I have *several web2py apps, and each one is accessibly from a specific 
domain*. I've achieved this using routes.py.
Also, I'm using routes_onerror inside routes.py in order to show a custom 
static html file on error. That is working ok.
This is my working routes.py:

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

domains = {
    'mainapp.com': 'mainapp',
    'app1.com':    'app1',
    'app2.com':    'app2',
    'app3.com':    'app3'}

apps = ['mainapp', 'app1', 'app2', 'app3']

routers = dict(
  BASE = dict(
    default_controller = 'default',
    default_function = 'index',
    domains = domains,
    root_static = ['robots.txt'],
    map_static = True,
    exclusive_domain = True,

routes_onerror = []
for app in apps:
    for code in ['403', '404', '500', '503']:
        routes_onerror.append((r'%s/%s' %(app, code), r'/%s/static/%s.html' 
%(app, code)))
    routes_onerror.append((r'%s/*' %app, r'/%s/static/500.html' %app))

Up to here, working ok.
Now, I would like to send an email when an internal error server happened, 
that is, error 500.
So I've modified the routes_onerror part to this:

routes_onerror = []
for app in apps:
    for code in ['403', '404', '503']:
        routes_onerror.append((r'%s/%s' %(app, code), r'/%s/static/%s.html' 
%(app, code)))
        routes_onerror.append((r'%s/500' %app, 
    routes_onerror.append((r'%s/*' %app, '/mainapp/admin/error_handler'))

Basically, it says that 403, 404 and 503 errors will still return a static 
html file, but error 500 and other types of errors will be processed by 

This *works perfectly if the error is thrown from mainapp* (that is, the 
one that also handles the error).
*But when an error occurs inside app1, app2 or app3, web2py shows the 
message "invalid function (default/mainapp)"*

It appears to be that web2py is not calling correctly the 
Maybe the configuration of routers is some how messed up, and I'm doing it 

Any help or clarification on this will be appreciated.

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