Re: [web2py] Re: Shipping Address, Billing Address - Model Design

2012-05-15 Thread Yogesh
Thanks Annet. This is the exact plan i was having.. Since i am new to python and web2py both. Was little stuck.. I also tried checking out code of conf2py.. for registration details... *Also, are you able to edit details of the user profile.* Since when i used different tables i was not able t

Re: [web2py] Nested CRUD

2012-05-15 Thread Alec Taylor
Thanks Annet, that's what I currently have, but it doesn't allow for CRUD of anything but the outer table, it won't allow for CRUD of any of the inner tables. I would like—either in the drop down or as an "Add/modify" link next to it—the ability to CRUD entries in that referenced table. If there

[web2py] Re: Conditional models

2012-05-15 Thread Annet
> Right now you can't have one model apply to two different controllers with > conditional models. Copy/pasting should work but I would rarely advise > that. Are you running into performance problems? No, but I read the posts in the group, and thought I'd better prevent running into performa

[web2py] Re: how to set text limitation in a div

2012-05-15 Thread Annet
When I asked this question, pbreit, provided me with the following solution: ''' I'd probably use a function or virtual field for that, not store it in DB. And it could be cleaned up a bit. Something like: def trunc_desc(s) if len(s) > 128: return s[:128] + '...' return s ''' Y

Re: [web2py] Re: how to set text limitation in a div

2012-05-15 Thread Yogesh
Vibhor What have you put inside the div To my understanding use a label. and if you are having something descriptive use . CSS Control is always better...

[web2py] Re: reverse ajax on free hosting like fluxflex / pythonanywhere

2012-05-15 Thread stefaan
Please correct me if I'm wrong, but as far as I understand tornado cannot be used with free hosting? (or can it?)

[web2py] Re: loop created forms

2012-05-15 Thread lucas
omg, that is so totally working. cool. i am almost there. i added this at the top of my function if ((request.vars._formname<>None) and (request.vars._formname.rfind('opinion_')>-1)): f = SQLFORM(db.lecture_item_opinions) f.vars.lecture_

Re: [web2py] Re: Conditional models

2012-05-15 Thread Bruno Rocha
put you table definitions on modules and use conditional models to instantiate them. Em 15/05/2012 05:44, "Annet" escreveu: > > Right now you can't have one model apply to two different controllers with >> conditional models. Copy/pasting should work but I would rarely

Re: [web2py] How to access facebook graph of logged in user

2012-05-15 Thread Michele Comitini
That problem is simply due to the fact that in facebook the application has been registered with a domain name and a base url that differ from the one where your web2py application is published. Sometimes even changing the domain name in facebook form does not correct the problem. In that case you

[web2py] Is there anyone who running web2py application on Redhat openshift?

2012-05-15 Thread JungHyun Kim
Hello. I'm now trying to use redhat openshift. I am struggling access database - mysql-5.1 - which is set via openshift cartridge. I got admin user(admin), password and database name(we2py). So I modified database setting in models/ as db = DAL('mysql://admin:passw...@web2py-codingday.rhc

[web2py] Re: Shipping Address, Billing Address - Model Design

2012-05-15 Thread Luc Chase
You haven't actually stated your business rule, nor have you mentioned any need to preserve a history of addresses, but the correct structure from a db design point of view is likely to be that the table storing the owner of the addresses has a one-to-many relation with the address table. i.e.

[web2py] Smartgrid's query builder and reference fields

2012-05-15 Thread Benjamin Bannier
Hi, I am just starting to use smartgrid and have a question on the query builder (the GUI under 'Query'). With def test(): db.define_table('A', Field('type')) db.define_table('B', Field('type', db.A), Field('other', 'integer')) form = SQLFORM.smartgrid(

[web2py] Edit the regsitration form view and Profile

2012-05-15 Thread dundee
Hello All, I am a newbie to web2py. I have edited the User Profile to add fields like this: auth=Auth(db) auth.settings.extra_fields['auth_user']= [Field('Pic','upload'),Field('About_Me','text')] This if fine for the Profile view. However, I do not want these fields to be available in the regi

[web2py] Re: Conditional models

2012-05-15 Thread Cliff
You must be very careful about multiple copies of table definitions. Only one copy can be allowed to migrate the table. Upgrading the tables in a production environment is tedious. First you must upgrade the models independent of the controllers, then use the admin app to ensure all the migrat

[web2py] Re: Is there anyone who running web2py application on Redhat openshift?

