[web2py] Re: we need testers for new functionalities

2012-07-15 Thread Ron McOuat
I built a video management system on web2py for Axis cameras, currently use 1.99.7 but tested latest trunk with no problems. I did not adapt to the new layout of menu system as of yet so am reporting an app developed before the additions for version 2.0 did not break. Ron

[web2py] Re: Major speed improvement need testers

2012-08-18 Thread Ron McOuat
I tried to convert but use the _and= portion of requires to help not get duplicate entries in the many to many link tables I use. An example Field('server_id', 'reference servers', requires = IS_IN_DB(db, 'servers.id', '%(hostname)s', _and = IS_NOT_IN_DB(db(db.site_servers.site_id==request.

[web2py] Re: IMPORTANT - NEED HELP: more speed improvements to be tested

2012-08-26 Thread Ron McOuat
Massimo, I am happy to report nothing is broken with a trunk hg pull as of Sunday Aug 26th morning a few minutes before writing this. The app I wrote is a video management platform for Axis cameras running on Linux. A lot of the code is outside web2py, but I use web2py for the user interface

[web2py] Re: IMPORTANT - NEED HELP: more speed improvements to be tested

2012-08-27 Thread Ron McOuat
Thanks Anthony, this really helped confirm the lazy_tables=True is working as expected. On average I am using 8 to 10 tables out of 30 total per request depending on the URL visited. Here is the relevant output from httpserver.log when I ran the application through a sequence of operations. Th

[web2py] Re: IMPORTANT - NEED HELP: more speed improvements to be tested

2012-08-28 Thread Ron McOuat
e more tables than you need. > > For example using Field('',db.auth_user) forces db.auth_user even if > not needed. Field('','reference auth_user') will keep it lazy. > > On Monday, 27 August 2012 19:27:27 UTC-5, Ron McOuat wrote: >> >&g

[web2py] Re: upgrade ubuntu to 12.04.1

2012-09-01 Thread Ron McOuat
I moved to 12.04 not long after it came out. PostgreSQL will require migration to 9.1 which for me was painless. I have not had any problems with 15 systems running web2py under apache2 with PostgreSQL as the database. Ron On Thursday, 30 August 2012 00:55:07 UTC-7, andrej burja wrote: > > hi

Re: [web2py] Re: Scaling web2py

2012-04-08 Thread Ron McOuat
Bruce, It might help, maybe not, but Pragmatic Programmers has a book called SQL AntiPatterns with Chapter 3 dedicated to tree structures in databases http://pragprog.com/book/bksqla/sql-antipatterns They show several alternatives to the usual starting point of adjacency lists to describe tre

Re: [web2py] CPU 210%

2012-04-17 Thread Ron McOuat
I ran across newrelic.com which offers profiling for Python web apps amongst several other environments. I did a search on the web2py users list and found a few threads about a problem using LIKE % values with PostgreSQL but it appears to have been resolved. It looks like it might help with ide

[web2py] Re: auth.settings.create_user_groups and auth.settings.registration_requires_verification in Auth

2012-04-17 Thread Ron McOuat
If you do a drop db followed by a create db you should remove the files under applicatios/app_name/databases Ron

[web2py] Re: Memory leak in standalone DAL (issue #731), can you please help test?

2012-04-19 Thread Ron McOuat
I just tried on OSX Lion and the problem is reproduced there. The RSIZE in top increases to about 1GB in less than a minute. The Python version on Lion is 2.7.1 I can also reproduce on Ubuntu 10.04.4 which is Python 2.6.5 Ron On Thursday, 19 April 2012 10:23:50 UTC-7, nick name wrote: > > On

[web2py] Cannot log in with Opera

2012-04-24 Thread Ron McOuat
Do you have cookies disabled on Opera? I had a user with the same symptoms on IE and that is what they had done.

[web2py] Re: Rocket server truncating long responses

2012-06-26 Thread Ron McOuat
I was getting this in a reproducible way some months ago and all I had to do was move from the local LAN where it works to over an IPSec tunnel from the office which would be over the WAN where it did not work. The truncation result was more chaotic in my case, mostly Javascript files were chop

[web2py] Web2py - internet explorer - admin login fails -

2012-07-08 Thread Ron McOuat
If cookies are disabled in the browser login will fail. Ron

[web2py] Re: delete query translation

2013-01-14 Thread Ron McOuat
Change the == on the field tests to single = db((tableA.field1='x') & (tableA.field3==TableB.field2) & (TableB.field3=y)).delete() Ron if you do db((tableA.field1=='x') & (tableA.field3==TableB.field2) & > (TableB.field3==y)).delete() it doesn't work -- too many tables selected. > I also trie

