
Thanks for putting this into a spec. My current code follows most of what 
is in there. I still haven't finished writing (or testing it), but I do 
have some thoughts on implementation for one or two of the items listed at 
the end:

I imagine a "workflow_monitor" table that has the fields: user_id, 
workflow_id. By default, when a workflow is started, the user that started 
gets added to this table along with the workflow they started. Using this, 
an application can design an interface that shows two lists: one listing 
workflows waiting on the user, and another listing workflows being 
monitored by the user. Templates should have to ability to set a default 
list of users or groups that automatically get added as monitoring the 
workflow. This would be great for managers to see a birds-eye view of 
everything going on for every person they manage.

Approvers should be part of the workflow, since it should not continue 
unless approved.

I'm not sure how to handle reviewers, since they don't really have any 
control over the workflow. Maybe reviewers can be marked as "monitoring", 
and when they need to comment on something, they just leave a note. For 
this, I see a "workflow_comment" table that has these fields: workflow_id, 
user_id, event_date, is_active, comment. The is_active field will be set to 
True by default. Once the comment / issue has been addressed, is_active 
gets set to False.

I could also imagine a high-level list of goals that need to be 
accomplished with the workflow, sort of like a checklist, that users mark 
as completed as the workflow moves through the system. This would probably 
satisfy a use case that exists in my current company. They currently use a 
page within a document as a "sign off" page to make sure everyone inspected 
their section of the document. Having this workflow checklist would remove 
the need for this extra page within the document.


Thanks, Ross

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