[web2py:26793] Re: Custom SQLFORM problem

2009-07-18 Thread
the table: db.define_table('users', SQLField('user_name','string',required=True,unique=True), SQLField('password','password',length=80,required=True), SQLField('town_id','integer'), # this can be NULL SQLField('name','string',required=True), SQLField('gender',requires=IS_IN_SET(

[web2py:26860] Create file on the fly for downloadling

2009-07-18 Thread
Hi, all friends. I'm using PyExelerator to create Excel report for users to download. I tried to save the Workbook object to a StringIO which is said a file-like object, but the result is an empty file. Following are the codes: def get_report(): # generating workbook codes f = StringIO

[web2py:26870] Re: Create file on the fly for downloadling

2009-07-18 Thread
O to do so in Python? 2009/7/19 mdipierro > > Try replace > >f.seek(0) >return f.read() > > with > >return f.getvalue() > > if it does not work than it is a PyExelerator issue > > On Jul 18, 8:32 pm, 陶艺夫 wrote: > > Hi, all friends. > >

[web2py:26877] Re: Create file on the fly for downloadling

2009-07-18 Thread
gt; http://groups.google.com/group/python-excel/browse_thread/thread/581a01953ce3575f/61e40855d94c1eb3?lnk=gst&q=save%28%29#61e40855d94c1eb3 > > http://www.djangosnippets.org/snippets/1151/ (look for 'output = > StrintIO.StringIO()' and 'book.save(output)') > >

[web2py:26878] Re: Custom SQLFORM problem

2009-07-18 Thread
ar in 3 seconds. I'll try by following your advice. I'll let you know as soon as it works. Thank you! 2009/7/18 DenesL > > Hi Artman, > > On Jul 18, 8:02 am, 陶艺夫 wrote: > > the table: > > db.define_table('users', > > SQLField('user

[web2py:27666] file downloading problem

2009-07-30 Thread
Hi, I'm using "response.stream(file_name)" method to offer users downloading files which are sort of business-classified, but the downloading process always terminated halfway. The testing file is 4.2M, an Excel workbook. Is there anything I can do with system configuration(CherryPy), or it's just

[web2py:27701] Re: file downloading problem

2009-07-31 Thread
Yarko Tymciurak > I believe this is a cherrypy issue; Can you use apache + mod_wsgi > instead? This is more reliable for serious work. > > > On Thu, Jul 30, 2009 at 10:32 PM, 陶艺夫 wrote: > >> Hi, >> I'm using "response.stream(file_name)" method to

[web2py:27718] Re: file downloading problem

2009-07-31 Thread
stall_apache2_ssl_web2py_window > however, abraham told me that the wsgi version i use is old, but i couldnt > find updated one for python 2.5 , all are for 2.6 > cheers > alex f > > El 31/07/2009 14:48, 陶艺夫 escribió: > > Thank you for reply. > I've been googling

[web2py:27743] Re: file downloading problem

2009-07-31 Thread
I got it works evetually. Guess what was wrong? I had a wrong spelled word in the conf file! It had taken my 2 hours away from my life :) Thanks a lot. You are so cool... 2009/8/1 mdipierro > > which browser are you using? can you try wget and/or other browsers? > > On Jul 30, 1

[web2py:27744] Re: file downloading problem

2009-07-31 Thread
nd on... I found the admin application wouldn't work in this env till now. I try to remove ssl from Apache, the error was still there. Any idea? 2009/8/1 陶艺夫 > I got it works evetually. > Guess what was wrong? I had a wrong spelled word in the conf file! It had > taken my 2 hour

[web2py:27806] Re: file downloading problem

2009-08-02 Thread
nks. 2009/8/1 mdipierro > > It may be a file permission issue. > > On Aug 1, 12:50 am, 陶艺夫 wrote: > > Now there are some problems I can't figure out why. > > > > My application has been doing well under binary web2py with cherrypy. > After > > I moved i

[web2py:27810] Re: file downloading problem

2009-08-02 Thread
meters_80.py > > > 2009/8/2 陶艺夫 > > Yes. I got the message "admin disabled because unable to access password >> file" when I tried to get into admin app. >> Then started over the web2py using -a parameter and assigned a password. I >> saw the file param

[web2py:27913] Re: file downloading problem

2009-08-03 Thread
;s gone, I never can figure out what it is. The result is fine, but the feelings is not so good... 2009/8/4 Alex Fanjul > Could you solve the "infinite error ticket loop"? It happened to me and I > had to "reinstall" web2py. after that It worked again... > >

[web2py:27932] How to set http "keep-alive" parameter?

