> Massimo "had trouble" w/ sphinx (not sure what he tried) - it's reST 
> with extensions (and reST is a tad less "regular" than some other 
> markups, so attempts at treating it the same way for wikis failed to hit 
> the sweet spot, but there are examples - in Pycon-tech, and moin-moin 
> for example)..
> The "only 2 people" Massimo pointed out isnt' - they are the only 2 he 
> saw give him stuff, and he made assumptions based on that.
> An open-source book, Python 3 Patterns and Idioms 
> (http://www.mindviewinc.com/Books/Python3Patterns/Index.php) also uses 
> Sphinx (and also has been frustrated w/ lack of submissions, but this is 
> I believe more to do with the lack of an interactive, live version for 
> sphinx than anything).
> "Anything goes" sounds good initially - but results are the proof;  it 
> can generate relief (no one likes change, so learning something new, or 
> rather not needing to is generally received with "appreciation")...
> As Massimo will attest, as long as it's a one man show - one 
> contributor, one decision, then "what I want" works pretty well.
> Massimo writes in LaTex - shall we write a latex source, and post a PDF?
> As long as opionions abound, there will be "I think I'll try"....   time 
> and actual results are the only real measure.
> I'm in the Sphinx camp (with a little off on LaTex, and definitely a 
> Scribus fan, as I build and bug report on the release candidates ... but 
> would not necessarily use either of those for this;  LaTex / beemer is 
> what I'm trying for the time being for presentations; Scribus for 
> brochures and manuals).
For what it's worth:
I success created a converter for Lyx:
Unfortunately, the patch isn't finished due to time constraints. But 
it's fairly easy to export Lyx (WYSIWYM) -> RST.

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