I would like to know if the idea of conversation would be great thing
for Web2py.
It is an idea coming from Java JBoss Seam
The idea is suppor
Encore un! Ça n'arrête plus! Une vraie peste! ;-)
We suppose to speak in English...
On 10 juin, 15:47, Jean Guy wrote:
> [?]
> Je demandais s'il y avait des québécois qui développe avec Web2py et qui son
> inscrit sur cette liste?
> Jean Guy
> 330.gif
> < 1 000AfficherTélécharger
On 10 juin, 19:14, mdipierro wrote:
> Interesting. How do you think this can be implemented?
Well, before thinking about the implementation, we must understand the
concepts involved.
So let's start with the idea of scope. The scope defines the time a
peace of information is kept. Information in
On 11 juin, 01:14, mdipierro wrote:
> yes but people don't just navigate by submitting forms. they also
> navigate by clicking links. The only way to keep a conversation would
> be to store a token in request.args(0) and keep it there in all links.
> Still the conversation is fragile and ends if t
On 11 juin, 09:42, szimszon wrote:
> This conversation thing could be handy for my inventory app... I just
> made use of session but the user starting new conversations to get the
> info to continue the original... after that we can't trust the info in
> session. ... :-o
Yes, it is exactly th
On 11 juin, 01:14, mdipierro wrote:
> The only way to keep a conversation would
> be to store a token in request.args(0) and keep it there in all links.
> Still the conversation is fragile and ends if the user types in a url
> without the token.
An url parameter of a get request with the session
I found that importing modules in Web2py seems to be very complex:
I have a module in 'modules' and I do 'import modules.my_module' to
import the module in my application.
This is working fine with Eclipse Pydev because I have setup the
Python path for
On 13 juin, 17:54, Jonathan Lundell wrote:
> Try local_import instead of import (same manual page).
OK :-)
I needed that to fix the warning of Pydev. Now I use a template like
that at beginning of mvc files:
# Fake the imports needed by the static code analyzer.
if False:
import gluon.langu
How can I fix the 2 unused 'key' variable warning I have with Pydev in
I mean could someone fix it in the web2py code?
It is the only warnings I have from web2py.
On 14 juin, 08:11, mdipierro wrote:
> It depends. If you want to import any NORMAL python module, put it in
> site packages and import it using normal python syntax.
> If you want to import "web2py modules", i.e. modules that belong to a
> specific application only, then you have to follow the r
Thank you for the explanation Massimo.
I thought there is package called 'modules' in my web2py application
directory so I can put my modules there and import them with 'import'.
It is the natural way of doing thing. Now I understand the limitations
you are facing.
I would like to know how Web2py is managing threads. Is it like Java
servlets where requests are mapped to servlets while one servlet
object can be used by multiple threads at the same time to serve many
Are some users here using Jython with Web2py to get around the ugly
Pyhton G
On 24 août, 01:20, mdipierro wrote:
> In Java a serverlet, as far as I understand, is a class which conforms
> to some API that allows it to serve one http request. Each instance is
> executed in its own thread.
Yes, but one instance can be executed by multiple threads at the same
time. It is one
On 24 août, 13:04, mdipierro wrote:
> when you do "python web2py.py" you do not start the wsgi app. You
> start the rocket web server which makes a number of threads. When a
> new http request arrives it is assigned to a free thread (or a new
> thread is created) and the wsgi is run in that thread
I don't understand. The link is broken at the moment.
Do you mean using only on thread and dispatching using the observer
pattern? Doing only one request at a time? It does not makes sense to
me. But I guess there is something I don't understand... Can someone
guide me?
On 24 août, 20:04, mdipier
I would appreciate a good reference to understand the concepts you are
talking about. It is something new to me and I don't understand.
On 25 août, 11:22, John Heenan wrote:
> No, nothing that abstract. Using WSGI forces a new thread for each
> request. This is is a simple and inefficient brute f
Is it possible to add the comment "#...@pydevcodeanalysisignore" in
future versions of web2py to all the controllers and all the models of
new applications created by the web2py admin? This comments stop the
static code analysis made by Pydev. Because of the automatic import
made by web2py,
I am doing my first application with web2py and I don't know how to do
some things with forms.
