[web2py] Re: migrate existing GAE list fields to new web2py list types

2010-11-17 Thread howesc
i upgraded from 1.74.5 to 1.88.2 (so a little bit out of date as of this week). an example model with the problem is below. the media field is the problem. db.define_table('song', #...@todo: add proper requires for each field Field('duration', 'integer', requires=IS_NULL_OR(IS_

[web2py] list:reference and orderby

2010-11-17 Thread Johann Spies
How can I get an ordered list in the dropdown when using list:reference (something like IS_IN_DB's orderby = ...)? Regards Johann -- May grace and peace be yours in abundance through the full knowledge of God and of Jesus our Lord! His divine power has given us everything we need for life and

[web2py] Re: Trouble automatically updating dynamically generated image

2010-11-17 Thread G
Hello, This looks like an interesting idea, I am interested in using something like this in the future. For my immediate needs, I don't mind having the client poll the server at regular intervals (every 10 seconds for example). As a last resort, I am using a statement, but it seems like there must

[web2py] crud.create(db.table) issues error ticket

2010-11-17 Thread annet
I set up a mock app to help someone solve a problem. In db.py I defined these two tables after all the mail, auth and crud stuff: db.define_table('mockbio', Field('unique_id',type='integer',unique=True,writable=False,readable=True), Field('first_name',length=24), Field('last_name',lengt

[web2py] Re: Validate dynamically generated select SQLFORM.factory

2010-11-17 Thread DenesL
On Nov 16, 3:49 pm, Kostas M wrote: > I tried this in a controller and worked fine: > > def factory(): >     options = ['a','b','c'] >     form = SQLFORM.factory(Field('Optimizers', > requires=IS_IN_SET(options,multiple='multiple'))) >     if form.accepts(request.vars, session): >         respon

[web2py] Re: Validate dynamically generated select SQLFORM.factory

2010-11-17 Thread villas
Hi Lorin I don't know whether it makes any difference (because I didn't look at the source), but the optional argument multiple='multiple' would be normally: multiple=True or multiple=False -D On Nov 15, 6:28 pm, Lorin Rivers wrote: > Thanks for all the help so far. I have made tons of progr

[web2py] Re: crud.create(db.table) issues error ticket

2010-11-17 Thread DenesL
Hi Annet, because of the writable=False on unique_id. When you do that then the field is not included in the form and it is not checked on a request, so the form is accepted based on the other fields and the error is the result of the enforcement of unique=True at the DB level on the auto insert

Re: [web2py] Re:

2010-11-17 Thread Napoleon Moreno
Hi Villas It is that i need. Apparently there is not a way to do it with a crud. I could use a sqlform. Thanks! On Mon, Nov 15, 2010 at 7:16 PM, villas wrote: > Hi, > I'm not sure, but I think Napoleon wants to save the id key of the > 'master table' into the master_id field of the 'detail'

Re: [web2py] Re:

2010-11-17 Thread Napoleon Moreno
Good day The webgrid is showing the fields of 'diagnostico_referencia' table. I need that it shows the name field of the 'Diagnostico' table. I can not find a way to do it. It suppose to be used in GAE. Any advice about it Thanks a lot for your help On Wed, Nov 17, 2010 at 6:52 AM, Napoleon More

[web2py] A small improvement...

2010-11-17 Thread encompass
I have to deal with a lot of funky errors in my code and being a developer I avoid the mouse as much as I can. I thought this might come in handy... I change line 40 in web2py/gluon/rewrite.py to the following: p.error_message_ticket = \ '''

[web2py] Re: Unable to edit language files

2010-11-17 Thread pierreth
On Nov 17, 1:51 am, JmiXIII wrote: > Salut ! :) > What about having a look there > :)https://groups.google.com/group/web2py-users-france?hl=fr > This is cool. I already did the translation. This is not a big project. Now, we need to verify before integrated it. :-) I am waiting approbation for

Re: [web2py] Re:

2010-11-17 Thread Napoleon Moreno
I am sorry for insist in this but it is driving me crazy. If i can not use a join in GAE. How can i show the name of 'diagnostico' table in an webgrid base on 'diagnostico_referencia' table. I tried with webgrid and crud and it always show me the id's of the 'diagnostico_referencia' table. Any ad

[web2py] Re: A small improvement...

2010-11-17 Thread villas
Hi Jason Anything that avoids the mouse is good news! However, at the moment (in FF) my workflow is: Tab,Enter to view the exception, then (once I fixed the error in my separate editor), Ctrl-F4 to close the ticket and F5 to refresh my app. I don't need the mouse for that, but any keyboard

[web2py] Re: A small improvement...

