Re: [web2py] Offline Access to web2py manual?

2011-11-11 Thread Johann Spies
On 10 November 2011 18:11, ~redShadow~ wrote: > > Sure, I was complaining for lack of *wget* documentation, not web2py :) > (although yeah, maybe I should email wget authors about that..) > > 'man wget' is quite good. Did you try ? Regards Johann -- Be

Re: [web2py] Re: Detecting if a session has ended

2011-11-11 Thread Anthony
On Friday, November 11, 2011 1:21:51 AM UTC-5, rochacbruno wrote: > > > > On Wed, Nov 9, 2011 at 5:14 PM, Massimo Di Pierro > wrote: > >> auth.settings.logout_onlogout = lambda user: do_something_with(user) > > > Why dont we clean the specific session file/registry when user logged out? > > *auth.

[web2py] Re: help on howto redirect user based on their auth_membership

2011-11-11 Thread Anthony
On Friday, November 11, 2011 1:04:14 AM UTC-5, Massimo Di Pierro wrote: > > It was a long day. :-) > OK, now I'm going to bed. :-)

[web2py] Re: Signature apps

2011-11-11 Thread Andrew
Massimo, hopefully a relevant comment: Should PowerTalk be listed under cms (could also be shown as a plugin)? I believe Martin refers to it as instant press2. Important as cms is a major area. Sorry for the comment. On Sep 26, 7:24 pm, Massimo Di Pierro wrote: > I have not tested them and I

[web2py] Re: CAS auto login for all apps

2011-11-11 Thread Cahya Dewanta
pepper_bg. You mean @auth.requires_login() ? Cos it works and you are 100% right about what I'm trying to describe :) Thanks! Anthony. Thanks again. It seems separating databases and using CAS is the most suitable for my system.

Re: [web2py] Re: Mixing/supporting CMS with Web2py

2011-11-11 Thread Bruno Rocha
This one: IS a very nice facebook clone app! can be extended for a cms. is it open source?

[web2py] Re: web2py with twitter bootstrap - very clean interface ...

2011-11-11 Thread Rahul
Thanks Anthony, I'll try with less.js now :) Rahul On Nov 10, 5:38 pm, Anthony wrote: > LESS is used by Bootstrap but is a completely separate project -- > see > > > > > > > > On Thursday, November 10, 2011 12:09:43 AM UTC-5, Rahul wrote: > > > I would like to make it work fo

[web2py] Using "auth.settings.login_onaccept"

2011-11-11 Thread Rahul
Hi All, I want to redirect to a custom html file (NOT Index.html) after user logs in using Auth - auth.settings.login_onaccept = [] What would I need to define and where? I checked online version of book but found it very limited. Please suggest

[web2py] Using "auth.settings.login_onaccept"

2011-11-11 Thread Rahul
Hi All, I want to redirect to a custom html file (NOT Index.html) after user logs in using Auth Login() - auth.settings.login_onaccept = [] Redirect after a successful login to a html file residing here- views \default\samples.html What would I need to define and where? I checked

[web2py] Re: Using "auth.settings.login_onaccept"

2011-11-11 Thread Cahya Dewanta
1. in your you should define def go_log(object): redirect(URL('default','samples')) #default is the controller, samples is the action. auth.settings.login_onaccept = go_log 2. in your create a action def samples(): return dict() 3. you should have created file samples

[web2py] Re: A typo in online book for update_or_insert()

2011-11-11 Thread $p00ky
Great!!! I was wondering why it was not working... And if you want to check multiple fields, here is an example : db.table.update_or_insert( (db.table.filename==up['filename']) & ( , author=ddl['author']

[web2py] Re: Using "auth.settings.login_onaccept"

2011-11-11 Thread Rahul
Hey All, I got it working with the below code - If you need to redirect to a url - after Auth login - In your controller - ( - Just add the below function and call it with "auth.settings.login_onaccept" as shown below. #-- def afterlogin(form): redirect("http:

[web2py] Re: new welcome app - need help with css

2011-11-11 Thread Paolo Caruccio
Anthony, since IE (any version), in some circumstances, has a behavior different from other browsers, we need to detect it in css rules. So any solution is good. Paolo

