On Wednesday, November 9, 2011 1:58:56 AM UTC-5, viniciusban wrote:
> I think only texts are sufficient.
> We can send patches to Massimo (or somebody else) merge them in.
Without the book app, it's very difficult to see how your edits will look.
Not a big deal for minor edits, but difficult
can we put some sort of authentication on sqlform grid on the basis of
membership so that the user can perform specified operation for which
the user is allowed.
I'm trying to reach a new development model with web2py, and my goal is an
application without models. (or almost no models)
why? Well, not always want to have db, auth, all tables defined in the
db, for example, where an ajax request is my intention to pass an ID and
perform a static func
So on GAE this seems to be fine:
db(db.my_table.my_set.contains([1], all=False)).select()
while this:
db(db.my_table.my_set.contains([1,2], all=False)).select()
seems to always boil down to an OR somewhere deep bellow:
File "/base/data/home/apps/s~my_app/1.354557643063785927/gluon/
dal.py", lin
Hii All,
I am using sqlform grid and i just want to put some authentication on each
some functions of grid i.e(Delete , Write) for certain groups' users
I can do this by using crud.xxx() but i m unable to use authentication
with sqlform grid().
try some like this:
*def myfunction():
> ** if request.args(0) in ['edit', 'new'] and not
> auth.has_membership('admin'):
> ** redirect(URL("NOT AUTHORIZED URL"))**
> ** return dict(grid=SQLFORM.grid(.))*
On Wed, Nov 9, 2011 at 8:16 AM, Naleen Yadav wrote:
> Hii All,
>I have my CAS working properly.
First, what do you mean by that?
CAS works out of the box. Here is how to test the scenario *I think*
you are describing:
1. From the web interface create three applications app1, app2, app3
(app1 and app2 will be consumers, app3 the CAS provider).
2. In app1 an
On Wed, Nov 9, 2011 at 3:52 PM, Bruno Rocha wrote:
> try some like this:
> *def myfunction():
>> ** if request.args(0) in ['edit', 'new'] and not
>> auth.has_membership('admin'):
>> ** redirect(URL("NOT AUTHORIZED URL"))**
>> ** return dict(grid=SQLFORM.grid(.))*
> O
Using facebook auth it works on another application... :S
On Tue, Nov 8, 2011 at 2:47 PM, Tito Garrido wrote:
> Not sure Why but it just doesn't happen anything:
> from gluon.contrib.login_methods.ldap_auth import ldap_auth
> auth.settings.login_methods=[ldap_auth(mode='company',server='
> myc
You can't pass vars, you have to use args instead. I think we need to find
a solution to this.
2011/11/8 JmiXIII
> Sorry I open a new discussion
On Tue, 8 Nov 2011 11:43:40 -0300
Ovidio Marinho
> Here is what you are looking for
> https://github.com/lucasdavila/web2py-cms
I'm not sure it's good or robust enough for the users needs expressed
Otoh, we hope that Massimo will provide his $.02 when he finishes with
the curre
Hello Web2py.
Recently we had a lot of talk about web2py based Trac-like app for
Mercurial. Anyone implemented it?
What is mercurial inside web2py ? admin/views/mercurial
Have you tried something like:
SQLFORM.grid(..., editable=auth.has_membership('editor_group'),
On Wednesday, November 9, 2011 5:16:10 AM UTC-5, Naleen Yadav wrote:
> Hii All,
> I am using sqlform grid and i just
Thank you :)
'CAS is working properly' by my little understanding is I'm able to
login to each app with one single id, though I have to manually
provide credentials data once again to each app.
I've followed your sample and it works. Then I change the adapter to
MySQL. Setting up all DAL to refer
Hi, MongoDB users
I currently working on the mongoDB adapter, but I need some feed back.
Issue 497,499 and 500 will make the inserts in mongodb possible.
But I'm from origin a C# programmer and not used to programming in python.
So maybe that some
On Wednesday, November 9, 2011 8:44:39 AM UTC-5, Cahya Dewanta wrote:
> I've followed your sample and it works. Then I change the adapter to
> MySQL. Setting up all DAL to refer to one single database.
