In the view I just added {{=form}} and {{=BEAUTIFY(dogs)}}, just to
see the result of the function.
When I try to run the function, I receive the following error:
Traceback (most recent call last
In the view I just added {{=form}} and {{=BEAUTIFY(dogs)}}, just to
see the result of the function.
When I try to run the function, I receive the following error:
I had already try with the nightly built for testers version, but not
with trunk.
Thank you very much!
On 27 dic, 14:01, mdipierro wrote:
> this has been fixed in trunk. I will post a new version soon.
> On Dec 27, 7:03 am, Lisandro wrote:
> > I've been working
Hi everyone.
I'm customizing my authentication and access control system (following
the instructions from the web2py website and some examples of this
I've renamed my auth_user table with the following:
auth.settings.table_user_name = 'ciudadanos'
Then I renamed the fields "first_name" an
> but you can still reference it only by its name ['first_name', 'last_name'].
> On Wed, Dec 29, 2010 at 2:44 PM, Lisandro wrote:
> > Hi everyone.
> > I'm customizing my authentication and access control system (fo
le = False and just don't use them.
> More about
> customizing:http://www.web2py.com/book/default/chapter/08#Customizing-Auth
> hope this one helps
> Marin
> On Wed, Dec 29, 2010 at 9:02 PM, Lisandro wrote:>
> Thanks for the quickly answer. Though, I really nee
> auth.settings.register_onvalidation.append(sync_fields)
> auth.settings.profile_onvalidation.append(sync_fields)
> This works for me. Not sure if that's what you want.
> Marin
> On Thu, Dec 30, 2010 at 8:28 PM, Lisandro wrote:
> > Thanks fo
I downloaded web2py (1.91.6) and executed the development server.
I edited the "welcome" app:
First, I installed the plugin "plugin_wiki" in the "welcome" app.
Second, I edited the db.py, adding the following line (every other
thing stays as default):
> modify plugin_wiki to take care of this case more gracefully.
> On Jan 10, 2:00 pm, Lisandro wrote:
> > I downloaded web2py (1.91.6) and executed the development server.
> > I edited the "welcome" app:
> > First, I installed the plugin "plugin_
I have the following model:
db.define_table('ciudadanos', Field('tipo'),
Field('nro_documento'), Field('valor'))
In the view, the following line shows the jqgrid with all the fields
of the table (including "id" field):
{{=plugin_wiki.widget('jqgrid', db.ciudadanos)}}
The jqgrid shows fine
> Richard
> 2011/1/11 Kenneth Lundström
> > If I remember correctly the Id field has to be included but you can hide
> > it?
> > Kenneth
> > - Ursprungsme
I've succesfully implemented postgresql fulltext search (or at least a
basic implementation).
In the model I have:
from gluon.dal import SQLCustomType
tsv = SQLCustomType(type='text', native='tsvector')
db.define_table('anuncios', Field('titulo', 'string'), Field('tsv', tsv))
Then I manually cre
Hi Carlos. I have the exact same problem. The bug was introduced in
version 1.92.1. I downloaded the previous version (1.91.6) and
everything worked ok.
¿Can anyone help us to solve this bug? Thanks in advance.
On 21 feb, 20:29, Carlos wrote:
> Hi,
> When I use SQLFORM.factory with an 'upload
Hi Carlos.
Your solution worked perfectly. Though, I think this is a bug that has
to be fixed in next version.
On 23 feb, 19:28, Carlos wrote:
> Hi Lisandro,
> A workaround is to manually assign the following 'uploadfolder' value for
> the '
What I need: to set a flag first time user hits the index in the session.
My code is really simple:
def index():
if not session.myvariable:
session.myvariable = True
response.flash = 'I just wrote myvariable'
response.flash = 'myvariable is %s' %session.my
> 1) your browser has cookies disabled (so sessions are re-issued at every
> request)
> 2) there is a proxy in between that deletes session cookies
> 3) there is something in your code that prevents saving of sessions, for
> example session._forget()
I'm having the same problem.
I have a general email template wich receives some context variables. I
want to use that same template for sending the "verify_email", but can't
figure it out.
Any example? Thanks in advance.
El miércoles, 24 de abril de 2013 13:39:10 UTC-3, Cristoffer Fairweather
Does somebody achieved this? I'm trying to use a custom html template for
auth.messages.verify_email but I can't get it to work.
