Hi Guys,

I'm trying to install as a service under XP SP3.

I've followed the instructions at


...which has installed the service.

However, the service will not start - when I look in the event log I
see: -

        Python could not import the service's module
        ImportError: No module named winservice
        %2: %3

FWIW, I see winservice.py in the /web2py/gluon folder.

Having searched the mailing lists, it seems that this is not a new
issue, but all the reports I see relate to the web2py.exe setup.

Can someone clue me in please?

BTW, I'm a relative newcomer to web2py (and a refugee from Zope and
Plone, FWIW), and I'm having lots of fun - this is good stuff, even if
am mildly frustrated to be stuck on the service issue!




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