2009-08-04 Thread
Hi, I don't wanna use another web server but cherrypy, I think it is capable of serving my site. I tested my app to download a 4.2M file through response.stream(file_name), it always terminated halfway. Is this the case of 'Keep-alive" time is not enougth? If it is, How can I set the parameter? pyt

[web2py:27994] Re: How to set http "keep-alive" parameter?

2009-08-04 Thread
You mean then the bug's gone in the newest version of CP? Can really CherryPy be used in a production environment? I'm a little confused now. 2009/8/5 Fran > > On Aug 4, 10:17 pm, mdipierro wrote: > > Can you give it a try? If it works I will test it too. > > I've never seen the error, so can't

[web2py:28018] psycopg2 problem

2009-08-05 Thread
I compiled psycopg2 under windwos xp using mingw. After installed it, I added "import pstcopg2" in my model file. But I got the ImportError message "cannot import name tz" in the __init__ file of psycopy2. It's weird, the tz.py is there! Any idea will be thankful. --~--~-~--~~-

[web2py:28096] db - stored procedure

2009-08-06 Thread
Hi, I'm using PostgreSQL, I need to use stored procedure to calculate on more than 5 records -- according to every people's birthday, figure out how much subsidy (s)he will get. Is this a rational idea? I have done calculating by a controller, but it has taken more than 50 seconds to get the re

[web2py:28110] Re: db - stored procedure

2009-08-06 Thread
esql('') > > and pass any sql you want. If you show us what you need to do > specifically perhaps we can suggest a better way. > > Massimo > > On Aug 6, 1:13 pm, 陶艺夫 wrote: > > Hi, > > I'm using PostgreSQL, I need to use stored procedure to ca

[web2py:28149] Re: db - stored procedure

2009-08-07 Thread
False, and this payout >> field as readonly, and name it for the VIEW you created separately in your >> DB. >> >> That should nicely and transparently give you what you want. >> >> Perhaps others will have other ideas. I have done things like this in the >> pa

[web2py:28170] Re: db - stored procedure

2009-08-07 Thread
when datediff(yy,BIRTH_DATE,getdate()) between 70 and 79 > then > '70-79' >end > > > > The above SQL produces results like (though I left the TOWNSHIP > grouping out since I don't have a similar column and for brevity): > > 30-3

[web2py:28174] strftime problem

2009-08-07 Thread
Hi, my app got an error in "db(db.person.birth_date>=_date)" , when the _date had a value < '1900-01-01'. That's for python's strftime constraint. I found chaging _date to _date.isoformat() would work, and I had to search whole my app to make the change. Or is there a better solution? Thanks. --~

[web2py:28179] Re: strftime problem

2009-08-07 Thread
It's just a try, means nothing :) But what if the date is not birth_date and really means something 2009/8/8, Yarko Tymciurak : > Wow! You're preparing for dealing with some of the oldest living people on > earth here! > > On Fri, Aug 7, 2009 at 2:22 PM, 陶艺夫 wrote:

[web2py:28202] Re: strftime problem

2009-08-08 Thread
to use datetime in the database late than 1899-12-31, at least under win32. It's sort of ridiculous. 2009/8/8 mdipierro > > Which python version? This may be a python issue, not a web2py issue. > > On Aug 7, 2:22 pm, 陶艺夫 wrote: > > Hi, my app got an error in "db

[web2py:28245] Re: strftime problem

2009-08-08 Thread
> care of it. > > > > Massimo > > > > On Aug 8, 4:37 am, 陶艺夫 wrote: > > > > > You are right! As far as I know, the limitation of strftime still > remains in > > > the newest version of python under win32 (and any other platforms?). > > &g

