[web2py] Re: "Internal error" on every page, can't even access admin

2012-07-25 Thread Jim S
I just fought the same problem. Mine turned out to be an application error on my part. But, I found it by looking at the text file in the errors sub-directory under my application. If you look around the error files enough you'll eventually figure out what is going on. They aren't easy to r

[web2py] Re: KeyError: 'index_name`' when upgrading to 2.0.3

2012-08-30 Thread Jim S
Sorry, I had a debug line in db.py. The actual offending line there is 726. -Jim On Thursday, August 30, 2012 4:44:40 PM UTC-5, Jim S wrote: > > Hi – sorry if this gets there multiple times, but I’ve posted twice in the > past 6 hours and it hasn’t shown up yet: > > >

[web2py] Problem upgrading to 2.0.2 -KeyError: 'index_name`'

2012-08-30 Thread Jim S
Getting this traceback: Traceback (most recent call last): File "C:\dev\web2py\gluon\restricted.py", line 209, in restricted exec ccode in environment File "C:/dev/web2py/applications/infocenter/models/db.py" , line 88, in

[web2py] KeyError: 'index_name`' when upgrading to 2.0.2

2012-08-30 Thread Jim S
Traceback (most recent call last): File "C:\dev\web2py\gluon\restricted.py", line 209, in restricted exec ccode in environment File "C:/dev/web2py/applications/infocenter/models/db.py" , line 88, in auth.define_tabl

Re: [web2py] Re: KeyError: 'index_name`' when upgrading to 2.0.3

2012-08-31 Thread Jim S
Thanks Massimo, that did the trick. I'm now on to my next error but will start a new thread. -Jim On Thursday, August 30, 2012 8:19:08 PM UTC-5, Massimo Di Pierro wrote: > > Can you check if this works now with trunk? > > On Thursday, 30 August 2012 18:05:34 UTC-5, Jim S wrot

[web2py] Upgrade to 2.0.x - AttributeError: 'Table' object has no attribute 'permissionid'

2012-08-31 Thread Jim S
Getting the following: Traceback (most recent call last): File "C:\dev\web2py\gluon\restricted.py", line 209, in restricted exec ccode in environment File "C:/dev/web2py/applications/infocenter/models/db.py" , line 152, in

Re: [web2py] Is 2.0.2 or 2.0.3 really a stable version?

2012-08-31 Thread Jim S
For the problems I'm having, I only have myself to blame. We were given plenty of time to test our specific implementations but I didn't make the time. I migrated my 2.0.x yesterday and am having issues but Massimo and the team are on top of it, helping me out when I've done nothing to deserve

Re: [web2py] Upgrade to 2.0.x - AttributeError: 'Table' object has no attribute 'permissionid'

2012-08-31 Thread Jim S
ield('groupId', db.auth_group, label='Rqd Group'), > Field('description', 'text', required=True), > format='%(name)s') > >>> link > (linkId,name,parentLinkId,controller,method,picture,permissionId,groupId,description)&g

[web2py] Re: 2.02 Table name in smartgrid changed...

2012-09-04 Thread Jim S
I'm having the same issue as well with second level display -Jim On Friday, August 31, 2012 9:59:38 AM UTC-5, Adi wrote: > > trunk works for the first level, but doesn't when i drill down into the > second level... (image attached) > > also it used to display all breadcrumbs in the same line

[web2py] DAL format and represent outside of SQLFORM

2012-09-12 Thread Jim S
Given the following tables: formulaImport = db.define_table('formulaImport', Field('formulaImportId', 'id', readable=False), Field('fileName', length=256, required=True, label='File'), Field('sweptOn', 'date', required=True, label='Swept', default=datetime.datetime.today()), Field('imported

[web2py] Re: DAL format and represent outside of SQLFORM

2012-09-12 Thread Jim S
elect(): > print x.productNumber > > On Wednesday, 12 September 2012 14:10:50 UTC-5, Jim S wrote: >> >> Given the following tables: >> >> formulaImport = db.define_table('formulaImport', >> Field('formulaImportId', 'id', read

[web2py] Smartgrid Add button missing

2012-09-27 Thread Jim S
I just updated to the 2.0.9 (2012-09-26 12:45:50) this morning and now see that all of my Add buttons are missing from all of my smartgrid forms. I've been away for a couple weeks and unfortunately don't remember what version I had before (2.0.6 or greater though). I checked my generated HTML

[web2py] Re: Smartgrid Add button missing

2012-09-27 Thread Jim S
-Jim On Thursday, September 27, 2012 10:14:55 AM UTC-5, Jim S wrote: > > I just updated to the 2.0.9 (2012-09-26 12:45:50) this morning and now see > that all of my Add buttons are missing from all of my smartgrid forms. > I've been away for a couple weeks and unfortunately don

