[web2py:36476] Login Problem with the Administrative Interface

2009-12-03 Thread Ross Peoples
Hello, I need help with something. I just downloaded the OSX binary for web2py, copied it to my Applications folder, launched it, entered a password, started the server, then tried to log into the administrative interface, but everytime I enter my password, it just keeps reloading the log in page.

[web2py] Re: new web2py cheatsheet

2012-04-11 Thread Ross Peoples
This new cheat sheet is great! I saw the one page version, but I agree there is too much information to fit on to one page. I'm glad a second page was added. On Monday, April 9, 2012 4:44:22 PM UTC-4, Massimo Di Pierro wrote: > > http://dl.dropbox.com/u/18065445/Tmp/web2py_cheatsheet.pdf >

[web2py] Re: priority of web2py CMS

2012-04-16 Thread Ross Peoples
No, I've been tied up doing other (non-web2py) projects lately. I hope to get back to being more active here in a couple of weeks. On Sunday, April 15, 2012 2:54:45 AM UTC-4, Gour wrote: > > On Mon, 16 Jan 2012 12:41:32 -0800 (PST) > Ross Peoples > wrote: > > Hello Ross,

[web2py] Re: Getting https to work with rocket

2012-04-16 Thread Ross Peoples
You can't connect to https using http as the protocol. Getting a "bad request" message is exactly what happens when you try. So in your browser, you need to specifically type https://:3. On Monday, April 16, 2012 1:42:06 PM UTC-4, Shivakumar GN wrote: > > Hi, > > I am using python 2.5 on Sol

[web2py] Re: CMS question

2012-04-23 Thread Ross Peoples
I don't know about that. I've started installing Concrete5 for people because it's so easy to use and they can create "blocks" of content that they can move around. I think a good CMS should be as dynamic as possible, without being overly complicated. On Monday, April 23, 2012 1:30:12 AM UTC-4,

[web2py] Re: CMS question

2012-04-23 Thread Ross Peoples
I guess it comes down to figuring out what kind of CMS we want to build. Do you want a CMS that is easy for web designers (like WordPress), or do you want a CMS that is easy for end users? My feeling is that there are already SO MANY WordPress clones out there that if we are going to build a "k

[web2py] Re: CMS question

2012-04-23 Thread Ross Peoples
I remember seeing this once before. This is great if you find a theme you like online and want to make a prototype of your site in that theme and this is a very cool tool in general. The question is, do we really want to go in this direction for a CMS? The content is basically imprisoned in har

[web2py] Re: Cannot start web2py - Runtime error: Unable to import driver

2012-04-24 Thread Ross Peoples
Can you paste the traceback of the ticket? On Monday, April 23, 2012 11:10:55 PM UTC-4, Goronmon wrote: > > I'm trying to use web2py on a Ubuntu install. I can start it up from the > console, but as soon as I navigate to it in the browser I the internal > error about not being able to import th

[web2py] Re: Free e-book abhout Rest API

2012-04-25 Thread Ross Peoples
Thanks for the link! I've been looking for good API design resources.

[web2py] Re: crud.create causes an id problem

2012-04-26 Thread Ross Peoples
I'm having a similar issue using SQLFORM. I am using a table that stores extra data for users, and I call it auth_user_extended: db.define_table('auth_user_extended', Field('auth_user', db.auth_user, readable=False, writable=False), Field('supervisor', 'boolean', label='Is Supervisor?', d

[web2py] Add RESTful Client to Contrib

2012-04-26 Thread Ross Peoples
Should we add a RESTful client to web2py's contrib folder? We already have clients for XML-RPC and JSON-RPC, so maybe we should include one for REST that can handle both simple a more complex cases (like file uploads, unicode, etc). I found one that I was just about to add to a project and thou