2010-11-17 Thread encompass
Ahhh yes... I suppose I could have done that. I wonder however if that works in all browsers. And your right about closing the window, I need to open the window in a new tab if I want it to work like before. --- J On Nov 17, 4:25 pm, villas wrote: > Hi Jason > > Anything that avoids the mouse i

[web2py] Re: migrate existing GAE list fields to new web2py list types

2010-11-17 Thread mdipierro
replace Field('media', 'string', length=2048, requires=IS_IN_DB(db, db.media.id, '%(url)s', multiple=True)), with Field('media', 'list:reference media', length=2048) and in db.define_table('media',...) add format='%(url)s' Massimo On Nov 17, 2:01 am, howesc wrote: > i upgraded fro

[web2py] Re: list:reference and orderby

2010-11-17 Thread mdipierro
IS_IN_DB(...,orderby=...) On Nov 17, 2:08 am, Johann Spies wrote: > How can I get an ordered list in the dropdown when using list:reference > (something like IS_IN_DB's orderby = ...)? > > Regards > Johann > > -- >  May grace and peace be yours in abundance through the full knowledge of God > and

[web2py] Re: crud operations for joins?

2010-11-17 Thread villas
Hi Carlos 'Crud' is just a shortcut way of creating simple forms. In production systems we normally create the forms using the more flexible SQLFORM or a lower level method which gives even more flexibility. With regards your table design, there is nothing wrong with that, it sounds like a ver

Re: [web2py] Re: crud operations for joins?

2010-11-17 Thread Ivan Matveev
>> I have a 'central' table in my design called 'entity' >> which contains lots of data (including names, company, emails, phones, >> address, etc.) and I want many other tables to point to ONE entity >> instance, i.e. 'entity' as an _extension_ of records in many different >> tables. When you sa

[web2py] Application developed with web2py like "Django People"

2010-11-17 Thread appydev
Greetings to everyone. I recently read about an application developed with web2py like "Django People" I get to test it and I read about some suggestions from Massimo. I've been looking but can not find it. Anyone remember it?

[web2py] Re: crud.create(db.table) issues error ticket

2010-11-17 Thread annet
Hi Denes, Thanks for your explanation. The mock app's behaviour made me worry about my own app's behaviour, however, I chose a different approach, and know I understand why I won't encounter this problem. Kind regards, Annet.

Re: [web2py] Re:

2010-11-17 Thread Napoleon Moreno
I found the answer in the book , like is usual db.define_table('diagnostico', Field('name','string'),format='%(name)s' ) It shows the name in every place where i have the diagnostico.id. I got my app running. Thanks everybody! On Wed, Nov 17, 2010 at 9:24 AM, Napoleon Moreno wrote: >

[web2py] Re: Application developed with web2py like "Django People"

2010-11-17 Thread mdipierro
we are taking a different approach https://experts4solutions.com You can sign up. I will approve those people who I recognize as contributors and/or have proven skills by deploying a web2py application. After we reach ~50 people new members will have to be endorsed by 5 existing members to be

[web2py] Re: migrate existing GAE list fields to new web2py list types

2010-11-17 Thread howesc
hmmm, i made the changes you suggested, but now that the field type is 'list:reference' GAE throws: File "/Applications/GoogleAppEngineLauncher.app/Contents/Resources/ GoogleAppEngine-default.bundle/Contents/Resources/google_appengine/ google/appengine/ext/db/__init__.py", line 3016, in validate

[web2py] decimal validator by default or not

2010-11-17 Thread Richard Vézina
Hello, I wonder if it is normal that I get ticket in that case : Model : Field('field1','decimal(4,2)'), If I insert in form generate with crud.create(db.table1) this value : 123.123 I get ticket : Error traceback 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. T

[web2py] Re: crud operations for joins?

2010-11-17 Thread Carlos
Thanks villas and Ivan. When I say joins I mean 1:1 relationships (or "linked tables"?), where each record in tables A/B/C reference one (and only one) unique 'entity' record, kind of like an 'extension' of such tables, but with data centralized in the 'entity' table (which would allow better main

[web2py] Re: decimal validator by default or not

2010-11-17 Thread Richard Vézina
I forgot to precise that I am under 1.88.2 Thanks On Wed, Nov 17, 2010 at 10:43 AM, Richard Vézina < ml.richard.vez...@gmail.com> wrote: > Hello, > > I wonder if it is normal that I get ticket in that case : > > Model : > > Field('field1','decimal(4,2)'), > > > If I insert in form generate with

Re: [web2py] Re: Application developed with web2py like "Django People"

