The proposal to merge lp:~widelands-dev/widelands/frisians into lp:widelands
has been updated.
Status: Needs review => Merged
For more details, see:
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@bunnybot merge
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Yes great work and a great result!
Thanks a lot!
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The proposal to merge lp:~widelands-dev/widelands/frisians into lp:widelands
has been updated.
Commit Message changed to:
Add the Frisians as the fourth tribe. Including animated images for all
buildings, workers, tribe-specific immovables etc, as well as a campaign with
two difficult scenario
The proposal to merge lp:~widelands-dev/widelands/frisians into lp:widelands
has been updated.
Commit Message changed to:
Added new Frisians tribe with 2 scenarios
For more details, see:
Your team Widelands Developer
Let's have it and tweak it in a follow-up branch. Great work on this!
@bunnybot merge
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Btw I have done some experiments for better balance which are quite promising
but this is definitly an issue for another branch and should be linked to a bug
then. ;-)
I will come up with the bug after this branch has been merged to have a place
for discussion.
> Sorry for the late reply, another busy week gone by…
no worries everybody fully understands that, if I am not totally wrong our
chieftain is very busy as well at the moment.
> @hessenfarmer: You mean trigger the ration objective as soon as the player
> runs out, but not triggering a certain ot
Sorry for the late reply, another busy week gone by…
@hessenfarmer: You mean trigger the ration objective as soon as the player runs
out, but not triggering a certain other objective until the materials objective
is complete? Should the missionthread wait for the materials before triggering
Review: Approve testplay
The frisinas are ok for me, and the should be merged soon.
I did however have Problems playing the second scenario.
Somewoh I Managed to build alle needed things and teardown my Port,
still my Blacksnith did not produce any pick, no Idea where that Iron went.
Bendickt: p
One final nit... how about:
"The aqua farm needs holes in the ground that were dug by a clay pit worker
nearby to use as fishing ponds."
"The aqua farm needs holes in the ground that were dug around a clay pit nearby
to use as fishing ponds."
"The aqua farm needs holes in the ground th
Continuous integration builds have changed state:
Travis build 3287. State: passed. Details:
Appveyor build 3095. State: success. Details:
> > What is the reason for not triggering the rations objective while the gahter
> materials objective is not done yet?
> I changed the objective because it was said some time ago that a definite
> objective might be preferred here instead of having nothing. Plus, the player
> will be glad he
I changed the early attack warning as R M suggested, and the "out of bricks"
hint now has a li_arrow for the constructionsite hint (also using this for the
"out of reed" hint).
I also changed the aqua farm helptext note to omit the brickmaker and emphasise
the clay pit.
> What is the reason fo
@ GunChleoc
in the string where you renamed the clay burner it would be better to refer to
the clay pit as the relevant building instead of refering the worker of this
building (brickmaker) as this worker is more intuitive related to the brick
> Also, I changed the "wait and gather building materials" objective in the
> first scenario. Now the player is told to gather a certain amount of wares. If
> he runs out of rations before the objective is done, he will be silently given
> a few more.
What is the reason for not triggering the rat
Continuous integration builds have changed state:
Travis build 3279. State: errored. Details:
Appveyor build 3087. State: success. Details:
If you don't want extra objectives, you could add another string below the
speech function with a li_arrow - I think that would look OK for some UI hints.
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Continuous integration builds have changed state:
Travis build 3278. State: passed. Details:
Appveyor build 3086. State: success. Details:
What abot getting rid of the conquer radius remark by something like -
The scouts informed me that the enemy can’t build towers. We could build
a fortress, which is the building that will push the border as far east
as possible in one go. The enemies can only see it if they build a
fortress rig
Thanks for the review, I implemented most of your NOCOMs. I didn´t change two
of the texts in the first scenario because I can´t think of a way to rephrase
them, and I don´t want an objective there – any suggestions?
Also, I changed the "wait and gather building materials" objective in the first
Continuous integration builds have changed state:
Travis build 3272. State: passed. Details:
Appveyor build 3081. State: failed. Details:
I have finished my review. Please have a look at the diffs and the NOCOM
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Regarding worker names, I came across "Brickmaker" on Wikipedia. Or maybe we
can call him "Clay Mixer"? I think Brickmaker sound better though.