[web2py] Re: smartgrid styling

2011-11-11 Thread Cliff
Done. Now the styling for both grid and smartgrid is the same, which is what I wanted. On Nov 10, 4:25 pm, Jim Steil wrote: > Sounds like a good idea.  Let us know if you see differences. > >      -Jim > > On 11/10/2011 3:18 PM, Cliff wrote: > > > > > > > > > I'm now completely confused. > > > J

[web2py] Re: Mixing/supporting CMS with Web2py

2011-11-11 Thread kenji4569
I cannot help presenting my developing plugin, which has a concrete5- like wysiwyg functionality: use chrome or FF) In this page, you can click highlighed blocks and edit their texts, images, and htmls, and move specified bl

[web2py] Re: Mixing/supporting CMS with Web2py

2011-11-11 Thread kenji4569
I cannot help presenting my developing plugin, which has a concrete5- like wysiwyg functionality: (note: use chrome or FF) In this page, you can click highlighed blocks and edit their texts, images, and htmls, and move specifi

[web2py] grid how to generate user_signature?

2011-11-11 Thread Cliff
Using grid on 1.99.2. After a user creates an object I want to redirect him to edit the object. How do I append a valid user_signature to the redirect url. I can't make the methods in the book work. Also I don't want to turn user_signature off. Any hints?

[web2py] Re: Mixing/supporting CMS with Web2py

2011-11-11 Thread Anthony
This is great. By the way, mentions nanahoshi-cms as a web2py based CMS under development. How far along is that? Does it/will it use this plugin_managed_html? Anthony On Friday, November 11, 2011 8:23:24 AM UTC-5, kenji4569 wrote: > > I cannot help presenting my develo

[web2py] Re: Mixing/supporting CMS with Web2py

2011-11-11 Thread kenji4569
Anthony Thank you for your response. >How far along is that? Does it/will it use this plugin_managed_html? I am now >developing several core plugins for the product, and will publish them soon. >The product itself is currently for domestic, though. On 11月11日, 午後10:46, Anthony wrote: > This is gr

[web2py] Re: Mixing/supporting CMS with Web2py

2011-11-11 Thread kenji4569
Anthony Thank you for your response. >How far along is that? Does it/will it use this plugin_managed_html? I am now developing several core plugins for the product, and will publish them soon. The product itself is currently for domestic, though. On 11月11日, 午後10:46, Anthony wrote: > This is

[web2py] Re: The -f command line switch seems to break custom_import

2011-11-11 Thread pgergo
The same issue affects the loading of "logging.conf". It is read from the current directory at the beginning of But using the debian package the cwd is '/usr/share/web2py', and that location is not writable to users, nor can be customized per application server. Probably logging.conf shoul

Re: [web2py] Offline Access to web2py manual?

2011-11-11 Thread ~redShadow~
On Fri, 2011-11-11 at 10:05 +0200, Johann Spies wrote: > 'man wget' is quite good. > > Did you try ? Yup.. just found out that ``--html-extension`` got renamed into: -E, --adjust-extension save HTML/CSS documents with proper extensions. Th

[web2py] Some thoughts on the use of web2py's HTML helpers

2011-11-11 Thread Anthony
In case anyone is interested, my response to a Stackoverflow question regarding when to use web2py's HTML helpers (vs. regular HTML markup): Anthony

Re: [web2py] Some thoughts on the use of web2py's HTML helpers

2011-11-11 Thread Jonathan Lundell
On Nov 11, 2011, at 7:05 AM, Anthony wrote: > In case anyone is interested, my response to a Stackoverflow question > regarding when to use web2py's HTML helpers (vs. regular HTML markup): > >

Re: [web2py] Some thoughts on the use of web2py's HTML helpers

2011-11-11 Thread Anthony
On Friday, November 11, 2011 10:12:17 AM UTC-5, Jonathan Lundell wrote: > > Nicely done. That'd be useful in the book, too, as an overview (maybe it > is; I'm not looking at it right now). XML should be on the list at the end > (and maybe TAG?). > Thanks. Just added XML and TAG. I'm continuing to

Re: [web2py] Some thoughts on the use of web2py's HTML helpers

2011-11-11 Thread Richard Vézina
Pretty clear explanation Anthony... Thanks to report hear this answer on stackoverflow. Richard On Fri, Nov 11, 2011 at 10:23 AM, Anthony wrote: > On Friday, November 11, 2011 10:12:17 AM UTC-5, Jonathan Lundell wrote: >> >> Nicely done. That'd be useful in the book, too, as an overview (maybe

[web2py] IS_MATCH()

2011-11-11 Thread annet
How would I write a validator validating zipcode with the following format: 4 digits space 2 capitals: e.g. 1000 AZ This is syntactically not correct: IS_MATCH('\d{4}\ \[A-Z] {2}',error_message='no match 4 digits, space, 2 capitals') Kind regards, Annet

[web2py] GAE Contains() issue?