2010-11-17 Thread appydev
Excellent. Thanks for responding. A much changed. I remember an application that was made just for the map of the "experts." And since I'm beginner, I wanted to see the application to learn, remember being hosted on Google App Engine. 2010/11/17 mdipierro > we are taking a different approach >

[web2py] Re: Application developed with web2py like "Django People"

2010-11-17 Thread Anthony
Are you talking about this: http://web2pyople.appspot.com/ On Nov 17, 10:46 am, appydev wrote: > Excellent. Thanks for responding. > > A much changed. I remember an application that was made just for the map of > the "experts." And since I'm beginner, I wanted to see the application to > learn,

Re: [web2py] Re: Application developed with web2py like "Django People"

2010-11-17 Thread appydev
Yes! Thanks Anthony. 2010/11/17 Anthony > Are you talking about this: > > http://web2pyople.appspot.com/ > > > On Nov 17, 10:46 am, appydev wrote: > > Excellent. Thanks for responding. > > > > A much changed. I remember an application that was made just for the map > of > > the "experts." And

[web2py] Re: Application developed with web2py like "Django People"

2010-11-17 Thread Anthony
Also, there's this one (a little older): http://www.appenginepeople.net/users/tag/web2py/ Discussed here: http://groups.google.com/group/web2py/browse_frm/thread/668fade78f5c3d79 and here: http://groups.google.com/group/web2py/browse_frm/thread/aa692ce9bc9c572e On Nov 17, 10:57 am, Anthony w

Re: [web2py] Re: Application developed with web2py like "Django People"

2010-11-17 Thread appydev
Thank you very much Anthony, I spend part of the morning trying to find in the search of the group without any results. with queries like "django clone people." Is rare. Thank you very much again. 2010/11/17 Anthony > Also, there's this one (a little older): > > http://www.appenginepeople.net/u

Re: [web2py] Re: Application developed with web2py like "Django People"

2010-11-17 Thread António Ramos
AHH, found a big problem! I need to create a table with 940 fields and web2py complains that it is over 255 What to do to resolve this? i dont want to partition my table because the record realy has 940 fields in my database (Lotus Notes) that i want to migrate to web2py. António 2010/11/17 A

Re: [web2py] Re: Application developed with web2py like "Django People"

2010-11-17 Thread Branko Vukelic
On Wed, Nov 17, 2010 at 4:22 PM, mdipierro wrote: > You can sign up. I will approve those people who I recognize as > contributors and/or have proven skills by deploying a web2py > application. After we reach ~50 people new members will have to be > endorsed by 5 existing members to be approved.

[web2py] Re:

2010-11-17 Thread villas
Hi Napolean I have looked at your app and I did not understand it very well, but I hope you don't mind that I will try to give you some advice anyway (even though it might not be so useful!). It seems that you are going from one view to another without a good way of passing the ids. For example

Re: [web2py] Re: How may I revoked a user logged in "server side"

2010-11-17 Thread Richard Vézina
Hello, I note that "blocked" in registration_key not prevent the user to login under 1.88.2... Is the keyword for that task as change?? Richard On Thu, Aug 26, 2010 at 2:27 PM, mdipierro wrote: > What Thadeus suggests forces the user to logout. > > Before you do that you may also want to use

[web2py] Re: decimal validator by default or not

2010-11-17 Thread villas
Hi Richard It might depend on the DB, but I believe you would normally need at least decimal(5,2) to contain 123.456789 With decimal(4,2) I think the max value would be 99.99... Try it... :) -D On Nov 17, 3:44 pm, Richard Vézina wrote: > I forgot to precise that I am under 1.88.2 > > Thanks

Re: [web2py] Re: decimal validator by default or not

2010-11-17 Thread Richard Vézina
I don't want to store 123.123, I want 99.99 max. The problem is that no validator is triggered when entering 123.123... Richard On Wed, Nov 17, 2010 at 11:53 AM, villas wrote: > Hi Richard > > It might depend on the DB, but I believe you would normally need at > least decimal(5,2) to contain

[web2py] Re: crud operations for joins?

