Thanx for the reply,

Well, whenever i put the cursor on the text area a popup window opens
to choose the file, so i can't edit the text.

About the solution with Javascript, how can i reference the field that
i want to clear?

I could do something like:

form.append(INPUT(_type="button", _value="Clear",

On Nov 29, 4:25 pm, Anthony <> wrote:
> Unless you're using a special widget, once you select a file for upload,
> the browser should simply put the filename in the string field next to the
> browse button. You should be able to put the cursor in that string field
> and delete the filename. As an alternative, I suppose you could add a
> button/link with some Javascript that automatically clears the field when
> clicked.
> Anthony
> On Tuesday, November 29, 2011 10:18:32 AM UTC-5, thodoris wrote:
> > Hello,
> > I have this Field
> > Field('cover','upload',notnull=False,autodelete=True),
> > When the form is displayed you click on browse you can select the
> > file. But once a file is selected you cannot undo your choice. There
> > is always the choice to reload the page that holds the form and clean
> > the field but is there another way to do it??

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