2011-11-11 Thread pallav
Hi, I am using version 1.99.2 of web2py and am getting an error when trying to run a query with "contains()" in Google App Engine. The Model: db.define_table('Site_Main', Field('site', 'string', length=13), Field('companyID', 'list:integer'),

Re: [web2py] IS_MATCH()

2011-11-11 Thread Jonathan Lundell
On Nov 11, 2011, at 8:11 AM, annet wrote: > How would I write a validator validating zipcode with the following > format: 4 digits space 2 capitals: e.g. 1000 AZ > > This is syntactically not correct: IS_MATCH('\d{4}\ \[A-Z] > {2}',error_message='no match 4 digits, space, 2 capitals') Don't esca

[web2py] Re: Id been Shown Instead of Name in dropdown list

2011-11-11 Thread Massimo Di Pierro
>From Burno'e example db.tblDriver.id_tblVehicle.requires=IS_IN_DB(db, '') is optiona and automatic. If you add it it overrides the format so you want to do db.tblDriver.id_tblVehicle.requires=IS_IN_DB(db, '',format=lambda row: "%s" % row.**VehicleName_id.VehicleName)

[web2py] Re: new welcome app - need help with css

2011-11-11 Thread Massimo Di Pierro
new versions: thanks Anthony for the hard work. (I disabled mobile detection menu because I have not updated the libs yet) On Nov 11, 5:58 am, Paolo Caruccio wrote: > Anthony, > > since IE (any version), in some circumstances, has

[web2py] Re: Mixing/supporting CMS with Web2py

2011-11-11 Thread Massimo Di Pierro
Kenji, as you know we are building the new web2py web page. I'd rather link your plugins than mine. Would you be able to host some of plugins at and provide a service like this: I would still act as proxy for the service

Re: [web2py] Python 2.7 on GAE (experimental)

2011-11-11 Thread Jonathan Lundell
On Nov 10, 2011, at 5:33 PM, pallav wrote: > Thank you. I also appreciate you putting your app.yaml on the code > repository - it helped me get started today (before seeing what you > had done, my own had not been customized for wsgi, just Python 2.7). > > I'm definitely interested in learning th

[web2py] Re: The -f command line switch seems to break custom_import

2011-11-11 Thread Massimo Di Pierro
In trunk! Thanks. On Nov 10, 9:51 am, pgergo wrote: > Fix, in case anyone interested: > > --- a/  2011-10-01 12:03:20.0 +0200 > +++ b/ 2011-11-10 16:22:29.466847323 +0100 > @@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ >  def custom_import_install(web2py_path): >          global _web2

[web2py] Re: GAE Contains() issue?

2011-11-11 Thread Massimo Di Pierro
session.company_id is None in your case and None cannot be contained in a list of strings. It has to fail in some place. We could catch the error somewhere else and have a more meaningful error but you really want something like: if session.company_id: rows = db(db.Site_Main.companyID.contains(

[web2py] Re: IS_MATCH()

2011-11-11 Thread annet
Hi Jonathan, Thanks for your reply. What do you mean by anchoring the search? Kind regards, Annet

[web2py] Re: SQLFORM.grid : formstyle, readable and writable control

2011-11-11 Thread Cliff
Richard, You answered my question already. Using your nomenclature it should have been table[1], which would be the created table. On Nov 10, 4:30 pm, Richard Vézina wrote: > Where do you see form[1]? > > What do you want to know? > > What I am doing in my for loop? > > Richard > > > > > > > >

Re: [web2py] Re: new welcome app - need help with css

2011-11-11 Thread Furqan Rauf
Massimo can you tell me how to design a website, do I have to be a graphic designer to throw a nice little template? On Fri, Nov 11, 2011 at 10:50 AM, Massimo Di Pierro <> wrote: > new versions: > > > > >