I tried with str.format() for using the second level of interpolation (as
Jonathan suggested) but the error is the same:
unsupported format character '!' (0x21) at i
I'm having a similar problem with KeyError: 'email'.
I have a site in production that uses oauth2 and offers the possibility of
register/login using personal facebook account.
I created a Facebook app and set permissions to get user's email (so I can
create the account on my site). Everything w
n to your site and login, facebook lets them (because they have
> before), but does not give you the email address. i have not confirmed
> this theory, but it's my running theory.
> other potential issue is the expiration of the facebook access token.
> those rules changed t
(very few times), the browser
gets stuck asking for login.
I cannot reproduce the problem, but in some rare ocasions, the user cannot
login anymore (the browser keeps asking email and password, and the user
needs to delete all cookies in order to login again).
If you consider that isn
not web2py specific.
I appreciate your time.
Now I will take a look into CORS, and make some tests.
El martes, 31 de mayo de 2016, 10:12:24 (UTC-3), Niphlod escribió:
> afaik cookies can't be sent to multiple domains. CORS is needed. IMHO it's
> correc
> instead?
> Anthony
> On Tuesday, May 31, 2016 at 8:46:45 AM UTC-4, Lisandro wrote:
>> I have *two web2py apps that share the same db, and they also share the
>> se
in state;
- setting cache.model=None when the user is logged-in;
- using a different prefix for logged in users;
But the problem remains: after logging in, the user need to hit F5 in order
to see the other view.
As always, I will appreciate any help on this.
Regards, Lisandro
- ht
to figure out if there is an alternative.
El lunes, 6 de junio de 2016, 10:26:35 (UTC-3), Lisandro escribió:
> I need to decorate a controller function with @cache.action in order to
> have two different versions of the rendered view: one for logged-in users
> and another one for n
Although, this is not bullet proof: the user may still clic a link to a
page that is in his local cache, so there is no way to avoid that.
For this case and what I needed, the solution is acceptable.
As always, thankyou very much Niphlod for your time.
I wanted to post my solution just in
I'm having trouble to avoid caching pages that returned anything else than
HTTP 200.
Consider the following simple example:
@cache.action(time_expire=300, cache_model=cache.redis, session=False, vars=
False, public=True, valid_statuses=[200])
def index():
raise HTTP(503)
When I hit the URL
I'm having this strange problem, and I would like to know if it is a web2py
bug or is something that I'm missing.
My web2py app is accesed through a domain, and in the model file, I connect
to the db and to the session like this:
db = DAL('postgres:.', migrate=False, lazy_tables=True)
> I'm not sure what the actual problem is, but what leads you to believe it
> has anything to do with cookies?
> On Tuesday, August 16, 2016 at 7:08:00 PM UTC-4, Lisandro wrote:
>> I'm having this strange problem, and I would like to know if it is a
t the cause
of the problem. I hope to find it soon!
Sorry to bother.
Thanks for your time.
Regards, Lisandro.
El miércoles, 17 de agosto de 2016, 8:36:00 (UTC-3), Lisandro escribió:
> Anthony, my first thought was about the cookies session, but I was wrong.
> I've just tried di
that lead me to the solution:
Thanks for your time!
El martes, 16 de agosto de 2016, 20:08:00 (UTC-3), Lisandro escribió:
> I'm having this strange pr
n add a try: except: block, however I was wondering how to
reproduce the error, I wasn't able to do it.
Any help will be appreciated.
Thanks in advance!
- http://web2py.com
- http://web2py.com/book (Documentation)
- http://github.com/web2py/web2py (Sour
> On Monday, September 12, 2016 at 3:12:50 PM UTC+2, Lisandro wrote:
>> Hi there!
>> I have a simple view with a form (with GET method), in order to allow my
>> visitors to do some search.
>> The controller/function that processes the get is this:
webservice = ServerProxy('https://mydomain.com/ws/call/jsonrpc') #
notice it uses https
result = webservice.test('whatever')
return result
I can confirm that the app that runs the webservice is navigable through
https with no problem at all.
Do I need to
packages on my server (where the error is being
Can anyone point me in some direction?