2012-05-15 Thread Ross Peoples
I don't know anything about openshift, but I would think the normal MySQL troubleshooting steps apply: 1. Make sure MySQL is listening on all interfaces 2. Make sure your MySQL account accepts connections from the '%' host. On Tuesday, May 15, 2012 3:55:07 AM UTC-4, JungHyun Kim wrote: >

[web2py] Re: Edit the regsitration form view and Profile

2012-05-15 Thread Alan Etkin
I guess you can disable those fields if the user is not logged in. Perhaps adding this to the end of the model: if not auth.is_logged_in(): db.auth_user.upload.readable = False db.auth_user.About_Me.readable = False On Monday, May 14, 2012 8:18:05 PM UTC-3, dundee wrote: > > Hello All,

[web2py] Re: Edit the regsitration form view and Profile

2012-05-15 Thread Alan Etkin
Oops, sorry. I meant db.auth_user..writable = False On Tuesday, May 15, 2012 8:53:07 AM UTC-3, Alan Etkin wrote: > > I guess you can disable those fields if the user is not logged in. Perhaps > adding this to the end of the model: > > if not auth.is_logged_in(): > db.auth_user.upload.readable

[web2py] Re: loop created forms

2012-05-15 Thread Anthony
> > if ((request.vars._formname<>None) and > (request.vars._formname.rfind('opinion_')>-1)): > You don't have to explicitly check for not equal to None -- if it is None, it will evaluate to false. Also, does the formname start with "opinion_" -- if so, use .startswith(): if request.vars._

Re: [web2py] Re: Edit the regsitration form view and Profile

2012-05-15 Thread Kevin Miller
Thank you very much for your reply Alan. I had to add db.auth_user.About_me.writable=False and db.auth_user.About_Me.writable=False for it to work. On Tue, May 15, 2012 at 6:53 AM, Alan Etkin wrote: > I guess you can disable those fields if the user is not logged in. Perhaps > adding this to the

Re: [web2py] Re: Edit the regsitration form view and Profile

2012-05-15 Thread Kevin Miller
ok I see you corrected it. Thanks again. On Tue, May 15, 2012 at 7:10 AM, Kevin Miller wrote: > Thank you very much for your reply Alan. I had to add > db.auth_user.About_me.writable=False and > db.auth_user.About_Me.writable=False for it to work. > > On Tue, May 15, 2012 at 6:53 AM, Alan Etkin

Re: [web2py] Re: Shipping Address, Billing Address - Model Design

2012-05-15 Thread Yogesh
Hi luc, Following is what i am looking for::: - Candidate Applies for posted vacancy using the registration form. (Release 1) - Email-id is the username. - Registration Form 1 (First Name, Last Name, Email, Password, Confirm Password) - Email Sent for activation. Pop-up to activ

[web2py] Re: Is there anyone who running web2py application on Redhat openshift?

2012-05-15 Thread JungHyun Kim
Thank you! Ross! The problem was mysql URL. It was different from application URL(= Now connection to mysql is OK. But still there is HTTP 500 error with default welcome application... I should spend more to know why. 2012년 5월 15일 화요일 오후 8시 51분 26초 UTC+9, Ross

[web2py] Re: Can/should {{super}} works even without a parent block?

