This looks cool:
Single API to access 3 different models of hierarchical trees.
I'm inspired to move my simple 'Adjacency List' model to one more
suitable for Reads.
I've seen a Web2Py implementation of modified preorder traversal:
cookie['domain'] = ""
This seems wrong anyway, as Set-Cookie is for Server->Client & I want
Any/All pointers very gratefully received :)
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On Feb 8, 5:29 pm, mdipierro wrote:
> can you show the model?
> On Feb 8, 3:24 pm, sunneach wrote:
> > There are two tables:
> > or_organisation (id, name, sector_id, ...)
> > and
> > or_sector(id, name, ...)
> > And the sector_id is
I looked at your full example & that doesn't seem to do this either...
Many thanks,
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"web2py-users" group.
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On Feb 10, 8:20 pm, mdipierro wrote:
> I'll take a patch to fetch
I need help to develop it 1st ;)
Sending the session cookie from the browser session & putting it into
the new server-initiated session doesn't seem like it should be too
hard but just isn't working for me :/
You received
On Feb 10, 9:01 pm, Fran wrote:
> I need help to develop it 1st ;)
Thanks to Massimo, we now have it in trunk - a turbo-charged fetch()
which supports cookies amongst other things.
The recipe to get my use-case working using this fetch() requires a,
to me, black-magic session unlock call:
or whether should no longer attempt to pass it.
Many thanks,
To unsubscribe, reply using "remove me" as the subject.
On Apr 15, 4:15 pm, Jonathan Lundell wrote:
> On Apr 15, 2010, at 6:50 AM, mdipierro wrote:
> > I think it is not fixed. Please check. Thanks.
> Or "now fixed", as the case may be.
Indeed seems to be - thanks for the speedy response :)
To unsubscribe, reply using "remove me" as the subje
(values = ['8', '9', '7'])
k in values
I think the change was made to avoid a relatively slow call to 're'
However it seems not to work properly...
Many thanks :)
ill seeing the exact same issues with the checkboxes though.
I can see the internal structure has changed - now see: 957
> On Sep 5, 3:56 pm, Fran wrote:
> > I'm running latest stable release (Bzr r2247) & trying to use this for
> > a multiselect field:
> > widge
I want to db(query).update(fieldname=XXX) where fieldname is a
variable, but whatever I try (like eval(fieldname) or `fieldname`) I
SyntaxError: keyword can't be an expression
Must be some trick I'm missing?
Many thanks,
On Sep 13, 8:04 pm, mdipierro wrote:
> Please report any error so that, if any, they can be fixed.
Version 1.84.1 (2010-09-13 13:55:55)
Database drivers available: pysqlite2, MySQL
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "gluon/", line 188, in restricted
exec ccode in environme
On Sep 13, 11:11 pm, Fran wrote:
> I want to db(query).update(fieldname=XXX) where fieldname is a
> variable, but whatever I try (like eval(fieldname) or `fieldname`) I
> get:
> SyntaxError: keyword can't be an expression
> Must be some trick I'm missing?
hese out to a separate file?
- this file being common to all languages as the missing strings
should be added to every file...
Best Wishes,
--- Wed Sep 22 11:19:16 2010
+++ languages.pyWed Sep 22 11:29:17 2010
@@ -31,7 +31,7 @@
regex_translate = re.compil
Excellent work :)
Pg 1
This app also replaces the old cookbook so is a full tutorial - not
just an overview of new features...
Pg 5
Bottom text unreadable against background
Pg 13
scaffolding app
Pg 15
Views can extend other
Pg 16
They contain
Pg 17
how to inc
On Jun 3, 9:17 pm, Fran wrote:
> More later, perhaps ;)
Pg 76
both file contents and
Uploaded files are always streamed
Pg 80
.count() <- does this not work on GAE still?
Pg 81
row is None if no record with current id
Pg 82
On Jun 3, 9:24 pm, rhubarb wrote:
> 2. what's changelog.
> Generally I really like it when there's a "what's new" link next to
> any new version link.
