[web2py] Re: plugin_wiki

2010-07-21 Thread Tim Michelsen
> What does the roadmap look like for > the future? Yes, that's exactly my question at the moment. I mean there were a numbert of attempts: t1, t2, c9, cube2py and now just plugin_wiki. How much is the core team dedicated to make this more that just a demo project? Web development at my company

[web2py] please explain this twitter post

2010-07-21 Thread Tim Michelsen
What do you want to say by RT @computingnow: [cise] PrePrint: web2py for Scientific Applications: The needs of scientists to communicate effectively, collaborate.. ?

[web2py] Re: ARTICLE: The good and bad about web2py

2010-08-01 Thread Tim Michelsen
> http://www.ahmedsoliman.com/2010/07/29/the-good-and-bad-about-web2py/ nice one. and fair. Would lo e to see a reaction from Massimo.

[web2py] OT: email notifications on repo change?

2010-08-01 Thread Tim Michelsen
Hello, when we were using bazaar and Lunchpad, there was a possibility to subscribe to code repositories and Launchpad would send me a email when a new revision was submitted. Is there a similar feature with google code? I could find the setting in my profile. I welcome your hints. Timmie

[web2py] Re: OT: email notifications on repo change?

2010-08-01 Thread Tim Michelsen
> Alternatively, as an ordinary user, you can go to the Project Home -> > Updates and subscribe to its rss feed: > > feed://code.google.com/feeds/p/web2py/updates/basic > > (It's not shown as a link on the page, but it's in the header, and > Safari, at least, exposes it; I assume Firefox as well.

[web2py] Re: ARTICLE: The good and bad about web2py

2010-08-02 Thread Tim Michelsen
> 5- Yes, Python does work on Eclipse, IntelliJ, etc. but does web2py > work smoothly and easily? for instance, to get web2py working > correctly on eclipse (PyDev) you will need to put stupid nonsense > imports ( if 0: import ) on the top of every file because of the > "magic" I mentioned before.,

[web2py] Re: markmin, t2, t3, cube9 etc. (important update)

2010-08-02 Thread Tim Michelsen
> No that I can think of. Would be good if you could use one of the major markup languages as input: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_lightweight_markup_languages Currently, your markmin seems to be like Texy (http://texy.info/en/) A look at converters show how is the life could be: * http://

[web2py] Re: searching slice/snippet

2010-08-02 Thread Tim Michelsen
> Was it this plugin? > http://web2py.com/plugins/default/sortable Ah, forgot there are also plgins besides the slices...

[web2py] Re: web2pyslices site

2010-08-02 Thread Tim Michelsen
> Done. Thanks. Cool, thanks for the quick fix.

[web2py] Re: Chapter 13: components and plugins

2010-08-11 Thread Tim Michelsen
Am 11.08.2010 14:58, schrieb mdipierro: > It is there: > > http://web2py.com/book/default/chapter/13#Extending-Widgets Theres a typo: This can be done my creating a file "models/plugin_wiki_contact" Should be This can be done by creating a file "models/plugin_wiki_contact"

[web2py] Re: WikiYou - Showcase

2010-08-12 Thread Tim Michelsen
> I would like to share my 2nd app using web2py, its at www.wikiyou.org. > It is like wikipedia about us and you can create your own subdomain > usernames like having your own username.wikiyou.org. Hey, this looks really cool! Would you tell how you created this subdomain thing? Is there a dedic

[web2py] Suggestions for the Basic Authentications

2010-08-15 Thread Tim Michelsen
Hello, I recently checked out two sites created by Lasiaf using Basic authetication and Google authentication; I also just checked out the default welcome app. I miss the following features in the authentication system: option for profile removal possibility to fu

[web2py] suggestions for web2py website

2010-08-15 Thread Tim Michelsen
Hello, my suggestion for the web2py webpage Add a news menu to the top menu and the add the following 3 colums to the page using RSS aggregation: left center right web2py twitter last 5 posts web2py users list english last 5 commits web2py code web2py

[web2py] Re: Suggestions for the Basic Authentications

2010-08-15 Thread Tim Michelsen
The register for could also benefit from a password strength checker.