[web2py] Re: Smartgrid Add button missing

2012-09-27 Thread Jim S
ss you're logged in... > > On Thursday, September 27, 2012 10:14:55 AM UTC-5, Jim S wrote: >> >> I just updated to the 2.0.9 (2012-09-26 12:45:50) this morning and now >> see that all of my Add buttons are missing from all of my smartgrid forms. >> I've been aw

[web2py] Re: MySQL issues

2012-05-08 Thread Jim S
UTC-5, Jim S wrote: > > Hi > > I've recently updated my MySQL test server to version 5.1.61 on Ubuntu. > > In my db.py I specify my field names with mixed case. > > In my.cnf I have: > > lower-case-table-names = 1 > > In the past this has always worked for

[web2py] Re: ATTENTION before upgrading to trunk....

2012-05-08 Thread Jim S
I upgraded to this trunk right when it came out. I upgrade trunk again yesterday (5/7/2012) and created a new table today with a reference field to an old table. Here is the SQL that was generated (MySQL). CREATE TABLE ticketActivity( ticketActivityId INT AUTO_INCREMENT NOT NULL, ticket

[web2py] Re: Image Optimization

2012-06-28 Thread Jim S
Just saw this today: https://github.com/doda/imagy On Tuesday, June 26, 2012 5:49:43 AM UTC-5, Sanjeet Roy wrote: > > Can anyone tell me how can i optimize the image when the user will be > uploaded ? Acually i want to create a web application where the user can > upload and see the image on

[web2py] Re: smartgrid look & feel with last trunk

2012-07-02 Thread Jim S
I personally like it the new way. Just my 2 cents. -Jim On Monday, July 2, 2012 8:45:13 AM UTC-5, szimszon wrote: > > Hi! > > I noticed the following if you create a new app from welcome with > smartgrid then the linked table names aren't looking like buttons anymore. > And the acural table na

[web2py] Re: Making fields optional

2012-07-03 Thread Jim S
I would: dogs.dogfood.requires.requires = IS_NULL_OR(IS_IN_DB(db, db.dogfood.id)) ...or something like that. The above is untested... On Tuesday, July 3, 2012 2:17:53 PM UTC-5, joe wrote: > > I have a table called dogs, and a table called dog food. In the dogs > table, the field food is a for

[web2py] Re: MySQL migration fails adding unique=

2012-07-05 Thread Jim S
I believe that field level migrations do not work with MySQL. I get around this by removing the column, saving, run the app to force migration, and then add the field back the way I want it. I know this causes you to lose the data in that column, but I only do this in my test environment and h

[web2py] Best deployment scenario under Windows

2012-07-05 Thread Jim S
Hi I'm deploying my app in a Windows environment. To answer the first obvious questions, it's because I have to connect to an IBM AS/400 database and ODBC connection is really tough for me on Linux. So the question could be - How do I connect to DB2/400 from ubuntu, but I digress... I'd li

Re: [web2py] Best deployment scenario under Windows

2012-07-06 Thread Jim S
chard > > On Thu, Jul 5, 2012 at 4:48 PM, Jim S wrote: > >> Hi >> >> I'm deploying my app in a Windows environment. >> >> To answer the first obvious questions, it's because I have to connect to >> an IBM AS/400 database and ODBC connecti

[web2py] smartgrid - display linked_tables link as a dropdown button instead

2013-01-17 Thread Jim S
I have a number of smartgrids built where the number of linked tables is pushing the other edit/delete buttons off the right of the page. I'm wondering if there is a simple way that I've missed where you can put your linked_table links into a dropdown button of different 'actions' you could pe

[web2py] SQLFORM.grid with multiple LEFT OUTER JOINs

2013-01-17 Thread Jim S
Is there a way to specify 2 left outer joins for a SQLFORM.grid? I tried this: query = (db.feedLoad.deliverOn==datetime.datetime.today())&( db.feedLoad.siteId==1) fields = [db.feedLoad.siteId, db.feedOrderLine.productSiteId, db.feedLoad.deliverOn, db.feedLoad.loadNumber, db.feedOrder.customerN

[web2py] Re: SQLFORM.grid with multiple LEFT OUTER JOINs

2013-01-18 Thread Jim S
I tried that, but then I don't get any of my joined fields in the result. Here is what I used for the join. left = [db.feedOrder.on(db.feedLoad.feedLoadId==db.feedOrder.feedLoadId), db.feedOrderLine.on(db.feedOrder.feedOrderId==db.feedOrderLine.feedOrderId)] I get no fields from either feedOrde