+1 to having the full changelog visible from the webpage rather than
needing to download the .zip & then follow the undocumented route of
On 6 June, 03:37, Tito Garrido wrote:
> _border=1,_class='sortable',_id='searchable',linkto=URL(r=request,f='data/update'))
URL(r=request, f='data', args='update')
You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Gro
On 6 June, 11:25, pk wrote:
> I´ve a question. I´m using the auth()-Object and when the user try to
> register himself he got a E-Mail to verify his E-Mail adress. I loaded
> today the new web2py version 1.63 and I try to register a new user,
> but I don`t get a verification E-Mail. Do you know w
On 5 June, 16:29, Bill wrote:
> self.messages.logged_in = T("Logged in")
In recent versions of Web2Py, you no longer need to call T explicitly
for messages.
They are automatically Internationalised via the new Messages()
type :)
On 5 June, 16:29, Bill wrote:
> auth2.settings.table_user = db.define_table(
> self.settings.table_user_name,
I don't think you can use 'self' here.
Needs to be:
> '' % self.settings.table_user._tablename)]
On 4 June, 19:09, "Sebastian E. Ovide"
> class MyAuth(Auth):
Add here:
def __init__(self, environment, db = None):
Auth.__init__(self, environment, db)
You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google G
In my model, I define a pair of reusable fields:
authorstamp = SQLTable(None, 'authorstamp',
db.Field('created_by', db.auth_user,
writable=False, if
auth.is_logged_in() else 0),
\Bin\web2py\gluon\", line 955, in define_table
t = self[tablename] = SQLTable(self, tablename, *fields)
File "C:\Bin\web2py\gluon\", line 1147, in __init__
raise SyntaxError, 'SQLTable: table does not exist'
SyntaxError: SQLTable: table does not exist
On Jun 9, 7:42 am, mdipierro wrote:
> I know I need to install sqlite-jdbc- but I have no idea
> what to do with it. help?
May help:
On Jun 9, 10:30 am, pk wrote:
> how can I delete a content (row) from the table with a security
> question. for example: "Are you sure to delete the project? yes - no"
Look at make_delete_row() in this file:
URL2() is defined here:
On Jun 9, 10:56 am, pk wrote:
> I´ve a table called project and i have another table called
> projectfile. How can i reference automaticlly the in the
> table projectfile?
> db.define_table('projectfile',
> SQLField('projectid',,
> writable=False, rea
On Jun 9, 11:42 am, Robert Marklund wrote:
> Cant auth be changed somhow to it will be easier to extend like this:
> db.define_table('auth_user2',
> db.auth_user,
> SQLField('nickname'),
> SQLField('image','upload'))
> The problem to day is the:
> t
On Jun 9, 3:13 pm, mdipierro wrote:
> Uploading another version to trunk. Please give it another try
r896 works fine - many thanks :)
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"web2py Web Framework" group.
On Jun 9, 6:41 pm, Gary wrote:
> For clarification, does 'new trunk' mean something other than the
> current release?
It means the live code downloaded via Bzr:
So more current than the latest release.
On Jun 9, 6:27 pm, Fran wrote:
> On Jun 9, 3:13 pm, mdipierro wrote:
> > Uploading another version to trunk. Please give it another try
> r896 works fine - many thanks :)
Solves that issue but seems to break updates:
This is a ticket from Tools' register() (but it also ha
On Jun 9, 7:19 pm, mdipierro wrote:
> If your intention is to return the PDF to the
> user (http 200 ok) you cannot redirect (http 303 redirect). The two
> statements are not compatible.
Whilst at first sight I'd say that's true, what could be done is to
return the PDF in another Window/Tab (A t
On Jun 10, 12:16 am, mdipierro wrote:
> Uploaded the fix. please give it a try.
Bingo - many thanks!
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On Jun 10, 12:17 am, mdipierro wrote:
> Please try the version in trunk. No more request.env.referer.
This was r897 right?
This has caused problems for my app :/
I have pages which have a List at the top of the page (created by & underneath a create form (created by crud.create).
On Jun 10, 7:48 pm, mdipierro wrote:
> I do not think this is creating the problem. Crud is still redirecting
> UNLESS you set crud.settings.keepvalues=True. If this what you are
> doing?
Yes, well done :)
Can this be made to just take effect on 'update' not 'create' forms?