2012-05-15 Thread Anthony
> > Sure I can change one of that manually. But wouldn't it be better if > {{super}} can simply work no matter the parent block exists or not? > Not sure it should fail silently by default, but maybe it would be worth adding an optional keyword to tell it to do so. Anthony

[web2py] Schemas, search parth, auth_user and table definitions in modules

2012-05-15 Thread Johann Spies
Earlier in this mailing list the suggestion was made that one can use the sql search path to include/exclude schemas from web2py. In a setup like this it becomes tricky: Schema: Public Table(s): auth-related tables Schema: wbank: Tables related to w

Re: [web2py] Need some help on auth (groups)(users)(member)(permissions)

2012-05-15 Thread Remco K
Hi Richard, Thanks for your answer. I think you`re right. If you, or someone else, knows where to get an example application that uses most part of this features please let me know. In a mean while I'll keep trying to get this to work. If i find something or get this to work I'll try to make a

[web2py] Re: Book Update - Chapter 9 - Pyjamas and jsonrpc

2012-05-15 Thread Daniel Aguayo
fellows! almost 2 years later, this is not yet updated in the book (also, login is temporarily disabled) personally, I'd really like to-have-more-documentation-about-this™ regards

Re: [web2py] Nested CRUD

2012-05-15 Thread Richard Vézina
Not sure, but SQLFORM.smartgrid don't do what you want? Richard On Tue, May 15, 2012 at 4:43 AM, Alec Taylor wrote: > Thanks Annet, that's what I currently have, but it doesn't allow for > CRUD of anything but the outer table, it won't allow for CRUD of any > of the inner tables. > > I would li

[web2py] single datable record formatting

2012-05-15 Thread Marian Siwiak
Dear all, I'm new to web2py, but I tried to search for an answer befor posting, I assure you. I've got datable, use SQLFORM.grid to display it, I have a "view" button which I can click and ge3t redirected to single record view. Question is: where can I define the template for the single record

Re: [web2py] Re: Book Update - Chapter 9 - Pyjamas and jsonrpc

2012-05-15 Thread Richard Vézina
With what happen with pyjamas recently (see thread on python-list) I doubt that there will more work involve documenting pyjamas into web2py until the survive of pyjamas will be granted. Richard On Tue, May 15, 2012 at 9:37 AM, Daniel Aguayo wrote: > fellows! almost 2 years later, this is not ye

[web2py] tutorial

2012-05-15 Thread Gerald Klein
I am working through the tutorial on the web2py site, checking web2py out and I keep getting errors for things I can't see. Like type 'exceptions.SyntaxError'> non-keyword arg after keyword arg (, line 14) That code does not exist on the page. The prior code is: *def index():**ses

Re: [web2py] tutorial

2012-05-15 Thread Richard Vézina
Not sure, but I think you don't need to return session and if you need it, it should be like this : dict(var=VAR, var1=VAR1, etc.) dict() is python dictionnary constructor function, so you need a key and a value : var is the key VAR is the value. Richard On Tue, May 15, 2012 at 8:56 AM, Gerald

Re: [web2py] Re: jqgrid assistance

2012-05-15 Thread Massimo Di Pierro
It is not really a comment: On Monday, 14 May 2012 14:25:07 UTC-5, Larry Wapnitsky wrote: > > Here's what it's generating: > > Whitelisted Addresses "jqgrid_ips_pager">> counter=...before the second arg you're passing: Your statement: return dict(message="hello", session.counter) should be return dict(message="hello", counter=session.counter) -Jim On 5/15/2012 1:16 PM, Gerald Klein wrote: outside of the string passed t

Re: [web2py] Re: tutorial

2012-05-15 Thread Anthony
> > outside of the string passed to the message variable in the call to dict > my code is exactly the same, I didn't have any luck with the version above > this so I coded this instead. As far as the syntax error, I would be happy > to know where it is as I can't see it. And yes the trace is po