2010-11-17 Thread villas
Hi Carlos, See what you mean. We don't usually use 1:1 relationships, but 1 to many. e.g. From the book: db.define_table('person', Field('name'), format='%(name)s') db.define_table('dog', Field('name'), Field('owner', db.person), format='%(name)s') Of course an owner migh

[web2py] Re: decimal validator by default or not

2010-11-17 Thread villas
Sorry I misunderstood. I think you are right, web2py doesn't validate it. -D On Nov 17, 5:00 pm, Richard Vézina wrote: > I don't want to store 123.123, I want 99.99 max. > > The problem is that no validator is triggered when entering 123.123... > > Richard > > On Wed, Nov 17, 2010 at 11:53 AM, vi

Re: [web2py] Re: decimal validator by default or not

2010-11-17 Thread Richard Vézina
Doesn't neither with IS_DECIMAL_IN_RANGE(0,99), I get the same ticket... Richard On Wed, Nov 17, 2010 at 12:24 PM, villas wrote: > Sorry I misunderstood. I think you are right, web2py doesn't validate > it. > -D > > On Nov 17, 5:00 pm, Richard Vézina > wrote: > > I don't want to store 123.123,

[web2py] Easy to do using executesql, how to achieve with DAL?

2010-11-17 Thread Lorin Rivers
executesql('select min(reqtime) from data_table;') -- Lorin Rivers Mosasaur: Killer Technical Marketing 512/203.3198 (m)

Re: [web2py] Re: How may I revoked a user logged in "server side"

2010-11-17 Thread Richard Vézina
Forgot about this one... My error cause of mixup between dev db and prod db... ;-D Richard On Wed, Nov 17, 2010 at 11:50 AM, Richard Vézina < ml.richard.vez...@gmail.com> wrote: > Hello, > > I note that "blocked" in registration_key not prevent the user to login > under 1.88.2... > > Is the keyw

[web2py] Re: Validate dynamically generated select SQLFORM.factory

2010-11-17 Thread Kostas M
At first thanks villas for the correction of the boolean 'multiple' argument. DenesL I agree that "multiple should mean 1 or more, not zero or more." Making though the following test: >>> IS_IN_SET(['max', 'john'])('') ('', 'value not allowed') >>> IS_IN_SET(['max', 'john'], multiple=True)('') (

Re: [web2py] Re: decimal validator by default or not

2010-11-17 Thread Jonathan Lundell
On Nov 17, 2010, at 9:40 AM, Richard Vézina wrote: > Doesn't neither with IS_DECIMAL_IN_RANGE(0,99), I get the same ticket... The doctest for IS_DECIMAL_IN_RANGE is currently broken (Massimo, I'll send you a patch), but these all pass: >>> IS_DECIMAL_IN_RANGE(0,99)(123.123) (123.

[web2py] Re: Application developed with web2py like "Django People"

2010-11-17 Thread cjrh
On Nov 17, 6:19 pm, António Ramos wrote: > What to do to resolve this? i dont want to partition my table because the > record realy has 940 fields in my database (Lotus Notes) I would love to see a summary of that schema, because with that number of fields it sounds like you're beginning to fail

[web2py] Re: crud operations for joins?

2010-11-17 Thread Carlos
Thanks villas. In the example I provide (entity), specifically for web2py and relational databases, does it actually make sense to separate 'entity' to its own table and use 1:1 relationships from tables A/B/C, or is it recommended to just embed the 'entity' fields into tables A/B/C (without any r

[web2py] social network, event planners, and the like?

2010-11-17 Thread Carlos
Hi, In a future project I might need capabilities like social network, event planners (e.g. weddings, parties), and the like. I'm wondering if there's something already out there - preferably free open source, and obviously developed with web2py?, or at least in python?. If there's nothing, is i

[web2py] Re: Easy to do using executesql, how to achieve with DAL?

2010-11-17 Thread mdipierro
m=db.data_table.reqtime.min() value = db(db.date_table).select().first()[m] On Nov 17, 11:43 am, Lorin Rivers wrote: > executesql('select min(reqtime) from data_table;') > -- > Lorin Rivers > Mosasaur: Killer Technical Marketing > > 512/203.

[web2py] Re: list:reference issue

2010-11-17 Thread mdipierro
will look into this asap. On Nov 17, 11:49 am, Richard Vézina wrote: > Hello, > > The list:reference issue I discribed last week is still in trunk. I joint a > demo app with which it is possible to reproduce the issue. > > If the date validator is triggered and the id of the referenced record is

[web2py] Re: Validate dynamically generated select SQLFORM.factory

2010-11-17 Thread mdipierro
> DenesL I agree that "multiple should mean 1 or more, not zero or more." I disagree. Multiple means 0 or more. Anyway, we cannot change this. On Nov 17, 12:06 pm, Kostas M wrote: > At first thanks villas for the correction of the boolean 'multiple' > argument. > > DenesL I agree that "multiple

[web2py] Re: Validate dynamically generated select SQLFORM.factory

2010-11-17 Thread mdipierro
btw you can do requires=IS_IN_SET(...,multiple=True,_and=IS_NOT_EMPTY()) On Nov 17, 1:33 pm, mdipierro wrote: > > DenesL I agree that "multiple should mean 1 or more, not zero or more." > > I disagree. Multiple means 0 or more. Anyway, we cannot change this. > > On Nov 17, 12:06 pm, Kostas M wr