[web2py] Re: crud.create causes an id problem

2012-04-27 Thread Ross Peoples
I have created Issue 777: http://code.google.com/p/web2py/issues/detail?id=777 On Friday, April 27, 2012 9:15:07 AM UTC-4, Massimo Di Pierro wrote: > > Please open a ticket about this. > > On Thursday, 26 April 2012 13:21:34 UTC-5, villas wrote: >> >> Just a thought... if you are trying to creat

Re: [web2py] Re: Ubuntu and Python3

2012-04-27 Thread Ross Peoples
I would imagine that you would still have the same problem unless shared hosts figure out a way to make uWSGI easier to use. I have given up on shared hosting. The price of a low-end VPS is just as low (and sometimes lower) as most shared hosting plans with MUCH better performance. I have playe

[web2py] RFC: web2py-based workflow engine

2012-05-01 Thread Ross Peoples
In reference to: https://groups.google.com/forum/#!searchin/web2py/workflow/web2py/osEmmtu9hlg/2MHi_ZCeMBMJ Has anyone done any work on this yet? I was thinking about making a web2py-based workflow engine. I mentioned previously that I built one of these for an application I wrote several yea

[web2py] Re: CMS question

2012-05-02 Thread Ross Peoples
Looks pretty nice, Massimo. I look forward to trying it out and contributing to it.

[web2py] Re: RFC: web2py-based workflow engine

2012-05-02 Thread Ross Peoples
; state, and who should be able to see or edit those attributes while in that > state. > > > On Tuesday, May 1, 2012 12:00:42 PM UTC-4, Ross Peoples wrote: >> >> In reference to: >> https://groups.google.com/forum/#!searchin/web2py/workflow/web2py/osEmmtu9hlg/2MHi_ZCeMBMJ

[web2py] Re: CMS question

2012-05-03 Thread Ross Peoples
Looking at the "better" version of that you just added to trunk, this is pretty cool! I also looked at bluePen editor. That is very cool and looks like something I did once using jQuery UI components. I can't seem to find the code I wrote for it. It was a proof-of-concept that didn't really go

[web2py] Re: Nginx-uwsgi problem.

2012-05-10 Thread Ross Peoples
The DB layer is usually the bottleneck. However, moving from models to modules should reduce any bottleneck caused by the web server.

[web2py] Re: when I open a second DAL connection to the same sqlite database it does not detect a new table

2012-05-14 Thread Ross Peoples
I don't think you are supposed to open more than one connection to a SQLite database at a time. It is file-based and doesn't have multi-connection abilities like other databases like MySQL and PostgreSQL. On Monday, May 14, 2012 7:29:44 AM UTC-4, simon wrote: > > *In the following code I create

Re: [web2py] To uuid or not?

2012-05-14 Thread Ross Peoples
Some databases allow you to temporarily turn off auto-generating IDs so that you can import a table keeping its original IDs intact. I wrote a database abstraction layer a few years back for another project that specifically allowed you to make an identical copy of a database from a MySQL datab

Re: [web2py] To uuid or not?

2012-05-14 Thread Ross Peoples
I have created issue 796: http://code.google.com/p/web2py/issues/detail?id=796 While creating the issue, I noticed that I had made an error with the MSSQL part. This was corrected in the issue.

[web2py] Re: when I open a second DAL connection to the same sqlite database it does not detect a new table

2012-05-14 Thread Ross Peoples
In my experience, "can" doesn't always mean "should". There may be an issue with db2 not seeing the table definitions from db1. For testing, do something like this to explicitly share the "test" table definition: def define_tables(db, migrate=False): db.define_table('test', Field('testfield')

Re: [web2py] Re: Nginx-uwsgi problem.

2012-05-14 Thread Ross Peoples
I'm reading through the profile log, not that I'm an expert on profiling or anything, but I do have a few possible tips: 1. Most of your calls are done in ~86 ms. That's pretty respectable. 2. Most of your time is spent on database calls, with compiling being the second biggest time co

[web2py] Re: Can/should {{super}} works even without a parent block?