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thanks for doing all the hard work.
I was watching a lot of AI vs AI games in the meantime and I have some
suggestions for better AI Behaviour with the frisians, but this should not stop
merging as we can easily tune this later as well.
However the frisians need a lot of barley, much reed and m
Sorry for not responding earlier, it was a busy week.
I changed the scenarios according to the comments, fixed the bug in collectors,
and changed the buildcosts for the armor smithies so the upgrade is now a bit
cheaper than a new small one.
I renamed the brick burners house to brick kiln. There
Kiln would be a better description for the building, brick maker might
also be better for the worker.
On an associated item the clay pit worker is also a clay burner, I was
of the opinion that he was at one time a clay digger. With the claypit
having water as an input, together with the ground
I'm working on translating the glossary entries and came across a common word:
"brick kiln". I'm in favor of renaming the brick burner's house.
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Another bug found
win condition collectors does not reflect new name of sword_short
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I have done some proofreading on the first scenario now - feel free to revert
or change anything that you don't agree with.
Please have a look at my NOCOM comments in the commit, and also at the handling
of Title Case.
Once scenario 2 has been fixed up (see my code style comments above too), I
Sgrìobh hessenfarmer na leanas 25/02/2018 aig 15:53:
> @ Gun_Chleoc: Sorry I have overlokked the small tilde ;-)
NP - no idea why the languages doesn't use !, which is a lot easier to
distinguish... thanks for double-checking though :)
I have now created glossary entries on Transifex for the trib
@ Gun_Chleoc: Sorry I have overlokked the small tilde ;-)
@ Nordfriese:
I found out one reason for the behaviour, that the master blacksmith is
occupying the small armor_smithy instead of the large one. Mainly this is done
due to a new small_smithy is started right after starting the upgrade. H
But the new table is ((not x) or (not y)) - I changed == to ~= too ;)
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out of curiosity I had a quick look on the diffs and I think that in line 154
of mission 1 there might be a mistake as the logic table from
NOT ( x AND Y)
is differnt to
(x OR y)
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I have started with the code review - can you please have a look at the logic
changes? The meaning should still be the same.
I also did some formatting on Scenario 1, can you do the same for Scenario 2?
Also a NOCOM comment about a variable name - abbreviations make the code harder
to read.
I'm on the wrong computer right now, so some string fixes as diff comments
I'd still like to look at the Lua code and the scenario texts. Scenario texts
can be done later though, because I can control when I add them to Transifex.
The introductions need to be ready though.
At first gl
@ Tibor:
Your corner case is only valid if the worker on a lower position is the one in
the last occupied blacksmithy available and no hammer is available before
expelling this position. In every other case I think this situation would be
recovered by the blacksmith producing new tools for equip
Review: Approve playtest
Good morning,
my AI fixes are up now. So from terms of playtesting and AI behaviour the
frisians are good to go from my side.
Still to do:
- finish of code review from Gun_Chleoc (or any other reviewer more experienced
than me)
- textreview by a reviewer with more soph
I agree to merge and work out balancing later, it seems only minor
tweaks needed. After implementing Hessanfarmers fixes I was able to
watch Frisian AI beat Barbarian AI with no problem, except it took a few
hours more than a human player.
Yes, such algorithm can be created, but there are still a corner cases, e.g.:
There are 3 buildings X where one is missing a specific worker W.
There is 1 building Y where there is worker W working on lower position.
Is it good strategy to expel worker W from Y and perhaps stop production in Y
Thanks for teaching the AI to play frisians :)
Please do change the AI hints as you think best.
@Tibor: Regarding the micromanagement of experienced workers – would it be
possible for AI to check frequently if there is a building with a vacant worker
slot for a worker that cannot be created dir
Agreed this needs more thinking and discussion and is not related to frisians.