Like I would like to show a drop menu to show the possible values for
a text field. How can I specify this menu with define_table?
Another thing that I would like to do is format postal code and
On 27 oct, 23:10, mdipierro wrote:
> Field('name',requires=IS_IN_SET(('value1,'value2',value3')))
This is cool. Can I have valuex in the db while presenting something
else to the user (I want to value in my db to be always in English but
I need to translate these values for the user) without ha
On 29 oct, 03:22, David Marko wrote:
> Yes, you can use dictionary to define values e.g.
> Field(
> 'name',requires=IS_IN_SET({'key1':'label1','key2':'label2','key3':'label3'})
> )
> David
I'm beginning to really like web2py I think!
On 29 oct, 19:48, villas wrote:
> Tuples. Even better, I didn't realise that advantage regarding
> sorting.
> Also in the book, please? :)
Now yet in the book. A wonder that should be there!
On 29 oct, 19:48, villas wrote:
> Tuples. Even better, I didn't realise that advantage regarding
> sorting.
> Also in the book, please? :)
Now yet in the book. A wonder that should be there!
I have a blank line in the menu when I use IS_IN_SET. How can I remove
I have:
IS_IN_SET("Dr", "Dre", "M.", "Me", "Mme", "Mlle", "Mr", "Miss", "Mrs",
"hon", zero=None)
and it changes nothing. Do you mean something else?
On 2 nov, 17:54, mdipierro wrote:
> IS_IN_
OK, it works when the enumeration is in a list but not when the same
enumeration is in a tuple.
On 2 nov, 18:53, Bruno Rocha wrote:
> You can try
> IS_IN_SET(["Dr", "Dre", "M.", "Me", "Mme", "Mlle", "Mr"
On Nov 2, 7:38 pm, Jonathan Lundell wrote:
> On Nov 2, 2010, at 4:09 PM, pierreth wrote:
> A tuple works fine, but zero=None isn't part of the tuple.
> IS_IN_SET(("Dr", "Dre", "M.", "Me", "Mme", "Mlle", "Mr", "Miss", "Mrs",
> "hon"), zero=None)
You are right. I was wrong.
I am new to web2py. I downloaded the version 1.72.3. I have an error
directly at startup.
I do 'python web2py.py' to start the application server at the command
I see this error page at
Internal error
Ticket issued: welcome/
On 23 déc, 22:07, mdipierro wrote:
> I suspect you are missing sqlite or you have an incomplete
> installtion.
I don't understand. Is it not suppose to be self-contain?
I made an install of SQL Lite 3 and I have the same error.
> Anyway, please do the following:
> - download 1.74.4 since it c
I have these two tickets:
S"# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- \n
It works perfectly well using the Python version of my
distribution. :-)
I wanted to install version 2.4, 2.5, 2.6 of Python to test my code
and later contribute to Web2Py.
Why do I need to do more than just build and install Python from the
Here are the test results for my Python i
Massimo wrote:
Date: Thu, 29 Jan 2009 09:47:25 -0800 (PST)
Subject: Re: provide a development flag for applications
OK let's just use WEB2PY_MODE than and it will appear in
Notice we aready have
On Nov 13, 3:42 pm, mdipierro wrote:
> I lost the context of this. Can you explain more?
Here is the old thread:
On Nov 13, 5:07 pm, Jonathan Lundell wrote:
> On Nov 13, 2010, at 12:47 PM, pierreth wrote:
> If this is an application-specific flag (that is, unless the web2py core
> takes it into consideration), why wouldn't you just set it in your
> first-parsed model?
This is what I
I think it would be cool to be able to run a web2py app in debug mode
by using a flag on the command line.
I think it would be cool to be able to run a web2py app in debug mode
by using a flag on the command line.