2012-05-14 Thread Ross Peoples
While not the prettiest solution, you can always use {{try:}}{{super}}{{catch}} in views. I know that sounds like a bandaid, but I think an exception is the desired behavior here. Otherwise, returning an empty string would make troubleshooting difficult if you accidentally mistyped the name of

[web2py] Re: Can/should {{super}} works even without a parent block?

2012-05-14 Thread Ross Peoples
Correction, that should be: {{try:}}{{super}}{{catch:pass}} On Monday, May 14, 2012 11:45:37 AM UTC-4, Ross Peoples wrote: > > While not the prettiest solution, you can always use > {{try:}}{{super}}{{catch}} in views. I know that sounds like a bandaid, but > I think an exce

Re: [web2py] Re: Nginx-uwsgi problem.

2012-05-14 Thread Ross Peoples
On Monday, May 14, 2012 11:50:06 AM UTC-4, Anthony wrote: > > >>1. Your "adviewer/viewads" makes 10 calls to the database. Try to >>optimize this either by writing fewer queries, creating a view, and/or >> only >>selecting fields that you need. Also make sure you get the criteria r

Re: [web2py] Re: Nginx-uwsgi problem.

2012-05-14 Thread Ross Peoples
The problem with doing it as a C module is that it would have to be compiled. I know that this is something that has been mentioned before but was shot down because web2py wouldn't be easily accessible, modified, etc, which is the goal of web2py. Alternatively, maybe running web2oy in PyPy envi

[web2py] Re: Can/should {{super}} works even without a parent block?

2012-05-14 Thread Ross Peoples
tunately it fails too. > > So a fix is a must? > > Regards, > Ray > > On Monday, May 14, 2012 11:50:45 PM UTC+8, Ross Peoples wrote: >> >> Correction, that should be: >> {{try:}}{{super}}{{catch:pass}} >> >> >> >> On Monday, May 14, 2012

[web2py] Re: Is there anyone who running web2py application on Redhat openshift?

2012-05-15 Thread Ross Peoples
I don't know anything about openshift, but I would think the normal MySQL troubleshooting steps apply: 1. Make sure MySQL is listening on all interfaces 2. Make sure your MySQL account accepts connections from the '%' host. On Tuesday, May 15, 2012 3:55:07 AM UTC-4, JungHyun Kim wrote: >

[web2py] Re: SNI or dedicated IP.

2012-05-16 Thread Ross Peoples
I'd never heard of SNI before, but looking at the Wikipedia page for it: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Server_Name_Indication This will NOT work. The main reason being that Python 2 (which web2py runs on) does not support SNI. Python 3.2 does, however. So until there is a web3py, SNI will not be

[web2py] Re: https for login

2012-05-16 Thread Ross Peoples
You could force a redirect within web2py. I do this with most of my applications: In a model: if request.controller == 'default' and request.function == 'user': request.requires_https() This will force all user operations (login, profile, reset_password, etc) to use HTTPS. The advantage to

[web2py] Re: https for login

2012-05-16 Thread Ross Peoples
By the way, in case you are wondering, I stopped using Apache once I tried Nginx. Configuration is much easier (in my humble opinion) and it's way faster. So I've been using Nginx for all of my stuff for over 6 months now and haven't looked back. However, I still try to write my applications to

[web2py] Re: https for login

2012-05-16 Thread Ross Peoples
I only know about it because I submitted it :) We really need to open the book up for editing so that we can add these kinds of things. On Wednesday, May 16, 2012 9:22:28 AM UTC-4, Anthony wrote: > >request.requires_https() >> > > Yet another secret feature. :-) >

[web2py] Re: RFC: web2py-based workflow engine

2012-05-16 Thread Ross Peoples
Cliff, Thanks for putting this into a spec. My current code follows most of what is in there. I still haven't finished writing (or testing it), but I do have some thoughts on implementation for one or two of the items listed at the end: I imagine a "workflow_monitor" table that has the fields:

[web2py] Re: SNI or dedicated IP.

