You can pass constraints on to linked tables using the following:


SQLFORM.smartgrid(, fields=fields, constraints=constraints, 
orderby=orderby, create=create, details=details, editable=editable,deletable
csv=False, search_widget=searchForms, paginate=15, maxtextlength=45)

You can also provide custom search forms for each downstream linked table 
by passing a dict of the search form methods.

Once you really get in to the smartgrid, it isn't hard at all to deviate 
from what comes out of the box.


On Monday, October 1, 2012 9:08:40 AM UTC-5, Dominic Cioccarelli wrote:

> Hi all,
> ok, making more and more progress with smartgrid but still a couple of 
> gaps.
> I have a model structure which, simplifying things somewhat, has a 
> hierarchy A-.>B->C.
> samrtgrid allows me to set up the model structure and then simply define a 
> controller and view for A: I get the CRUD web pages for B & C for free.
> My question is, what happens if I need to customise one of these 
> automatically generated sub-pages. e.g., after navigating from A to B to C 
> I will have a list of all C's that belong to the B I chose (y)  from A (x). 
> The URI will be:
> http://mysite/app/A/index/A/B.a_id/x/C.b_id/y
> So now I'm 2 levels down and I only defined a single controller at the top 
> level. I need to implement a check box which constrains the C's that I'm 
> seeing on this page.
> I'm very impressed by how much you can do with so little in smartgrid but 
> a but frustrated when you need to deviate from what you get for "free".
> Thanks in advance.
> Ciao,
> Dominic.


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