[web2py:28247] Re: Web2py.com down

2009-08-08 Thread
No problem too, in China. 2009/8/9 Kuba Kucharski > Also no problem from Europe, Poland at that time. > > On Aug 9, 2009 1:35 AM, "Yarko Tymciurak" wrote: > > I see - ok; then I just didn't see an access problem from here (Chicago > area)... > > On Sat, Aug 8, 2009 at 6:18 PM, waTR wrote: > >

[web2py:28282] Re: Static Uploads Time Out

2009-08-09 Thread
I failed in downloading large files from cherrypy server after I'd tried many aspects of adjustment. I think cherrypy has some limitations. You can change to use apache and mod_wsgi, they have been working fine for me. For building mod_wsgi from the

[web2py:29241] Re: one more reason to stay with python 2.5 for now

2009-08-24 Thread
How about Python 2.6.2? I run my applications under 2.6.2, it seems great. 2009/8/24 mdipierro > > IO is still about twice faster than Python 3.1 > > http://www.gtsystem.eu/blog/2009/08/improved-performance-of-python-31/ > > > --~--~-~--~~~---~--~~ You received t

[web2py:29421] How to force db to re-create all tables?

2009-08-26 Thread
Hi, I have finished my app, and I deleted the database-which contains a lot of testing data-from PostgreSQL server then created a new empty one. I thought when my app found that all tables had gone it would re-create all tables automatically. But it wasn't the case. It would just complain "relation

[web2py:29461] Re: How to force db to re-create all tables?

2009-08-26 Thread
Thank you, mdipierro. I didn't know the trick before. Now it works. 2009/8/26 mdipierro > > Did you delete the *.table files in yourapp/databases/ ? > > Massimo > > On Aug 26, 10:20 am, 陶艺夫 wrote: > > Hi, > > I have finished my app, and I deleted the

[web2py:29502] clean up the session files

2009-08-27 Thread
Hi, Under windows, is there another way other than running "session2trash.py" in the background(windws always show a command window) to clean up the session files periodically? What if I do cleanup work every request-check the files timestamp then delete them if time expired? If the sessions are s

[web2py:29510] Re: can't import csv data file

2009-08-27 Thread
Check your csv file, does it contain some empty rows? Or does your data contain any coma ( which will tell the csv reader you have more fields than you expect)? Or some fields get illegal values? good luck. 2009/8/27 Carlos Aboim > > Hi list, > > I want import some data from a CSV file through

[web2py:29525] Re: clean up the session files

2009-08-27 Thread
h.join(request.folder,'sessions') > > try: [os.unlink(os.path.join(ps,f)) for f in os.listdir(ps) if os.stat > > (os.path.join(ps,f))[stat.ST_MTIME] > except: pass > > > > and delete all sessions older than 1h (3600) > > > > about pack-compile

[web2py:29543] Re: clean up the session files

2009-08-27 Thread
> > On Aug 27, 12:51 pm, 陶艺夫 wrote: > > Thank you, mdipierro! > > > > I've put the cleanup code in logout method, to avoid per request check. I > > don't know if it is more reasonable. > > > > "pack-compiled" just give me a "Inter

[web2py:29551] Re: clean up the session files

2009-08-27 Thread
I add printing taceback code into gluon.admin's app_pack method after 'Except:', and now I get the console output: " [Error 32] : ''. Does it mean I/O error in windows? I stopped the server, deleted all files under the path, and try again... The error was still there

[web2py:29557] Re: clean up the session files

2009-08-27 Thread
I appended a line "tar.close()" to the tar() method in the file "fileutils.py", now it's ok. :) 2009/8/28 陶艺夫 > The error occured when 'os.unlink(tarname)'. Error 32 means the file is > still open. I don't know why and am working on it. > &g

[web2py:29553] Re: clean up the session files

2009-08-27 Thread
The error occured when 'os.unlink(tarname)'. Error 32 means the file is still open. I don't know why and am working on it. 2009/8/28 陶艺夫 > No. There were not any errors shown in the console, it seemd nothing had > happened - that's why I could not figure out what was w

[web2py:29559] Re: clean up the session files

2009-08-27 Thread
I thought a file would be closed automatically as its handler unreferred(for example, the method referred it ended) and garbage-collected. But we can't count on this, for the time is uncertain. Close the file explicitly maybe a good choice. 2009/8/28 陶艺夫 > I appended a line "ta

[web2py:30356] Re: hey! we passed 30000 messages.