As soon as I get confirmation from Nordfriese I will commit my changes and from
my perspective the frisians would be good enough for a merge as an experimental
tribe and we can sort out balancing and specific AI impro
So you say, do not upgrade productionsite if there are any such productionsite
that is unoccupied or under construction? Should not be difficult to code but
be sure it is good idea, think mainly about corner cases
As far as I know and as I have seen in my testrounds the AI normally is
starting to build other buildings only after Basic_economy is achieved. However
if basic_economy can't be achieved in a reasonable time it starts to build the
buildings that are not basic after a certain time.
Generally spo
Or more cleaned option would be to trim down the basic economy buildings so
that it coped also with hard starting conditions
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Yes, I agree
It is very complicated to say what site "can be finished".
But main problem is that basic_economy settings are calibrated to normal
starting conditions. Hard modes should have own - limited in regard to number
of buildings - basic economy settings.
This is purpose of basic ec
Yes it would be useful to have basic economy state available to lua, for
simplifying scripting of scenarios and start conditions. Just as it
would be useful to test if a player is human or AI.
Building of training sites before there is a metal production or food
production set up is a problem w
As for quarries - I will fix this
As for woodcutters - this is similar to quarries, but generally it is logical
to built lumberjack(a) even if without trees nearby (and if no spots with trees
are available) before you run out of logs and will not be able to build
lumberjacks at all...
As for
I was test all 4 tribes with hardcore start positions on Last Survivors
map which highlit a few AI problems, in tweaking things I have got it to
the point where often 2 tribes can reach the basic economy stage in
about 2 hours. One of the problems thrown up by all tribes was quarries
are a big
"the AI places a quarry where there is no stones at all this is similar in all
tribes" - yes, I looked into code, it might be, I will fix it
"but sometimes the upgraded worker is sent to another basic building instead of
the upgraded one." - AI indeed does not do such detailed management. It
Hi everybody,
I just found a little bug while recognizing the AI didn't build any beekepers.
The reason was that the beekeeper had no output defined. I fixed this and the
AI did handle the beekeeper correctly. Currently I see only two weird things in
the AI which are probably not directly relat
I could do it this evening.
However it was just deleting 2 lines ("recruitment = true" and "basic_amount =
1") from AI hints in the init.lua of the reindeer farm. (just if anybody else
wants to test it as well).
The other changes with regard to how Basic economy is defined are just
Since we have multiple people working on this branch now, can you commit and
push your changes?
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Good morning,
I finally got the AI handling the frisian specialties quite well. :-).
I tested a 4 AI game on fullmoon map. As there was plenty of fish AI's did only
build one or nil aqua farms thanks to Tibors fix. I will check how aqua farm is
handled on maps with less or even no fish. Any sug
No, please don't rename the main tribe files, that would be a bit overkill.
I changes the markup for the tooltip, because we can't handle assembling 2
strings here. For some reason, we have to run them through Gettext again on the
C++ side.
Fixed the pgettext
> I also think that we should call the tribe "Frisians (under development)" or
> "Frisians (experimental)"
Also done now, added "experimental" to the tribename and "under development" to
the tooltip.
> When renaming units, we should also rename their internal names and bzr m
> Sorry, I´ll remember this from now on
No problem.
> I take it that the correct apostrophe is the one with the handy shortcut
> altgr-shift-n on my keyboard: ’
Exactly. The other one is an accent without letter ;)
> I put the meat in the reindeer farm's helptext note.
You forgot the pgette
Sorry, I´ll remember this from now on
I take it that the correct apostrophe is the one with the handy shortcut
altgr-shift-n on my keyboard: ’
I removed the performance texts for farm and reed farm; the other buildings
seem ok. I put the meat in the reindeer farm's helptext note.
The water typ
Please make smaller commits. You merged trunk, that needs to be a separate
commit. I now have to wade through all of those changes that are completely
unrelated to this branch to get at the actual changes :(
- Merge trunk: commit
- Changes to scenario - commit
- Fix unit names and helptexts
Comments for the strings and unit names. When renaming units, we should also
rename their internal names and bzr mv their directories to match. Make sure to
grep so that we won't miss anything! I'd be happy to take care of these
technical bits for this.