2012-05-16 Thread Ross Peoples
I wouldn't know the first thing about setting up SNI, so I would tell WebFaction that if they will do it for me and it works, then sure, I'll use SNI, otherwise stick with what you know. On Wednesday, May 16, 2012 12:14:42 PM UTC-4, Anthony wrote: > > I'd never heard of SNI before, but looking a

[web2py] Re: RFC: web2py-based workflow engine

2012-05-16 Thread Ross Peoples
The data model I already have does things a bit differently, but I think it accomplishes the same thing. I am in the process of writing all of the support methods. This is my current data model: # workflow table db.define_table('workflow', Field('name', length=50), Field('is_template',

[web2py] Re: web2py back reference and compute fields problem

2012-05-17 Thread Ross Peoples
I don't know about the "order.order_item.select()" part. Have you tried debugging the "calc" method? Insert this line right above "result = 0": import pdb; pdb.set_trace() Run the app from the console (i.e: python web2py.py -a password ...) and when the method gets called, the application should

[web2py] Re: RFC: web2py-based workflow engine

2012-05-17 Thread Ross Peoples
On Thursday, May 17, 2012 9:37:46 AM UTC-4, Cliff wrote: > > Ross, > > I understand your reasons for attaching approvals to the workflow. I do > it the other way because if a deliverable needs approval by six parties, > putting six additional steps in the flow makes things a little cluttered.

[web2py] Re: RFC: web2py-based workflow engine

2012-05-17 Thread Ross Peoples
On Thursday, May 17, 2012 3:54:44 PM UTC-4, Cliff wrote: > > Let's inject manufacturing into the order processing scenario you were > using before. It's a three step process. Step one fabricates widgets. > Step 2 attaches the widgets to widget bicarackets, purchased from another > vendor.

[web2py] Re: RFC: web2py-based workflow engine

2012-05-18 Thread Ross Peoples
Yes, thanks for the links. I was able to add parallel steps that work as you describe. I have almost finished my workflow engine. I only have a couple more methods to write before I begin writing unit tests. Thanks for all the input. I am still taking comments and suggestions, so if anyone has

[web2py] Re: What to expect in web2py 2.0

2012-05-22 Thread Ross Peoples
There may even be an experimental workflow engine in there if I can finish it in time.

Re: [web2py] Re: What to expect in web2py 2.0

2012-05-22 Thread Ross Peoples
Richard, Thanks for the offer. I *think* I'm nearly done. I'm writing some tests for it now and so far so good. If I run into any problems, I'll let you know. Ross On Tuesday, May 22, 2012 11:09:31 AM UTC-4, Richard wrote: > > Ross, > > If you need help just ask! > > Richard > >

Re: [web2py] Re: Unable to connect to mssql database

2012-05-22 Thread Ross Peoples
I have been using MSSQL from Linux for quite some time. I use FreeTDS for my driver. This is my connection string: db = DAL('mssql://user:password@server/db_name?DRIVER={FreeTDS}') If you need help setting up FreeTDS / unixODBC, let me know. I have some notes on how to set this up using a Ubunt

[web2py] Re: RFC: web2py-based workflow engine

2012-05-24 Thread Ross Peoples
Just wanted to give an update on this. I'm working on the workflow engine nearly every day. Workflow engines are complicated things with lots of pitfalls that need to be taken into account. Having said that, I am getting closer to completing it. What works: - Templates - Creating workflo

Re: [web2py] Re: RFC: web2py-based workflow engine

2012-05-25 Thread Ross Peoples
Andrew, If I'm understanding you properly, the only major difference between the business process workflow (the one I am writing) and the data integration workflow you mention is that one requires human interaction, while the other is handled by automated systems. Is that fairly accurate? If so

Re: [web2py] Re: RFC: web2py-based workflow engine

2012-05-25 Thread Ross Peoples
No, it is just a singleton module, just like Auth or Cache.

