ProgramFiles is a per-machine location. You can only access it when elevated.
If you want to install program code in a per-user installation, you should
install to %LocalAppData%\Programs. 

Remove the condition entirely. The component will be installed but will have
no effect until you uninstall the application. At that point, when the
component is removed, the registrykey will be removed also.

Sorry I didn't see your earlier reply.

-----Original Message-----
From: Nelya Iva [] 
Sent: 18 September 2012 06:28
To: General discussion for Windows Installer XML toolset.
Subject: Re: [WiX-users] Fixing ICE57 on perUser installation

Can anyone clarify where is here in my code per-machine element, please?

2012/9/14 Nelya Iva <>

> Thank you for response.
> INSTALLLOCATION  - is a folder in ProgramFiles directory.. It's a 
> per-machine location?
> So if i want to delete enries during uninstall then i need to put 
> condition on feature which is containing my component? Will it work?
> 2012/9/14 Peter Shirtcliffe <>
>> Is the INSTALLLOCATION directory a per-machine location ? If it's 
>> always per-user then you can ignore the ICE.
>> You condition won't work however. A component condition determines 
>> whether a component is installed or not.
>> vs.85%29
>> .aspx
>> Since REMOVE does not equal ALL when installing, the condition will 
>> be false and the component never gets installed.
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: Nelya Iva []
>> Sent: 14 September 2012 11:54
>> To:
>> Subject: [WiX-users] Fixing ICE57 on perUser installation
>> Our application writes some settings to the registry into the HKCU 
>> hive. I want to delete this settings during uninstall. Here is code:
>>   <Fragment>
>>     <DirectoryRef Id="INSTALLLOCATION" DiskId="1"
>> FileSource="$(var.SourceDirProject)\">
>>       <Component Id="DeleteHkcuManufacturerHive" Guid="GUID">
>>         <Condition>REMOVE="ALL" AND NOT UPGRADINGPRODUCTCODE</Condition>
>>         <CreateFolder/>
>>         <RemoveRegistryKey Action="removeOnUninstall"
>>  Id="HKCUkey" Root="HKCU" Key="Software\$(var.Manufacturer)"/>
>>       </Component>
>>     </DirectoryRef>
>>   </Fragment>
>> Why I'm getting ICE57? Installation is per-User. Thank's in advance.
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