[web2py] Re: SQLFORM.grid with multiple LEFT OUTER JOINs

2013-01-18 Thread Jim S
I just saw this post as well: https://groups.google.com/forum/#!topic/web2py/T1TkWEu2cX4 Can we get his fix implemented? -Jim On Friday, January 18, 2013 8:21:35 AM UTC-6, Jim S wrote: > > I tried that, but then I don't get any of my joined fields in the result. > Here is w

[web2py] Re: SQLFORM.grid with multiple LEFT OUTER JOINs

2013-01-23 Thread Jim S
letable=False, details=False, csv=False, editable=False, searchable=False, paginate=200) It would be great to get this working or let me know what I'm doing wrong with my grid. Thanks - Jim On Friday, January 18, 2013 8:25:01 AM UTC-6,

[web2py] Re: SQLFORM.grid with multiple LEFT OUTER JOINs

2013-01-23 Thread Jim S
Oh, and the problem is that the grid only displays the data from the primary table. The join 'works', but there is no data for the joined tables in the grid. -Jim On Wednesday, January 23, 2013 8:53:55 AM UTC-6, Jim S wrote: > > Just updated to the latest version and am s

[web2py] Enable my workstation as admin on remote web2py server

2013-01-24 Thread Jim S
I have web2py installed on a remote box (QNAP Server). I'm doing some testing with it and want to enable appAdmin from my workstation to the web2py instance. I can't seem to find how I can do that. Can I add my ip as an admin client someone in web2py? --

Re: [web2py] Re: web2py world conference 2013

2013-01-28 Thread Jim S
Is there any further news about this? Is this going to happen? -Jim On Thursday, December 6, 2012 3:23:53 PM UTC-6, rochacbruno wrote: > > I started a thread for volunteers: > https://groups.google.com/forum/?fromgroups=#!topic/web2py-world-conference/9_b-TrPqrRs > --

[web2py] Can I change a boolean field widget to a button?

2013-01-29 Thread Jim S
I have a form that is going to hold a number of boolean fields. I want to change them to buttons instead of checkboxes so I can use the bootstrap button widgets. How can I chance the boolean widget from a checkbox to a button and have the value properly put back into the database? -- --- Y

[web2py] Re: Can I change a boolean field widget to a button?

2013-01-29 Thread Jim S
for example, javascript's > 'onclick' functionality, and stored in the db as usual. > > On Tuesday, January 29, 2013 11:46:55 AM UTC-5, Jim S wrote: >> >> I have a form that is going to hold a number of boolean fields. I want >> to change them to buttons

Re: [web2py] Re: Can I change a boolean field widget to a button?

2013-01-29 Thread Jim S
ncorrectly? -Jim On Tuesday, January 29, 2013 2:14:51 PM UTC-6, Jim S wrote: > > Nope, but will now! > > Thanks > > -Jim > > On Tue, Jan 29 > >> Just tried the code I posted above with IE 9, and it did change the >> checkbox to a button. Did you give

Re: [web2py] Re: SQLFORM.grid with multiple LEFT OUTER JOINs

2013-01-30 Thread Jim S
Yes, working now. Thanks for that Massimo, really appreciate it. -Jim On Wednesday, January 30, 2013 9:29:55 AM UTC-6, Massimo Di Pierro wrote: > > Can you please check again. I have added the suggested fix you suggested. > > On Wednesday, 23 January 2013 09:05:40 UTC-6,

Re: [web2py] Re: Real Python for Web Development, featuring web2py

2013-02-06 Thread Jim S
+1 On Wednesday, February 6, 2013 8:27:45 AM UTC-6, software.ted wrote: > > ...let him do something more interesting for an example - like a ticket > processing system, with reminders so that we can even learn about > scheduling aspect of web2py > > > On Tue, Feb 5, 2013 at 9:52 PM, Niphlod >wr

[web2py] Routing to different web2py apps in pythonanywhere

2013-02-08 Thread Jim S
Hi Just got started with PythonAnywhere. I have multiple web2py apps I'd like to host there under the same web2py instance. However, I want different domain names to point to them. Can I use the web2py routes.py to do that, or is there a better way to handle it with pythonanywhere. Their su

[web2py] Re: Routing to different web2py apps in pythonanywhere

2013-02-08 Thread Jim S
routes.py > the relevant parameters is set in the wsgi config file to you can have > multiple ones (for different domains) pointing to one of the same web2py > instance but behaving differently. > > Massimo > > On Friday, 8 February 2013 07:30:11 UTC-6, Jim S wrote: >