[web2py] Re: Auth login with Firefox

2013-01-19 Thread Ron McOuat
This happens if cookies are disabled in a browser but you mention the welcome app works okay for login so that wouldn't be the cause. On Friday, 18 January 2013 16:59:53 UTC-8, villas wrote: > > Can't figure it out so I shall rebuild the app on top of the latest > welcome. That seems to work ok

[web2py] Re: LinuxJournal web development poll

2013-01-20 Thread Ron McOuat
You can write in your preference under Other, a text box opens when it is selected. On Sunday, 20 January 2013 01:38:31 UTC-8, rif wrote: > > http://m.linuxjournal.com/content/web-development-poll > > Most of my prefernces were not listed... > --

[web2py] Re: Replace default /register and /login views

2013-02-17 Thread Ron McOuat
The controller and function map to a view file so controller default and function user have used up those 2 levels of default view file definition. You could set response.view = "path to html" in the user function of the default controller depending on arg(0) being login or register. Ron On S

[web2py] How can I avoid 2 different users to run the same function at the same time?

2013-03-04 Thread Ron McOuat
One possibility is to use a lock file. Look for portalocker.py in the gluon directory and the Session class which uses portalocker.py for use. Needing this functionality should be rare, multiple requests run on different threads so no collisions in the controller should occur. The database shoul

[web2py] Re: web2py and timezones

2013-03-17 Thread Ron McOuat
Hi Massimo, I had to deal with this in an application I have been working on but it does not run on web2py, it is a service process under the web interface part of the application which is web2py based. There is a slight problem with making it a session variable which is a form of caching becau

[web2py] Re: web2py 2.3.1?

2012-12-05 Thread Ron McOuat
I use lazy tables so all the foreign keys in my model are defined with forward reference syntax. I am using PostgreSQL for the database. I have to qualify that the schema is unchanged and the tables are as they were before trying trunk. Previous version in use was 2.2.1. The application I am wo

[web2py] NEWINSTALL not working

2012-12-15 Thread Ron McOuat
I did a clean install and ran it as python web2py.py and the NEWINSTALL file remained and welcome.w2p was not created. On Ubuntu 12.04 web2py 2.3.1 Ron --

[web2py] Re: NEWINSTALL not working

2012-12-16 Thread Ron McOuat
Created issue 1225 http://code.google.com/p/web2py/issues/detail?id=1225 --

[web2py] Re: NEWINSTALL not working

2012-12-17 Thread Ron McOuat
Tested with a clean install of trunk, fixed. Thanks On Monday, 17 December 2012 06:51:04 UTC-8, Massimo Di Pierro wrote: > > 1225 was just fixed! > > On Monday, 17 December 2012 03:44:00 UTC-6, Andrew W wrote: >> >> Thanks > > --

[web2py] Re: Firewalls, restrictions and appending to two tables

2012-12-18 Thread Ron McOuat
The error traceback is saying the connection to the database could not be opened. The problem should be in the model file that has db=DAL(.), the first parameter is the connection information. If the database is on another machine and a firewall is in the way you won't have any ability to

[web2py] Re: Merry Christmas everybody!

2012-12-24 Thread Ron McOuat
+1 Ron McOuat On Monday, 24 December 2012 10:22:00 UTC-8, Massimo Di Pierro wrote: > > Merry Christmas everybody! > --

[web2py] Re: book 4th edition in PDF

2011-12-16 Thread Ron McOuat
Worked for me Ron

[web2py] Record Versioning

2011-12-17 Thread Ron McOuat
Might not be a problem but the table mpn has a field with the same name mpn and the problem goes away if the archive portion of onaccept is removed.

[web2py] Re: Possibly bug with insert

2012-02-13 Thread Ron McOuat
It is like the sequence for that primary key has started over with a reset to initial value since the key value that causes the exception is 1. To do that I would think you would have to tweak the sequence with psql while there is data in the table. Ron

[web2py] Re: import_from_csv_file broken

2012-02-15 Thread Ron McOuat
If you did this from a shell using the -S and -M web2py.py options then the code must do a db.commit() as part of the program flow. A request through the web server has commit and rollback operations embedded in the request processing transaction management. Ron

Re: [web2py] Re: import_from_csv_file broken

2012-02-16 Thread Ron McOuat
Looked in the DAL section of the manual, looks like you need to open the file and supply the File object as the parameter to db.table.import_from_csv(...) You can serialize a single table in CSV and store it in a file "test.csv": 1. >>> open('test.csv', 'w').write(str(db(db.person.id).select(

[web2py] Re: pg8000: ProgrammingError: ('ERROR', '42P07', 'relation "auth_user" already exists')

2012-03-15 Thread Ron McOuat
I believe that any time the database connection string is changed then the hash in front of the .table file names changes in the databases directory. I noticed this just trying to change the database password because I wanted it different at another physical location of the application I work o

[web2py] Re: web2py file location

2012-03-27 Thread Ron McOuat
Have you done a right click on web2py.app and then Show Contents from the pop up menu. You should see a Contents directory which you can now explore.