Re: [web2py] Re: IS_MATCH()

2011-11-11 Thread Jonathan Lundell
On Nov 11, 2011, at 9:12 AM, annet wrote: > Thanks for your reply. What do you mean by anchoring the search? In a regular expression, ^ matches the beginning of the string, and $ matches the end; I'm referring to those as anchors. So ^xyz$ matches only "xyz", but the pattern xyz matches (for ex

[web2py] application installation problem

2011-11-11 Thread petrasadi
I have dropped my application folder in web2py's application folder, but when i go to the administrative interface, the framework can not find it. Is there a way to make web2py aware of this new application, so I can see it in the admin interface and be able to run it? Thank you

[web2py] Re: Random Selection Issue

2011-11-11 Thread Andrew Evans
Anyone able to help with this? No pressure, just hoping I can get some insight from one of the Gurus :-) *cheers On Thu, Nov 10, 2011 at 11:22 AM, Andrew Evans wrote: > Hello I am trying to randomly select from entries in my database then > store that random result. The problem is its storing th

[web2py] Re: Random Selection Issue

2011-11-11 Thread Anthony
Try setting the defaults before creating the form. On Friday, November 11, 2011 12:54:02 PM UTC-5, Andrew wrote: > > Anyone able to help with this? No pressure, just hoping I can get some > insight from one of the Gurus :-) > > *cheers > > On Thu, Nov 10, 2011 at 11:22 AM, Andrew Evans wrote: > >

[web2py] Re: ATR

2011-11-11 Thread Nicolas Palumbo
Marcelo, Por favor disculpame la demora en responder, estoy bastante atareado con el trabajo, trabajos de la facu y parciales. Paso a responder lo mas ordenado posible: Arduino vs Placa Paralelo: En principio la idea era no sacar al micro de la placa arduino, tomando la ventaja de utilizar el usb p

Re: [web2py] Re: new welcome app - need help with css

2011-11-11 Thread Anthony
On Friday, November 11, 2011 12:27:19 PM UTC-5, Furqan wrote: > > Massimo can you tell me how to design a website, do I have to be a graphic > designer to throw a nice little template? > There are lots of free templates, CSS frameworks, and front-end boilerplates out there. And if you've got a f

[web2py] Implementing unari relationships in web2py

2011-11-11 Thread petrasadi
I am trying to implement a unari relationship in one of my tables.(Course for example) I am declaring a field has_prerequisites and have it reference it's own table. Is this the best way to do this, or is there a better way to solve the problem

Re: [web2py] Re: Random Selection Issue

2011-11-11 Thread Andrew Evans
hmm that did not work any other ideas *cheers this is what we did def xreflection(): game_id = request.args(0) reflection_id = request.args(1) if reflection_id == None: return dict(redirect(URL('error','invalid'))) if game_id == None: return dict(redirect(URL('erro

[web2py] columns option removed from sqlform.grid?

2011-11-11 Thread JaapP
Hi , could anyone give me an hint on this one please: i've been playing with sqlform.grid and noticed that in web2py Version 1.99.3 (2011-11-11 10:27:54) dev i cannot use the columns option any more (TypeError: grid() got an unexpected keyword argument 'colums') This did work in previous version

[web2py] Re: web2py with twitter bootstrap - very clean interface ...

2011-11-11 Thread Osama Khan
Great job! On Sep 26, 11:10 am, David Marko wrote: >

Re: [web2py] columns option removed from sqlform.grid?

2011-11-11 Thread Jim Steil
This was due to a non-backward-compatible change that Massimo implemented a day or so ago. You should be able to substitute your usage of columns with fields. However, the syntax is a bit different. Here is an example. Using columns - no longer supported columns = ['table.field1', 'table.f

[web2py] Re: columns option removed from sqlform.grid?