[web2py] Simple routing question

2013-02-11 Thread Jim S
I'm trying to route traffic that comes in on a specific URL to a specifc app. Example: www.host1.com should route to the welcome app www.host2.com should route to mySpecific app I realize this is probably trivial, but I'm really struggling with it. Hoping to do it with routes.py and not thro

Re: [web2py] Simple routing question

2013-02-11 Thread Jim S
nytime I to either URL, I get the web2py welcome app. Also, I've saved the file as routes.py. -Jim On Monday, February 11, 2013 6:32:41 PM UTC-6, Jonathan Lundell wrote: > > On 11 Feb 2013, at 3:36 PM, Jim S > wrote: > > I'm trying to route traffic that comes in on a specif

Re: [web2py] Simple routing question

2013-02-11 Thread Jim S
...and yes, restarted. On Monday, February 11, 2013 9:48:59 PM UTC-6, Jim S wrote: > > Sorry for being slow at this, route configuration is certainly not a forte > of mine. Is there something special I need to do to turn on logging? How > would I examine request.env? I'm ru

Re: [web2py] Simple routing question

2013-02-12 Thread Jim S
get configured, because > it's really valuable. > > > -Jim > > On Mon, Feb 11, 2013 at 9:06 PM, Jonathan Lundell > > > wrote: > >> On 11 Feb 2013, at 7:01 PM, Jim S > wrote: >> >> Jonathan >> >> I am currently using that as my base

Re: [web2py] Simple routing question

2013-02-12 Thread Jim S
On Tuesday, February 12, 2013 9:25:27 AM UTC-6, Jim S wrote: > > So you mean to just look at it through a regular view, not in the > routes.py. Got it. Wasn't thinking straight. > > -Jim > > On Monday, February 11, 2013 11:13:23 PM UTC-6, Jonathan Lundell wrote: >> >&

Re: [web2py] Simple routing question

2013-02-12 Thread Jim S
I've got something screwed up there too... -Jim On Tuesday, February 12, 2013 9:58:11 AM UTC-6, Jonathan Lundell wrote: > > On 12 Feb 2013, at 7:48 AM, Jim S > wrote: > > Looking at request.env I'm seeing the following: > > http_host = myaccountname.pythonany

[web2py] From a component controller, can I force reload of entire page?

2013-02-13 Thread Jim S
I'm using a component with a LOAD statement. In my component I have a SQLFORM.factory form. When I submit that form I want to reload my entire page. I can't seem to envision how I could do that. Can anyone help? -Jim -- --- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Goog

[web2py] Re: Smartgrid buttons not going away

2013-02-13 Thread Jim S
That is definitely correct and works for me. Can you show some code? What version of web2py? -Jim On Wednesday, February 13, 2013 4:59:51 PM UTC-6, Jack wrote: > > Hi all, > > Just a simple but annoying problem. I am trying to configure the smartgrid > so that the particular smartgrid does n

[web2py] Re: Smartgrid buttons not going away

2013-02-13 Thread Jim S
;, >create='False', >buttons_placement='left') > > return dict(form=form) > > when I tried it, the "add", "delete" buttons were still showing up. My > web2py version is 2.3.2 >

[web2py] anyone using the Issue Tracker appliance?

2013-02-15 Thread Jim S
I can't get it to upload through the admin interface. I just get a message saying 'unable to install application "ticket"'. Jim -- --- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "web2py-users" group. To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails fro

[web2py] Re: SmartGrid and New button 1 to many

2013-02-15 Thread Jim S
This should be the default behavior if you have your tables and relations defined properly. If it isn't then you can provide other links using the 'links' parameter that you can pass to SQLFORM.smartgrid. If that doesn't make sense, post the code, table defs and call to SQLFORM.smartgrid and w

[web2py] Re: SmartGrid and New button 1 to many

2013-02-18 Thread Jim S
Dan the problem is that you are using SQLFORM.grid instead of SQLFORM.smartgrid. Try changing that and you should be good. Sorry for the delay, had a busy weekend -Jim On Saturday, February 16, 2013 12:20:22 PM UTC-6, Dan Kozlowski wrote: > > Jim, > > I still can't get it working. I hav

[web2py] Re: Default SQLFORM.grid / auth restrictions?