[web2py] Re: CMS idea

2011-12-12 Thread Ross Peoples
This would be great tool for moving an existing website to a web2py-based CMS. I remember having to move static HTML pages to WordPress a few years back and it was such a pain. This would be an excellent migration tool.

[web2py] Re: How to save the 'current' object to database?

2011-12-13 Thread Ross Peoples
I don't think you can because "current" is a threaded object. It contains 3 things: request, response, session. You could probably serialize much of the data contained in those three objects, however, this will be difficult because they contain functions. Web2py does a lot of this when it genera

[web2py] Re: How to save the 'current' object to database?

2011-12-13 Thread Ross Peoples
I've never used GAE before, but you would normally get the absolute path to web2py using something like this: import os from gluon.settings import global_settings web2py_path = os.path.join(global_settings.applications_parent, request.folder) Hope that helps.

Re: [web2py] production site hosting

2011-12-20 Thread Ross Peoples
There's a sticky on this somewhere, but webfaction is always recommended. There is also Google App Engine. If you would like a VPS-like host instead, then Rackspace, VPS.NET and Amazon EC2 are also options.

[web2py] Re: haml and sass

2011-12-20 Thread Ross Peoples
HamlPy is actually really cool. I've never heard or seen anything about it until now. It's like CSS syntax for making HTML so you don't have to write so much HTML code. If you can get something together to make it work with web2py, you could probably get it added to contrib.

Re: [web2py] Re: site-packages how?

2011-12-20 Thread Ross Peoples
>From my understanding, if you just plan on using 3rd party modules in a single application, then they should go into the application/modules folder. If they are going to be used in several applications, then you put them in site-packages. At least, that's how I've been doing it.

[web2py] Re: Is there any "mainstream" wysiwyg html editor in web2py world?

2011-12-20 Thread Ross Peoples
I actually wrote this one that Anthony mentions: https://bitbucket.org/PhreeStyle/web2py_ckeditor/wiki/Home It is based on the framework laid in the slice (#4) that you mention.

[web2py] Re: json with https?

2011-12-20 Thread Ross Peoples
I do it all the time. As long as you are connecting to the same server that you loaded the page from, then you are all set. This is how I normally make JSON requests: var url = '{{=URL('some.json')}}/'; jQuery.getJSON(url).success(function(data) { // finished successfully alert(data); })

[web2py] Re: haml and sass

2011-12-20 Thread Ross Peoples
That's funny :) I didn't go very deep into the haml docs. I just saw the part about: #wrapper .header Title text .body Text for the body And realized it would be quicker to write than: Title text Text for the body Wonder if we could do something like this in web2py, but make

[web2py] Need Help with Custom Form Widget (Possible web2py Bug)

2011-12-30 Thread Ross Peoples
Was recently informed of a problem with plugin_ckeditor that I have been trying to solve for a while now, but I think it may actually be a web2py bug. First of all, here is the widget: def widget(self, field, value, **attributes): """ To be used with db.table.field.widget to set

Re: [web2py] Need Help with Custom Form Widget (Possible web2py Bug)

2011-12-30 Thread Ross Peoples
Thanks Bruno! To solve it, you used CAT() instead of returning a list. I have updated my code and tested. Thanks again for the help!

[web2py] Re: redirecting python console output to web browser page

2012-01-01 Thread Ross Peoples
I use subprocess.Popen a lot to run shell commands from Python. There is no need for a specific web2py feature. This is the method I use whenever I need to call something: import subprocess def run_command(self, *args): """ Returns the output of a command as a tuple (outp

[web2py] Re: redirecting python console output to web browser page

2012-01-02 Thread Ross Peoples
Yes, you can, though it's much more difficult to stream it live to a web page. You would need to use JavaScript (comet or polling) to get the output as it is generated and display it in the browser. There are many ways to do this, but it's not the simplest thing in the world. Off the top of my

[web2py] Re: How can I reduce shell memory usage?

