That was a very informative response, thank you. I think I will have time in the first weeks of December to try to change the DAL. Will try to get Massimo's feedback on this too.
- [web2py] Re: Python 2.7 on GAE (experimental) Changju
- [web2py] Re: Python 2.7 on GAE (experimental) Massimo Di Pierro
- [web2py] Re: Python 2.7 on GAE (experimental) howesc
- Re: [web2py] Re: Python 2.7 on GAE (experim... Jonathan Lundell
- [web2py] Re: Python 2.7 on GAE (experim... pallav
- Re: [web2py] Re: Python 2.7 on GAE... Jonathan Lundell
- [web2py] Re: Python 2.7 on GAE (ex... pallav
- Re: [web2py] Re: Python 2.7 on GAE... Jonathan Lundell
- [web2py] Re: Python 2.7 on GAE (ex... pallav
- Re: [web2py] Python 2.7 on GAE (ex... Jonathan Lundell
- [web2py] Re: Python 2.7 on GAE (ex... pallav
- [web2py] Re: Python 2.7 on GAE (ex... howesc