[web2py] Re: Suggestions for the Basic Authentications

2010-08-16 Thread Tim Michelsen
> 1) profile removal > > unless I misunderstood you can do > >auth.settings.actions_disabled.append('profile') Sorry, there is amisunderstanding: I would like to provide the user a option to completely remove his entry (identity) from the application (remove the corresponding entry from the

[web2py] Re: suggestions for web2py website

2010-08-16 Thread Tim Michelsen
> the problem we have to solve is: > 1) how to get more people to provide input? My initial suggestion wa snot about design. It was about aggregating content related to web2py project activities

[web2py] Re: Export content as .xlsx

2010-09-21 Thread Tim Michelsen
> I am using XlsXcessive to export content from my web2py apps to .xlsx > http://xlsx.dowski.com/ Thanks. Where do you see the advantage over xlwt? And how would you suggest to write to ODT files? Maybe Spreadsheet export could be added as core functionality like CSV export. I think this is most

[web2py] how to use web2py planet?

2010-09-23 Thread Tim Michelsen
Hello, I tried web2py planet (http://code.google.com/p/planet-web2py/) on my local install. The feeds added in the appadmin database page were successfully added to the right handed panel. But no feeds were fetched from the newly added RSS feeds. What is the magic behind? Thanks in advance, Tim

[web2py] Re: how to use web2py planet?

2010-09-24 Thread Tim Michelsen
> Mmm, maybe a cron configuration problem. I did have some issues with > that too (using apache / external cron) > > A workaround is to add a "wget .../refresh" to the o.s. crontab to > force updates. Would you consider this as a bug in cron?

[web2py] Re: Packaging web2py for Debian

2010-10-13 Thread Tim Michelsen
> I feel this will be a maintenance nightmare unless it somehow upgrades > itself. The release process of debian is very slow compared to ours. You can have automatic daily builds of a source tree import to your PPA: https://help.launchpad.net/Packaging/SourceBuilds/Recipes

[web2py] Re: In trunk. admin wizard. Please give it a try (alpha)

2010-10-19 Thread Tim Michelsen
Hey, this is very nic. The only think is that the INFO sentences are a) not very accessible from the readability pointof view b)not very helpful. example in step 3: You can use special attributes like "integer", "boolean", "float", "file", "date", "time", "datetime" to specify the fields type. Y

[web2py] Re: In trunk. admin wizard. Please give it a try (alpha)

2010-10-19 Thread Tim Michelsen
Am 19.10.2010 18:20, schrieb mdipierro: > Please do also link to this from at best in the create new app section.

[web2py] Re: In trunk. admin wizard. Please give it a try (alpha)

2010-10-19 Thread Tim Michelsen
> I think what could also be useful is to add a new table or field to a table later on after the app had created.

[web2py] how to install plugin_wiki?

2010-10-19 Thread Tim Michelsen
The book on http://web2py.com/book/default/chapter/13#plugin_wiki does not tell anything about this.

[web2py] Re: how to install plugin_wiki?

2010-10-20 Thread Tim Michelsen
> Make a new app. > Open the app in design/admin. > Install the plug-in by scrolling down to the bottom of the admin page > to where it says install plug-in. Could you please add this to the book online? It's not descibed there.

[web2py] Extending DAL for spatial queries?

2010-10-20 Thread Tim Michelsen
Hello, would it respresent a lot of effort to extend the DAL functionality to spatial capabilities? Examples can be found here: * http://www.geoalchemy.org/tutorial.html#performing-spatial-queries * http://docs.djangoproject.com/en/dev/ref/contrib/gis/tutorial/#spatial-queries Where could we sta

[web2py] wizard: site without authentification

2010-10-26 Thread Tim Michelsen
Hello, I took the auth_user table out of the wizard. Still, I am required to register and log in after the app is created. Regards, Timmie

[web2py] Re: Extending DAL for spatial queries?

2010-10-26 Thread Tim Michelsen
> This would be a good thing to add to http://web2py.uservoice.com. Done: http://web2py.uservoice.com/forums/42577-general/suggestions/1170283-extend-dal-for-spatial-queries

[web2py] clean up uservoice

2010-10-26 Thread Tim Michelsen
Hello, there are some request which are already implemented in web2py on http://web2py.uservoice.com/forums/42577-general Regards.