2012-01-02 Thread Ross Peoples
Mike, I haven't done any profiling on it, but I've had a lot of success using the multiprocessing library, importing the DAL, and using it directly without using the rest of the web2py environment. I usually accomplish this by creating a module (not model) and spinning off the other processes f

Re: [web2py] gluon.storage.Storage - No more KeyError breaks backward compatibility

2012-01-03 Thread Ross Peoples
Bruno is correct, and that's the whole point of Storage is that you don't have to test request.vars, you just call it. Alternatively, you can treat Storage just like any other dict(). For your example, there are many ways to solve the above example: if 'sort' in request.vars: sort = request

[web2py] Re: global functions in models

2012-01-04 Thread Ross Peoples
Are you having trouble with the line: auth.user.my_budgets.append(session.table_token) Or with return? I only ask because the above line assumes that the current user object has a list by the name of my_budgets. Is this list created somewhere else in the code? Also, because the user may not act

[web2py] Packaging web2py + application

2012-01-05 Thread Ross Peoples
Hello everyone, I want to make an RPM package for my application that primarily targets CentOS. I am working with version 5, which only has Python 2.4. I would like to create an RPM that packages Python 2.7, web2py, and my application. Does anyone have any experience with doing anything like th

Re: [web2py] Packaging web2py + application

2012-01-05 Thread Ross Peoples
StaticPython looks pretty cool, but there are two issues I see with this: First, my target platform is 64-bit. StaticPython is only 32-bit. Second, the RPM is a requirement. In the future, we may create a yum repo for the application for updates and things like that, so we have to use RPM from t

[web2py] Re: Packaging web2py + application

2012-01-06 Thread Ross Peoples
Thank you for the insight LightDot. When you make web2py RPMs, do you use a python setup.py file to make them, or do you manually package an RPM yourself using rpmbuild -ba web2py.spec?

Re: [web2py] Re: Is there an example? RPC between applications

2012-01-06 Thread Ross Peoples
The thing that jumps out at me in this one is that you are using an xmlrpc client, yet your URL is calling jsonrpc. Change the client connection string to:

[web2py] Re: redirecting python console output to web browser page

2012-01-10 Thread Ross Peoples
Two things: First, the "my_script.py" is the program you want to run to get output from. I just used a Python script as an example. This line could just as easily be: output, error = run_command('ls', '-l') to list all files in a directory (though you would typically use Python's os module fo

[web2py] Re: plugin badmin

2012-01-10 Thread Ross Peoples
What does it do? There's no description, just that it's an "automatic admin".

[web2py] Re: digit separator symbol for int

2012-01-10 Thread Ross Peoples
This StackOverflow question should answer it: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1823058/how-to-print-number-with-commas-as-thousands-separators-in-python-2-x The second part of the answer can help you if you are trying to add commas in a non-standard way.

[web2py] Re: setup web2py with a virtual host on apache

2012-01-10 Thread Ross Peoples
Using what Kenneth just said, are you trying to access web2py using this URL? http://domain.com:8080/ Also, are you restarting Apache every time you make a change?

[web2py] Re: One to many question

2012-01-10 Thread Ross Peoples
You might be able to do something like this to trick it into being a virtual field: db.user.account = Field.Virtual(lambda row: row.account_id) This just makes a virtual field "account" which returns the value of "account_id". This will only work with reads, though. If you try to set a value t

[web2py] Re: How do you manage your app repo with Mercurial

2012-01-10 Thread Ross Peoples
On my dev machines, I'm using SQLite, so the database is the same regardless of what machine I'm using. In your case, you could set your db.py file to detect your machine's host name and use the appropriate DAL string accordingly. For example: import socket hostname = socket.gethostname() if

[web2py] Re: setup web2py with a virtual host on apache

2012-01-10 Thread Ross Peoples
Are you trying to make http://domain.com:8080 go to localhost:8080, or are you expecting http://domain.com(:80) to go to localhost:8080?