Also, make sure that you don't use ´ as a
Some changes to the first scenario:
· After the time with no objective, the next one should be triggered quite soon
· Iron mine, blacksmithy and furnace become available earlier, so they can be
built as soon as the first tavern objective is complete
· If the portspace is blocked when the enem
ad 1) I think the problem is reindeer as an output "ware", we discussed this
before, dont we? AI currently knows two categories of productionsites producing
non-ware: barracks and carrier trainers (identified as recruitment in aihints).
It does not cope with mixed sites yet.
ad 2) adding 'bo.i
did some testing again fiddling around with the AI hints. Deleting the
basic_amount hint for the reindeer farm led to crashes, cause after having
achieved basic economy for a frisian tribe the game crashes with the message in
stout.txt Max. preciuosness for reindeer farm must not be <= 0, Should
I restarted the first scenario, old one was a boken save, this time I
managed to trigger several extra objectives messages, short of clay,
short of bricks etc. It was a bit of a problem remembering what to do as
they were not listed as objectives, as was said earlier there are
periods where the
Review: Needs Fixing
Hello Benedikt,
I played thfirsian scenario almost upto the end.
here some remarks:
* I was unable to locate the Portspace at the end of the game and the
related building (Weaving Mill and Ship Builder) did not appera in the
list of buildings. I assume the AI planted al
The claypit/aquafarm relation is exactly the other way around – the clay pit is
basic, the aqua farm should be built only later in the game. The point here is
that building an aqua farm makes no sense at all if there is no (working) clay
pit nearby…
@GunChleoc: Thanks for the proofreading, you
re: "Add a new hint supporter_required..." - yes, this sound good to me, I can
do it and should not be that complicated. Just dont forget about possible
conflicts with basic economy stuff (supported building is a basic, but
supporter is not)
I have done some proofreading on the tribe's units. Will do the scenarios some
other time.
Best look at the diff to see if you agree with my changes - there are also some
NOCOM comments in there for discussion.
2 more things:
1. I don't like "(Master) Seamstress" as the name of a building. The
I seem to remember a forum discussion, some time ago, about some maps
needing small buildings to conquer mountains as large plots were to far
away and resources could not be mined.
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I checked the Ai hints of the other tribes as well and sometimes they are not
that logically set. E.g. mountain_conqueror is sometimes assigned to a conquer
6 building and sometimes not. I have the feeling that we should go over all of
them once again.
Ok the bad thing is aqua farms won't work with the current AI as they are
identified as fishers in the AI so Ai builds lots of them instead of real
fishermens houses. We can't control this by using the production hints. Any how
there might be a solution in I think we should add the
Having the Blender files in the media repo would be great - it will be
impossible to do changes down the road otherwise.
A strictly defined directory structure is not a problem, as long as it's
Your team W
I changed the AI hints so they are similar to other tribes, and frisian AI
seems to do better now. The clay pit is marked as supporting fish production…
Suggestion for producer/supporter hints: Add a new hint supporter_required;
buildings for which this is true may only be built close to an exist
sorry, I must correct what I corrected 2 posts above
bf-> can be used to count supported sited nearby, if we
use ph = production hint
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Also consider pair ranger - lumberjack. Lumberjack does not need a ranger to
operate, providing that there is a lot of trees around.
On from other side, it might be logical to build rangers (without lumberjacks
neary) and place a lumberjack later on when there is a forest.
So dependency should n
sorry, this is not related to supporter-producer relationship
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also look at bf->producers_nearby
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in order of questions:
what can be easily done is to prevent supporters if there is no supported
buildings around. Should be the relation that strict?
No, productivity of nearby supported buildings is not considered, just pure
This is controlled by genetic algorithm, but there is no
Normally the relation of supporter and supported building should be very high
for the AI.
Is there any algorithm to build another supporter if productivity of supported
building is low?