[web2py] Re: decimal validator by default or not

2010-11-17 Thread mdipierro
what python version? perhaps something has changed in sqlite? this looks like a sqlite error. On Nov 17, 9:43 am, Richard Vézina wrote: > Hello, > > I wonder if it is normal that I get ticket in that case : > > Model : > > Field('field1','decimal(4,2)'), > > If I insert in form generate with crud

[web2py] Re: decimal validator by default or not

2010-11-17 Thread mdipierro
BTW... why are you getting the traceback in french? If your python is localized, could this affect the meaning of . in sqlite? On Nov 17, 9:43 am, Richard Vézina wrote: > Hello, > > I wonder if it is normal that I get ticket in that case : > > Model : > > Field('field1','decimal(4,2)'), > > If I

[web2py] Re: Application developed with web2py like "Django People"

2010-11-17 Thread mdipierro
I doubt you are getting a web2py error. You are probably getting a RuntimeError or ProgrammingError from sqlite. On Nov 17, 10:19 am, António Ramos wrote: > AHH, found a big problem! > I need to create a table with 940 fields and web2py complains that it is > over 255 > > What to do to resolv

[web2py] Web2py Application Exhibition ( Version 2.0 ) 4 weeks to go

2010-11-17 Thread NetAdmin
Just in case you didn't see the "pinned" message at the top of the group messages, there are 5 weeks to get your apps ready for the Web2py Application Exhibition ( Version 2.0 ) For more details, see the "pinned" message. Good Luck! Mr.NetAdmin

[web2py] Re: Application developed with web2py like "Django People"

2010-11-17 Thread mdipierro
here are many things the need refactoring. we need a public list of approved experts (the same as now, but random order and pagination) and a private list of everybody who registered to that existing experts can endorse new applicants. massimo On Nov 17, 10:35 am, Branko Vukelic wrote: > On W

[web2py] Re: social network, event planners, and the like?

2010-11-17 Thread mdipierro
Not exactly but this is a good place to start: http://web2py.com/appliances/default/show/71 On Nov 17, 12:59 pm, Carlos wrote: > Hi, > > In a future project I might need capabilities like social network, > event planners (e.g. weddings, parties), and the like. > > I'm wondering if there's someth

[web2py] Beginner's Question

2010-11-17 Thread asklucas
Hello! I'm new to web development and my trying web2py because of DRY and, most importantly, Python. I created a model, however I can't insert records in the admin interface because of a constraints-error I don't understand. When trying to insert a record here:

Re: [web2py] Re: Easy to do using executesql, how to achieve with DAL?

2010-11-17 Thread Lorin Rivers
Massimo, That pegs my CPU for a bit and then errors: File "/Users/lrivers/Documents/CurrentProjects/SPTI/spowertech_webappserver1/gluon/sql.py", line 734, in __getitem__ return dict.__getitem__(self, key) KeyError: 'MIN(data_table.ReqTime)' Here's my code: m=db4.data_table.ReqTime.min() f

Re: [web2py] Re: Easy to do using executesql, how to achieve with DAL?

2010-11-17 Thread Massimo Di Pierro
my mistake m=db4.data_table.ReqTime.min() firsttime = db4(db4.data_table).select(m).first()[m] On Nov 17, 2010, at 1:44 PM, Lorin Rivers wrote: > m=db4.data_table.ReqTime.min() > firsttime = db4(db4.data_table).select().first()[m]

[web2py] Re: Beginner's Question

2010-11-17 Thread mdipierro
The problem is here > db.task.id_person_released.requires = IS_IN_DB( db,'person.initials', > '%(initials)s | %(name_first)s %(name_last)s') and 'person.initials' shoud be 'person.id' for a reference field. You also have a | instead of an &. Anyway, here is a more compact notation that

Re: [web2py] Re: Easy to do using executesql, how to achieve with DAL?

2010-11-17 Thread Lorin Rivers
I think this would make a good thing to have in the examples. On Nov 17, 2010, at 13:45 , Massimo Di Pierro wrote: > my mistake > > m=db4.data_table.ReqTime.min() > firsttime = db4(db4.data_table).select(m).first()[m] > > On Nov 17, 2010, at 1:44 PM, Lorin Rivers wrote: > >> m=db4.data_table.R

[web2py] How to setup plugin_wiki?