Re: [web2py] Re: One to many question

2012-01-10 Thread Ross Peoples
Bruno, I've never tried that way before. Will that cause web2py to create a new field "account"?

[web2py] Re: setup web2py with a virtual host on apache

2012-01-10 Thread Ross Peoples
Ok, that's what I thought. You cannot do this easily. There are only two way that I know of to make this happen: configure your router to map port 80 to 8080 internally (breaking IIS), or to use an HTTP proxy. The reason being that whenever you go to a URL, it implicitly connects to port 80. And

[web2py] Re: setup web2py with a virtual host on apache

2012-01-10 Thread Ross Peoples
If you run Apache on port 80, you can setup an Apache site to proxy to another web server. For example, I have this Apache site file to forward all requests for domain2.com to another web server on the local network: ServerName domain2.com Order deny,allow Allow from a

Re: [web2py] Forwarding domain to a port

2012-01-12 Thread Ross Peoples
I actually just answered the same question the other day. See my last post in this thread: https://groups.google.com/forum/#!topic/web2py/PjqPoHnNwu4 It explains how to use Apache as a proxy to forward requests from a specific domain to another computer or another port.

[web2py] Re: Set table name

2012-01-13 Thread Ross Peoples
I don't know if anyone has tried this kind of thing before. The only idea I have right now is to alias your table objects. This MIGHT work, or might make things worse :) Either way, try this and see if it works (no promises): db.define_table('person12345', Field('name'), ) db.person = db.per

Re: [web2py] Re: priority of web2py CMS

2012-01-16 Thread Ross Peoples
I am also working on a CMS that will be a bit different than Movuca. The goal with my CMS is that I could stick an executive in front of it (someone who barely knows how to check their email), and allow them to theme their site, lay it out they way they want, and add content with a simple drag &

[web2py] Re: priority of web2py CMS

2012-01-16 Thread Ross Peoples
Not yet. Just a bunch of proof of concept ideas. I have to combine them into a workable solution, which will take some time. The good news is I've already figured out how to do it, I just have to put the work in.

[web2py] Problem with Rocket and --interfaces

2012-01-18 Thread Ross Peoples
Rocket doesn't seem to like the --interfaces parameter. This is my command line string: python web2py.py -a "" --interfaces="" When this is run, I get the following: ERROR:Rocket.Error

[web2py] Re: Is this a bug? Restrictions in model file names

2012-01-18 Thread Ross Peoples
You will find that the underscore is required for a lot file names, not just models, as using a hypen in a variable name is invalid in Python. Modules are the same way. You can't do this: import my-module The Python syntax is invalid. The same is true for models. I believe it also applies to c

[web2py] Re: TYMR - web2py social network - Invitations for this community

2012-01-18 Thread Ross Peoples
Looks very cool!

[web2py] Re: web2py with Plesk Control Panel ?

2012-01-23 Thread Ross Peoples
You can install Python 2.6 on CentOS by using the EPEL yum repository. It will leave the system's Python 2.4 installation alone, since you don't want to mess that up. The Python 2.6 name will then be "python26" instead of just "python".

[web2py] Re: How to modify the look and text of: Remember me (for 30 days)?

2012-01-24 Thread Ross Peoples
There are settings for almost everything. Sometimes the book doesn't explain every single one though. The best way to figure out what's going on is to open the "gluon/tools.py" file, and find the Auth class. This class will have all the settings listed with their default values at the top of th

[web2py] Re: google code (mercurial) problem

2012-01-24 Thread Ross Peoples
Which one are we using as the primary repo now, is it Google Code or GitHub?