Is there a possibility to prefer fishermen's houses over aqua farms as long as
there is normal fish
" I tried to add Supports_production_of ("clay") to the aqua farm, knowing it
is exactly the other way round but this didn't show the expected result " - I
think this is good approach and should work, but relation is only weak. The
supporter gets highers score when building close to any supporte
Another solution might be to introduce another ware "Breeded_fish" for the
aqua_farm which could be used in the smokery as well to generate smoked fish.
this should lead to the desired effect.
Anyhow from my perspective aqua farms should only be built if there is no
resource "fish" available any
Ok this evening I did some AI tests with the --ai_training switch. I think
there are things to be fixed especially we should review the basic economy of
the tribe. I did some tests: reindeer_farm needs to be excluded (has already a
TODO in the code) instead a coal_mine has to be added. We should
I just reviewed the AI fix for the militarysites, so it should land in trunk
soon :)
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Agreed the AI currently has no chance of doing anything with a hardcore
start, every tribe is usually blocked within 5 minutes. In normal games
I always give the AI a better than normal start if I play hardcore.
I have recently been testing a hardcore start where the is some trading
post code i
for a real hardcore start the AI should have a normal start or even a better
start condition than normal. e.g. in frisians 01 they are gifted with more
starting wares than usual and all the trained soldiers. Their Advantage was
even greater in the past and has been reduced due to this being stil
The AI does not consider prohibited_till for militarysites. You can open a
bugreport, fix should be fast and simple
I presume forced_after is meaningless for militarysites...
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I have also been testing, but have only just got the latest revision.
I was part way through the first scenario, I delayed retesting as it was
such a long boring slog across the island the first few times, but was
was several revisions ago. This time I met the enemy far sooner and they
had quit
Thanks for fixing.
Currently I am testing with regard to balancing. I want to try how long it will
take me to create
a) a level 10 soldier
b) recruit 50 soldiers
c) raise the military score above a certain level
I'll then compare with barbarians and empire.
Although this is really time consumin
We now have documentation on the AI hints:
Your program to scale the images sounds interesting, maybe you could add it to
our utils directory in a separate branch, or to the media repository
I could now reproduce the bug in the first scenario where shipyard and weaving
mill didn´t appear until the flood destroyed the headquarters. Should be fixed
The frozen tooltips for collector´s house etc seem to be the same issue as bug
Seems like I greatly overestimated the difficulty of writing a program that
correctly scales these images ;) They are all done now. There are no more
twitching playercolor masks; and as a side effect, the new scaling program
brings out the structure of the brick walls and cobblestones better, an
Don't worry about the time to fix this. You are normally fixing things faster
than I can test.
For the aqua farm you could simply give the player a hint to ensure there is a
working claypit near the aqua farm and the farm has all the ressources it needs.
For collector and beekeeper I would switch
I added out-of-resource notifications with a 33% treshold for bee-keeper and
fruit collector. Removing the tooltip doesn´t always work though, but the same
problem sometimes happens with woodcutters. Looks like a bug to me.
I wasn´t sure what notification to write for the aqua farm, as it can fai
Just forgot one thing.
in some of the buildings working programs there are wrong comments for the
e.g. in the armour smithy the first comment states something about preparing a
ration. These comments need to be fixed to not confuse the translators
Did another round of playtesting yesterday. Here are my observations:
the "frozen" tooltip texts "did not find any ressources were really annoying. I
had them for the beekeepers, the fruitcollectors and the aquafarms.
the tavern showed a similar blinking behaviour than did the shipyard before,
"I thought there was an AI hint that allows the AI to realize a building needs
a helper" - it works this way, but the hint must be put in helper's hints via
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I thought there was an AI hint that allows the AI to realize a building needs a
helper, but apparently I was wrong, couldn´t find one in the documentation … I
removed the requires_helper.
The empire warehouse is now a custom building of the scenario. I am confident I
didn´t break saveloading fo
Review: Needs Fixing
Three console errors on startup.
ERROR: Unused key "requires_helper" in LuaTable. Please report as a bug.
Generated by beekeepers hut, aqua farm and collector
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Review: Needs Fixing
another small thing to change.
since the development of empire 04 there is a functionality to add custom
buildings to a scenario. This should be used for the empire_warehouse of
scenario 2, instead of including it into the normal tribe.
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