2013-02-18 Thread Jim S
>From what I see you shouldn't have to have any groups setup. You will need a user which you can use the register function (from the generated login box on your main page) to create. Also, it appears as though you have your table setup incorrectly. If you want portfolio_id to be the keyfield

[web2py] Re: update Databases

2013-02-21 Thread Jim S
That depends on how you built your form. Can you show some code? -Jim On Thursday, February 21, 2013 5:22:23 AM UTC-6, waqasiqb...@gmail.com wrote: > > how should i update my database on pressing submit button?? > > -- --- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google

[web2py] Re: update Databases

2013-02-21 Thread Jim S
Also, have you read this chapter of the book? http://web2py.com/books/default/chapter/29/07 Lots of good info there. -Jim On Thursday, February 21, 2013 5:22:23 AM UTC-6, waqasiqb...@gmail.com wrote: > > how should i update my database on pressing submit button?? > > -- --- You received t

Re: [web2py] Re: update Databases

2013-02-21 Thread Jim S
gineer > > [image: Inline image 1] <http://www.knysys.com/> > > W +92-21-34972358 | M +92-342-3146972 > > Gtalk: waqasiqbal.knysys| wiqbal...@knysys.com > > www.knysys.com | www.knyapps.com > > > On Thu, Feb 21, 2013 at 6:22 AM, Jim S > wrote: > >

[web2py] Re: smartgrid fails to show consistent behavior between parent and child tables

2013-02-21 Thread Jim S
Try moving your db.person.url.represent = lambda url, row: A(url,_href=url) into your list_organizations method. I don't believe your list_people method isn't utilized in the screen shots provided. -Jim On Thursday, February 21, 2013 5:23:27 PM UTC-6, wwwgong wrote: > > using web2py v2.3.2,

[web2py] Re: Smartgrid: How to display value from foreign table in a table when only foreign key is in table

2013-02-21 Thread Jim S
Can you show the model code? -Jim On Thursday, February 21, 2013 7:35:52 PM UTC-6, Alex Glaros wrote: > > Instead of *db.Word.dictionaryTypeID* displaying (which is a foreign key > in db.Word), I’d like a value from the foreign table to appear, i.e., > DictionaryType. dictionaryName. > > > In t

[web2py] Re: Smartgrid: How to display value from foreign table in a table when only foreign key is in table

2013-02-21 Thread Jim S
ng'), > auth.signature) > db.DictionaryReferenceModel.DictionaryTypeID.requires = IS_NOT_EMPTY() > > db.define_table('Synonyms',Field('synonymName','string'),Field('wordID','reference > > Word'),Field('com

[web2py] Re: Validate some condition to insert using SQLForm.grid()

2013-02-22 Thread Jim S
You have a couple different options. 1. Custom validators (not as scary as they sound) - http://web2py.com/books/default/chapter/29/07#Custom-validators 2. Before and after callbacks - http://web2py.com/books/default/chapter/29/06#before-and-after-callbacks That should get the job done. -Jim

Re: [web2py] Re: Smartgrid: How to display value from foreign table in a table when only foreign key is in table

2013-02-23 Thread Jim S
D',db.DictionaryType), # changed to object >> Field('wordReferenceModelID',db.WordReferenceModel), # changed to object >> >> Field('comments','string'), >> auth.signature) >> db.Word.languageID.requires = IS_IN_DB(db, 'HumanLanguage.i

[web2py] Re: On a Smartgrid form is it possible to set create to False for parent nodes but true for child nodes

2013-03-11 Thread Jim S
Yes, you can do this. I do it with this code: securityTable = db.table_name currentTable = request.args(1) if currentTable and currentTable != 'edit' and currentTable != 'new': securityTable = currentTable.split('.')[0] editable = auth.has_permission('update', securityTable) cr

[web2py] Re: grid/smartgrid searching foreign key tables

2013-03-11 Thread Jim S
I work around this by always coding custom filters for each grid I create. It is great having the default capabilities that the search_widget provides within the grid, but I feel that it is too complicated for our typical users. For foreign key fields I will usually provide a SELECT control t

[web2py] Re: REF: SQLFORM.smartgrid() changing the table labels

2013-03-13 Thread Jim S
Or you can do it in code after the table is defined using: db.myfeet._plural = 'Feet' db.myfeet._singular = 'Foot' -Jim On Wednesday, March 13, 2013 9:22:59 AM UTC-5, Cliff Kachinske wrote: > > db.define_table('myfeet', > Field(...) > ..., > singular='Foot', > plural='Feet', >

[web2py] SQLFORM.factory form.process().accepted not behaving as expected

2013-03-13 Thread Jim S
I have the following code: form = SQLFORM.factory(Field('auth_group', 'integer', label='Groups',required =True), formname='membership', submit_button='Add Membership') if form.process().accepted: user_update = form.vars if user_update['auth_group'] and user_update['auth_group'] != '0':

