On Wednesday, November 9, 2011 6:41:40 PM UTC-5, Paolo Caruccio wrote:
> Please try this for problem #2 (tested on windows7 IE9, 
> Chrome 15.0.874.106, FF8.0, Opera 11.52, web2py 1.99.3 <2011-11-08 
> 22:28:53> dev) 
> .web2py_console {position: relative;} 
> .columns table{width:100%;}
> .columns table td:last-child{width:100%;}
> .columns table input#web2py_keywords{display:inline;margin:0 
> 5px;width:350px;}
> .columns table #w2p_query_panel 
> {left:0;height:26px;bottom:-4px;min-width:539px;}
> .columns table #w2p_query_panel input, .columns table #w2p_query_panel 
> select{margin:2px 10px 2px 5px;}
> .columns table #w2p_query_panel input[type="text"]{margin:-2px 5px 0 0;}

Is the .columns part necessary? Ideally, the web2py-specific CSS shouldn't 
be dependent on the Skeleton CSS. Also, I think Skeleton also has a .column 
class, so presumably would need to repeat for that case.


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