With CAS each app should have its own db with its own Auth tables. The
auth_user data from
Looks great!
It should be clear what the "Awarded the best..." is. Perhaps using
or linking to InfoWorld.
On Wednesday, November 9, 2011 10:01:31 AM UTC-5, miguel wrote:
> Looks great!
> It should be clear what the "Awarded the best..." is. Perhaps using
> http://www.infoworld.com/sites/infoworld.com/files/imagecache/slideshow_slide/media/image/36SS-bossies-2011-web2py.jpg
Already done. We'
Yes, the fact that your applications are sharing a DB connection
already means that you don't need CAS. Can you describe what you are
trying to do?
This is fantastic. I too was looking for a way to do this but this
didn't occur to me. Works great.
On 11/9/2011 7:27 AM, Anthony wrote:
Have you tried something like:
SQLFORM.grid(..., editable=auth.has_membership('editor_group'),
I've said it before, but it bears repeating: the documentation for web2py
is fantastic. One thing that might improve the usability of the online
documentation is to make the table of contents a fixed pane that moves with
the reader as they scroll. This would save many trips back up to the top of
+1 very good
Ovidio Marinho Falcao Neto
Web Developer
ITJP - itjp.net.br
83 8826 9088 - Oi
83 9334 0266 - Claro
Perhaps someone who knows more about the core will chime in.
Failing that, maybe this will put you on the scent ...
In db.py there should be a line something like auth=Auth(db), which
comes after
'from gluon.tools import ... auth ..
So the Auth class is in gluon/tools.py.
Auth contains the logi
I like it, too.
On Nov 9, 12:21 pm, Ovidio Marinho wrote:
> +1 very good
> Ovidio Marinho Falcao Neto
> Web Developer
> ovidio...@gmail.com
> ovidiomari...@itjp.net.br
> ITJP - itjp.net.br
> 83 8826 9088 - Oi
>>> a = 1 # reset a
>>> def g(b):
a = 2 # creates a new local a
return b + 2 # change this to:return b + a
Hello Anthony. I begin to think that I do the wrong approach for my
system. In my understanding, 3 different databases would make 3
different user registrations. Is it?
I`m Start new web2py and view this
Ovidio Marinho Falcao Neto
Web Developer
ITJP - itjp.net.br
83 8826 9088 - Oi
pepper_bg, my project is exactly the same with your samples above
except I'm using MySQL. I have 3 apps and one registration should be
enough to access those all apps. I try to avoid different
registrations and different logins. One login, one username for all.
What approach should I do then?
I like the new site's look and feel.
I kind of agree with JMIXIII about the 'what' page.
If you like I will take a shot at editing the page.
It will not be today, though. This will probably be the coming
weekend's work.
Let me know if you want me to do this.
On Nov 6, 3:02 pm, Massi
And that's why I'm sharing the database connection. In my
understanding, one registration is one database. I prefix the tables
to know what tables belongs to what apps.
On Sep 26, 5:43 pm, Bruno Rocha wrote:
> We are planning to include it in the next web2py version.
> I will share the actual w2p after a clean up.
Hi, does anybody know if the twitter-bootstrap integration code is
available for web2py yet? The one shown here:
> One login, one username for all.
> What approach should I do then?
You seem to be already on the right track:
1. Make your applications share a DB. You are already doing this
auth.define_tables(migrate=False). Debug that error you are getting or
post here the complete trace.
2. Make them share
Sorry, I found it:
On Nov 9, 12:47 pm, David Watson wrote:
> On Sep 26, 5:43 pm, Bruno Rocha wrote:
> > We are planning to include it in the next web2py
Is there someway that I could call a function when the user ends their
Thank you. I'll get your directions and will post the result to inform.
It totally rocks!
2011/11/9 David Watson :
> Sorry, I found it:
> http://groups.google.com/group/web2py-developers/browse_thread/thread/d9c3698044c4902f/8eb26098b55388d3?lnk=gst&q=bootstrap#8eb26098b55388d3
> On Nov 9, 12:47 pm, David Watson wrote:
>> On Sep 26, 5:43 pm, Bruno Rocha wrote:
I'm afraid I'm missing something very basic here.
