Hi Carlos,

See what you mean.  We don't usually use 1:1 relationships,  but 1 to

e.g. From the book:


    Field('owner', db.person),

Of course an owner might only have one dog to start with, but then
acquire others later, so this model serves for any number of dogs,
incl. zero.

The same owner might also decide to keep a cat and (assuming he needs
to keep different data on that) he would simply define a 'cat' table
later with a similar realtionship.

I suppose if you insisted on making it 1:1,  I might simply suggest
making the dog.owner field into a unique index which would prevent
your adding more than 1.


On Nov 17, 3:44 pm, Carlos <carlosgali...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Thanks villas and Ivan.
> When I say joins I mean 1:1 relationships (or "linked tables"?), where
> each record in tables A/B/C reference one (and only one) unique
> 'entity' record, kind of like an 'extension' of such tables, but with
> data centralized in the 'entity' table (which would allow better
> maintenance).
> I know I have the alternative of embedding all of the 'entity' fields
> directly into tables A/B/C (instead of having a separate centralized
> 'entity' table, with 1:1 relationships).
> I was wondering what would be the best approach for this in the
> relational world?.
> And if a separate 'entity' table is the best option, then I guess I
> can use the following slice to create (and update?) records with
> linked tables:
> http://www.web2pyslices.com/main/slices/take_slice/102
> Thanks for your recommendations.
> p.s. I have certainly already read the entire book :-)
>    Carlos
> On Nov 17, 9:06 am, Ivan Matveev <imatvee...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > >>  I have a 'central' table in my design called 'entity'
> > >> which contains lots of data (including names, company, emails, phones,
> > >> address, etc.) and I want many other tables to point to ONE entity
> > >> instance, i.e. 'entity' as an _extension_ of records in many different
> > >> tables.
> > When you say 'joined tables' do you mean
> > SELECT tabl1.some_col, tabl2.other_col FROM tabl1 LEFT JOIN tabl2 ON .....
> > or something else?
> > I don't know a web2py component that can be used to edit a result of a
> > joined select.
> > If your 'entity' table includes all fields you want to present to a
> > user you can avoid joins by use of references. I don't use db
> > references myself. I think usage can look like this:
> > db.define_table('names', Field('name', 'string'))
> > db.define_table('companies', Field('company', 'string'))
> > db.define_table('entity',
> >     Field('name', db.names.name),
> >     Field('company', db.companies.company))
> > also you can alter the way a field is represented with .represent and
> > .requires methods
> > The details are in documentation on Database Abstraction 
> > Layer(DAL)http://www.web2py.com/book/default/chapter/06
> > SQLFORM allows to edit a row in a table which is fine if you have all
> > fields in 'entity' table.
> > If your 'entity' table contains references to rows in other tables you
> > will need SELECT...JOIN...
> > To edit its result  you will have to make a page with multiple
> > SQLFORMs to edit individual rows in tables ' entity' refers  to , or
> > make a custom form with SQLFORM.factory, or invent something.
> > >> My background is with object databases, and this kind of design makes
> > >> sense, although I'm not sure if it makes sense with relation
> > >> databases?.
> > It's pretty common to store an object information in a relation db as
> > a set of tables.

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