(Didn't seem to work
On Jun 10, 8:12 pm, mdipierro wrote:
> I posted the slides in Keynote format
Works, but I don't have a Mac
> and PowerPoint format
'Invalid request'
On Jun 11, 6:42 am, durga wrote:
> I am developing a website with web2py and sqllite. I am expecting no.
> of users of the site would increase to 50k. My question is would the
> sqllite in web2py support for 50k users or I need to migrate to
> mysql. The database would contain user information,
On Jun 11, 8:00 am, annet wrote:
> No, the version in trunk that fixed my problem was r1016.
I suspect this is an SVN revno?
Bzr is currently on 909
Since Bzr is the master repo, I think it's best to quote those
> I have something similar, just the other way around first the form
> th
On Jun 11, 7:41 am, Joe Barnhart wrote:
> I don't think it is something you need to add to web2py. This is
> really a workaround for sqlite because it doesn't respect the normal
> keywords of ON DELETE RESTRICT or CASCADE. It's a simple enough work-
> around that is added to the model file for
On Jun 11, 7:49 am, annet wrote:
> notnull=True, unique=True
I see that these provide DB-level protection of fields so always take
effect, but trigger tickets if violated
Validators provide nice user-friendly warnings instead of tickets, but
are only used if the application calls them (i.e. cust
On Jun 11, 1:47 pm, annet wrote:
> I thought that by adding the
> following validators:
> db.provincie.provincie.requires=[IS_NOT_EMPTY(),IS_NOT_IN_DB
> (db,'provincie.provincie',error_message=T('provincie already in
> database'))]
> ... the notnull=True would be covered at web2py form level by t
On Jun 11, 9:50 pm, DenesL wrote:
> Fran, what do you mean by:
> > However they won't work for some custom forms/functions.
If I define in my model:
db.Field('test', requires=IS_NOT_EMPTY()))
Then do:
On Jun 11, 9:50 pm, DenesL wrote:
> Annet, that does not prove Frank's statement.
> IS_NOT_EMPTY does not prevent duplicates.
> Frank, what do you mean by:
> > However they won't work for some custom forms/functions.
NB This is discussed in the manual - pg 139.
On Jun 11, 10:39 pm, AchipA wrote:
> Now, for the kicker - in the model we could do an equivalent of
> {{extend 'layout.html'}} (=sort of import ?) to include any
> dependencies. This would also pull in any 'common' models (just like
> we do with layout.html). Note the subtle difference - I don'
On Jun 11, 11:33 pm, DJ wrote:
> Thanks Massimo. Quick question, how do I get this patch? (url address)
But also see:
On Jun 12, 12:20 pm, pk wrote:
> how can i use the XML-Service for my tables?
> Because i would acces from flex(action script) via xml on my tables. I
> read there is a service in web2py
> for this, but how can i use this?
On Jun 12, 2:32 pm, DenesL wrote:
> On Jun 12, 4:58 am, Alexey Nezhdanov wrote:
> > You can reference the table itself like this.
> > Try:
> > db.define_table('table_example',
> > SQLField('some_int_field','integer'),
> > SQLField('parent_id_field', 'integer'))
> > and then treat pare
On Jun 12, 6:14 pm, pk wrote:
> how can i sort or orderby my table, when i will show the newest
> content on top?
> i have a field calls timestamp with 'datetime'
> and now i will show on the html page the newest one on top like
> 12.06.2009 - Test
> 10.06.2009 - Test2,
On Jun 12, 2:56 pm, pk wrote:
> here the code in my model:
> def data(): return crud()
This line should be in the default controller, not the model.
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"web2py Web Fra
On Jun 14, 3:51 am, Gary wrote:
> I'm not sure that I have the skill to dig into the code to debug this
> yet, but if you create a default application, register, add a
> "@auth.requires_login()" directly above "def index()", save the
> controllers, run index and login, the error will appear.
I d
On Jun 14, 8:34 am, Jason Brower wrote:
> I found
> this...
> but the link seems dead.
These links both work for me:
On Jun 14, 12:34 pm, Jason Brower wrote:
> It just times out. No trace back that I can see.
> :/ interesting.