When a user clicks a link to download a file, how to start the download
after directing to the thank-you page? I can do either, but have not
figured out how to do both.
Obviously, this won't work, but the desired behavior is something like this.
Do you have a complete traceback?
On Nov 9, 4:04 am, Bruno Rocha wrote:
> Hello,
> I'm trying to reach a new development model with web2py, and my goal is an
> application without models. (or almost no models)
> why? Well, not always want to have db, auth, all tables defined in the
> db, for
Any screenshots?
On Nov 9, 5:58 am, Gour wrote:
> On Tue, 8 Nov 2011 11:43:40 -0300
> Ovidio Marinho
> wrote:
> > Here is what you are looking for
> > https://github.com/lucasdavila/web2py-cms
> I'm not sure it's good or robust enough for the users needs expressed
> here.
> Otoh, we hop
On Nov 9, 7:27 am, Anthony wrote:
> Have you tried something like:
> SQLFORM.grid(..., editable=auth.has_membership('editor_group'),
> deletable=auth.has_membership('delete_group'),
> user_signature=True)
> Anthony
> On Wednesday, November 9, 2011 5:16:10 AM UTC-5, Naleen
On Nov 9, 11:29 am, Herman wrote:
> >>> a = 1 # reset a
> >>> def g(b):
> a = 2 # creates a new local a
> return b + 2 # change this to: return b + a
Sessions never end. Do you want to detect logout?
auth.settings.logout_onlogout = lambda user: do_something_with(user)
On Nov 9, 11:58 am, Sathvik Ponangi wrote:
> Is there someway that I could call a function when the user ends their
> session?
First of all, I'm really sorry to be posting this question to web2py-
users. I know it's really an Apache configuration question, but I'm
hoping someone here might be able to help.
I have LDAP authentication against our Active Directory server working
in my web2py apps. The configuration was very
Nice approach so I could update a custom field in auth_user and put it true
or false at login and logout?
How I may set my flag to true?
Is there a auth.settings.login_onlogin ??
On Wed, Nov 9, 2011 at 2:14 PM, Massimo Di Pierro <
massimo.dipie...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Sessions
On Wednesday, November 9, 2011 12:30:24 PM UTC-5, Cahya Dewanta wrote:
> Hello Anthony. I begin to think that I do the wrong approach for my
> system. In my understanding, 3 different databases would make 3
> different user registrations. Is it?
If you're using CAS, the registrations (and log
Sorry lucas, but I don't understand what you're trying to do. Can you
explain further?
On Nov 9, 4:53 pm, lucas wrote:
> ok, i have done so much using this really really cool technique.
> anyway, how do i pass a function reference to a "global" storage
> context so that the standard views that
Live site is an example http://blog.lucasdavi.la/
screenshot? try http://browsershots.org/http://blog.lucasdavi.la/
On 9 nov, 20:09, Massimo Di Pierro wrote:
> Any screenshots?
> On Nov 9, 5:58 am, Gour wrote:
> > On Tue, 8 Nov 2011 11:43:40 -0300
> > Ovidio Marinho
> > wrote:
I would like to know I can control generated form with SQLFORM.grid...
I use to do extensively :
If user and group and permission and row field value:
crud.table.field.readable =\
crud.table.field.writable =False
form = crud.create, read or update(db.table)
And I customize my for
Here is a sample of one of my controllers.
@auth.requires_permission('select', db.priceTemplate)
def priceTemplates():
table = db.priceTemplate
response.title = '%s - %s' % (response.section, table['_plural'])
columns = ['priceTemplate.name', 'priceTempla
Thank a lot Jim I will play a bit with your example... Pretty helpful...
I would like to know more about the difference between grid and
smartgrid... I just start to read the sqlhtml.py to understand better new
grid and smartgrid...
Thanks again.
On Wed, Nov 9, 2011 at 4:07 PM, Jim Stei
From what I can gather, smartgrid is the same as grid except that it
will also display/work with related tables. Grid works with one table
only (please correct me if I'm wrong).
