioned with .wixpdb's?
They let you supply additional/alternate paths for the baseline and
target .wixpdbs so the build machine paths don't hav
On 18-Sep-12 10:38, wrote:
> Is there any way I can have wix upgrade the files in question without doing a
> major upgrade?
You don't have to change the major version field to have a major
On 18-Sep-12 16:24, Benjamin Kaduk wrote:
> I'm really confused by this behavior, and don't know where to look
> further.
The verbose upgrade log. It will tell you why MSI decided to leave a
file behind.
On 18-Sep-12 11:08, oji wrote:
You might try reversing the order so the v3.5s come before the v4 entries.
On 17-Sep-12 13:18, John M. Wright wrote:
> What I'm seeing is this: If the .net 4.0 install runs and completes, then
> within my BootstrapperApplication I exit before doing any Plan/Apply
> actions, the bundle still shows up in the Add Remove Programs menu. I've
> tried calling Engine.Quit((int) A
I have problem with adding visual studio project output in wix v3.5
I have 10 projects in my solution and each project contains references
(such as PresentationCore, PresentationFramework, Newtomsoft.Json).
And I want to make installer with my projects output.
I tried
It works very wel
You have to add more references from the WiX project.
On Tue, Sep 18, 2012 at 6:48 PM, 조성수 wrote:
> Hello.
> I have problem with adding visual studio project output in wix v3.5
> I have 10 projects in my solution and each project contains references
> (such as PresentationCore, PresentationFra
Thanks, Jacob. That is exactly what I needed. I was trying to put the
conditions (or rules as I had called them) in the "CustomAction" element
instead of the "Custom" element. Once I moved them over, they worked exactly
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