2010-11-17 Thread Dan
Hi, I just downloaded web2py and added the plugin_wiki plugin. But I don't find any documentation on how to use this plugin. I saw the video on vimeo but the plugin does not add a new node to the main menu. If I'm calling the plugin in the url I'm getting an error: Not authorized ACCESS DENIED. Th

Re: [web2py] Re: decimal validator by default or not

2010-11-17 Thread Richard Vézina
I use postgresql and local in postgres are : fr_CA.UTF-8 Could it be the reason of the problem? Richard On Wed, Nov 17, 2010 at 2:37 PM, mdipierro wrote: > BTW... why are you getting the traceback in french? If your python is > localized, could this affect the meaning of . in sqlite? > > On No

[web2py] Re: How to setup plugin_wiki?

2010-11-17 Thread mdipierro
http://www.web2py.com/book/default/chapter/13 On Nov 17, 2:03 pm, Dan wrote: > Hi, I just downloaded web2py and added the plugin_wiki plugin. But I > don't find any documentation on how to use this plugin. I saw the > video on vimeo but the plugin does not add a new node to the main > menu. If I'

Re: [web2py] Re: list:reference issue

2010-11-17 Thread Richard Vézina
Thanks You are involved in a lot of dev... I understand the delay, no problem. It is just a kind of reminder ;-) Richard On Wed, Nov 17, 2010 at 2:31 PM, mdipierro wrote: > will look into this asap. > > On Nov 17, 11:49 am, Richard Vézina > wrote: > > Hello, > > > > The list:reference issue I

[web2py] Re: decimal validator by default or not

2010-11-17 Thread mdipierro
could be. Not sure what that means for decimal numbers. On Nov 17, 2:07 pm, Richard Vézina wrote: > I use postgresql and local in postgres are : fr_CA.UTF-8 > > Could it be the reason of the problem? > > Richard > > On Wed, Nov 17, 2010 at 2:37 PM, mdipierro wrote: > > BTW... why are you getting

Re: [web2py] Re: decimal validator by default or not

2010-11-17 Thread Richard Vézina
In the database table decimal are represented like this : 123.123 When I export data the "." is replaced by the comma, but I think that depend of the local of the system or the local I specified in the pgadmin export panel... What the relation between the local of the database and the and the len

Re: [web2py] Re: decimal validator by default or not

2010-11-17 Thread Richard Vézina
No change with nav set to en-us and with firefox. Richard On Wed, Nov 17, 2010 at 3:35 PM, Richard Vézina wrote: > In the database table decimal are represented like this : 123.123 > > When I export data the "." is replaced by the comma, but I think that > depend of the local of the system or t

[web2py] Re: Easy to do using executesql, how to achieve with DAL?

2010-11-17 Thread Niphlod
+1 for examples, it's quite unusable. that is also accomplished with this query, only if not seeking other values db4(db4.data_table).select(db4.data_table.reqtime, limitby=(0,1), orderby=db4.data_table.reqtime) Niphlod On 17 Nov, 20:57, Lorin Rivers wrote: > I think this would make a goo

[web2py] Re: crud operations for joins?

2010-11-17 Thread villas
Hi Carlos In the relational model, you would separate it. The idea is that you group your data into logical datasets (tables), then you join it all together by using foreign keys. The idea is that data only ever has to be entered once and there is little wasted space. These days we also have th

Re: [web2py] Re: decimal validator by default or not

2010-11-17 Thread Richard Vézina
The french in the ticket should comes from the ubuntu locales setting, I see no python packages related to the local... Richard On Wed, Nov 17, 2010 at 3:43 PM, Richard Vézina wrote: > No change with nav set to en-us and with firefox. > > Richard > > > On Wed, Nov 17, 2010 at 3:35 PM, Richard V

Re: [web2py] Re: crud operations for joins?

2010-11-17 Thread Ivan Matveev
> In the example I provide (entity), specifically for web2py and > relational databases, does it actually make sense to separate 'entity' > to its own table and use 1:1 relationships from tables A/B/C, or is it > recommended to just embed the 'entity' fields into tables A/B/C > (without any referen

[web2py] Re: experts4solutions badges

2010-11-17 Thread Branko Vukelic
Here are some badges for experts4solutions members. The 'button' version comes in two flavors: for dark background ('_d') and for light background ('_l'). -- Branko Vukelić bg.bra...@gmail.com stu...@brankovukelic.com Check out my blog: http://www.brankovukelic.com/ Check out my portfolio: http

Re: [web2py] Re: decimal validator by default or not

2010-11-17 Thread Jonathan Lundell
On Nov 17, 2010, at 12:26 PM, mdipierro wrote: > > could be. Not sure what that means for decimal numbers. FWIW, I took a look at the Python decimal module, and it requires '.' as the decimal separator. So any conversion is going to have to happen before Decimal gets the string. > > On Nov 1