[web2py] Re: REF: SQLFORM.smartgrid() changing the table labels

2013-03-13 Thread Jim S
> from default "child_Table_name" to > "Click_here_to_see_details_for_this_item" ? > > Or is there a way to display a message near the link "Click here to see > this item's details" ? > > thanks, > > Alex Glaros > > On Wednesday, March 13, 2013 8:03:34 AM UT

Re: [web2py] Re: SQLFORM.factory form.process().accepted not behaving as expected

2013-03-13 Thread Jim S
verrides" the hidden field value _formname >> >> On Wednesday, March 13, 2013 5:11:48 PM UTC+1, Jim S wrote: >>> >>> Thanks Anthony. If I put formname='membership' in the >>> form.process().accepted like this: >>> >>> form.proce

[web2py] SQLFORM.grid in LOADed component Delete behavior

2013-03-13 Thread Jim S
Hi I have a LOADed component that has a SQLFORM.grid in it. The definition looks like this: grid = SQLFORM.grid(updateQuery, fields=[db.tankSite.name], left=left, create=False, editable=False, details=False, maxtextlength=45, orderby=[db.tankSite.name], csv=False, searchable=False, showbuttonte

[web2py] Re: SQLFORM.grid with default field values from parent SQLFORM and TOTAL for a column

2013-03-13 Thread Jim S
If you are in 'edit' mode in your SQLFORM.grid, set the default value for that field equal to the value for your order. if request.args(0) == 'edit': db.order_items.order_id.default = request.args(2) Place this BEFORE your grid = SQLFORM.grid(...) -- not tested -- -Jim On Wednesday, March

[web2py] Re: REF: SQLFORM.smartgrid() changing the table labels

2013-03-13 Thread Jim S
...but you can't use them in .grid and .smartgrid. from the book... Mind that virtual fields do not have the same attributes as the other fields (default, readable, requires, etc) and they do not appear in the list of db.table.fields and are not visualized by default in tables (TABLE) and grid

[web2py] Re: REF: SQLFORM.smartgrid() changing the table labels

2013-03-13 Thread Jim S
Just re-read my post and saw that it says they aren't visualized by default. Does that mean there is a way to get them to be displayed? -Jim On Wednesday, March 13, 2013 8:42:33 PM UTC-5, Jim S wrote: > > ...but you can't use them in .grid and .smartgrid. > > from the

[web2py] Problem with URL inside loaded component - Bug??

2013-03-14 Thread Jim S
I have a LOADed component and in the controller I'm doing the following to turn my id into a link. db.productSite.siteId.represent = lambda x,r:A('%s-%s' % (db.site(x).site,db.site(x).name),_href=URL('applications','productSites',args=('edit',r.productSiteId))) The problem is when I try to clic

[web2py] SQLFORM.grid passing a paramter to 'new' function - not authorized

2013-03-20 Thread Jim S
Hi Working with SQLFORM.grid. I'm providing my own 'Add' button because I want to gather some initial values before presenting the user with the .grid 'new' page. So, when you click on my Add button a bootstrap modal window pops up and you then select a 'site'. When I click on Next on my mod

[web2py] Re: SQLFORM.grid passing a paramter to 'new' function - not authorized

2013-03-20 Thread Jim S
ue on the grid checks for args but > not for vars. > The URL() helper instead by default adds a signature hashing vars too, but > if you pass URL(, hash_vars=False) only args will be hashed and the > grid should work it out ok. > > On Wednesday, March 20, 2013 2:49:14 PM

[web2py] Send email with link to SQLFORM.grid edit form

2013-03-20 Thread Jim S
I want to automatically generate an email whenever a record is added to a specific table and embed in that email a link to edit the record using SQFORM.grid. I have it working, sending the email and all, but when the user clicks on the link to view the record they get a 'not authorized' message

[web2py] In a grid can I control justification of columns

2013-03-28 Thread Jim S
I want to right justify the data in some of my columns. I haven't found a way to do this with SQLFORM.grid. Am I missing something? -Jim -- --- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "web2py-users" group. To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving

[web2py] Re: In a grid can I control justification of columns

2013-03-28 Thread Jim S
> > Note, IE<9 doesn't support nth-child, so you'd need to use JS to assign a > class in that case: > > $('.ie .web2py_grid td:nth-child(5)').addClass('right-justify') > ... > .right-justify {text-align: right;} > > Anthony > > On Thurs

[web2py] Re: One form in multiple tabs

2013-04-03 Thread Jim S
I'd start by looking here: http://twitter.github.com/bootstrap/javascript.html#tabs Works really well for me. -Jim On Wednesday, April 3, 2013 9:39:45 AM UTC-5, Annet wrote: > > I am missing the js skills to code a tabbed form ... > > Annet > -- --- You received this message because you ar

[web2py] How do I specify my display field here in IS_IN_DB?

