Hi ,
I have two controllers namely REGISTRATIONS and EVENTS , i have
calender in my application.
values and the data are printed on the calender via EVENTS controller.
I have come across a requirement where i need to have a variable who's
value is determined in the REGISTRATION controller is to b
how can i do from gluon.sql import *, in a normal python shell.
Hello guys,
I am looking for a DRY way to do this while keeping the file code
maintainable. I appreciate your replies. Thank you.
I have already defined my tables in the model file, and now I would
like to have a form created for it.
So I have:
After I write a very long email, I found my answer.
It left me speechless.
A hard kick in the butt.
How do I view SQLForm.grid View, Edit or Delete forms without using
auth? I have implemented my own custom authorization mechanism which
does not use web2py auth in any way. Now the problem is in SQLForm
grid that is serialized in my view It say "not authorised" when I
click on View button.
Simple question:
auth.user.id returns an integer
but if i define a field in a table:
Field('author_id', default=auth.user_id)
author_id is a string
and if i want in a later step to compare these values it doesn't seem
good tactic to do str(auth.user.id)
Field('user_id', 'integer', default=auth.user_id)
Field('user_id', 'reference auth_user', default=auth.user_id)
Em 29/11/2011 09:23, "thodoris" escreveu:
> Hello,
> Simple question:
> auth.user.id returns an integer
> but if i define a field in a table:
> F
Nice! Are you planning to release the plugin?
Let me know if you need any help testing it. :)
On Saturday, November 26, 2011, monotasker wrote:
> I'm adapting the select_or_add widget from web2py slices so that it can be
> packaged as a plugin. In that process I'm moving the business logic from
I've been deleting tables and playing around with various settings, so I
don't know what I've done exactly but now my app lost the links for logging
in, registering or resetting passwords.
If I try to access the links manually (i.e. or do the same fo
Anybody there?
-- Forwarded message --
From: viniciusban
Date: Mon, Nov 28, 2011 at 3:39 PM
Subject: [web2py] Fwd: How disable date widget?
To: web2py@googlegroups.com
I found this thread in archives and I have some thoughts about this
1) I need only one date field in j
I think you must import DAL.
Now it's decoupled from web2py.
On Tue, Nov 29, 2011 at 7:28 AM, chandrakant kumar
> how can i do from gluon.sql import *, in a normal python shell.
You typically have to use the web2py shell:
python web2py.py -S appname -M
If you are trying to use gluon libraries by themselves in some other
application (without using web2py at all), then you either need to put
web2py on your PYTHONPATH or copy the needed libraries where you want to
use th
I don't believe that's true.
For instance, in the aforementioned example my code has a mysql db uri
specified in db.py, but the mysql driver is never loaded, despite its
obvious presence in the virtualenv. Only the sqlite3 driver gets
The different behavior can clearly be observed after r
Clarification Needed!
If I use default=some_value, writable=False, readable=False, the field
does not appear on the form at all, and does not autofill with the
default value either, is that the correct behavior?
To have a value for this field, I must manually assign a value in
I ask
Note that in my previous test the P tags were not encoded:
Content-Disposition: form-data; name="comment_text"
test by Denes using Firefox 8.0.1 on Win XP
If you type for example:
the comment will be encoded as:
Again note that the P tags are not encoded.
The reason I asked is that I see at least two problems:
auth.settings.register_next = '/myapp/default/myinfo'
should be
auth.settings.register_next = URL('default','myinfo')
or it breaks with routes
2) you mention
but you says form is an auth form. Th
Controllers are separate. Each request runs one or the other. You have
two options:
- compute the variable in a model (so it will be visible to both)
- have one controller store the variable in a session and retrieve it
in another http request by the other controller.
On Nov 29, 2:54 am, Saurabh
Somewhere you are passing None where it expects a table object. Not
sure where without seeing the code.
fields = [f.name for f in table if (ignore_rw or f.writable or
f.readable) and not f.compute]
TypeError: 'NoneType' object is not iterable
On Nov 29, 6:29 am, Nik Go wrote:
> I've been deletin
than do your own authentication outside the function.