I'm pretty lost here. Some python library has been updated and it isn't
working properly, but I don't know how to find the problem :/
El domingo, 25 de septiembre de 2016, 18:27:35 (UTC
I've already contacted my server provider to solve this. In the
meanwhile, I just added the correct IP/domain to /etc/hosts and problem
Sorry for the bother!
El domingo, 25 de septiembre de 2016, 19:59:45 (UTC-3), Lisandro escribió:
> I've found out that it has not
in the call to connect to the
webservice, or in every call to any method of the webservice).
What would be the correct approach?
Thanks in advance.
- http://web2py.com
- http://web2py.com/book (Documentation)
- http://github.com/web2py/web2py (Source code)
AttributeError: 'str' object has no attribute 'register_script'
Any ideas on how to solve it?
I'm a bit lost. I've tried instantiating RedisCache with_lock=False but the
error is the same.
Thanks in advance!
es, 28 de septiembre de 2016, 11:52:22 (UTC-3), Marlysson Silva
> Try look whether a instance of Redis return a type of redis , it is like
> that redis connection are failing and returning a string intead redis
> object. I Think.
> Em quarta-feira, 28 de setembro de 2016
ssl (previously
unavailable)? pass the relevant ssl, ssl_keyfile, etc etc etc to RConn"
My app is served with nginx through HTTPS, so I think I would have to pass
those parameters to RConn.
Does anyone have a working example about that?
El miércoles, 28 de septiembre de 2016, 12:54:13 (UTC-3
use them.
If my app is served through HTTPS, do I need to pass those parameters to
RConn? Do I need to generate those certificates locally?
If that's the case, is there any example that can help me?
Thanks in advance!
El sábado, 2 de enero de 2016, 20:44:15 (UTC-3), Niphl
from gluon.contrib.redis_utils import RConn
rconn = RConn('localhost', 6379)
cache.redis = RedisCache(redis_conn=rconn, with_lock=True)
Thanks for your time, sorry for the bother!
El miércoles, 28 de septiembre de 2016, 18:39:25 (UTC-3), Niphlod escribió:
suggested solution is more than enough for me, so I'll proceed
with that.
Thank you both for your time!
Best regards,
El miércoles, 28 de septiembre de 2016, 18:42:04 (UTC-3), Niphlod escribió:
> jwt is the emerging standard for apis and such, but if the usage is
> all
Hi there!
I have a web2py application running, it's been running for a long time, it
is a website that serves hundreds of thousands of visits per day, and
everything works really good.
However, everyonce in a while (let's say, every 3-4 days) an error ticket
is generated with this traceback:
line is 971? Are you sure you re-compiled the app after making the
> code change?
> On Tuesday, December 20, 2016 at 6:38:07 AM UTC-5, Lisandro wrote:
>> Hi there!
>> I have a web2py application running, it's been running for a long time,
>> it is a website th
n the compiled view (not in a module),
> indicating a call to the URL() function on that line.
> On Tuesday, December 20, 2016 at 1:33:18 PM UTC-5, Lisandro wrote:
>> Thanks for the quick answer.
>> Yes, I have automated my app with a function; it sets the app in
> On Tuesday, December 20, 2016 at 6:31:37 PM UTC-5, Lisandro wrote:
>> Thank you all for the help.
>> @Anthony, sorry my ignorance, I was looking in the wrong place (looking
>> in the module, asuming the error was triggered there).
>> Consi
maybe some
unicode character is leaking into the slug? It shouldn't be the case,
because if it was, then the error would be raised constantly, but it is
sporadic :/
El jueves, 22 de diciembre de 2016, 18:25:59 (UTC-3), Dave S escribió:
> On Thursday, December 22, 2016 at
d and reviewed every "title" occurence in my code, but it's
never used as a query var for URL.
Anyway, please let me know if this problem is very app specific, and I will
no longer bother here :P
Meanwhile, I'll keep collecting more of these tickets.
Thank you very much!
em non-compiled.
However I will try to run a couple of instances non-compiled, to see if the
error ticket says something else.
As usual, thanks a lot for the help!
I'll post again when I have news.
El sábado, 24 de diciembre de 2016, 23:59:34 (UTC-3), Anthony e
OMG! Anthony you really rock man!!
Thanks **a lot**
That's exactly what's going on, and it explains the error being so sporadic.