2013-04-12 Thread Jim S
requires = IS_IN_DB(db((~db.productSite.productSiteId.belongs(currentItems)) & (db.productSite.availableAddon==True) & (db.productSite.siteId==workorder.siteId) & (db.product.productId==db.productSite.productId)

Re: [web2py] Re: How do I specify my display field here in IS_IN_DB?

2013-04-12 Thread Jim S
x27;db' I'm assuming because I'm now returning SQL instead of a query object. Can I do LEFT JOIN in IS_IN_DB? -Jim On Friday, April 12, 2013 12:56:34 PM UTC-5, Jim S wrote: > > requires = > IS_IN_DB(db((~db.produc

[web2py] Re: SQLFORM.grid custom search where is the error?

2012-10-01 Thread Jim S
So you're really not even using the grid search then. You're controlling the entire search form and placing it on the page in your view, right? -Jim On Saturday, September 29, 2012 9:52:25 PM UTC-5, alex wrote: > > I found the way to bypass the problem. > > I have changed the call to SQLFORM.gr

[web2py] Re: Customising "sub page" generated by smartgrid.

2012-10-01 Thread Jim S
You can pass constraints on to linked tables using the following: constraints={'contact':query,'yourtablename':yourconstraintquery} SQLFORM.smartgrid(db.contact, fields=fields, constraints=constraints, orderby=orderby, create=create, details=details, editable=editable,deletable =deletable, csv=

[web2py] MySQL migration issues with DAL outside of web2py

2012-10-23 Thread Jim S
Hi - I use MySQL for my database. In my production environment I'm specifying the following: db = DAL(infoCenterUtil.getDalString(), migrate=False, migrate_enabled=False, bigint_id=True) On my production machine I'm also trying to use the DAL outside of web2py with the following: import sys

[web2py] Problem accessing images

2012-10-24 Thread Jim S
I have a rather strange problem. On my production server I'm running apache and mod_wsgi. I have reports that I generate using reportlab. In some of the reports I display a corporate logo which is stored in a .png file. If I start web2py from the command line (using the rocket server) my repo

[web2py] Re: Image Tutorial and linked_tables

2012-10-24 Thread Jim S
Are you logged in? On Tuesday, October 23, 2012 12:32:32 PM UTC-5, David Simmons wrote: > > Hi > > I am following the image tutorial described in the online web2py book. I > have the following code: > > @auth.requires_membership('manager') > def manage(): > grid = SQLFORM.smartgrid(db.image,

Re: [web2py] Re: MySQL migration issues with DAL outside of web2py

2012-10-30 Thread Jim S
> It would be an error to have a code working with > db.district.includeinaraging > in one instance and patch it to work on another instance to > db.district.includeInArAging > > On Tuesday, October 30, 2012 3:30:07 PM UTC+1, Jim S wrote: >> >> Ok, now adding on

Re: [web2py] Re: MySQL migration issues with DAL outside of web2py

2012-10-30 Thread Jim S
Submitted: http://code.google.com/p/web2py/issues/detail?id=1126 -Jim On Tuesday, October 30, 2012 1:29:43 PM UTC-5, Massimo Di Pierro wrote: > > Please open a ticket about this. I will fix it in the next couple of days. > > On Tuesday, 30 October 2012 10:00:28 UTC-5, Jim S wro

Re: [web2py] How to implement multiple filter for grid?

2012-10-31 Thread Jim S
Using .smartgrid, I override the default filtering capabilities and provide my own. See attached screenshot. Let me know if you want more details. I think I uploaded a small example app to the list some time ago and should be able to find it or recreate it if you like. -Jim On Wednesday, Oc

[web2py] Encryption of SSN field

2012-10-31 Thread Jim S
Hi - Starting a new HR tracking app and I need to encrypt my SSN field in the db. I found this post ( https://groups.google.com/d/topic/web2py/oBNEHYYKgW0/discussion ) from some time ago and wondering if there has been anything added since then related to validators for encryption.I haven't wo

[web2py] Re: Best practice for prepopulating regular form

2012-10-31 Thread Jim S
form.vars.fieldname = 'fieldvalue' -Jim On Wednesday, October 31, 2012 6:13:20 PM UTC-5, MichaelF wrote: > > I have a 'regular' form (i.e., FORM, not SQLFORM). I want to prepopulate > some of the fields, but I don't know the values to use for them when I > first create the form. What's the b