On Nov 29, 5:10 am, Rahul wrote:
> All,
> How do I view SQLForm.grid View, Edit or Delete forms without using
> auth? I have implemented my own custom authorization mechanism which
> does not use web2py auth
On Nov 29, 7:58 am, lyn2py wrote:
> Clarification Needed!
> If I use default=some_value, writable=False, readable=False, the field
> does not appear on the form at all, and does not autofill with the
> default value either, is that the correct behavior?
If a field value is not provided it is
Here is what I use in my scripts to access DAL from a regular Python
script using MySQL database:
import sys
from gluon import DAL
db =
Here's the code:
Field('title', 'string', length=255, required=True),
Field('description', 'text', required=True),
Field('created_by', 'reference auth_user', default=auth.user_id,
writable=False, readable=False),
Field('modified_by', 'reference auth_use
On Nov 28, 11:51 pm, Constantine Vasil wrote:
> Hi Anthony,
> Yes I don't want to mess it up - the most important -
> I don't want 'username'. I want the email to be the username.
> How to do that?
from gluon.tools import Auth
auth = Auth(db)
# book chapt
is the user logged in?
Em 29/11/2011 12:51, "lyn2py" escreveu:
> Here's the code:
> #model
> db.define_table('discussion',
> Field('title', 'string', length=255, required=True),
> Field('description', 'text', required=True),
> Field('created_by', 'reference auth_u
I am sure it is not ckeditor because I tested without it.
may be it is a problem in current or in custom_importer.
note that my form is built in a module.
I will try to build the form in controller for test.
thanks again.
Em 29/11/2011 12:02, "DenesL" escreveu:
auth.user_id returns None if the user isn't logged in.
On Tuesday, November 29, 2011 9:51:21 AM UTC-5, lyn2py wrote:
> Here's the code:
> #model
> db.define_table('discussion',
> Field('title', 'string', length=255, required=True),
> Field('description', 'text', required=True),
> Field('
I have this Field
When the form is displayed you click on browse you can select the
file. But once a file is selected you cannot undo your choice. There
is always the choice to reload the page that holds the form and clean
the field b
Unless you're using a special widget, once you select a file for upload,
the browser should simply put the filename in the string field next to the
browse button. You should be able to put the cursor in that string field
and delete the filename. As an alternative, I suppose you could add a
How you would exclude First Name and Last Name?
sorry it took me a while
SQLFORM.widgets.string.widget and SQLFORM.widgets.date.widget
are the same.
what you want is to eliminate the datepicker popup. Technically that
is not part of the widget but handled by the JS in the page.
try this, immediately after you insert the form or field:
I would recommend you simply do
db.auth_user.first_name.writable = db.auth_user.first_name.readable =
db.auth_user.last_name.writable = db.auth_user.last_name.readable =
and leave everything else alone.
On Nov 29, 9:36 am, Constantine Vasil wrote:
> How you would exclude First Name
You should always use the URL() function to construct your URLs (especially
if you are using routes.py).
On Tuesday, November 29, 2011 1:28:11 AM UTC-5, Constantine Vasil wrote:
> The email I receive has this link:
> /**default/user/reset_password/**1322547476-0ee03b96-5410-4a61-**
I'm writing my first app with Web2py.
So far, i'm very impressed.
But i'm facing a problem of query design:
I have the following model for "operations"
where the possible values for budget are defined in a "budget_types"
table (budget is a reference field)
I need
Hi Massimo - that was a great recommendation, thank you!
so URL() will work on generating the email link too?
Thanks. Yes, I'll release the plugin as soon as I'm happy with how it
works. I'll announce it on the list here when the time comes (hopefully in
the next couple of weeks).
Thanks Massimo. I'm continually amazed at how responsive you and the other
devs are. Maybe that's possible in part because web2py is still (in
comparison to Django or Drupal) a small community, but it's much
Here is a better description for what I want to accomplish.
Basically the business logic is this:
I need a quick registration and then redirection to a form with
option to enter more information.