> Nope, doesn't work either.
ok, so until your Firewall issues get resolved, here is the relevant
section from the appliance:
def email_user(sender,message,subject="group no
On Jun 14, 5:15 pm, mika wrote:
> I still have that problem - I'm using web2py from trunk - Version
> 1.64.1 (2009-06-13 13:29:19).
> Could you give me example how to get it working?
> I'm doing like Gary said, and I get error while logging in...
Did you restart Web2Py after upgrade?
I'm runnin
On Jun 14, 9:03 pm, "Francois (Jersey)"
> Hello I am trying to make a page showing a nested list:
> period 1
> subperiod 1
> subperiod 2
> subperiod 3
> period 2
> subperiod 1
> subperiod 2
> def show_periods():
> periods=SQLTABLE(db().select(db.period.ALL))
> retur
On Jun 14, 9:56 pm, mdipierro wrote:
> I am thinking (experimenting) that as we can do read.json and
> select.json perhaps one should be able to do create.json and send the
> data using json format.
This is definitely required.
Currently I'm using ?format=json for my CRUD functions, but having
On Jun 15, 9:25 pm, mdipierro wrote:
> oops.sorry. check if fixed in trunk
r926 breaks my app:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "C:\Bin\web2py\gluon\", line 107, in restricted
exec ccode in environment
File "C:/Bin/web2py/applications/sahana/models/", line 36,
On Jun 15, 10:04 pm, mdipierro wrote:
> uploading the fix
My app is no longer broken :)
(Haven't tested the point of the original fix)
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"web2py Web Framework" gr
On Jun 16, 11:36 am, samwyse wrote:
> Not quite. It's more like this:
This is a standard EAV design, right?
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On Jun 16, 2:02 pm, carlo wrote:
> I have one form and when submitted I find in request.vars the value of
> the form controls. Now I would like to find in request.vars some more
> values: of course I could insert some input type='hidden' in the form
> but I am wondering if some alternative way ex
On Jun 17, 7:17 am, mdipierro wrote:
> no
I patch this manually in my extended Auth class, but it's extra work
to keep updating my extension to keep in-line with main.
Here is a patch to (also sent by mail):
--- gluon\ Sat Jun 13 20:47:24 2009
+++ gluon\
On Jun 17, 2:40 am, JohnMc wrote:
> 'apache with mod_wsgi preconfigured'. Ok. A clarification on your last
> sentence -- 'and perhaps a nice user interface in web2py to add new
> virtual hosts.' Do you mean --
I think he means a Web2Py app which configures Apache's VirtualHosts.
Not seperate VMs
On Jun 17, 11:22 am, carlo wrote:
> From the manual there is no reason this should not work, but the form
> is accepted even with the empty field. Why? Thank you
> controller:
> def index():
> form=FORM()
> if form.accepts(request.vars,session,formname='test'):
> response.flash='f
Bzr & the file is present & works
I checked the Source downloadable for version 1.64.1 & can see the
file there.
What happens when you run from Web2Py Shell?
python -S welcome -M
>>> from gluon.contrib.login_methods.ldap_auth import ldap_auth
Works on an Ubu
On Jun 17, 10:26 pm, JorgeR wrote:
> what is IS_COMPLEX used for?
Passwords primarily, but also potentially usernames.
You received this message because you a
On Jun 18, 11:24 am, Johann Spies wrote:
> How do I implement that in web2py?
Current version: not possible.
With patched version, like this (also sent by email to you & Massimo):
base_dn='ou=users,O=SU', mode='cn', secure=Tru
On Jun 18, 11:47 am, Fran wrote:
> + if secure:
> + con = ldap.initialize("ldap://"; + ldap_server + ":" +
> str(ldap_port))
> + else:
> + con = ldap.initialize("ldaps://" + ldap_server + &
On Jun 18, 2:11 pm, Johann Spies wrote:
> > With patched version, like this (also sent by email to you & Massimo):
> > auth.settings.login_methods=[ldap_auth(server='',
> > base_dn='ou=users,O=SU', mode='cn', secure=True]
> Where should the brackets be closed? I get
> auth
On Jun 18, 2:11 pm, Johann Spies wrote:
> TypeError: ldap_auth() got an unexpected keyword argument 'secure'
oops, I forgot to add secure=secure to the inner loop
Will send updated patch now.