2009-09-07 Thread
I envy you guys. I'd love to but it's too far for me. Have fun, guys! :) 2009/9/8 mdipierro > > What about Monday 14 in the late evening. Late evening works better > for me too. > > Massimo > > On Sep 7, 6:03 pm, Álvaro Justen [Turicas] > wrote: > > On Mon, Sep 7, 2009 at 19:57, mdipierro wrote

[web2py:31458] Need a Web2Py, PyAMF and Flex 3.0 Skeleton

2009-09-22 Thread
Is there a more morden sample somewhere than http://mdp.cti.depaul.edu/AlterEgo/default/show/22 ? thanks. --~--~-~--~~~---~--~~ You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "web2py-users" group. To post to this group, send email to web

[web2py:31466] Re: Need a Web2Py, PyAMF and Flex 3.0 Skeleton

2009-09-22 Thread
Thanks. I'll fowllow it. Web2py really makes things simple! :) 2009/9/22 mdipierro > > Yes, > > http://mdp.cti.depaul.edu/AlterEgo/default/show/232 > > it is also in the book. > > On Sep 22, 5:15 am, 陶艺夫 wrote: > > Is there a more morden sample somewhe

[web2py:31513] Flex3: how to get remote service exposed by Web2Py

2009-09-23 Thread
I'm trying to get a remote call from service exposed by web2py in flex 3. The Turbogears gateway example on PyAmf site shows that you should get a remote object to make it's methods called(*this address may be wrong, cuz the PyAmf site is just now unavailable* - http://pyamf.org/doc/tutorials/gatew

[web2py:31605] Re: Flex3: how to get remote service exposed by Web2Py

2009-09-24 Thread
The address turns out to be: http://docs.turbogears.org/2.0/TGandPyAMF. Any idea? 2009/9/23 陶艺夫 > I'm trying to get a remote call from service exposed by web2py in flex 3. > The Turbogears gateway example on PyAmf site shows that you should get a > remote object to make it&#x

[web2py:31690] mdipierro, can you help me with calling remote web2py' methods by Flex3?

2009-09-25 Thread
Hi, mdipierro. I need a sample of Flex3 application (or code fragments) with it I can call remote methods exposed by web2py with @seveice_amfrpc. Can you help me? Thanks. --~--~-~--~~~---~--~~ You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Grou

[web2py:34546] load balancing and HA clustering

2009-11-03 Thread
Hi, Is it possibale to use web2py under apache (via mod_wsgi) to construct a load balancing & HA clustering servers' group? If it is, how? Thanks. --~--~-~--~~~---~--~~ You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "web2py-users" group

[web2py:34825] Re: load balancing and HA clustering

2009-11-07 Thread
eed any special configuration to > handle sessions. > > This is described somewhat in chapter 11 of the book. > > Massimo > > On Nov 3, 10:51 pm, 陶艺夫 wrote: > > Hi, > > > > Is it possibale to use web2py under apache (via mod_wsgi) to construct a > > load

[web2py:36654] admin from a vpn client

2009-12-06 Thread
Hi, I'm runing a web2py in an openvpn server and I want to login as an administrator to manage my site from a openvpn client. How can I make it possible? Thanks. -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "web2py-users" group. To post to this group, send emai

Re: [web2py:36659] Re: admin from a vpn client

2009-12-06 Thread
ne the IP for the interface where you > want web2py to be available. > Suppose your web2py is running on a machine with the IP, > then you could do: > python web2py.py -i > > Regards > > On Dec 7, 2:03 am, 陶艺夫 wrote: > > Hi, > > I'm ru

Re: [web2py:36741] Re: admin from a vpn client

2009-12-07 Thread
Thanks! 2009/12/8 Yarko Tymciurak > On Dec 6, 9:18 pm, 陶艺夫 wrote: > > Thanks for reply. > > I do know the server's IP, I can connect to the server too. I'm runing > > web2py behind a apache web server. What I mean is - How can I set a > secure > > channe