1) Register with the minimum requirements - email address/password
2) Redirect to My Info form at /m
If you just need the last row from your (ordered) select object, you can
just add ".last()" to the end of your query:
db(db.operations.date.month() == current_month).select(db.
On mobile browser is slow. This is better to be made on the server which is
Ah, great. At first glance those look like they might do the trick.
Yes, but in emails you need absolute URLs, including the host, so use
URL(..., host=True). That will add the current host (you can also specify
the host explicitly). There is also a 'scheme' argument, so you could
specify scheme='https', for example.
On Tuesday, November 29, 2011 11:29
I have a long list of categories which the user has to add to his My Info.
The issue is the list is very long - about 500 categories and counting.
How it would be the best approach to make this list to load in the HTML
really quick?
Loading this long list takes considerable time especially on mo
Hi Anthony,
how can I link a virtual tables from a factory?
Hi Anthony,
Thank you,
absolute URLs explains how it will work.
On Tue, Nov 29, 2011 at 3:02 PM, Constantine Vasil wrote:
> I have a long list of categories which the user has to add to his My Info.
> The issue is the list is very long - about 500 categories an
How about using the autocomplet
widget: http://web2py.com/book/default/chapter/07#Autocomplete-Widget. It
makes Ajax calls as you type to retrieve matching items, so the whole list
doesn't have to load with the page (or at all). I've had problems with the
UI display in IE, so an alternative is
Not sure what you mean.
On Tuesday, November 29, 2011 12:06:16 PM UTC-5, Constantine Vasil wrote:
> Hi Anthony,
> how can I link a virtual tables from a factory?
> Regards,
> --Constantine
Mistakes from my side.
It should be read
But i would like to get the line with "Mensualité No..." instead of
the line with "AGIO PRETS" for the LOGEMENT_PRET budget because the
last operation by date is the
1 LOGEMENT_PRET 990.0 2011-11-29 Mensualité No... 980.0
Simply adding the last() at the end does not work.
It gives me the last operation of the full request (whatever the
But i need each last operation for each budget.
On 29 nov, 17:43, monotasker wrote:
> If you just need the last row from your (ordered) select object, you can
> ju
+1 for the suggest widget. I too have had display issues with the
web2py autocomplete widget.
On 11/29/2011 11:10 AM, Bruno Rocha wrote:
On Tue, Nov 29, 2011 at 3:02 PM, Constantine Vas
This solved the problem, actually i was trying to test the code before
using it in app, kind of like dbshell in Rails.
On Tue, Nov 29, 2011 at 6:49 PM, Ross Peoples wrote:
> You typically have to use the web2py shell:
> python web2py.py -S appname -M
> If you are trying to use gluon libraries
Yes but this list gets almost 50% more traffic than the django google
group and the rails google group. ;-)
On Nov 29, 10:34 am, monotasker wrote:
> Thanks Massimo. I'm continually amazed at how responsive you and the other
> devs are. Maybe that's possible in part because web2py is still (in
> c
Autocomplete is useful if the users know what they are looking for, usually
they don't. So they have to browse.
I am using jQuery Mobile and had an issues with Ajax solution before - when
the list is fetched it is not displayed correctly - it does not renders in
the same way as rest of the pag
I am using SQLFORM.factory not a read database for different reasons.
The question is can I link two SQLFORM.factory tables (virtual tables so to
say) to achieve the same effect?
You are asking to make a guess about your code.
Coding from scratch I would do this:
if auth.user and not auth.user.phone_number:
session.flash='we need your phone number'
A very simple and light way of deploying web2py is to use uwsgi both
to handle the uwsgi communication and also act as a server.
Once one has installed uwsgi it is as simple as
uwsgi --pythonpath /opt/web-apps/web2py --module wsgihandler --http :
80 -s /tmp/we2py.sock
One should ensure that /tmp
Thanx for the reply,
Well, whenever i put the cursor on the text area a popup window opens
to choose the file, so i can't edit the text.
About the solution with Javascript, how can i reference the field that
i want to clear?