[web2py:23259] podcast hint: Becoming an Open Source Developer

2009-06-04 Thread Tim Michelsen
Hi, in recent times a lot of discussion has been about roadmap, cummunity and contribution. Here is a nice podcast from our "competitors": Becoming an Open Source Developer: Lessons from the Django Project (PyCon 2007) http://advocacy.python.org/podcasts/pycon/PyCon2007-BecomingOSDeveloper.mp3

[web2py:23261] Re: Spatial???

2009-06-04 Thread Tim Michelsen
> Well, it would be good to know in which direction you are moving... :) > Spatial databases have spatial columns and spatial functions. So, how > would we go about making the following postgis examples into a DAL- > able form without slipping to _execute ? How do we insert a geometry ? > How do w

[web2py:23265] Re: Spatial???

2009-06-04 Thread Tim Michelsen
> Maybe this sets us apart from competing frameworks and attracks more > geo-hackers. also a good point is that web2py can create the webmapping formats out of the box: * json => geojson * xml => kml --~--~-~--~~~---~--~~ You received this message because you ar

[web2py:23275] Re: Spatial???

2009-06-04 Thread Tim Michelsen
> My interest now is to define "Spatial Database Consistency of Web2py" > not @ 'Controller' level, but @ "Database" level. I've not yet known > what web2py is. Give me some time 2 know it. Check: http://www.scribd.com/doc/16085263/web2py-slides-version-163 and especially page 71. --~--~

[web2py:23528] Re: Informal Poll re use of admin interface

2009-06-07 Thread Tim Michelsen
> I use Eclipse/Pydev but find the admin interface handy for quick, one- > off changes. +1 --~--~-~--~~~---~--~~ You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "web2py Web Framework" group. To post to this group, send email to web2py@go

[web2py:23530] live demos [Re: [web2py:23505] Re: Informal Poll re use of admin interface]

2009-06-07 Thread Tim Michelsen
I think that web2py could need more of this. why don't you set up a demo installation where prospecive users could create a test installation? GAE seems to be perfect for this. then, you can show the guys in doubt (@reddit) how to evaluate your program. --~--~-~--~~~-

[web2py:23918] editing static files from user pages?

2009-06-11 Thread Tim Michelsen
Hello, is there any app or controller out there that lets me edit text files saved in the static direcory? I am looking for a functionality just like we have in admin. I want to achieve: 1) user logs in 2) sees a list of files in a pre-defined directory from static 3) user selects the file and

[web2py:23930] error on GAE deployment

2009-06-11 Thread Tim Michelsen
Hello, wanted to try GAE deployment as shown in http://www.screencast.com/users/mdipierro/folders/Jing/media/b3de44de-814b-48fa-ba91-edd283597d8b I found a number of glitches: 1) not really documented how to do this quickly! 2) I found out that I need to have appcfg.py. Unfortunately, it's absol

[web2py:23934] Re: error on GAE deployment

2009-06-11 Thread Tim Michelsen
> admin is an app. apps can have configuration. OK. > It is possible there is > a bug, that is an experimentail feature. I will check it. Thanks for the fast response. Please drop a mail when finished I am thinking of creating a online editor for the docstrings... --~--~-~--~~-

[web2py:23965] Re: error on GAE deployment

2009-06-11 Thread Tim Michelsen
> fixed in trunk. please give it a try. Massimo, I am very sad to say, but I will never ever fix a coding bug in web2py core by myself. The same applies as your refusal to use bugtrackers: By the time I have figured who the thing works you have already fixed the issue... ;-) Well, couldn't test

[web2py:24306] Re: Views without controllers

2009-06-16 Thread Tim Michelsen
> I want to be able to use {{extend}} {{include}} capabilities of the > view, so it is well integrated with the website and I want to be able > to keep it international with T(). I shouldn't need a controller for > that... This would be very convenient. For example, sometimes one only wants to tes

[web2py:25144] Re: Announcing my first web2py app

2009-06-28 Thread Tim Michelsen
> Just a comment: I don't see any link to web2py ...and you should (cf > licence) Please explain this. I cannot see such a request: http://www.web2py.com/examples/default/license This means you can redistribute web2py in binary or other closed source form together with the applications you dev

[web2py:25146] Re: Idea... Thumbnailing...