2011-11-11 Thread JaapP
Thanks a lot, works perfect! And now i even can set the order in which the columns are displayed; this did not work with 'columns' Bye, Jaap On 11 nov, 19:43, Jim Steil wrote: > This was due to a non-backward-compatible change that Massimo > implemented a day or so ago.  You should be able to

[web2py] Re: .hgignore and updating welcome/admin

2011-11-11 Thread pbreit

Re: [web2py] Re: .hgignore and updating welcome/admin

2011-11-11 Thread Richard Vézina
Maybe is differents repo?? One for web2py And One for each app Richard On Fri, Nov 11, 2011 at 2:25 PM, pbreit wrote: > bump

Re: [web2py] Re: new welcome app - need help with css

2011-11-11 Thread Ismael Serratos
Congrats!!! I just got in love of the new tempalte! Wow, beautiful!!! When could we test it? On Fri, Nov 11, 2011 at 12:19 PM, Anthony wrote: > On Friday, November 11, 2011 12:27:19 PM UTC-5, Furqan wrote: >> >> Massimo can you tell me how to design a website, do I have to be a >> graph

Re: [web2py] Re: columns option removed from sqlform.grid?

2011-11-11 Thread Jim Steil
Glad I could help. On another note, Massimo just updated trunk to resolve the other issues I was having with SQLFORM.smartgrid. -Jim On 11/11/2011 1:02 PM, JaapP wrote: Thanks a lot, works perfect! And now i even can set the order in which the columns are displayed; this did not work wit

Re: [web2py] Re: SQLFORM.smartgrid - multiple problems with latest trunk

2011-11-11 Thread Jim Steil
fixed in trunk. On 11/10/2011 11:55 AM, Jim Steil wrote: Ticket created On 11/10/2011 11:33 AM, Massimo Di Pierro wrote: please repost problems asap about it. I have made some backward incompatible changes to the grid/smartgrid in order to

[web2py] Unwanted submit on checkbox click ?

2011-11-11 Thread BrendanC
I'm building a dynamic table with a checkbox in each row with the code below. The table displays correctly and html looks ok. However when I click on any checkbox, the page is being submitted - not sure why. Any suggestions? for item in imgtags: s = [[ , '']]

Re: [web2py] Re: new welcome app - need help with css

2011-11-11 Thread Anthony
On Friday, November 11, 2011 3:31:48 PM UTC-5, Ialejandro wrote: > > Congrats!!! I just got in love of the new tempalte! Wow, beautiful!!! > > When could we test it? > It should be in trunk: Anthony

[web2py] Re: Mixing/supporting CMS with Web2py

2011-11-11 Thread Michael Ellis
Here's a real world example: I'm on the board of the Asheville Choral Society, . Like most non-profits, we're short of money and as the only software geek on the board, I end up donating a fair amount of time (that I'd much rather spend rehearsing the music

[web2py] Adding a column to the SQLFORM.grid table - one way to do it

2011-11-11 Thread Cliff
Props to Richard Vezina for posting a similar technique. This is built on his post >From the book we know that, "Components' objects can be referenced via their position, and helpers act as lists with respect to their components." A little archaeology in the source code tells us that SQLFORM.gri

[web2py] Re: application installation problem

2011-11-11 Thread Massimo Di Pierro
It should be visible immediately. Unless the name contains charaters not allowed in a url, for example a space. On Nov 11, 11:33 am, petrasadi wrote: > I have dropped my application folder in web2py's application folder, > but when i go to the administrative interface, the framework can not > fin

[web2py] Re: web2py with SAE Python

2011-11-11 Thread chinakr
Any replay? On Nov 9, 8:49 am, chinakr wrote: > With the hint from SAE Python maintainer, I use __file__ to solve the > path problem. > > $ pwd > ~/src/web2py_sae/3 > $ gvim & > import os > app_root = os.path.dirname(__file__) > $ gvim gluon/ & > from config import app_root > ver

[web2py] Re: Mixing/supporting CMS with Web2py

2011-11-11 Thread kenji4569
Massimo I've heard that Bruno is rewriting the and plugins will be able to be hosted. Should I host my plugins at the current plugin site, or wait until the new site open? Kenji On 11月12日, 午前1:54, Massimo Di Pierro wrote: > Kenji, > > as you know we are building the new web2p

Re: [web2py] Re: Random Selection Issue

2011-11-11 Thread Andrew Evans
Still trying to solve this any ideas are welcome *cheers

[web2py] Re: GAE Contains() issue?

2011-11-11 Thread pallav
I went through the code and was planning on proposing a recommendation - I can create the patch for the code if you think it's worthwhile. The behavior I would expect is that if None is provided in the contains() statement, it would just return no results (because GAE won't allow None in lists). I

[web2py] Re: Python 2.7 on GAE (experimental)

2011-11-11 Thread pallav
That was a very informative response, thank you. I think I will have time in the first weeks of December to try to change the DAL. Will try to get Massimo's feedback on this too.