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On 19 June, 16:01, Daniel Guryca wrote:
> I can see that performance coming from a default integrated server is
> somewhat poor.
'integrated server' = CherryPy/SQLite, right?
> What other deployment possibilities could I test ?
ApacheWSGI/PostgreSQL would be a better comparator.
On 19 June, 17:29, Dan wrote:
> Yesterday the GAE team released a new version of their SDK with
> support for a task queue API. I'd like to use this in my web2py app.
> Can you recommend how I should proceed? Is it appropriate to try and
> create a library in /contrib - something like Or
On Jun 25, 7:52 am, "Md.Mahbubur Rasheed"
> What is the equivalent of php $_SERVER ???
I think
is replaced by
is replaced by
URL(r=request, c='script_name', f='function_within_script')
On Jun 25, 1:51 pm, Robert Marklund wrote:
> I would like to do a join but get results even if it was unsucessfull.
> Like this
> query = ( == db.image_info.image_id) &
> (
> & \
> (
> I
On Jun 26, 1:03 pm, "Sebastian E. Ovide"
> cool ! is it part of 1.63.4 ?
No - it was done in r959:
1.64.4 is r957
> another question : is it possible to customize "chang
On Jun 29, 8:10 am, Richard wrote:
> I have a Python dictionary that is unique to each user and takes a
> rather heavy database query to instantiate. Is there a way to maintain
> the state of this dictionary between requests? For example, is saving
> it in the session variable a good idea?
On Jun 29, 12:40 pm, haftish21 wrote:
> Any one who successfully managed to get connected to postgres db?
On XP, yes
> I already installed psycopg2, postgres, web2py and python 2.6 on my
> windows vista os, but still can't get linked to postgres. Did I miss
> sth? What I get is this:
> Tracebac
On Jun 29, 8:06 pm, haftish21 wrote:
> Then can I say it's always better 2 run the source version than the
> windows one? Or what?
If you need to easily customise the running Python, yes.
The Windows distribution is convenient for simpler users (& can be
modified by including extra DLLs, but thi
On Jun 30, 2:07 am, Mico Siahaan wrote:
> 1. Can we rename the auth_user table to other for example to member
> table?
auth.settings.table_user_name = 'member'
> 2. Can rename field id to other for example to memberId?
All Web2Py tables need a field called 'id'
On Jun 30, 4:57 pm, MikeEllis wrote:
> doesn't migrate=False prevent me from altering the
> table's structure within a running instance of web2py?
Mostly correct - migrate=False means that Web2Py doesn't try to create
the Table, but assumes this exists already.
> am I misunderstanding
> what mi
On Jul 1, 1:59 pm, Jason Brower wrote:
> I get the following error:
> reply: '250 2.0.0 Ok: queued as B207C1FD5A\r\n'
This doesn't seem like an error to me - your Postfix has accepted the
mail delivered by Python.
I guess you need help from a #postfix support group to see why Postfix
isn't sendi
I don't suppose anyone else has done some work on this already or
would be interested in contributing to it?
Many tha
Glad that you're interested :)
> MAssimo
> On Jul 1, 8:42 am, Fran wrote:
> > I would like to be able to make use of JavaRosa[1] to input
Whilst most stuff seems starightforward, the harder cases are things
db.budget_item.code.requires = IS_NOT_IN_DB(db, 'budget_item.code')
Obviously if working offline then this referencedata isn't available
- I guess we just have to ignore that within the XForm itself & handle
it during form
we touch up manually afterwards.
e.g. I have 'unit_cost' for One-time costs &
'monthly_cost'/'minute_cost'/'megabyte_cost' for Recurring costs
> On Jul 1, 10:28 am, Fran wrote:
> > Whilst most stuff seems starightforward, the harder ca
On Jul 2, 3:29 pm, Vidul Petrov wrote:
> db.person.gender.requires = IS_IN_SET(("Male","Female"))
IS_IN_SET(['Male', 'Female'])
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"web2py Web Framework" group.