[web2py] Re: More Twitter fun...

2012-03-30 Thread Ron McOuat
Love it hehe

[web2py] Re: offtopic : beautiful code

2013-07-22 Thread Ron McOuat
Thanks, good material. -- --- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "web2py-users" group. To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an email to web2py+unsubscr...@googlegroups.com. For more options, visit https://groups.google.

Re: [web2py] Re: exact syntax for compute example

2013-11-17 Thread Ron McOuat
Yes, a Python feature called string formatting http://docs.python.org/2/library/stdtypes.html#string-formatting-operations r['first_name'] and r['last_name'] are processed by their str function because of the %s in "%s %s" the format specifier. The standalone % is the operator specifying string

[web2py] Re: HELP with bootstrap 3

2014-02-23 Thread Ron McOuat
I found this on Stack Overflow http://stackoverflow.com/questions/16214326/bootstrap-dropdown-with-hover ul.nav li.dropdown:hover ul.dropdown-menu { display: block; } and I find this solution using CSS in the .css file under welcome named static/css/web2py_bootstrap_nojs.css but not in any o

[web2py] Re: managing project source

2015-11-28 Thread Ron McOuat
If you are on a Linux or OS X system then I put the application code in another area of the file system and use a symlink from the web2py applications direcory to the directory where the application code is located. When a web2py update is unpacked I copy the symlinks from theaplications direct

[web2py] Re: Bug / Dumb Question a = b= []

2015-12-09 Thread Ron McOuat
Are you sure you want to do that? a = b = [] binds a and b to the same empty list object so whatever you do to a will also appear in b because they both reference the same list object. Assignment does not create a new object, it simply binds a variable name on the left to the object on the rig

[web2py] Re: Favorite debuggers?

2014-07-15 Thread Ron McOuat
I most often use print statements which have to be removed for running under Apache for example. Alternative is to use the logging facility. Because of the nature of web requests timing out there isn't much time to be spent in an interactive debugger. If there is a module it can be tested with

[web2py] Format specification for chained one to many

2014-10-29 Thread Ron McOuat
I have a model where roads are the base table. In a one to many relation I have intersection addresses and each address has many pieces of equipment. Model looks like this # Road table, some winding roads are both street and avenue db.define_table('road', Field('name', 'string', length=32, u

[web2py] Re: Kendo UI

2014-10-30 Thread Ron McOuat
Since AngularJS came up in this thread, I thought I would point to this article. Not to be off topic, but there are some users here of this package and this is information that will have to be considered by them moving forward. http://jaxenter.com/angular-2-0-announcement-backfires-112127.html

[web2py] Re: Format specification for chained one to many

2014-10-31 Thread Ron McOuat
Thanks Anthony, that worked. For some reason lambdas still confuse me, I need to work on that. In terms of the model I didn't show all the fields, there are mid block addresses as well. I am thinking the best way forward is to denormalize the road table into the address table and put the values

[web2py] Re: web2py + OSM (OpenStreetMap) integration?

2014-11-06 Thread Ron McOuat
To do this on the server in Python this might help http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Osmapi I haven't used it myself but starting to look at this for an application. On Thursday, 6 November 2014 03:39:55 UTC-8, nick name wrote: > > Is there an example of using web2py together with OSM, similar

[web2py] Re: web2py 2.9.12 is OUT

2015-01-18 Thread Ron McOuat
Downloaded the source package, unzipped, put in the two symlinks for the apps and updated any files in the apps derived from the scaffolding. Tested one app developed 2 years ago, another I am working on, all is good. Thank you, Ron -- Resources: - http://web2py.com - http://web2py.com/book

[web2py] Re: Cockroach DB

2017-04-21 Thread Ron McOuat
Database survives outages like the bug colony survives in life. Interesting analogy but the bug is still repulsive. On Wednesday, 12 April 2017 04:43:48 UTC-7, Massimo Di Pierro wrote: > > Interesting... bad name > > On Tuesday, 11 April 2017 07:40:38 UTC-5, mcm wrote: >> >> This seems a real bar

[web2py] Re: OS X Permissions question: echo works in ../web2py but not ../web2py/applications?

2015-10-20 Thread Ron McOuat
OS X El Capitan or 10.11.X no longer has a Repair Permissions option in Disk Utility. Apple says they protect the system files and it is no lobger needed. On Tuesday, 20 October 2015 09:07:00 UTC-7, Massimo Di Pierro wrote: > > I do not know but you do seem to have permissions to write in that f