
On Jun 17, 11:48 am, glimmung <phil.kil...@gmail.com> wrote:
> My specific concern is maintainability - I'd like to be able to
> approach this in a way that enables me to drop in a new ThemeRoller
> theme, or update web2py, with the minimum of fuss. Has anyone any
> recommendations as to best practice, or better yet can anyone point us
> at or share their experience so far?

I've been tinkering with this, and would be interested in any feedback
on my appraoch - I'm an RDBMS guy, so I'm quite happy to be told that
my approach to CSS/JS is off the mark!

First of all, I looked at the static demo page that is bundled in the
ThemeRoller download. My objective was to get that page to work in a
web2py view.

There is JS and CSS in the header of that page, so I set about
creating a static file called "web2py_jqueryui.html", modelled after
web2py_ajax.html. Stuff is a little scattered now, but my objective is
to have all my modifications in that file, other than the approach to
base.css described below.

Then, as a "playground" to test with I created a "dumb" controller
that returns an empty dict, and a view to render it. In the body of
the view, I pasted the body content of my sample page. I now have a
working demo with all the JQuery-UI goodies working as expected.

This has exposed what I was wary of, but wasn't able to articulate in
my first post: as expected, the web2py menu is not styled in any way
by the theme, because it uses web2py-specific CSS classes. Looking at
the menu, and digging into where these classes are set, I see that
they originate in /gluon/html.py - which is part of the distribution,
and which I don't want to modify. They are defined in base.css.

I'm now about to set to to create a replacement version of base.css
which provides the classes not native to the jQueryUI theme - it seems
that the tidiest approach is to use my own base.css, such that that is
the only file /changed/, other than adding the call to include
web2py_jqueryui.html in layout.html.

Does this approach make sense? Have I overlooked anything?

FWIW, my intention is to create a w2p application file to use as a
start point for jQuery-UI apps.



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