2009-06-28 Thread Tim Michelsen
> There is the Python Imaging Library (PIL) that lets you open and > manipulate images from Python applications. Maybe it would be useful > in this context? many PHP projects use gd for such purposes. It is normally supported on apache webservers. Here is a python interface: http://newcenturycom

[web2py:25147] Re: Announcing my first web2py app

2009-06-28 Thread Tim Michelsen
>> Just a comment: I don't see any link to web2py ...and you should (cf >> licence) > > Please explain this. Sorry ,I missanderstood the string: "We allow the redistribution of unmodified binary versions of web2py provided that they contain a link to the official web2py site." My English is ver

[web2py:25273] Re: question on text area and output

2009-06-29 Thread Tim Michelsen
>{{=TAG[''](*[P(p) for p in body.split('\n')]) }} > > or, if you want to allow HTML tags in texts > >{{=XML(body.replace('\n',''),sanitize=True)}} > > of you want to allow WIKI syntax What about rest from the wiki? When will this be added to the devel branch? Please do give this tip a m

[web2py:25644] other frameworks

2009-07-04 Thread Tim Michelsen
Hello Massimo, where do you see the main difference design of your framework to Glashammer http://glashammer.org/documentation.html? Best regards, Timmie --~--~-~--~~~---~--~~ You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "web2py Web

[web2py:25645] other frameworks

2009-07-04 Thread Tim Michelsen
Hello Massimo, where do you see the main difference design of your framework to Glashammer http://glashammer.org/documentation.html? Best regards, Timmie --~--~-~--~~~---~--~~ You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "web2py Web

[web2py:25833] Re: How do we petition Google to mention web2py?

2009-07-06 Thread Tim Michelsen
mdipierro : Some people are interested in features as a way to get the job > done better and quicker. I am working for this second class of users. > I am interested in building a community for these people. I like that statement. Keen to see what follows up. I mean, you add neice little features

[web2py:25987] Re: Tip of the Day: Documentation

2009-07-08 Thread Tim Michelsen
mdipierro schrieb: > The Sphinx docs are here: > > http://www.web2py.com/examples/static/sphinx/index.html > > they still need some work. All Docstrings are Sphinx compliant. Errors: http://www.web2py.com/examples/static/sphinx/index.html#general-documents => just save the document http://baza

[web2py:26000] Re: Waht is cron for?

2009-07-08 Thread Tim Michelsen
> a) it will work transparently on all platforms (mac&win incl) > b) you don't need root access or user settable crontabs > c) can call web2py controller functions directly > d) allows you to call init/preload/precache functions on web2py > startup > e) allows asynchronous execution of code after

[web2py:26240] Re: how can i write a PIL image object to response

2009-07-11 Thread Tim Michelsen
mdipierro: > You can do it like in django: > > from PIL import Image > def image(): > image = Image.new("RGB", (800, 600)) > response.headers['Content-Type']="image/png" > image.save(response.body, "PNG") > return response.body.getvalue() > > response.body is a StringIO Here i

[web2py:26327] ho to exchange data between controllers

2009-07-11 Thread Tim Michelsen
Hello web2py folks, what is the preferred way to exchange parameters or variables between views and controllers? I have a page where a form gathers input and then a plot is generated according to these inputs. I am currently using the following setup: ## in VIEW Input form {{=form}} Submitt

[web2py:26357] Re: ho to exchange data between controllers

2009-07-12 Thread Tim Michelsen
mdipierro schrieb: > I would probably use session too unless you need to allow visitors to > keep two (or more) browser windows open within the same session and > complete the same operation simultaneously with two different inputs. Thanks. Although would find out in the long run using some snippe

[web2py:26358] code & book v2

2009-07-12 Thread Tim Michelsen
Hello Massimo, as you are announcing a update of the book: Would you please make the code snippets from the book available as zip? Copy&past from the PDF is not always easy. Thanks in advance, Timmie --~--~-~--~~~---~--~~ You received this message because you are