To p
On Jul 2, 2:07 am, mdipierro wrote:
> This is not so really up to me. I like the idea of XFORM and home one
> of you will take the lean and the task of building it.
ok, here's a 1st cut for feedback on approach.
On Jul 3, 6:15 am, mdipierro wrote:
> If other problems have problems downloading I will repost tomorrow.
I get the same error - dl'ing in both FF3.5 & IE8
However the file un-tar's just fine & the appliance runs.
However the JS fails with formulae (FF3.5 & IE8 again)
Firebug shows 500 INTERNAL
On Jul 3, 2:44 pm, mdipierro wrote:
> Is it possible the app is called "spreadsheet" and you have
> "Spreadsheet" in the URL? Capitalizaiton sometimes matters.
No, not the issue.
Now I'm getting this error:
File "C:/Bin/web2py/applications/spreadsheet/controllers/", line 5, in inde
On 3 July, 18:17, Yarko Tymciurak wrote:
> My spreadsheet.tar is 65798 bytes;
Same here with fresh download (correct .w2p extension now)
> Here are some checksums:
> $ ls -l sp*
> -rw-rw-r--. 1 yak007 yak007 65798 2009-07-02 22:09 spreadsheet.tar
> $ sha1sum spreadsheet.tar
> f0630cc59ea0647836
On Jul 3, 10:59 pm, Mico Siahaan wrote:
> Massimo, thanks it solved. Actually what is 'migrate' parameter
> purpose in define_tables function?
It allows you to auto-create the database & alter column definitions.
You received this message
On Jul 4, 7:09 pm, Jason Brower wrote:
> I have people that would love to translate some of the stuff I am
> working on. But I don't want them to access my admin interface, nor do
> they need to be on my local network. Is it possible to let others
> translate remotely and with accounts that I c
On Jul 6, 7:59 am, Yarko Tymciurak wrote:
> (NOTE: we need to think about the repository: it took forever to get a
> branch - the .bzr directory is now at 486MB, mostrly from the one pack (I
> presume holding revisions) Are we keeping the tar files in there too?
> That would make this H U
On Jul 6, 4:47 pm, pk wrote:
> where can i find
cp web2py\ web2py\
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On Jul 7, 7:30 pm, Jonathan Lundell wrote:
> Massimo, a chapter in the manual on web2py plumbing would be helpful.
> Not every detail, but enough to give a newcomer the lay of the land, a
> guide to browsing the source. What's the startup sequence, what
> happens when a request is received,
On Jul 7, 10:36 pm, eric cs wrote:
> I'm just wondering to do big e-commerce sites like
> or isn't web2py enough, or does it need more
> maturity?
I imagine that a serious site like this would have a team behind it
which may mean you wouldn't get all the benefits o
On Jul 9, 8:12 pm, mdipierro wrote:
> where would the main app, the one accessed by the users run? EC2 or
> GAE?
Looks like GAE to me.
There's no helpers within Web2Py yet to help with storing files in S3.
Seems like it would be a nice option to be able to have the /uploads
folder be there.
On Jul 9, 9:36 pm, Fran wrote:
> Seems like it would be a nice option to be able to have the /uploads
> folder be there.
Django has very flexible uploads handling:
On Jul 9, 9:48 pm, mdipierro wrote:
> You should not ne already logged in after registration. That is not
> default behaviour
Although I think it should be - unless you block the registration or
require verification.
Most websites work like this.
I subclass auth in my app to do this, but it's a
On Jul 10, 10:43 am, Yarko Tymciurak wrote:
> Regardless, you are trying to use something other than a browser for the
> client end (if I recall)
wxPython, yes
>, so that does deserve some
> extra discussion, as the view part of web2py assumes an html / xhtml client
> (that's what it generates
On Jul 10, 9:40 am, rb wrote:
> I don't have the resources for ajax thin client programming. I'll
> stick with the trials of deploying the thick client.
I don't think you need full-blown GWT to have an AJAX client.
jQuery (integrated with Web2Py) allows 'progressive enhancement' of
plain old HTM
On Jul 10, 6:19 am, eric cs wrote:
> So those books about Python 3.0, it's useless if I am planning to learn
> Web2py Python's version.
As a newcomer I would start with a more introductory text anyway.
This is a great free one:
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