hmm that did not work any other ideas *cheers this is what we did
def xreflection(): game_id = request.args(0) reflection_id = request.args(1) if reflection_id == None: return dict(redirect(URL('error','invalid'))) if game_id == None: return dict(redirect(URL('error','invalid'))) gameDB = db( == int(game_id)).select() or redirect(URL('error','invalid')) cardDB = db(db.xcard.type == int(reflection_id)).select(orderby='<random>',limitby=(0,1)) or redirect(URL('error','invalid')) for xcard in cardDB: for xgame in gameDB: = #weird stuff happens here! db.xreflection.card.default = db.xreflection.reflection_type.default = reflection_id form = SQLFORM(db.xreflection) if form.accepts(request.vars, session): db.notification.insert(receptient = xgame.userinfo, title = form.vars.title, description = 'has responded to',type = reflection_id, session.flash = 'You have successfully reflected.' return dict(redirect(URL('view','xgame', elif form.errors: response.flash = 'Please correct the highlighted fields' return dict(form=form, xgame=xgame,xcard=xcard) else: return dict(form=form, xgame=xgame,xcard=xcard)