Definitely, I'll transform the request.get_vars before passing it to URL()
in order to avoid the error.
May I ask how did you figure out? I mean, did you already know
I'm using RedisCache, and I've seen that web2py adds a prefix to all the
keys I store in the cache.
For example, if I have an application called "master" and I do this:
config = cache.redis('config', lambda: initialize_config(), time_expire=
... then the actual key used to store the dat
ny** experience in regular expresions. So I was wondering if
someone could give me a hand on this, maybe sharing some examples of
similar cases.
Thanks in advance! Regards, Lisandro.
- http://web2py.com
- http://web2py.com/book (Documentation)
- http://github.com/web2py/web2py
site, but homepage isn't different for logged in
users, only thing that's different is topbar showing the name of logged in
user. Is it still possible to use @cache.action?
Thanks in advance. Regards, Lisandro.
- http://web2py.com
- http://web2py.com/book (Documentatio
El martes, 18 de marzo de 2014 09:30:34 UTC-3, Anthony escribió:
> - How can I verify when the html was actually retrieved from the cache? I
>> tried coding a "print request.now" in the view, but that sentence is
>> executed everytime I hit the site's homepage, so I deduce that the code
>> th
se for it (i.e., the need to cache only the output of the
> function, but not the entire rendered HTML due to user-specific data on
> each page).
I'll do it today, thanks again for the help! Regards, Lisandro.
> Anthony
- http://web2py.com
- http
I can't get to work a fresh installation of web2py using postgresql
database, it fails trying to connect to the database.
I have a new fresh installation of Ubuntu 14.04 + PostgreSQL 9.3.10 +
Web2py 2.12.3
I've created the role "mytest" to login (in postgres), and I've created the
database "myt
I'm pulling my hair off with this :P
My app serves a news website. The database is in postgresql, and I'm using
redis for caching resulting views.
I have a controller/function that renders the view of an article.
Everything works great. In fact, I have an exact same copy of the app
running for
Could you solve it? I'm having the same issue. The controller/function
hangs until nginx closes the socket.
The problem is with one particular controller/function that access one only
record of the database and renders a view. More specifically, the problem
appears only with specific db records
gi, same web2py version, same routes.py), and here in my laptop
it does throw the 500 error. Don't know why in the server hangs until
El martes, 15 de diciembre de 2015, 13:30:54 (UTC-3), Lisandro escribió:
> Could you solve it? I'm having the same issue. The controlle
gi, same web2py version, same routes.py), and here in my laptop
it does throw the 500 error. Don't know why in the server hangs until
El martes, 15 de diciembre de 2015, 11:23:58 (UTC-3), Lisandro escribió:
> I'm pulling my hair off with this :P
> My app serv
will post reslts here.
El viernes, 18 de diciembre de 2015, 5:26:09 (UTC-3), Massimo Di Pierro
> kudos for finding the solution yourself and posting the solution here.
> On Tuesday, 15 December 2015 11:53:35 UTC-6, Lisandro wrote:
>> I've found
I'm seeing this traceback error when I try to run a function defined in a
Traceback (most recent call last): File "/var/www/medios/gluon/scheduler.py"
, line 295, in executor _env = env(a=a, c=c, import_models=True) File
"/var/www/medios/gluon/shell.py", line 166, in env sys.exit(1) Syste
s an explicit application_name parameter
> (by default is current.request.application/current.request.controller)
> which executes models/* and models/controller_name but not
> models/other_controller_name
> On Tuesday, January 12, 2016 at 5:50:52 PM UTC+1, Lisandro wrote:
uest.env.cmd_options.scheduler and request.env.cmd_options.shell.
> Anthony
> On Wednesday, January 13, 2016 at 9:44:13 AM UTC-5, Lisandro wrote:
>> Thanks for the answer.
>> I've found that one of my models does a conditional check on request
>> object.
3 errors will still return a static
html file, but error 500 and other types of errors will be processed by
This *works perfectly if the error is thrown from mainapp* (that is, the
one that also handles the error).
*But when an error occurs inside app1, app2 or ap
ve the application mainapp, it's
not necessary to include it in the url.
However, it's good to consider that, on error, the user will be redirected
to other domain, I don't like the idea too much. But that's another story.