[web2py:26361] Re: ho to exchange data between controllers

2009-07-12 Thread Tim Michelsen
BTW, when doing this scipy/matplotlib stuff I noticed that web2py does issue tickets when something is wrong with third party libraries. E.g. if I write 2* pi instead of numpy.pi the image is not drawn (wrong namespace addressing) but also not ticket is issued. --~--~-~--~~--

[web2py:26439] Re: ho to exchange data between controllers

2009-07-13 Thread Tim Michelsen
mdipierro schrieb: > can you explain more? referencing the example given when starting the thread: the following is wrong: def image_mat_form(): number = float(request.args[0]) [...] import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import numpy as np import scipy as sp import scipy

[web2py:26803] Re: web2py-users and web2py-developers

2009-07-18 Thread Tim Michelsen
> Or email me to be added. > - You can be a developer if you have contributed to web2py, NOT if you > plant to contribute to web2py. In order to be a developer you must > also be a member of the web2py-users list and help other users. > - I ultimately decide who is in and who is out. I may suggest

[web2py:26804] Re: Bug reports

2009-07-18 Thread Tim Michelsen
> I will be traveling a lot starting Sunday. I should have occasional > network access but not really reliable. I suggest to add a new page to the web2py page: Development with subpages * roadmap: put content of messages - http://permalink.gmane.org/gmane.comp.python.web

[web2py:26925] Re: HOW2Py

2009-07-19 Thread Tim Michelsen
> I would agree with 'use YOUR tools' philosophy. The fact the entire > web2py community is spread across Win/Mac/Linux assures that in a > physical sense. I have read the Sphinx docs, tussled with some simple > markup and gotten resultant output. Its like futzing with another > dialect of Wiki m

[web2py:26924] Re: HOW2Py

2009-07-19 Thread Tim Michelsen
> Massimo "had trouble" w/ sphinx (not sure what he tried) - it's reST > with extensions (and reST is a tad less "regular" than some other > markups, so attempts at treating it the same way for wikis failed to hit > the sweet spot, but there are examples - in Pycon-tech, and moin-moin > for e

[web2py:26926] Re: HOW2Py

2009-07-19 Thread Tim Michelsen
> A directed question if I may. What tools do you use to create the rest > doc that goes into Sphinx. I tried to show some here: http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~timmie/web2py/web2py-appdocu/annotate/head%3A/doc/source/docs_contrib.rst you can use a simple editor that involves good syntax highlightin

[web2py:26968] GAE upload from appadmin (site)

2009-07-20 Thread Tim Michelsen
After submitting my email and password in the GAE deploy field of the appadmin: Traceback (most recent call last): File "/devel/web2py/web2py_gae/gluon/restricted.py", line 107, in restricted exec ccode in environment File "/devel/web2py/web2py_gae/applications/admin/controllers/gae

[web2py:26970] Re: HOW2Py

2009-07-20 Thread Tim Michelsen
JohnMc schrieb: > "The shell scripts for making web2py specific sphinx docs I don't > think apply > to your question of what tools do I use to create rest (that is, the > structured format of the content). > > But bottom line is still - you can easily just use a normal text > editor " > - Yar

[web2py:26994] Re: GAE upload from appadmin (site)

2009-07-20 Thread Tim Michelsen
Did anyone succeed uploading an application to GAE using the deploy button? I tried to upload a scaffolding app using my email and password but nothing happened. Please share your experiences. Thanks. > After submitting my email and password in the GAE deploy field of the > appadmin: > Tra

[web2py:27090] Re: GAE upload from appadmin (site)

2009-07-21 Thread Tim Michelsen
Hi, > Did you create a Google App Engine account, accept the agreement, etc? > > http://appengine.google.com/ Yes, when I sign in, I can see my applications. It shows 2 and says: None Deployed. Any idea? Thanks for your help. Timmie --~--~-~--~~~---~--~~ You

[web2py:27091] Re: OpenID for Web2Py

2009-07-21 Thread Tim Michelsen
mdipierro schrieb: > My OpenID implementation was just an attempt to port python-openid to > web2py. I never tested it so I am not surprised it does not work. > check out here: http://gminick.wordpress.com/2009/06/18/next-step-openid-logging/ http://gminick.wordpress.com/2009/06/21/the-file-struc

