On Jul 10, 9:40 am, rb <rbspg...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I don't have the resources for ajax thin client programming. I'll
> stick with the trials of deploying the thick client.

I don't think you need full-blown GWT to have an AJAX client.
jQuery (integrated with Web2Py) allows 'progressive enhancement' of
plain old HTML to increase interactivity.
e.g. look at the miracle of the dataTables plugin which I'm just about
to make use of:

> But wait, I'll also need to generate lots of "reports" and you could
> burn me with fire before I'll slog through using Crystal Reports for
> this. No, I can use Web2py and python and code up some html reports
> from the db. The entry forms and inquiry forms of the thick client I'm
> doing in wxPython will work fine.

Even easier if you let Web2Py build these for you via sqlhtml.py :)
You can AJAXify the forms using jQuery Form plugin if you like...

> I can use xmlrpc for the client-to-
> svr protocol. Who cares if its grossly slow ? (even though I'm led to
> believe that it's not so slow) if it's all on the same machine.

Same machine => no big issue...JSON is only better for WAN

> However, the customer wants to see his reports from his browser out on
> the 'net somewhere. How can I deliver such? Oh look, there's web2py.
> Awesome. In a few short days of reading even *I* can understand how to
> hack something together - and I'm just starting (in python). I've
> still got to watch out for the speed of communication issue but that's
> tomorrow's problem and there won't be a tomorrow if I have to use
> ajax.

Well, I think that maybe you'd be better with Web2Py/jQuery rather
than Web2Py/wxPython.
However what you propose is also ok...

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