I could do something like:
form.append(INPUT(_type="button", _value="C
>not picklable
there is a way to serialize with protocol buffers. I am using it in my
code but it better be implemented in the web2py core as a 'gae' dependency.
What do you mean by linking factory tables? Is it one factory or two? What
would the linking do? Can you detail an example?
On Tuesday, November 29, 2011 12:48:15 PM UTC-5, Constantine Vasil wrote:
> I am using SQLFORM.factory not a read database for different reasons.
> The question is can I
Hi Massimo,
>You are asking to make a guess about your code.
It is a lot of code and the main point is I use GAE datatable.
In order to use web2py I use SQLFORM.factory, then in
I get the values, assign to GAE table instance and use GAE .put() to store
On Tuesday, November 29, 2011 12:54:45 PM UTC-5, thodoris wrote:
> Thanx for the reply,
> Well, whenever i put the cursor on the text area a popup window opens
> to choose the file, so i can't edit the text.
You're right -- I guess it depends on the browser. In IE, you can delete
the filenam
Instead, though, you might want to explicitly link the two tables:
Field('f_distribution', db.t
>I've had problems with the UI display in IE
And yes IE is a big issue. I had issues witch clicking on Buttons and
Submit -
does web2py has these issues?
Basically the solution is like this:
from gluon.tools import Auth
auth = Auth(db)
db.auth_user.first_name.writable = db.auth_user.first_name.readable = False
db.auth_user.last_name.writable = db.auth_user.last_name.readable =False
This will leave only email addr
I'm not sure, but what's the use case? SQLFORM.factory is for creating
forms, not database tables. What would be the result of any linking?
On Tuesday, November 29, 2011 1:14:18 PM UTC-5, Constantine Vasil wrote:
> =
> Instead, though, you
I looked at it and it is .js code. I am developing for mobile with jQuery
Mobile and am not sure it will play nicely with jQuery Mobile. I believe a
pure Ajax is more appropriate but I have this rendering issue with injected
HTML after the page is already build. jQuery Mobile does not fires at t
On Tuesday, November 29, 2011 1:28:33 PM UTC-5, Constantine Vasil wrote:
> Basically the solution is like this:
> from gluon.tools import Auth
> auth = Auth(db)
> auth.define_tables(username=False)
> db.auth_user.first_name.writable = db.auth_user.first_name.readable =
> False
> db.auth_user.l
for now Linkfindr IE compatibility is not my prio ;)
it took 3 months
I thanked Yarko because he helped me a lot more than 3 years ago when I was
a beginner with web2py,
I wasn't aware about current top 10, I wrote this email really fast, looks
like I haven't given i
Yes, this was just brainstorming - the user usually have one or two email
addresses and usually they remember them ;)
Bottom line email address/password is the simpler and quicker way to Sign
Up users - he need to enter just three lines. Could not be more simpler.
nothing is mentioned here on detecting the service status:
perhaps it's just a matter of catching the exception.
i have not been paying close enough attention to know how often there might
be service disruptions, but none o
Here my configuration :
Apache2, wsgi, web2py, ubuntu 10.04.3, postgres
I just made a load test and my app was slow to death... I look into
CPU usage, process, memory, disk acces and I found that only the CPU
can be incriminated... Total CPU usage never exceed 45%, but the
apache2 process
Here my configuration :
Apache2, wsgi, web2py, ubuntu 10.04.3, postgres
I just made a load test and my app was slow to death... I look into
CPU usage, process, memory, disk acces and I found that only the CPU
can be incriminated... Total CPU usage never exceed 45%, but the
apache2 process
Constantine, do you mind sharing what and how you are serializing things
with protocol buffers? perhaps we can adapt what you are doing into the
web2py GAE caching core.
JT - thanks for the nice writeup. i'm working on optimizing some web2py
apps for customers now, and should be using your te
compared to rocket, and apache+mod_wsgi,
uwsgi uses less memory and is more recommended for production as many use
it either with web2py or django, you can google to find out
is also have much more options to use to make it run at is best for your
I use version on webfaction using thi
Hi all,
I'm involved with a project that requires many wizards to collect
information. I could build these wizards by hand or develop a module
to generate them. It needs to be slick i.e. loads each step using
AJAX, given certain answers show or hide questions, client-side and
server-side validatio
>a fall-back plan
How you would do it in web2py?