El jueves, 3 de marzo de 2016, 11:25:12 (UTC-
Yes in deed! Thanks for the heads up!
El jueves, 3 de marzo de 2016, 11:49:52 (UTC-3), Anthony escribió:
> routes_onerror = []
>> for app in apps:
>> for code in ['403', '404', '503']:
>> routes_onerror.append((r'%s/%s' % (app, code), r
>> '/%s/static/%s.html' % (app, code)))
[2] https://developers.sparkpost.com/api/
Thanks in advance!
Regards, Lisandro.
- http://web2py.com
- http://web2py.com/book (Documentation)
- http://github.com
n my controller, checking for request.post_vars returns False.
What am I missing?
El lunes, 7 de marzo de 2016, 13:19:17 (UTC-3), Anthony escribió:
> request.vars, request.post_vars, and request.get_vars are properties (and
> their values are filled in lazily upon first access), so they are ignored
> if you want to receive that post, you need to read the request.body() and
> parse the json accordingly.
> On Monday, March 7, 2016 at 5:51:53 PM UTC+1, Lisandro wrote:
>> Thanks for the tip.
>> I've done some tests, and I've foun
I have an html file template, and I would like to render it with some
Normally I would do somethink like this:
response.render('path/to/template.html', dict=(var1='value1', var2='value2'
*However, I need to do it from scheduler environment, so there is no
response object present*.
I've figured it out, this is the way:
from gluon.template import render
Sorry to bother :P
El martes, 15 de marzo de 2016, 7:34:28 (UTC-3), Lisandro escribió:
> I have an html file template, and I would like to render it with some
> variables.
> Normally I would do so
do it that way.
I would appreciate any comment or advise on this, if any.
Thanks again!
El jueves, 17 de marzo de 2016, 14:42:48 (UTC-3), Anthony escribió:
> On Thursday, March 17, 2016 at 1:08:49 PM UTC-4, Lisandro wrote:
>> Straight to the point:
>> I'm usin
Of course, I wouldn't have methods available at the row level, but I don't
use them in this case.
El jueves, 17 de marzo de 2016, 20:17:49 (UTC-3), Anthony escribió:
> See
> http://web2py.com/books/default/chapter/29/06/the-database-abstraction-layer#on_define
On Thursday, March 17, 2016 at 1:53:43 PM UTC-4, Lisandro wrote:
>> Thank you very much for the quick answer.
>> Your first comment made me think about the "lazy_tables" with the
>> definition of virtual method fields.
>> If you say that doing db.tab
when calling
El jueves, 17 de marzo de 2016, 15:27:22 (UTC-3), Lisandro escribió:
> Oh I see! So I can define the virtual/method fields that way, and then it
> does make sense to keep using lazy_tables. Completely missed that point.
> Thank you very much!
Straight to the point:
I'm using *lazy_tables=True* and *migrate=False*
*In my model, I have several Method Fields.*
Some of them use a function that is declared inside the same model, like
db.auth_user.give_me_data = Field.Method(lambda row: _give_me_data(row.
def _give_me_d
I have a virtual method field, and its associated function is defined
inside a module.
That function imports another function defined in another module.
And that last function also imports another module.
The virtual method function works ok when I call it from a controller
However, i
line that throwed the
error doesn't have anything to do with the new application installed by the
Anyway, It's solved now, but I cannot say why :/
El jueves, 21 de abril de 2016, 8:48:06 (UTC-3), Lisandro escribió:
> I have a virtual method field, and its associated
the account that hangs and forces me to
create a totally different new account?
Any comment or suggestion will be much apreciated.
Thanks in advance.
- http://web2py.com
- http://web2py.com/book (Documentation)
- http://github.com/web2py/web2py (Source code)
- http
I store the sessions in the database, so there is no problem with a locked
I've just found something interesting that could help to figure out: when
the problem presents, I checked the pg_stat_activity in postgres to see if
there was a long running query, and there is indeed. But the quer
really low.
I'm pretty lost here, so any help or suggestion will be appreciated.
Thanks in advance.