Re: [web2py] Re: tutorial

2012-05-15 Thread Richard Vézina
In controller : def index(): session.counter = (session.counter or 0) + 1 return dict(message="Hello from MyApp", counter=session.counter) View : {{=message}} Number of visits: {{=counter}} >From the book and it should work... On Tue, May 15, 2012 at 2:16 PM

[web2py] Re: Questions about background process using homemade task queue

2012-05-15 Thread Niphlod
yes, let me explain better. Having a task queue that updates heavily a sqlite database while a web application needs to read it is not a good idea. Sqlite is a wonderful database and supports some syntax that others "big databases" dream about, has transactions, is flexible, multiplatform,

Re: [web2py] Dedicated IDE

2012-05-15 Thread mrtn
> I am working exclusively with web2py, over 2 years (8-24 hours a day *7) > plus holydays. And I never used an IDE. I use Sublime-text-2 and VIM, I > have Python code completion and I have set some web2py completions for > common code snippets both in VIM and Sublime-text. > But, If I wanted

Re: [web2py] Re: Dedicated IDE

2012-05-15 Thread Richard Vézina
+1 On Sun, Feb 12, 2012 at 5:41 PM, Francisco Costa wrote: > at tymr we use gEdit + plugins > > On Feb 12, 4:17 pm, Anthony wrote: > > > I am also comfortable with the web based IDE. However even with > youadworld > > > there was over 5000 files to port over. (Most didn't have to be ported > > >

Re: [web2py] Re: Dedicated IDE

2012-05-15 Thread Richard Vézina
+1 to Francisco gEdit + plugins Richard On Tue, May 15, 2012 at 2:54 PM, Richard Vézina wrote: > +1 > > > On Sun, Feb 12, 2012 at 5:41 PM, Francisco Costa > wrote: > >> at tymr we use gEdit + plugins >> >> On Feb 12, 4:17 pm, Anthony wrote: >> > > I am also comfortable with the web based IDE

[web2py] Re: Questions about background process using homemade task queue

2012-05-15 Thread cyan
> I strongly advicee the use of the scheduler because your requirements will > be fullfilled best from that than a homemade task queue, at least, if not > trying to use celery.anyway, just my 2 cents: > SQLITE write operations are locking the entire database. one of 2 > controllers

[web2py] Re: mailing with pgp

2012-05-15 Thread szimszon
Is there any progress? Are you able to use it? 2012. április 27., péntek 23:06:40 UTC+2 időpontban szimszon a következőt írta: > > What distrib is this? > What is the content of GPGKEY? > > The list is from python shell or from web2py? > > 2012. április 27., péntek 17:34:06 UTC+2 időpontban weheh

[web2py] Re: Conditional models

2012-05-15 Thread pbreit
"I'd better prevent running into performance problems" I generally advise against premature optimization.

Re: [web2py] tutorial

2012-05-15 Thread Manuele Pesenti
Il 15/05/2012 14:56, Gerald Klein ha scritto: *def index():* *session.counter = (session.counter or 0) + 1* *return dict(message="hello", session.counter)* the right code for building a dictionary is the one suggested by Richard, in

Re: [web2py] Re: Conditional models

2012-05-15 Thread Bruce Wade
Not sure using conditional models is "premature optimization" it is just better design. On Tue, May 15, 2012 at 12:14 PM, pbreit wrote: > "I'd better prevent running into performance problems" > > I generally advise against premature optimization. > -- -- Regards, Bruce Wade http://ca.linke

Re: [web2py] Re: Conditional models

2012-05-15 Thread Bruno Rocha
*# models/* ... db = DAL(".") ... *# modules/datamodels/* from gluon import current from gluon.dal import Field class MyObject(object): def __init__(seld, db): self.db = db self.T = current.T self.request = current.request self.fields = [

[web2py] Re: Questions about background process using homemade task queue

2012-05-15 Thread Niphlod
postgresql definetely scales also with write intensive operations without blocking. homemade task queues are real funny to code but gets messy really soon.blocking operations, tasks that fail and need (or don't) to be requeued, priorities, timeouts, newtork splits, and so on. I think I'm not