[web2py:27319] Re: GAE upload from appadmin (site)

2009-07-24 Thread Tim Michelsen
Hello Yarko, have you been successful uploading your app to GAE / appspot? Thanks, Timmie Tim Michelsen: > Hi, > >> Did you create a Google App Engine account, accept the agreement, etc? >> >> http://appengine.google.com/ > > Yes, when I sign in, I can see my

[web2py:27397] Re: GAE upload from appadmin (site)

2009-07-25 Thread Tim Michelsen
mdipierro schrieb: > I assume you have configured admin/models/0.py and (before hit deply) > You have checked some app to deply. > > The interface you are using is experimental. If you still have > problems use the google Launcher of shell scripts. sorry, I don't understand. do you mean that thi

[web2py:27419] Re: GAE upload from appadmin (site)

2009-07-26 Thread Tim Michelsen
Yarko Tymciurak schrieb: > If you look at applications/admin/models/0.py, you will see the last line: > > # To upload on google app engine this has to point to the proper > # appengine config file > GAE_APPCFG = '/Applications/GoogleAppEngineLauncher.app/. > > http://code.google.com/appengi

[web2py:28777] upgrading applications after the repository cleanup

2009-08-16 Thread Tim Michelsen
Hello, I know that some time a ago, the development repository was cleaned up. How would I now upgrade admin and examples? I currently get this error: python web2py.py --upgrade yes /var/lib/python-support/python2.6/MySQLdb/__init__.py:34: DeprecationWarning: the sets module is deprecated fro

[web2py:29359] Re: Googlemap in web2py

2009-08-25 Thread Tim Michelsen
mdipierro schrieb: > We have this: > > http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~mdipierro/web2conf/devel/annotate/head%3A/views/default/maps.html > > and we have > > from gluon.tools import geocode > (lo,la)=geocode('243 S Wabash Ave, Chicago, IL") I succeded in using OpenLayers. Quite easy with web2py.

[web2py:29853] Re: creating and importing from CSV

2009-09-01 Thread Tim Michelsen
> My questions: > * Do I need to fill something in the first column: wmostations.id? > * Why does web2py not parse the file? > * Is it possible to wrap text with " some text, with comma"? I found the thread: http://thread.gmane.org/gmane.comp.python.web2py/16808 Here is what helped in this par

[web2py:29855] Feature proposal: easier table creation

2009-09-02 Thread Tim Michelsen
Hello, I would like to ask for a tool that helps to create tables. This could be implemented as follows: 1) In the admin there could be a spreadsheet app that feeds a table definition tool. * In such a spreadsheet the user would enter in the rows: field name, field type

[web2py:29895] Re: Google Apps wep2py applications

2009-09-02 Thread Tim Michelsen
> http://web2py.appspot.com/survey is one app; not sure that Massimo has > released this code or not; > > http://web2py.appspot.com/shows a default app of a light effort of a > reddit-like app - reddish; you can find the source of this on > http://www.web2py.com/appliances

[web2py:29953] Re: Google Apps wep2py applications

2009-09-03 Thread Tim Michelsen
Yeah, I succeeded with > https://mdp.cti.depaul..edu/wiki/default/page/16d1ac84-88de-4f46-a68c-0210ee026edb > http://w2psphinx.appspot.com/init/default/index One question though: Does GAE work only with one appliance? There is the usual link to examples: click here for online examples - http:

[web2py:29894] Re: Feature proposal: easier table creation

2009-09-03 Thread Tim Michelsen
> It would be nice. Does this mean "someone can do it"? Or is this accepted as offical task? > It would have to be web based. I think for large data bases, it would also be good to have a CLI based converter which creates an database dump and a python file with the table definition. Regards, T

[web2py:29993] current status of Sphinx docs

2009-09-03 Thread Tim Michelsen
Hello, you can find the current statu of the SPhinx docs here: http://w2psphinx.appspot.com/ There is a lot of trouble with the gluon modules. All modules not listed in: http://w2psphinx.appspot.com/init/static/sphinx/docs-web2py/modules_autosummary.html produce the following error in Sphinx: h