On 11/9/2011 3:14 PM, Richard Vézina wrote:
Thank a lot Jim I will play a bit with your example... Pretty
They are usually called
auth.settings.login_onaccept = lambda form: ..
auth.settings.profile_onaccept = lambda form: ..
auth.settings._onaccept = lambda form: ..
and they all take the form.
the name exception is
auth.settings.logout_onlogout - lambda user: ...
because there is no form to fill
grid takes any query (even a join)
smartgrid takes a table but (can) follow linked tables (no joins).
On Nov 9, 3:19 pm, Jim Steil wrote:
> From what I can gather, smartgrid is the same as grid except that it
> will also display/work with related tables. Grid works with one table
> only (please
In grid you can also do ...
if 'new' in request.args:
db.sometable.is_active.readable =\
db.sometable.is_active.writable =\
db.sometable.foreign_key.requires =\
IS_IN_DB(db(query), 'othertable.otherfield' ...)
# even more
# for
I'm using ldap and out of box login. I don't want to show register
link on page so I did this.
This will hide the register link on page but when I create new user
from database
administration menu by clicking insert new auth_user, it will create
the re
The DAL seems to be acting up when I changed my project to a mysql
database. Specifically it was working perfectly fine on the sqlite
side, but now it keeps issuing the command:
"ALTER TABLE auth_user DROP COLUMN registration_id"
Then it always issues tickets concerning there not being a
Ok I just read trunk sqlhtml.py that already have the patch I was about to
submit (Miss this easy one :)
if create and len(request.args)>1 and request.args[-2]=='new':
table = db[request.args[-1]]
create_form = SQLFORM(
Maybe precede the actions_disabled with:
if request.controller != 'appadmin':
Thank you!
On Wed, Nov 9, 2011 at 4:23 PM, Massimo Di Pierro <
massimo.dipie...@gmail.com> wrote:
> They are usually called
> auth.settings.login_onaccept = lambda form: ..
> auth.settings.profile_onaccept = lambda form: ..
> auth.settings._onaccept = lambda form: ..
> and they all t
check this
seems simple to make a grid
You can use response.flash that will appear in your next page or
redirection page so you get best of both world you get your message deliver
and you bring your user faster to the next task to do...
If you don't like this approach I think your problem is more about usage of
LOAD() and redirect... T
It worked !!
I never come up with the idea without your help !
On Nov 9, 4:12 pm, Anthony wrote:
> Maybe precede the actions_disabled with:
> if request.controller != 'appadmin':
> Anthony
I don't mind buying the updated docs once they are available. (I'm thinking
of some sort of local website copy).Meanwhile if there anyway to capture a
local version of the manual for browsing that I can access when I don't
have online access?
I know there is a pdf doc available, but afaik it's
Please try this for problem #2 (tested on windows7 IE9,
Chrome 15.0.874.106, FF8.0, Opera 11.52, web2py 1.99.3 <2011-11-08
22:28:53> dev)
.web2py_console {position: relative;}
.columns table{width:100%;}
.columns table td:last-child{width:100%;}
.columns table input#web2py_keywords{display:inl
I have been a Plone/Zope developer for awhile, but don't get to do it often
enough to completely retain what I have done. I have given much thought
recently to developing a CMS in web2py, since I think it would simplify my
development tremendously. I would love to be part of a community effort o
On Wednesday, November 9, 2011 6:41:40 PM UTC-5, Paolo Caruccio wrote:
> Please try this for problem #2 (tested on windows7 IE9,
> Chrome 15.0.874.106, FF8.0, Opera 11.52, web2py 1.99.3 <2011-11-08
> 22:28:53> dev)
> .web2py_console {position: relative;}
> .columns table{width:100%;}
> .col
I am new to web2py and I have a problem understanding why all my
apostrophes are replaced by '.
here is my table:
below is my function:
def rooms():
On *UNix terminal
wget --recursive -l 1 --no-clobber --page-requisites --html-extension
--convert-links --restrict-file-names=windows --domains web2py.com
--no-parent http://www.web2py.com/book
On Wed, Nov 9, 2011 at 9:21 PM, BrendanC wrote:
> I don't mind buying the updated docs once they are
Unless I'm missing something, session.flash() and response.flash() will not
load a new page, only flash a message. Am I wrong?
