At first thanks villas for the correction of the boolean 'multiple'

DenesL I agree that "multiple should mean 1 or more, not zero or

Making though the following test:

>>> IS_IN_SET(['max', 'john'])('')
('', 'value not allowed')
>>> IS_IN_SET(['max', 'john'], multiple=True)('')
([], None)

seems that the zero option strangely is allowed for the multiple case.

According to:
this is due to lines:
 327              if self.multiple and (value == None or value ==
 328                  return ([], None)

I think should return (value, self.error_message), as is the case for

> Because multiple is not False, but I am not sure about the logic.
> No selection should still fail because it is not in the set,
> i.e. multiple should mean 1 or more, not zero or more.

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