[web2py:30337] connecting to existing SQLite database

2009-09-07 Thread Tim Michelsen
Hello, I have troubles connecting and using an existing SQLite table from web2py. Here are my steps and difficulties 1) imported an existing table into sqlite 2) table definition with migrate=False => I get no values/entries shown in the database administration! If I set migrate=True I get an e

[web2py:30426] Re: connecting to existing SQLite database

2009-09-08 Thread Tim Michelsen
>>> If you need to access legacy databases the best way is to create a >>> database view for your table. >> How do I do this? >> Can you give an example or reference (to your book)? > > No because that is something data is database dependent and not done > within web2py. I am not an expert on thi

[web2py:30535] Re: connecting to existing SQLite database

2009-09-09 Thread Tim Michelsen
Yarko Tymciurak schrieb: > which db server are you dealing with? local: file://mydb.sqlite --~--~-~--~~~---~--~~ You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "web2py-users" group. To post to this group, send email to web2py@googlegrou

[web2py:30539] Re: Uploading File for Statistical Operations

2009-09-09 Thread Tim Michelsen
> prototype - suggest you start by establishing the basic data you want; > You can create the table definitions in the admin interface, and then > load them with some test data from csv files in the admin interface. Actually, you don't need to create tables. Because you seem to upload different d

[web2py:30543] Re: Uploading File for Statistical Operations

2009-09-09 Thread Tim Michelsen
> You may find some inspriation her: > http://books.google.de/books?id=j7QbD83-h8AC&lpg=PP1&pg=RA2-PA275 > Its use of cgi may be outdated. But there are some good ideas for the > design. more specifically: http://books.google.de/books?id=j7QbD83-h8AC&lpg=PP1&pg=RA2-PA286 --~--~-~--~

[web2py:31963] Re: video on wiki in 3 minutes

2009-09-30 Thread Tim Michelsen
Hi, please see my comment here: http://vimeo.com/6782736 Please create a page (sub-pag of documentation on main web2py) and post all appliances that you use in the videos. This could help learning along these videos a lot. Thanks, Timmie --~--~-~--~~~---~--~~ Y

[web2py:32427] Re: [New] web2py wiki

2009-10-07 Thread Tim Michelsen
Hi Alvaro, if you need help with the sphinxification send me a mail. My current web2py project got stalled somehow. Therefore, please send me a direct mail if you have special questions to documentation. I am not readying this list every day. Yarko wanted to add some docstring specs, but he hasn

[web2py:32430] Re: [New] web2py wiki

2009-10-07 Thread Tim Michelsen
comment on page: http://wiki.web2py.com/Documentation_HOWTO the primer at: http://sphinx.pocoo.org/latest/rest.html is much better to get you started with ReST --~--~-~--~~~---~--~~ You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "web2

[web2py:32432] Re: [New] web2py wiki

2009-10-07 Thread Tim Michelsen
Error when registering: http://wiki.web2py.com/_user/_register => 404 NOT FOUND --~--~-~--~~~---~--~~ You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "web2py-users" group. To post to this group, send email to web2py@googlegroups.com To

[web2py:32437] Re: [New] web2py wiki

2009-10-07 Thread Tim Michelsen
> However, I have recently seen that Bruce Eckel is thinking about using > MoinMoin for contributions to Python Pattersn & Idioms (people seemed ot > have a hard time ??? with editing Sphinx - though I can't imagine why - I think we have to distiguish: Books and documentations. docs are part o

[web2py:32517] geo-capabilities for DAL

2009-10-08 Thread Tim Michelsen
Hi Massimo, there is an interesting project for SQLAlchemy: GeoAlchemy: Using SQLAlchemy with Spatial Databases http://geoalchemy.org/ Do you think something like this is possible with the DAL you are writing? Best, Timmie --~--~-~--~~~---~--~~ You received thi

[web2py:34519] Re: web2py 1.68.1 is OUT

2009-11-03 Thread Tim Michelsen
Hello, > legacy database support for db2, mssql with non-int primary keys > (thanks Denes) Does this also work with SQLite? Best regards, Timmie --~--~-~--~~~---~--~~ You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "web2py-users" group

