On 6 avr, 12:01, Jonathan Lundell <jlund...@pobox.com> wrote:
> It's worth reflecting on why this is the case.
> Ordinarily, in the Python environment, we'd solve this problem by adding our 
> local module repository to sys.path from inside the application, which would 
> work fine because the edited sys.path is local to the current instance of the 
> interpreter. But in a web2py environment, sys.path (and the interpreter) is 
> shared among all the applications.

This is the fact that the Python process is shared. web2py itself is
the Python application.

> The brute-force solution, I think, is to run separate web2py instances, with 
> top-level routing in the external server (Apache, whatever).

Yes, but this is not the way web2py is running by default.

> I can think of a couple of directions to look for alternatives. One is PEP 
> 302 (import hooks and such).

Having a custom Python importer that will look in "modules" first
before looking elsewhere would be a great solution.

> A simpler approach would be for web2py to rebind sys.path to a thread-local 
> variable and add the app-specific modules directory to it. If that worked 
> (offhand I can't think why not, but
> I'm no doubt missing something), it'd be pretty simple, as long as it didn't 
> get re-bound later, which is a hazard (note that web2py's idiom for adding to 
> sys.path rebinds it).

A thread-local variable is not list. sys.path is expected to be a

> Going down that road, rather than rebinding sys.path to a thread-local 
> version, what if we added a thread-local member to sys.path that pointed to 
> the current application's modules directory? That'd be *really* simple, again 
> if I'm not missing something.

I thought about it but a thread-local variable is not a string so we
cannot add it to sys.path. So it is a problem.

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