[web2py] Re: Application developed with web2py like "Django People"

2010-11-17 Thread Anthony
You should encourage every expert to provide as much bio detail as possible (some have none at all), or at least link to a personal or business website -- potential customers will want some details before making contact. Also, everyone should have a location listed -- "undisclosed location" makes i

Re: [web2py] Re: decimal validator by default or not

2010-11-17 Thread Richard Vézina
Just to be sure... Data are entered in english... Mean if we entered exactly this in the form fiel : 123.123 On Wed, Nov 17, 2010 at 3:59 PM, Jonathan Lundell wrote: > On Nov 17, 2010, at 12:26 PM, mdipierro wrote: > > > > could be. Not sure what that means for decimal numbers. > > FWIW, I took a

[web2py] plugin_wiki won't set active flag in response.menu?

2010-11-17 Thread Dan
Just tried to build my onw menu based on the pages from plugin_wiki but every active flag in response.menu is set to false. Is there any onther way to determine if a wiki page is active?

[web2py] Re: plugin_wiki won't set active flag in response.menu?

2010-11-17 Thread mdipierro
Plugin wiki is not very smart. That needs to be improved. On Nov 17, 3:12 pm, Dan wrote: > Just tried to build my onw menu based on the pages from plugin_wiki > but every active flag in response.menu is set to false. Is there any > onther way to determine if a wiki page is active?

[web2py] Re: How to setup plugin_wiki?

2010-11-17 Thread Dan
Thank you very much. Everything works fine if you use the simple way to create an new application. In the beginning I was using the new wizard and many things went wrong. E.g. everytime I was using the registration forumular the system adds 100 random users + mine. On 17 Nov., 21:07, mdipierro wr

[web2py] verification login

2010-11-17 Thread mattynoce
hi, i hope this is an easy question, but i didn't find answers elsewhere in the forum. here's what i'm looking to do: 1) a parent registers with the site 2) the parent registers her child using just an email address 3) the child receives the verification email, and clicks on the link 4) the child

[web2py] Upgrade problem

2010-11-17 Thread Kenneth Lundström
I tried to upgrade version 1.89.1 to 1.89.3. I got the following error. I´m running Linux, Apache and mod_wsgi. Is this too an file permission problem. I still can´t create a new application with admin. Don´t know where to start looking for the problem. Kenneth Version web2py™ Version 1.89

[web2py] Re:

2010-11-17 Thread villas
On Nov 17, 3:12 pm, Napoleon Moreno wrote: > I found the answer in the book , like is usual Great news Napoleon! Sorry I didn't see your post until after I'd replied :)

[web2py] Re: many to many inline form

2010-11-17 Thread Joe Wakefield
I'm still learning widget stuff, and while I can design a many-to-many widget, I am having trouble visualizing how to produce one with extra fields and buttons for adding/removing. I might strike an epiphany, but I'll likely just wait for you to make something available. On Nov 12, 11:27 am, mdipi

Re: [web2py] Re: decimal validator by default or not

2010-11-17 Thread Richard Vézina
Ok, I think I wrongly define the IS_DECIMAL_IN_RANGE I set it to (0,99.99) And now the validators works. Still wondering if IS_DECIMAL_IN_RANGE as to be explicitly define since the decimal(4,2) were already available Richard On Wed, Nov 17, 2010 at 4:06 PM, Richard Vézina wrote: > Just

[web2py] Re: decimal validator by default or not

2010-11-17 Thread mdipierro
4,2 have to do with precision, not range. On Nov 17, 4:18 pm, Richard Vézina wrote: > Ok, > > I think I wrongly define the IS_DECIMAL_IN_RANGE > > I set it to (0,99.99) > > And now the validators works. > > Still wondering if IS_DECIMAL_IN_RANGE as to be explicitly define since the > decimal(4,2)

[web2py] Re: Upgrade problem

2010-11-17 Thread mdipierro
hmmm. I can make the error go away but this is a path issue On Nov 17, 3:31 pm, Kenneth Lundström wrote: > I tried to upgrade version 1.89.1 to 1.89.3. I got the following error. > > I m running Linux, Apache and mod_wsgi. Is this too an file permission > problem. I still can t create a new appli

[web2py] Re: import csv automatic

2010-11-17 Thread Aurigadl
#This was my solution. import os db.define_table('sgd_pa_cont_continente', Field('cont_nombre',writable=False, required=True, notnull=True)) appfolder = os.path.normpath(request.folder) fileCsv = os.path.join(appfolder, 'static','continente.csv') db.import_from_csv_file(open(fileCsv, 'rb'

