[web2py] Re: encrypt source code

2010-07-29 Thread glimmung
Hi, On Jul 29, 5:07 pm, ilovesss2004 wrote: > Now I know the web app will work just with the pyc files, and others > can not view the source code from pyc files. But the source code can > still be viewed in web browser (I mean the source code of html and > javascript at the client side). Is there

[web2py] AWS Free Tier

2010-10-22 Thread glimmung
Hi All, For anyone looking for hosting, Amazon's recent announcement of the AWS Free Tier may be of interest: - http://aws.amazon.com/free/ HTH -- Cheers, PhilK

[web2py:24350] Using jQuery UI ThemeRoller with web2py

2009-06-17 Thread glimmung
Hi All, We're just setting to on this task, and I wondered if others had gone this route and could share their experiences. My specific concern is maintainability - I'd like to be able to approach this in a way that enables me to drop in a new ThemeRoller theme, or update web2py, with the minimu

[web2py:24361] Re: Using jQuery UI ThemeRoller with web2py

2009-06-17 Thread glimmung
Hi, On Jun 17, 11:48 am, glimmung wrote: > My specific concern is maintainability - I'd like to be able to > approach this in a way that enables me to drop in a new ThemeRoller > theme, or update web2py, with the minimum of fuss. Has anyone any > recommendations as to best pr

[web2py:23143] windows service problem in 1.63 (source)

2009-06-02 Thread glimmung
Hi Guys, I'm trying to install as a service under XP SP3. I've followed the instructions at http://www.web2py.com/AlterEgo/default/show/77 ...which has installed the service. However, the service will not start - when I look in the event log I see: - Python could not import t

[web2py] PDF Book Aesthetics

2011-12-26 Thread glimmung
Hi All, I've had the PDF a few days now, and one feature of it is really getting on my wires! Why does the ownership statement have to be on every single page? Why is it the same size as the text, suggesting that it is as important as the actual texy? Why is it *RED* suggesting that it is *MORE

[web2py] Re: PDF Book Aesthetics

2011-12-29 Thread glimmung
Bruce, On Dec 26, 5:06 pm, Bruce Wade wrote: > I honestly don't understand what the big deal is. It is a little single > line at the bottom of the page. Packt provides your FULL address on the > bottom of their books, when buying from their site. > Did you read the subject line of my post? Note

[web2py] Re: PDF Book Aesthetics

2011-12-29 Thread glimmung
Hi Massimo, On Dec 26, 4:29 pm, Massimo Di Pierro wrote: > OK. It is now black and smaller. Great - thank you! -- PhilK

[web2py] Resources for setting up for development

2012-01-15 Thread glimmung
Hi All, I've been asked to give a short talk on web2py for a local Python user group. One thing that I am a little intimidated by is that some of these guys have been exposed to the tribal nonsense that somehow seems to keep rearing its ugly head, and so I'm concerned to anticipate the sorts of q

[web2py] Re: recommendations for production system?

2011-05-18 Thread glimmung
Hi Ross, On May 18, 11:59 am, Ross Peoples wrote: > On a quick side note, you are not supposed to use Webmin with Ubuntu. It is > mentioned in several places that it breaks Debian-based systems. Ubutnu has > been pushing eBox (now Zentyal) which is more for setting up a small > business infrastru

[web2py] Re: recommendations for production system?

2011-05-18 Thread glimmung
Hi Ross, Thanks for the links. I have seen mixed reports, certainly in the more distant past, but as I said my experience since Hardy (8.04) has been very good. On May 18, 5:03 pm, Ross Peoples wrote: > My own personal experience it with it a couple years was terrible. It > destroyed several sys