Re: [Wesnoth-i18n] [Wesnoth-dev] 1.12 Release Announcement, string-freeze and localization

2014-10-28 Thread Adrián Chaves Fernández
O Xoves, 23 de Outubro de 2014 15:50:53 Ignacio R. Morelle escribiu: > I could always make my saves available, but I'm not sure it's really worth > the effort for translators and Ivanovic? I would like to provide localized screenshot for my language if possible. Since it was not possible before,

Re: [Wesnoth-i18n] Plans for the 1.12.x stabilization

2014-02-16 Thread Adrián Chaves Fernández
O Domingo, 16 de Febreiro de 2014 09:27:37 Fòram na Gàidhlig escribiu: > How about we open a dedicated thread on the forum for l10n pull > requests, and everybody posts in there when we have someting > new? What about we keep sending him an email? Now, instead of attaching the files, we point to

Re: [Wesnoth-i18n] Move to git and the fallout for translations

2013-06-06 Thread Adrián Chaves Fernández
Should we wait for the move to be final to send updated translations? O Domingo, 5 de Maio de 2013 22:22:44 Nils Kneuper escribiu: > Am 16.04.2013 21:16, schrieb Nils Kneuper: > > In case you sent in translations and are suprised of not seeing them online > > yet: They were most likely not committ

Re: [Wesnoth-i18n] PO validity report for 1.10

2012-03-11 Thread Adrián Chaves Fernández
2012/2/20 Antonio Rosella : > I hope my $unit.language_name survives its counter-attack! > > The only way I can figure is to force the word "unit" to fix the gender to > female ( for italian), > I hope my $unit.language_name survives its counter-attack! > Spero che la mia unità $unit.language_name

Re: [Wesnoth-i18n] "Morning star" and "flail"

2010-10-09 Thread Adrián Chaves Fernández
> > They are different, the morning star don't have a string attached, while > > the flail have one. > > > > > > > > Also, maybe you should post this on the forum, it's a better place for > > dis

[Wesnoth-i18n] "Morning star" and "flail"

2010-10-09 Thread Adrián Chaves Fernández
Hi, Is there an actual difference in those two concepts, or are they just different words for the same weapon? Thanks, Adrián Chaves Fernández (Gallaecio) ___ Wesnoth-i18n mailing list

Re: [Wesnoth-i18n] Release plans for 1.8.5

2010-09-22 Thread Adrián Chaves Fernández
So, is this the right time to start translating the development version? ___ Wesnoth-i18n mailing list

Re: [Wesnoth-i18n] question

2010-07-20 Thread Adrián Chaves Fernández
> hello wesnoth, > > i have already member of wesnoth list recently, my name is yuris, and i > have interesting playing wesnoth since 2005, now i want to follow > translate wesnoth language to indonesian language cause i'm indonesian. > but i don't know how to send my result translation? > could

[Wesnoth-i18n] Wesnoth Wiki i18n

2010-06-16 Thread Adrián Chaves Fernández
Hi, I was working on a translation of wesnoth-manpages when I found a link to a Wesnoth wiki page. I though I should also translate it for the translation to be complete. But I found out no one had translated it yet. Then I wonder if wiki translation was possible (if it was internationalized).

Re: [Wesnoth-i18n] [Wesnoth-l10n] wesnoth-httt A Choice Must Be Made

2010-05-12 Thread Adrián Chaves Fernández
> Mentioned this to zookeeper in #wesnoth-dev on > > [20:15:26] zookeeper: > > [20:23:53] Ivanovic, that third option seems to work just fine > for me [20:24:04] okay > [20:24:12] i don't know why the thinks it do

[Wesnoth-i18n] [Wesnoth-l10n] wesnoth-httt A Choice Must Be Made

2010-05-12 Thread Adrián Chaves Fernández
Revising the translation of this scenario, I found out the third option (going through the river with the merfolk) is not avaliable anymore (it must have been a while since the last time I played the campaign, I guess). So, with this in mind, I think the string from 696 to 716 (both included) in

Re: [Wesnoth-i18n] untranslated strings

2010-04-11 Thread Adrián Chaves Fernández
> I have translated all string in the core files. But I still see many > untranslated strings while playing the game. They are mainly in the > descriptions of the commands, in the help window and also at the > 'wesnoth command line' (typing :help). > For example: > I see command definitions untrans

Re: [Wesnoth-i18n] PO validity report for branches/1.8

2010-04-10 Thread Adrián Chaves Fernández
I don't really understand the problems in Galician (gl) strings. What is "missing interpolations" supposed to stand for? Adrián Chaves Fernández (Gallaecio) ___ Wesnoth-i18n mailing list

Re: [Wesnoth-i18n] Auth command?

2010-03-29 Thread Adrián Chaves Fernández
> I've been cycling through the new strings to be trasnlated, and I've > found this: "(A) - auth command". > Does anybody know what "auth" refers to? Is it authentication? Or is > auth a special command language like lua, or what? :) I don't know any language with such a name, so I guess thats "au

Re: [Wesnoth-i18n] Galician coordinator change

2010-03-02 Thread Adrián Chaves Fernández
lems to do that. > > Bye, > Leandro Regueiro Hi, Just a little introduction: ;) I'm Adrián Chaves Fernández (Gallaecio). I've been in the Wesnoth Galician Translation Team for a while, and I offered myself to replace Leandro Regueiro in his coordination tasks while he is bus