On Nov 9, 2011, at 9:35 PM, pallav wrote:

> My company is considering deploying the production version of our
> web2py application to GAE. This allows us to use WSGI & concurrent
> requests/multithreading. Are there any concerns with enabling
> multithreading - i.e. is a web2py application thread safe if we don't
> do any multithreading in our own code (besides whatever web2py does
> internally, in the DAL, etc.)

web2py is normally multithreaded when running as a WSGI app (as with its 
internal Rocket server, or Apache mod_wsgi). GAE is just catching up.

One GAE consideration, though, is that while normally requests within the same 
web2py session are serialized, that is not the case on GAE. 

> On Oct 13, 9:52 am, Jonathan Lundell <jlund...@pobox.com> wrote:
>> On Oct 13, 2011, at 7:47 AM, howesc wrote:
>>> on GAE using python2.7 is supposed to give us concurrent requests, which as 
>>> GAE changes their pricing model is going to make a big difference in cost 
>>> for us.  I just hope they move python2.7 support out of experimental before 
>>> they raise the rates on us.
>> Yeah, they're supporting WSGI, too. That should make for a big performance 
>> improvement. I hope.

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