Thank you for reply.
I've been googling the right version of mod_wsgi for couples of hours and I
got nothing. I'll try to compile it form the source code. I'm under windows
xp [ :( ], python 2.5.4,apache 2.2.11.
How can I compile it?  Any instructions will be thankful.

2009/7/31 Yarko Tymciurak <>

> I believe this is a cherrypy issue;  Can you use apache + mod_wsgi
> instead?  This is more reliable for serious work.
> On Thu, Jul 30, 2009 at 10:32 PM, 陶艺夫 <> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I'm using "" method to offer users downloading
>> files which are sort of business-classified, but the downloading process
>> always terminated halfway. The testing file is 4.2M, an Excel workbook.
>> Is there anything I can do with system configuration(CherryPy), or  it's
>> just an internet problem?
>> thanks
> >

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