[1] https://groups.google.com/forum/#!topic/web2py/o0FBeimrr5c
- http://web2py.com
- http://web2py.com/book (Documentation)
- http://github.com/
nt. Today we just had two more of those
cases. This is the new topic I posted:
El jueves, 5 de abril de 2018, 12:55:26 (UTC-3), Anthony escribió:
> On Tuesday, April 3, 2018 at 8:43:31 AM UTC-4, Lisandro wrot
Hi Anthony, again, thank you very much for your time, I really appreciate
El jueves, 5 de abril de 2018, 17:52:36 (UTC-3), Anthony escribió:
> On Thursday, April 5, 2018 at 2:57:20 PM UTC-4, Lisandro wrote:
>> Thank you Anthony, yes I'm aware of that.
cquires an access share lock on the involved tables, so this
> should be happening on all requests. However, access share locks do not
> conflict with each other, so I don't think these locks are necessarily the
> source of your problem.
> Anthony
> On Thursday, Apri
r message here if I
find something that could signal the root cause of the issue.
Thank you very much for your help!
El viernes, 6 de abril de 2018, 16:05:13 (UTC-3), Anthony escribió:
> On Friday, April 6, 2018 at 10:58:56 AM UTC-4, Lisandro wrote:
>> Yes, in fact, I
the session keys.
I've tried a similar code to the one showed above, replacing this:
prefix = 'w2p:sess:%s' % application
cache_set = 'w2p:sess:%s:id_idx' % application
But that doesn't work. Is it possible to achieve what I want? Any
suggestion will be much
x27;m not sure why the deleted keys remain in Redis with a negative TTL, but
I presume this is because redis server would be doing some automatically
cleaning once every time, deleting definitively those keys with negative
Thanks again!
El miércoles, 11 de abril de 201
ection unexpectedly
This probably means the server terminated abnormally
before or while processing the request.
Could this indicate that for some reason web2py is failing to store the
Or could it still be that a deadlock in my app code is producing this error?
El viern
d I'll try to leave the account there
to do some tests.
Thank you very much for your time!
El lunes, 16 de abril de 2018, 17:31:47 (UTC-3), Anthony escribió:
> Where is the database server running? Is it possible there are occasional
> network problems connecting to it?
r identical calls work
properly (and they are all identical, just calls to connect to the
- Just in case, I've checked that my nginx configuration isn't applying
requests limits to my server IP or something like that, but no warning or
error regarding this is s
why it worked with a new account, that is because the new
account had a different auth.user.id, so the key to store in redis was
Could this be a bug in the redis_cache.py integration?
Maybe I should open a new thread about this, right?
El jueves, 19 de abril de 2018, 10:27:46 (UTC-3
> Anthony
> On Friday, April 20, 2018 at 7:28:28 AM UTC-4, Lisandro wrote:
>> Sorry to bother you again with this, but I think I've found the problem.
>> *The problem is apparently with Redis integration. *It had nothing to d
;s not my case, so I'm tempted to change it to
False, but I'm not sure about the decision. If you have any experience or
suggestion about that, I'll appreciate you comment about it.
Thanks again.
El viernes, 20 de abril de 2018, 12:19:11 (UTC-3), Anthony escri
Having seen this, I'll keep using Redis this way:
RedisCache(..., with_lock=True)
RedisSession(..., with_lock=False)
Thank you very much Anthony for your help.
PS: I would like to change this thread subject to something more
appropiate, but I'm not allowed to
ock=True parameter passed to the RedisSession object*"
Considering that, and giving that until now I stored the sessions in the
db, I guess that it won't hurt to use RedisSession(..., with_lock=False),
as it would remain being the same that before (regarding the lock), right?
g migrations to false. may be you are doing more database IO
> than you should
> On Friday, 6 April 2018 09:41:09 UTC-5, Lisandro wrote:
>> Hi Anthony, again, thank you very much for your time, I really appreciate
>> it.
>> El jueves, 5 de abril de 2018,
Hi there, sorry to bother in this old post.
I'm having a problem regarding standard_conforming_strings.
Today my app experienced a problem with Redis going out of memory.
After the problem was fixed, all my websites started to work normally,
except four of them (of a total of 260 websites).
n() run by web2py?
El miércoles, 2 de mayo de 2018, 16:09:31 (UTC-3), Lisandro escribió:
> Hi there, sorry to bother in this old post.
> I'm having a problem regarding standard_conforming_strings.
> Today my app experienced a problem with Redis going out of memory.
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