On Nov 13, 11:33 pm, Christopher Steel wrote:
> Works fine for me from the web2py shell:
> 1) install plugin
> 2) run the web2py shell:http://web2py.com/book/default/chapter/04?search=shell
> OR
> 3) run shell from browser:
> 3) set the v
I've tried to edit my language files but my changes are all the time
When I use the web interface of web2py to edit these files, some
fields are in yellow. What is the meaning of this?
How should I edit these files to have permanent changes?
On Nov 15, 12:19 am, mdipierro wrote:
> On Nov 14, 7:00 pm, pierreth wrote:
> > Hello,
> > I've tried to edit my language files but my changes are all the time
> > overwritten.
> Do you use windows? If so, do you Mark hammond win32 extesions
I discover that the method T.translate is writing the current
dictionary in memory to the file when a word is not found. This is
causing me problems because I am changing my language files as I need.
Is it possible to deactivate this behavior?
On Nov 16, 6:23 pm, mdipierro wrote:
> I am still trying to understand why this is a problem.
> web2py loads the langauge in ram, and uses. It finds a T(var) and var
> is not in dictionary, it assumes it needs to be translated, adds it to
> the dict and saves it on file.
> Somehow your code brea
On Nov 16, 6:23 pm, mdipierro wrote:
> I am still trying to understand why this is a problem.
> web2py loads the langauge in ram, and uses. It finds a T(var) and var
> is not in dictionary, it assumes it needs to be translated, adds it to
> the dict and saves it on file.
> Somehow your code brea
On Nov 17, 1:51 am, JmiXIII wrote:
> Salut ! :)
> What about having a look there
> :)https://groups.google.com/group/web2py-users-france?hl=fr
This is cool. I already did the translation. This is not a big
project. Now, we need to verify before integrated it. :-)
I am waiting approbation for
I just published a blog about mixing all this stuff in Eclipse for
web2py development:
# GC issue tracking with Mylyn;
# GC versioning using Mercurial and the MercurialEclipse plug-in;
# Pydev with code completion and code checking;
# Aptana Studio plug-in for Eclipse for the edition of HT
Hello, I tried to use Jython with web2py. I am telling the story in my
So far, I have this error:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/media/pierreth-backup/work/web2py/gluon/restricted.py", line
188, in
On Nov 26, 6:41 pm, mdipierro wrote:
> The instructions are here:http://web2py.com/book/default/chapter/12#Jython
> Make sure you have zxJDBC.
I don't understand. zxJDBC is included with Jython from long time ago.
I can do:
from com.ziclix.python.sql import zxJDBC
I don't remember having don
On Nov 28, 12:46 am, mdipierro wrote:
> good. Can you try these three statements form shell?
> from com.ziclix.python.sql import zxJDBC
> import java.sql
> from org.sqlite import JDBC
> Massimo
All these statements work without problem.
is experimental')
> is_jdbc = True
> except:
> logger.debug('no zxJDBC driver')
> is_jdbc = False
> somehow the exception is raised.
I see the message 'zxJDBC support is experimental' printed at the
I don't know why but no
is experimental')
> is_jdbc = True
> except:
> logger.debug('no zxJDBC driver')
> is_jdbc = False
> somehow the exception is raised.
I see the message 'zxJDBC support is experimental' printed at the
I don't know why but no
On Nov 28, 1:49 am, mdipierro wrote:
> I found a bug. In gluon/sql.py
> replace
> elif is_jdbc and self._uri.startswith('sqlite://'):
> self._dbname='sqlite'
> if uri[9] != '/':
> dbpath = os.path.join(self._folder, uri[14:])
> else:
On Nov 28, 1:49 am, mdipierro wrote:
> I found a bug. In gluon/sql.py
> replace
> elif is_jdbc and self._uri.startswith('sqlite://'):
> self._dbname='sqlite'
> if uri[9] != '/':
> dbpath = os.path.join(self._folder, uri[14:])
> else:
"storage.sqlite" is not supposed to be
> there but created by the line:
> zxJDBC.connect(java.sql.DriverManager.getConnection('jdbc:sqlite:'+dbpath))
> you are getting an error at this line:
> SQLException: java.sql.SQLException: No suitable driver found for
> jdbc:sqli
"storage.sqlite" is not supposed to be
> there but created by the line:
> zxJDBC.connect(java.sql.DriverManager.getConnection('jdbc:sqlite:'+dbpath))
> you are getting an error at this line:
> SQLException: java.sql.SQLException: No suitable driver found for
> jdbc:sqli
I found the problem. I had to set CLASSPATH and not JYTHONPATH,
I updated my blog to show the solution:
Everything works fine! :-)
On Nov 28, 2:32 am, mdipierro wrote:
> did you add the driver to the java classpath?