In db.py I have implemented it. Still when the Register form shows up there
a username present, note I added this: auth.define_tables(username=False)
Field('username', type='string',
Field('first_name', type='string',
I found that the problem is somewhere in the new welcome layout. some lib
there is changing the form encoding.
If I try with .load
The comments works ok with any browser.
Now I have to find what lib or html tag is doing that,
do I have to add:
settings.login_userfield = 'email'
or delete 'username' field?
Finally the problem is solved, and it has not to be with web2py.
I am using jqm (Jquery Modal Plugin)
The sample code has
where the src attr for img is filled dynamically by the plugin modal.
Firefox was raising v
It seems that commenting out 'username' is the only option
#Field('username', type='string',
# label=T('Username')),
Why are you defining your own auth_user table? auth.define_tables() will do
that for you automatically. You only need to define your own if you want to
customize it, and in that case, you can simply exclude the username field
from your custom definition.
On Tuesday, November 29, 2011 4:45:33 PM
I'm astonished,
I'm trying to use admin from my rly old htc g1 with android
and it's totally usable and responsive! Great!
I want mobile admin as soon as possible!
There is a way to know the current porting status? What files left to be edited?
I'll look myself and if I find the respons
OK - if I simply comment out the username field it is OK now?
Hi guys I mentioned this post because I want to use autocomplete. How is
the status of autocomplete with IE? Can I still implement my own and it to
work in IE?
I assume if you implement you're own, it should work fine. There's
something wrong with the JS in the default autocomplete widget that causes
problems with the UI in IE (i.e., it's a client-side problem, not a
server-side problem). An alternative
is http://dev.s-cubism.com/plugin_suggest_widget
On Tuesday, November 29, 2011 5:56:17 PM UTC-5, Constantine Vasil wrote:
> OK - if I simply comment out the username field it is OK now?
I am using jQuery Mobile and here is a code for a keyup handler
directly from the source.
The question is would it work under web2py? What about IE?
Show the event object for the keyup handler when a key is releas
Great! I have to move on with this Sign Up now ;)
Need to work on ajax auto-complete - could you please see my new posting?
I almost done the admin mobilization!
I have to get rid of an error on design.html, when done, I'll send you patches!
2011/11/29 Angelo Compagnucci :
> I'm astonished,
> I'm trying to use admin from my rly old htc g1 with android
> and it's totally usable and responsive! Great!
The Web2py default is to *not* use username for login. I think your problem
is creating your own auth_user table instead of using the default table.
To suppress first/last name collection, set readable/writable in a model or
in user() function:
db.auth_user.first_name.writable = db.auth_user.fi
You might look in to Nginx.
On Tue, Nov 29, 2011 at 6:40 PM, Angelo Compagnucci <
angelo.compagnu...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I almost done the admin mobilization!
> I have to get rid of an error on design.html, when done, I'll send you
> patches!
> Thanks!
Is there a way to see an example? it sounds interesting and it co
I'm not sure there's an easy way to do that in one query. I don't think
grouping and ordering is going to work how you are expecting. Are you able
to see what SQL gets generated for this query?
Is running separate queries for each budget OK?
I would suggest just leaving the default. The only way to get to a
reset_password page is by clicking on a link so there's no benefit to
"pretty-fying" it.
That's what I do on my Mac. In /etc/hosts I have: pb-dev.pricetack.com
Since I run web2py on port 8001 I access my dev site with
I'd be curious as well. That looks like my resize_image function. For now
I've just been letting old images clutter up. Somehow you'd need to know
the original filename to be able to delete it either in the resize_image
function or perhaps a second computed function.
This was the issue:
OK here is my setup:
routers = dict(
BASE = dict(
default_application = 'myapp',
routes_in = (
('/myinfo', '/default/myinfo'),
routes_out = (
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