[web2py] Re: AttributeError: 'thread._local' object has no attribute '_scheduled'

2012-05-15 Thread pbreit
In order to avoid "NameError: name 'task_function' is not defined": from gluon.scheduler import Scheduler myscheduler = Scheduler(db, dict(task_name=None)) On Wednesday, December 28, 2011 7:36:04 PM UTC-8, Brian M wrote: > > This is simply a note for anybody else who may come across this error w

Re: [web2py] Re: Conditional models

2012-05-15 Thread pbreit
Bruno mentioned modules, not conditional models.

Re: [web2py] Re: Conditional models

2012-05-15 Thread Bruno Rocha
Better example: *# models/* ... db = DAL(".") ... *# modules/datamodels/* class BaseModel(object): def define_table(self): self.db.define_table(self.tablename, *self.fields, **self.params) *# modules/datamodels/* from gluon import current from gluon.dal import

Re: [web2py] Re: Conditional models

2012-05-15 Thread Bruce Wade
These examples are only good if you have 1 model per class. I prefer the design used in Auth with a define_tables method. On Tue, May 15, 2012 at 12:41 PM, Bruno Rocha wrote: > Better example: > > > *# models/* > ... > db = DAL(".") > ... > > *# modules/datamodels/* > > class Bas

[web2py] plugin_lazy_options_widget trigger event

2012-05-15 Thread Jim Steil
Hi I'm trying to use the plugin_lazy_options_widget to build a dependent select list. I have to fields on the screen, both with the IS_IN_DB validator and values available in the second depend on what is selected in the first. This widget from s-cubism seems like just the thing, but I can't

[web2py] Re: Automatically reload custom modules?

2012-05-15 Thread Alex Benfica
Hi! I have it on my only file at models folder, at first line. from gluon.custom_import import track_changes; track_changes(True) When using GAE SDK, this option does NOTE reloads modules! The tickets shows erros on wrong line numbers... and changes made on module files are only displayed when

Re: [web2py] Re: Conditional models

2012-05-15 Thread Cliff
Bruce, Maybe I'm a little simple minded today ... Could you give an example where you would have more than one model per class? On Tuesday, May 15, 2012 3:43:33 PM UTC-4, Bruce Wade wrote: > > These examples are only good if you have 1 model per class. I prefer the > design used in Auth with a

Re: [web2py] Re: Conditional models

2012-05-15 Thread Bruno Rocha
I am looking in to it, and realized that there ia a better, simple and more elegant way. In Django models, it is very commom to use a subclass named Meta, so I will try to run something like. class Dog(BaseModel): = Field("name") = Field("guardian", "reference g

Re: [web2py] Re: Conditional models

2012-05-15 Thread Bruce Wade
Well one example is my location class, which contains countries, provinces, and cities models. Having one class allows me to write a single API that is self contained and very modular to handle any location related task. On Tue, May 15, 2012 at 1:35 PM, Bruno Rocha wrote: > I am looking in to it

Re: [web2py] Re: Conditional models

2012-05-15 Thread Bruce Wade
For example see attached, it isn't complete but will give a better example. On Tue, May 15, 2012 at 1:43 PM, Bruce Wade wrote: > Well one example is my location class, which contains countries, > provinces, and cities models. Having one class allows me to write a single > API that is self conta

[web2py] Re: Error facebook login

2012-05-15 Thread
Thanks for responding no, not possible. would have to be able to specify a dns PTR type, and I have that option CAS system not work for me, I retornava error "infinite redirect" I had several customers excited about the idea of ​​being able to log into facebook ... pity it does not work .. El

Re: [web2py] Re: Conditional models

2012-05-15 Thread Anthony
And just to be clear, defining models in modules and defining modules using classes are two independent design decisions -- you can use classes even in regular model files, and you can use modules without using classes. If you want, you can just use regular functions in modules: */modules/mymod

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