> as I sai
I found the problem. I had to set CLASSPATH and not JYTHONPATH,
I updated my blog to show the solution:
Everything works fine! :-)
On Nov 28, 2:32 am, mdipierro wrote:
> did you add the driver to the java classpath?
> as I sai
I found the problem. I had to set CLASSPATH and not JYTHONPATH,
I updated my blog to show the solution:
Everything works fine! :-)
On Nov 28, 2:32 am, mdipierro wrote:
> did you add the driver to the java classpath?
> as I sai
On Nov 29, 1:39 am, mdipierro wrote:
> please let us know if things work or do not work. We have not tested
> web2py with jython much,
> Massimo
Well, I won't dig that much in Jython with web2py for the moment. In a
longer term interest, I would like to be able to use web2py in a Java
On Nov 29, 1:39 am, mdipierro wrote:
> please let us know if things work or do not work. We have not tested
> web2py with jython much,
> Massimo
Well, I won't dig that much in Jython with web2py for the moment. In a
longer term interest, I would like to be able to use web2py in a Java
On Nov 29, 1:39 am, mdipierro wrote:
> please let us know if things work or do not work. We have not tested
> web2py with jython much,
> Massimo
Well, I won't dig that much in Jython with web2py for the moment. In a
longer term interest, I would like to be able to use web2py in a Java
On Nov 29, 8:53 am, mdipierro wrote:
> Why all your messages are always posted 2 or 3 times? We should try
> fix that.
Sorry for this. I click the refresh button after a post for see what
are the replies. This post back the same message again (I thought the
interface would be smart enough to reje
On Nov 26, 6:41 pm, mdipierro wrote:
> It works (some of us have tested it) but there are some know problems
> and I would not recommend it in production. One problem is a known
> problem with Java regular expression parses that Sun marked as "won't
> fix". It is not a web2py specific problem but
I have small problem when the characters "< and ">" are used in web2py
html template views. Using them for Python breaks the html:
{{="OK" if x < 0 else "bad"}}
Because these characters are not escaped in the code, the html file is
no longer well formed.
Using the html entities "<" and "
pm, Jonathan Lundell wrote:
> On Mar 12, 2011, at 11:05 AM, pierreth wrote:
> > Hello,
> > I have small problem when the characters "< and ">" are used in web2py
> > html template views. Using them for Python breaks the html:
well formed. Because of this, the templates are not using well formed
html all the times and the html code analyzer of my IDE is given me
On Mar 12, 3:11 pm, Jonathan Lundell wrote:
> On Mar 12, 2011, at 11:54 AM, Jonathan Lundell wrote:
> > On Mar 12, 2011, at
? Or at least fool it
> into treating them as plain text?
> > On Mar 12, 3:11 pm, Jonathan Lundell wrote:
> >> On Mar 12, 2011, at 11:54 AM, Jonathan Lundell wrote:
> >>> On Mar 12, 2011, at 11:39 AM, pierreth wrote:
> >>>> I
I updated my blog to talk about some Python projects I started. So
take a look and don't be afraid to comment. If you think these
projects can be integrated in another bigger project, suggestions are
Note that Python script project to create Eclipse project from web2py
I wanted to share code from one web2py application to another.
So I created two packages with the same name in two different web2py
applications. I load the code of the package modules with local_import
from the controllers of both application. The two applications are
having almost the same packa
Oups! It does like that it does not work. I was loading old code in my
tests. The modules were not reloaded. I have to find another
On 5 avr, 22:04, pierreth wrote:
> I wanted to share code from one web2py application to another.