Re: [web2py] Reading a text file after uploading in a form

2012-11-01 Thread Jim S
This is working for me. I have a similar requirement. Select a text file to be processed and pass it to a separate routine to process the file: form = SQLFORM.factory( Field('brillXf1', 'upload', uploadfolder=os.path.join(request.folder,'uploads'), label='Brill XF1 File')) if form.process(

[web2py] Database table name is different that dal reference

2012-11-08 Thread Jim S
Hi - I'm wondering if I can specify a table name in db.define_table that is different than the name that web2py will then use to refer to it. Example: case = db.define_table('case', Field(field1...)) Using MySQL, this doesn't work because case is a keyword. I can however do this: case = db.d

[web2py] Capturing field changes with _after_update and smartgrid

2012-11-09 Thread Jim S
I'm missing something. I have a table where I want to react to changes to a particular field. I'm trying to use the _after_update callback check for this. However, using this it appears to me that I am only seeing the data values after the update. I can't see what they were before the update

[web2py] Re: Capturing field changes with _after_update and smartgrid

2012-11-09 Thread Jim S
Because the update may fail. -Jim On Friday, November 9, 2012 12:20:18 PM UTC-6, Derek wrote: > > Why not just use before_update? > > On Friday, November 9, 2012 10:53:21 AM UTC-7, Jim S wrote: >> >> I'm missing something. I have a table where I want to react t

[web2py] wxpython app using web2py username and password

2012-11-15 Thread Jim S
Hi, I'm creating a little desktop app as a companion to a web app I created with web2py. I'm using the default auth_user tables so I have an email address and encrypted password I can use for my desktop user to login. I've been looking for the code that does the login in web2py but can't seem

[web2py] Re: wxpython app using web2py username and password

2012-11-15 Thread Jim S
Sounds like there is no easy way to do it. I looked through that code and it seems pretty involved. I was hoping to do this without needing the web2py libs and such. -Jim On Thursday, November 15, 2012 11:14:09 AM UTC-6, Niphlod wrote: > > https://github.com/web2py/web2py/blob/master/gluon/to

[web2py] Re: wxpython app using web2py username and password

2012-11-15 Thread Jim S
6, Niphlod wrote: > > ehm validators.py (if not all, just crypt and lazycrypt, plus > Validator original class), utils.py and pbkdf2 is all you need. > > On Thursday, November 15, 2012 6:32:03 PM UTC+1, Jim S wrote: >> >> Sounds like there is no easy way to do it. I look

Re: [web2py] Re: How to turn retrieved rows into a SELECT?

2012-11-16 Thread Jim S
Richard - I've been trying to get this working but am not having any luck. I have the lazy_options_widget working with the first field being a suggest_widget, but am trying to implement with your suggestion above using a SELECT element as the first field, but it isn't working. I'm using this

Re: [web2py] Re: How to turn retrieved rows into a SELECT?

2012-11-16 Thread Jim S
never gets executed. -Jim On Friday, November 16, 2012 3:19:40 PM UTC-6, Richard wrote: > > It may be related to smartgrid... > > Have you try with a straight sqlform?? > > Richard > > On Fri, Nov 16, 2012 at 3:31 PM, Jim S > wrote: > >> Richard - I've been

Re: [web2py] Re: How to turn retrieved rows into a SELECT?

2012-11-16 Thread Jim S
; >> >> >> To make sure you selector are good you can set a background color like >> this : >> >> $(this).children(":selected").css('background-color','red'); >> >> Richard >> >> >> On Fri, Nov 16,

Re: [web2py] Re: How to turn retrieved rows into a SELECT?

2012-11-16 Thread Jim S
Even if I get it working it seems too delicate. I'm going to find another way to handle this one. But, thanks for your JS help, I do appreciate it. -Jim On Friday, November 16, 2012 3:54:37 PM UTC-6, Richard wrote: > > You too! > > Bye! > > Richard > > On Fri,

Re: [web2py] Re: How to turn retrieved rows into a SELECT?

2012-11-16 Thread Jim S
FWIW, I just found why it didn't work earlier. I was editing the wrong .html file. Meat Head. Blame it on Friday afternoon... -Jim On Friday, November 16, 2012 4:06:33 PM UTC-6, Jim S wrote: > > FYI - I got it working by putting the JS in layout.html within my > $(d

[web2py] Re: SQLFORM.smartgrid and constraint

2012-11-20 Thread Jim S
Try changing: constraints = {'db.quote':q_comm} to: constraints = {'quote':q_comm} Does that help? -Jim On Tuesday, November 20, 2012 9:06:15 AM UTC-6, vivek wrote: > > Hi , > > I been using SQLFORM.smartgrid and constraint successfully in many > places. But for some reason my constrain

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