[web2py:35057] Re: Other new DAL features in trunk

2009-11-10 Thread Tim Michelsen
> 1) to deal with legacy databases > > db.define_table('mytable',Field('myfield','id'),Field > ('otherfield')) does legacy database id settings also support SQLite tables? --~--~-~--~~~---~--~~ You received this message because you are subscribed to the Goo

Re: [web2py:36636] Sphinx

2009-12-06 Thread Tim Michelsen
> We have had some discussion about moving the documentation to Sphinx. > Months have passed and there has been no progress. I personally do not > mind epydoc but some of you really liked Sphinx. > > If you know Sphinx and want web2py to use it, please help us. Again, I tried to help some months a

Re: [web2py:36703] Re: sqlite legacy support

2009-12-07 Thread Tim Michelsen
> "Support for legacy tables" can have two meanings: > > 1) Legacy tables that need an alias for the id field. > sqlite supports this case. > 2) Legacy tables that use primary keys (not an id field) to get the > records. > sqlite does not support this AFAIK. What I have is a CSV file. The data

Re: [web2py:36715] Re: sqlite legacy support

2009-12-07 Thread Tim Michelsen
> number is not unique, can it even be used as a PK? thanks for the response. How can I use the first number as PK in this better version of the list: http://www.wetterzentrale.de/klima/stnlst.html Please assist. Thanks in advance, Timmie -- You received this message because you are subscribed

Re: [web2py:36924] Re: sqlite legacy support

2009-12-09 Thread Tim Michelsen
> and create a CSV like this > > t.staid,t.stacall,t.location,t.state,t.lat,t.lon,t.elev > 010017,ENFR,FRIGG,NO,5956N,00200E,0 > 010015,ENBL,FORDE/BRINGELAND,NO,6127N,00552E,0150 > 010030,,HORNSUND RIVER,NO,7700N,01530E,0012 > > > note that if elev is missing you must put a 0 (zero). Thanks.

Re: [web2py:36994] Re: sqlite legacy support

2009-12-10 Thread Tim Michelsen
> You can tell your model the path to the existing sqlite database file > with something like [...] Thanks a lot for your verbose help! I really appreciate it. > As for telling it which existing field to use as the ID, as DenesL > pointed out if the field isn't already named ID I don't think you

Re: [web2py:37384] Re: web2py blog screencast

2009-12-16 Thread Tim Michelsen
Mengu schrieb: > i am now uploading video to youtube, hope this one works. will let you > guys know the url. I couldn't download it from Rapidshare either. -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "web2py-users" group. To post to this group, send email to web.

Re: [web2py:37625] Re: OpenLayers is not defined

2009-12-21 Thread Tim Michelsen
> The effect of response.files.append('http://../lib/OpenLayers.js') > is that the .sj file gets included in the header of the layout.html > This assumes you have a recent web2py_ajax.html I did it like this: * copy web2py_ajax.html to web2py_ajax_ol.html * in your map view use web2py_ajax_ol.html

[web2py:19175] Re: using web2py for Geo / GIS stuff

2009-04-05 Thread Tim Michelsen
Hello, thanks for everyone how responded to my inquiry. I can see that the interest in geo stuff is there. What would you guys think of the idea to put the stuff from Sahana and pycon into a common respository and develop the geo functionality together? Thanks again and regards, Timmie --~--

[web2py:19197] Re: using web2py for Geo / GIS stuff

2009-04-05 Thread Tim Michelsen
> I think it would be very valuable. Nice. What would you suggest? The web2py repository or an external one? Why not an example app? Regards, Timmie --~--~-~--~~~---~--~~ You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "web2py Web Fram

[web2py:20103] Re: Request for more organize feature request lists...

2009-04-20 Thread Tim Michelsen
> I guess I see the checking-for-valid-bug phase a step that others can do > to help lift some of the load off of members that can code. But your > right, there is a lot of garbage reports out there. > I just wish there was a way, that when I have the time, I can sit down > and start to sift thro

[web2py:20113] Re: transpose a SQLTABLE in view

2009-04-20 Thread Tim Michelsen
>> instead of: >> >> header1 header2 header3 >> value_row1 value_row1 value_row1 >> value_row2 value_row2 value_row2 >> >> I would like to have: >> >> header1value_row1 value_row2 >> header2value_row1 value_row2 >> header3

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