If I try to load the thank_you view and then redirect to the download, it
doesn't load the page, but goes straight to the download. (a response exits
the function, righ
Browser shots is very nice tool.
The CMS (bloog) from Lucas is nice, but it is incomplete, can be used as
base for a new project.
On Wed, Nov 9, 2011 at 5:07 PM, Massimo Di Pierro <
massimo.dipie...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Do you have a complete traceback?
Tracebacks here: https://gist.github.com/1353930
Full code for testing here: https://github.com/rochacbruno/Movuca
Note that if I remove "reference " from models and user
Also, it happens only on second request (form submission) the form loads
ok, when submitted the error occurs.
Bruno Rocha
OK, I guess I just solved the problem :)
*it was:*
class Article(BaseModel):
tablename = "article"
properties = [
# main
Field("author", "reference auth_user"),
Field("author_nickname", "string"),
yes, i wrote a function in main.py which is an added controller in my
application. under main.py, i have a function called file_lookup. i
am trying to use file_lookup in a view between the standard delimitors
{{ and }}. except that web2py is erroring out saying that file_lookup
is not defined.
+1 for this. I wasn't thinking about major edits, but we could see whether
the typos etc. had already been reported and not
crowd the group with repeats.
Okay, in that caseyou pass the function to the view as you would
any other variable. For example:
return dict(form=form, rows=rows, file_lookup=file_lookup)
On Nov 10, 4:57 pm, lucas wrote:
> yes, i wrote a function in main.py which is an added controller in my
> application. under main.p
yes, i wrote a function in main.py which is an added controller in my
application. under main.py, i have a function called file_lookup. i
am trying to use file_lookup in a view between the standard delimitors
{{ and }}. except that web2py is erroring out saying that file_lookup
is not defined.
pepper_bg. I just realize like you mentioned before that I don't need
CAS since I'm sharing the database. Once I set
session.connect(request, response, db, masterapp='app3') it works! It
even autologin to all apps once I login. No clicking login button.
Once logout will logout all apps too. Somethi
Anthony. Just tried and indeed it works. Can I combine it with
pepper_bg's tips so I get the same behaviour? Once login will
autologin all apps if we visit them. I still need to click login
button right now.
I would like to make it work for me. What all you included? Where?
what is in the view?
I tried to include this (below) previously - but less.js is nowhere to
be found in the bootstrap package - I dont wont it to grab the js
online .. so that its available for offline use aswell..
Any suggestion
My company is considering deploying the production version of our
web2py application to GAE. This allows us to use WSGI & concurrent
requests/multithreading. Are there any concerns with enabling
multithreading - i.e. is a web2py application thread safe if we don't
do any multithreading in our own c
On Nov 9, 2011, at 9:35 PM, pallav wrote:
> My company is considering deploying the production version of our
> web2py application to GAE. This allows us to use WSGI & concurrent
> requests/multithreading. Are there any concerns with enabling
> multithreading - i.e. is a web2py application thread
Thanks to all
its working.
I have one more problem that i dont want the add button to appear in the
form layout for that i tried few things such as writable=False but it is
wrong to use writable,
so can u tell the possible solution.
Once again thanks to u all.
On Thu, Nov 10, 2011 at 12:39 AM, Ma
sorry for this post i got the solution to remove the add button from the
its using the create=auth.has_membership('group_name')
now all things are working.
thanks a lot . I am pretty excitted about web2py.
Naleen Yadav
GENPRO Technologies Pvt Ltd.
On Thu, Nov 10, 2011 at 11:31 AM
use the Firefox scrapbook extension (https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/
that way you could annotate, highlight etc.
On Nov 10, 4:21 am, BrendanC wrote:
> I don't mind buying the updated docs once they are available. (I'm thinking
> of some sort of local website copy).Me
I published a video of one of my classes in (cursodepython.com.br), in this
class I talked about the basic web2py workflow and how to create an app
from the scratch (without using welcome as base scaffold)
The video is in: http://vimeo.com/rochacbruno/web2pyworkflow
Sorry, this is in *portug
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