> So I created two packages with the sam
On 5 avr, 22:38, pbreit wrote:
> Applications are totally discrete so there would be no chance of a collision
> (if I understand correctly).
> app1
> modules
> mypackage1
> app2
> modules
> mypackage2
> Nothing in app1 knows about anything app2 (and vice versa).
Here are my conclusion on using the "modules" directory.
What is working:
- Using local_import avoid collisions of modules or packages that may
have the same names in other applications.
- Explicit and implicit relative imports are working well for modules
located in the "modules" directory.
® smartphone on the MTS High Speed Mobility Network
> -Original Message-
> From: pierreth
> Sender: web2py@googlegroups.com
> Date: Wed, 6 Apr 2011 07:39:47
> To: web2py-users
> Reply-To: web2py@googlegroups.com
> Subject: [web2py]
On 6 avr, 12:01, Jonathan Lundell wrote:
> It's worth reflecting on why this is the case.
> Ordinarily, in the Python environment, we'd solve this problem by adding our
> local module repository to sys.path from inside the application, which would
> work fine because the edited sys.path is loc
On 6 avr, 11:42, "mgra...@seccuris.com" wrote:
> To clarify "inter-package dependencies". I'm assuming that you mean a
> setup like the following:
> APP/
> modules/
> modulea/
> ...some python files...
> moduleb/
> ...some more python files...
> If you w
On 6 avr, 12:26, Mathew Grabau wrote:
> I totally agree with that. Though, I just read up, if pierreth is
> trying to borrow code from app1/modules inside app2/controllers, then
> injecting app1/modules into the python path should work. Of course,
> this would just avoid having to pu
On 6 avr, 12:59, Mathew Grabau wrote:
> I think I see it what you're trying to accomplish, but I'm trying to
> clarify now - you're looking for separate copies of the modules inside
> each applications modules directory, but the ability to import with an
> absolute import without having to specify
On 6 avr, 12:48, Massimo Di Pierro wrote:
> I would like to see an example of custom importer, it would help me
> understand the problem that needs to be solved.
I think it would be really simple. Just rebind the __import__ to
create an around advice that will try a relative import. Just count
On 6 avr, 13:23, Jonathan Lundell wrote:
> How about this, as a means of adding the app-specific modules/ to sys.path:
> in a thread-local object 'localthing', store the path to the current
> application's modules/ directory in something.modules.
> Subclass str thus:
> class LocalModules(str
I made a patch for the import problem. I will submit it to Massimo. It
now works the way I wanted.
Can you try this patch on the nightly build and tell me if things are
now working?
I am unable to reproduce the problem.
bpython is importing well here.
To make sure, in gluon/custom_import.py, do you have this at line 46:
result = result or new_mod.__dict__[name]
except KeyError:
raise Import
OK, What are the steps to reproduce the problem?
On 24 avr, 19:06, Jose wrote:
> On 24 abr, 17:14, pierreth wrote:
> > Hello,
> > I am unable to reproduce the problem.
> > bpython is importing well here.
> > To make sure, in gluon/custom
Hi Jose,
Here is the problem:
> File "/usr/home/jose/web2py/gluon/shell.py", line 210, in run
> bpython.embed(locals_=_env)
I don't know the problem but it has nothing to do with the new
importer. The old importer has the same behavior.
On 23 avr, 22:54, Jose wrote:
> Hi
> I edited the
I am writing this message to know if some users are still experiencing
problems with the new importer available in the trunk version.
Please tell us if everything is OK or you are having problems.
Thank you.
On 25 avr, 20:44, mart wrote:
> how cool! so if all looks good, will we need to make a switch or will
> both be supported for a while?
> Thanks,
> Mart :)
The new import function changes how things are loaded when a module is
imported from models, controllers or modules (the "modules"
On 26 avr, 08:28, Massimo Di Pierro
> import my_module # not right now always assumes reload=False (I
> think).