[web2py] Web2Py application internationalization

2011-11-11 Thread Shiv
Hello guys, Need your help. I want to put language selection dropdown in my application. (exactly like we get on web2py admin interface). Can any one help me please? Thanks & Regards Shiv

[web2py] Re: Web2Py application internationalization

2011-11-11 Thread Massimo Di Pierro
Admin does {{for language in T.get_possible_languages():}} {{=language}} {{pass}} and in a model if 'adminLanguage' in request.cookies and not (request.cookies['adminLanguage'] is None): T.force(request.cookies['adminLanguage'].

[web2py] Re: Adding a column to the SQLFORM.grid table - one way to do it

2011-11-11 Thread Anthony
Also, using the .element() and .elements() methods provides some powerful options for searching the DOM -- see Anthony On Friday, November 11, 2011 5:37:52 PM UTC-5, Cliff wrote: > > Props to Richard Vezina for posting a sim

Re: [web2py] Re: Mixing/supporting CMS with Web2py

2011-11-11 Thread Bruno Rocha
> > I've heard that Bruno is rewriting the and plugins > will be able to be hosted. Should I host my plugins at the current > plugin site, or wait until the new site open? > Hi, the new web2pyslices is 90% just few adjustments, but, I am working on another projects now and it will

[web2py] image upload problem

2011-11-11 Thread pbreit
I'm trying to upload an image from an iPhone app by posting it to a form and processing it with the following code: def index(): form = SQLFORM.factory( Field('title'), Field('price'), Field('image', 'upload', uploadfolder=request.folder+'static/uploads')) if form

Re: [web2py] Re: Web2Py application internationalization

2011-11-11 Thread Shiv
It worked. Thanks a lot. On Sat, Nov 12, 2011 at 9:06 AM, Massimo Di Pierro <> wrote: > Admin does > > >{{for language in T.get_possible_languages():}} > 'selected' or ''}} >{{=language}} >{{pass}} > > > an

[web2py] Re: image upload problem

2011-11-11 Thread pbreit
Figured it out. Don't need the "store" line. if form.accepts(request.vars): db.item.insert(title=form.vars.title, price.form.vars.price, image=form.vars.image)

[web2py] ImportError with AppEngine SDK v1.6.0

2011-11-11 Thread Sathvik Ponangi
Hi! I've recently updated my GAE SDK to v1.6.0 and I'm getting this error on every subsequent call to the server (It works the first time though): Traceback (most recent call last): > File "E:\Programming\Python\rappiden\gluon\", line 194, in > restricted > exec ccode in environment

[web2py] Re: contains() subtleties on GAE

2011-11-11 Thread howesc
give belongs() a tryi can remember that contains and belongs with GAE and list:references have been troublesome for me (but i'm not convinced that it is broken, just not quite as expected) cfh

[web2py] Re: web2py with SAE Python

2011-11-11 Thread howesc
i can't read Chinese, so i can't read the docs. :( but i would suggest that you read the docs to find out what happens when there are uncaught exceptions and where python logging statements are output in your environment. then if you can post the traceback we'll be more equipped to help you o

[web2py] Re: Python 2.7 on GAE (experimental)

2011-11-11 Thread howesc
i will continue to keep an eye on this as well. i work with a few clients for which this would be helpful and i'm currently lobbying to get some research time to work on this problem...

Re: [web2py] Re: Id been Shown Instead of Name in dropdown list

2011-11-11 Thread Naleen Yadav
Thanks for Your reply but its not working . still I am getting id instead of Vehicle name. Regards, Naleen Yadav On Fri, Nov 11, 2011 at 10:12 PM, Massimo Di Pierro <> wrote: > From Burno'e example > > db.tblDriver.id_tblVehicle.requires=IS_IN_DB(db, '

Re: [web2py] Re: Id been Shown Instead of Name in dropdown list

2011-11-11 Thread Naleen Yadav
This is the final model after following given suggesstion by you all # Table Vehicle name master db.define_table("tblVehicleName", Field("VehicleName", length=45, notnull=True, default=None,unique=True,label='Vehicle Name'), format='%(VehicleName)s' ) # Table Vehicle db.define_