[web2py] Error: Edit about end license

2010-11-17 Thread Vinicius Vollrath
Hi, Environment web2py™ Version 1.89.3 (2010-11-16 13:53:22) Python Python 2.5.5: /usr/bin/python2.5 Traceback (most recent call last): File "/home/vinicius/www/plocme/gluon/restricted.py", line 188, in restricted exec ccode in environment File "/home/vinicius/www/plocme/applications/admi

[web2py] web2py and distributed computing

2010-11-17 Thread VP
I am wondering if it is feasible and even easy to incorporate something like RPyC into web2py. Ideally, I would like to have an app calling a web2py app located in a different server without too much hassle (web2py taking care of the technical details). Can we have this feature in web2py? :-)

[web2py] Re: Error: Edit about end license

2010-11-17 Thread mdipierro
I cannot reproduce this. Which version? On Nov 17, 3:32 pm, Vinicius Vollrath wrote: > Hi, > > Environment > web2py™ Version 1.89.3 (2010-11-16 13:53:22) > Python Python 2.5.5: /usr/bin/python2.5 > > Traceback (most recent call last): >   File "/home/vinicius/www/plocme/gluon/restricted.py", line

[web2py] Re: web2py and distributed computing

2010-11-17 Thread mdipierro
You can import rpyc and use it already. Anyway, I am going to look more into this. Do you have something specific in mind? On Nov 17, 5:12 pm, VP wrote: > I am wondering if it is feasible and even easy to incorporate > something like RPyC into web2py.   Ideally, I would like to have an > app call

[web2py] Unable to detect your browser

2010-11-17 Thread greenpoise
Ok, I must admit, I am one of those with a weird setup. I dont have firefox, seamonkey, IExplorer. I just happen to have Chromium and Opera as my two browsers. When I try to load web2py I get this error: Traceback (most recent call last): File "web2py.py", line 20, in import gluon.widget

[web2py] Re: Unable to detect your browser

2010-11-17 Thread mdipierro
you should set the environment variable BROWSER http://docs.python.org/library/webbrowser.html On Nov 17, 5:31 pm, greenpoise wrote: > Ok, I must admit, I am one of those with a weird setup. I dont have > firefox, seamonkey, IExplorer. I just happen to have Chromium and > Opera as my two browser

[web2py] Re: Error: Edit about end license

2010-11-17 Thread Vollrath
version 1.89.3 (2010-11-16 13:53:22) I download the trunk (for developers) in https://web2py.googlecode.com/hg/ [ ]'s Vinicius On Nov 17, 9:15 pm, mdipierro wrote: > Eu não posso reproduzir isso.Qual a versão? > > Em 17 de novembro, 03:32, Vinicius Vollrath terradigital.com.br>escreveu:

[web2py] endswith patch in trunk exception message incorrect

2010-11-17 Thread ron_m
def endswith(self, value): if self.type in ('string', 'text'): return Query(self, ' LIKE ', '%%%s' % value) else: raise RuntimeError, "startswith used with incompatible field type" The last line should be raise RuntimeError, "endswith used with i

Re: [web2py] ajax push

2010-11-17 Thread Phyo Arkar
Very cool framework . But how web2py gonna work with as it have no serverside support for python ? We may be have to run 2 servers 1 for web2py and just 1 alone for Pushes .. Anyone have used it in real applications? On Tue, Nov 16, 2010 at 3:54 AM, Michele Comitini < michele.comit...@gmail.co

[web2py] Re: Error: Edit about end license

2010-11-17 Thread mdipierro
using windows? On Nov 17, 7:06 pm, Vollrath wrote: > version 1.89.3 (2010-11-16 13:53:22) > I download the trunk (for developers) inhttps://web2py.googlecode.com/hg/ > > [ ]'s > Vinicius > > On Nov 17, 9:15 pm, mdipierro wrote: > > > Eu não posso reproduzir isso.Qual a versão? > > > Em 17 de nov

[web2py] Re: endswith patch in trunk exception message incorrect

2010-11-17 Thread mdipierro
fixed in trunk. On Nov 17, 7:11 pm, ron_m wrote: >     def endswith(self, value): >        if self.type in ('string', 'text'): >            return Query(self, ' LIKE ', '%%%s' % value) >        else: >            raise RuntimeError, "startswith used with incompatible > field type" > > The last li

[web2py] Re: Error: Edit about end license

2010-11-17 Thread Vollrath
No, Ubuntu 10.04. On Nov 17, 11:20 pm, mdipierro wrote: > using windows? > > On Nov 17, 7:06 pm, Vollrath wrote:

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