[web2py] Re: Redbean-like ORM in web2py

2012-01-27 Thread Ross Peoples
I don't know about future development plans, but I can say that web2py does not use an ORM, it uses a database abstraction layer that generates the proper SQL (and NoSQL) code. Lack of an ORM is sometimes touted as a feature of web2py because ORMs are usually big, complicated, and difficult to

Re: [web2py] Web2py in large web scenarios

2012-01-27 Thread Ross Peoples
This is very good advice. I have moved many of my plugins and apps from using models to modules because of the performance gain. There is nothing wrong with the models implementation, but it's really meant to define tables and that's it. Functionality that doesn't belong in a controller should

Re: [web2py] Web2py in large web scenarios

2012-01-27 Thread Ross Peoples
One other thing I noticed after reading your question a second time: Python (Django and web2py) will run much faster than PHP in almost every case. If you needed to start passing things to PHP in order to speed things up, then you must have been using a highly-tuned PHP configuration and a very

[web2py] Usage errors printed to console

2012-01-28 Thread Ross Peoples
I pulled from trunk a week or so ago and ever since, I've been getting this every few minutes printed to the console: WARNING:web2py.cron:WEB2PY CRON Call returned code 2: -J is reserved for Jython usage: /usr/bin/python [option] ... [-c cmd | -m mod | file | -] [arg] ... Try `python -h' for more

[web2py] Re: hollywoodr.js

2012-01-30 Thread Ross Peoples
LOL. At first, I wasn't sure where this was going until I read the last line of the README.

[web2py] Re: help with js issue

2012-01-30 Thread Ross Peoples
Just wanted to add that this happens to me too, but it actually does stop. Sometimes it takes 20 seconds, sometimes it takes a minute or two, but it eventually stops without needing to kill -9. So there could be a timeout issue somewhere.

Re: [web2py] Re: help with js issue

2012-01-30 Thread Ross Peoples
Usually if I start and immediately stop, then it quits quickly. But after using the app (database activity, logout/login, etc) for a few minutes, then I start to notice the problem.

Re: [web2py] Re: help with js issue

2012-01-30 Thread Ross Peoples
Also, I am running this: python web2py.py -a password -i -p 8001 -N I have to use -N, otherwise I get a web2py cron error in the terminal every 15 to 30 minutes.

[web2py] Re: [w2py-dev] model less apps (a blog example)

2012-01-30 Thread Ross Peoples
Bruno, This is a good article. I have done something like this before. My approach was a bit different. I was using the singleton pattern, but I think it accomplishes the same goal. I would for example have a module like this: from gluon import * class MyModel(object): instance = None

Re: [web2py] Re: help with js issue

2012-01-30 Thread Ross Peoples
I was able to reproduce this a few times by doing this: Start web2py: python web2py.py -a password -i -N Navigate to the admin app from another computer (important): You will get the "admin is disabled" message. Now try to Control + C web2py. For me, it to

Re: [web2py] Re: help with js issue

2012-01-30 Thread Ross Peoples
In reference to the cron error, I posted this a couple days ago: https://groups.google.com/forum/#!searchin/web2py/ross$20peoples$20cron%7Csort:date/web2py/q4qoTTuu6zw/jo-H1LPjWB4J Also, I should mention that for the stopping problem: It's not just Mac. The previous message with instructions on

[web2py] Re: Opinions, please: best way to set up multiple apps on one site?

2012-02-02 Thread Ross Peoples
I have used the plugin approach before with success on a medium-sized app. You just have to design them properly or the plugins will rely on each other, which kind of defeats the purpose.

[web2py] Re: Opinions, please: best way to set up multiple apps on one site?

2012-02-02 Thread Ross Peoples
If they are only sharing the auth table, then it's not a big deal, since the auth tables are there by default. But plugins are meant to be completely isolated from each other, completely unaware that other plugins exist. Putting core logic (accessing data) into modules and using more generic p

[web2py] Re: Debugging in web2py

2012-02-02 Thread Ross Peoples
Run web2py from console, and put "import pdb; pdb.set_trace()" right above the line of code where you want to start debugging. From there, use "n" to go to the next line, "s" to "step into" the next line, and "c" to continue execution. Good luck!

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