Now there are some problems I can't figure out why.

My application has been doing well under binary web2py with cherrypy. After
I moved it into Apache and mod_wsgi env, some pages would issue an error
ticket and when I click the ticket link, it would continue issue another
error ticket, and on...
I found the admin application wouldn't work in this env till now. I try to
remove ssl from Apache, the error was still there.

Any idea?

2009/8/1 陶艺夫 <>

> I got it works evetually.
> Guess what was wrong? I had a wrong spelled word in the conf file! It had
> taken my 2 hours away from my life :)
> Thanks a lot. You are so cool...
> 2009/8/1 mdipierro <>
>> which browser are you using? can you try wget and/or other browsers?
>> On Jul 30, 10:32 pm, 陶艺夫 <> wrote:
>> > Hi,
>> > I'm using "" method to offer users downloading
>> > files which are sort of business-classified, but the downloading process
>> > always terminated halfway. The testing file is 4.2M, an Excel workbook.
>> > Is there anything I can do with system configuration(CherryPy), or  it's
>> > just an internet problem?
>> >
>> > thanks
>> >>

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