Yes, assume reload is False. This is the normal behavior for Python.
So the code can be:
if "my_module" in dir() and DEBUG:
Oups, reload does not take a string but a module object so forget the
It would be difficult to change the behavior of reload.
Is reload(my_module) working? I didn't try.
On 26 avr, 10:04, pierreth wrote:
> On 26 avr, 08:28, Massimo Di Pierro
> wrote:
> > import m
On 26 avr, 10:04, pierreth wrote:
> if "my_module" in dir() and DEBUG:
I made a test.
The 'in dir()' does not work because the variable is not there yet.
You can write:
import my_module
my_module = reload(my_module)
reload is working well.
As Jonathan sa
On 26 avr, 10:33, Jonathan Lundell wrote:
> It'd be worth testing. In fact, how about a unit test module for both flavors
> of import (local & custom)?
It would have been a good idea to do so from the start but now that is
working it is a bit late. It is now tested by putting it in practice.
On 26 avr, 10:44, Jonathan Lundell wrote:
> It's never too late for unit tests. Seriously.
Would you like to write them?
Hello Ross,
I though it would be cool if web2py automatically reloads any modified
module in debug mode.
It is already the case for controllers, models and views. It seems to
be just the right thing to do regardless of the module.
I can implement this for a future version.
What do you think (I
On 26 avr, 15:31, Ross Peoples wrote:
> Reloading would be awesome, but making it optional would be the best choice,
> as sometimes you want your modules to persist across requests for
> performance reasons (so that modules don't get reloaded for every request in
> a production environment).
I made a tool to automatically insert the code necessary to avoid the
errors and warnings reported by Eclipse Pydev cause by the automatic
imports of web2py.
Tell me if you like.
OK I see,
This way, Pydev automatically had the missing imports when we are
coding. Personally, I added the library project by project so the
feature is working for me too.
But this does not solve the problem of the missing imports for
existing code if code analysis is activated (Window > Pydev >
On 28 avr, 02:20, Anthony wrote:
> Is there any other trick to get this working? I added web2py/gluon to the
> "system PYTHONPATH" in pydev as described above, but I don't get any web2py
> autocomplete. Note, I'm on Windows 7.
> Anthony
I think this is incorrect. You need web2py not glu
On 27 avr, 23:08, Douglass wrote:
> I've tried multiple times to register. Different password formats,
> etc. I don't have an OpenId I noticed that comment. Is that
> required? guess I'm old school but seems unreasonable.
I was unable to register too. I was able to login using my Google id.
How can I read a boolean like DEBUG set in models or controllers from
a module located in gluon? This is an aspect I don't know how to
On 2 mai, 16:31, Bruno Rocha wrote:
> On Mon, May 2, 2011 at 5:20 PM, pierreth wrote:
> > How can I read a boolean like DEBUG set in models or controllers from
> > a module located in gluon? This is an aspect I don't know how to
> > implement.
> you need to pas
On 2 mai, 17:20, Bruno Rocha wrote:
> > On Mon, May 2, 2011 at 5:53 PM, pierreth wrote:
> I don't think this is a nice solution. I would like something more
> > transparent.
> So you dont need to include globals() just pass the vars you want.
I think 2.4 is getting old. Why now update the module you use to
version 2.5 instead?
If webp2y is too obsess with backward compatibility, new developers
will now be interested in the project.
I don't think supporting version 2.4 is a good thing.
On 14 mai, 01:14, Ross Peoples wrote:
> I am dev
There is a new version of the web2py importer in the trunk version.
This new version has the capability of reloading any modules when an
import is made on a module that has changed. So you can edit your .py
files in 'modules' or 'site-packages' or somewhere else and web2py
will reload the n
On 16 mai, 11:08, Ross Peoples wrote:
> I haven't actually tried this yet, but couldn't you do something like this
> to turn it off/on:
> import gluon custom_import
> custom_import.DEBUG = False
You can do:
from gluon import custom_import
custom_import.DEBUG = False
But right now it won't cha
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