On May 10, 11:09 pm, mdipierro wrote:
> For now let's concentrate on one of them for now. If you have
> developed software in web2py that you use internally in your company
> but you cannot release it open source, would you let us know? Can you
> tell us what is the software for? Could you provide
I am trying to understand the possible performance setback if I try to
open multiple db connections. Is there some mechanism in web2py which
would optimizes the number of open connections to the database?
That would be a great solution, but i´ve to do this in model because i
am using the awesome JQGrid plugin (app.ebansoftware.net/
The dilemma is:
- I need to do this in the model
- I can`t get the vars from table.field.default (self-evident)
- I need a working IS_IN_DB(db,'table.i
I saw some discussions flying around about web2py applications and
users out there (http://groups.google.com/group/web2py/browse_thread/
and thought it would be a good time to talk about my application.
Radbox (http://radbox.me) is a video bookmarking service. Its still a
My post here:
On May 11, 12:13 pm, cjrh wrote:
> On May 10, 11:09 pm, mdipierro wrote:
> > For now let's concentrate on one of them for now. If you have
> > developed software in web2py that you use internally in your
It works! :-)
On May11, 4:58am, mdipierro wrote:
> In trunk, thanks. Please check it.
> On May 10, 3:23 am, Iceberg wrote:
> > Hi pals,
> > gluon.tools.Mail is handy but it doesn't not contain the Date header
> > of a mail. Some email system tend to suspect such email as spam
> > becau
On May 11, 10:58 am, vihang wrote:
> I am trying to understand the possible performance setback if I try to
> open multiple db connections. Is there some mechanism in web2py which
> would optimizes the number of open connections to the database?
What do your measurements say so far?
I would like to not have them available online at all. I want to be
able to see the logs from web2py's error folder in a nice way. Right
now I get this...(attatched). They look like pickles to me. I want to
be able to read them with a text based system. (Like when I ssh into my
server to see the
I've come across another subtle problem with web2py's DAL running over IBM
DB2 database.
DB2 requires the left table to immidiatedly preceed the 'left outer join'
select * from a, b left outer join c on c.a_id=a.id
is incorrect. Correct form is:
select * from b, a left outer join
Hello. There is a bug in these lines:
if [key for key in attributes if not key
in valid_attributes]:
raise SyntaxError, 'invalid select attribute: %s' % key
At the moment of raise the 'key' variable holds last ispected value which is
not neccessarily incorrect.
On May 11, 11:40 am, Adi wrote:
> Radbox (http://radbox.me) is a video bookmarking service. Its still a
> very young product, but I believe its pretty good at what it does.
The routes.py file that I am attempting to use is:
routes_in = (('/favicon.ico', '/init/static/favicon.ico'),
('/robots.txt', '/init/static/robots.txt'),
routes_out = ()
I believe that is a direct copy and paste of the example from the
online book.
On May 10
When you create your model, there is a "pools" parameter that defaults
to 10. This means that the one web2py process will use a pool of 10
connections on that one database. It leaves the connections open even
after the request is served so that they can serve the next connection
without havin
Great stuff.
On May 11, 8:25 am, cjrh wrote:
> On May 11, 11:40 am, Adi wrote:
> > Radbox (http://radbox.me) is a video bookmarking service. Its still a
> > very young product, but I believe its pretty good at what it does.
> Cool!
I had round after float. Thanks!
On May 10, 11:42 pm, mdipierro wrote:
> it is a good idea but somebody has to implement that. It would be in
> the new DAL, not current DAL, and it is not clear it is supported by
> all backends. Were you doing to provide a list of databases that
> support the dou
Now that's what I'm talking about (http://groups.google.com/group/
web2py/browse_frm/thread/9f653dcf0493593d)! Very nice work.
If you're willing, maybe mention web2py on the "Credits" page.
On May 11, 5:40 am, Adi wrote:
> I saw some discussions flying around about web2py applications and
> use
Excellent! Sign-up was smooth, everything worked well and the site
looks great.
On May 11, 4:40 am, Adi wrote:
> I saw some discussions flying around about web2py applications and
> users out there (http://groups.google.com/group/web2py/browse_thread/
> thread/606b6e90744ab3b5)
> and thought it w
I think you look for something like
db.table.field_2.compute=lambda r: request.vars.field_1
On May 11, 4:01 am, AsmanCom wrote:
> That would be a great solution, but i´ve to do this in model because i
> am using the awesome JQGrid plugin (app.ebansoftware.net/
> editable_jqgrid/).
> The dilemma
They are just python pickles.
On May 11, 5:35 am, Jason Brower wrote:
> I would like to not have them available online at all. I want to be
> able to see the logs from web2py's error folder in a nice way. Right
> now I get this...(attatched). They look like pickles to me. I want to
> be able t
Thank you. will look into it.
On May 11, 6:31 am, Alexey Nezhdanov wrote:
> Hi.
> I've come across another subtle problem with web2py's DAL running over IBM
> DB2 database.
> DB2 requires the left table to immidiatedly preceed the 'left outer join'
> keyword.
> IOW:
> select * from a, b
very nice indeed!
On May 11, 4:40 am, Adi wrote:
> I saw some discussions flying around about web2py applications and
> users out there (http://groups.google.com/group/web2py/browse_thread/
> thread/606b6e90744ab3b5)
> and thought it would be a good time to talk about my application.
> Radbox (
I sure will... and I read your thread again - I started playing with
web2py since the very early releases and coming from a j2ee
background, the reduction in effort for creating a good application is
amazing. :)
Having said that, there are hundreds of web frameworks out there, and
web2py is still
I must miss the "compute" feature. Now I am picking it up. Would you
please confirm whether my understanding is correct?
The code:
Field('bar', compute=lambda r:r.foo)
is an easier equivalent for:
def callback(form): form.vars.bar = form.vars.foo
form.accepts(..., onvalidat
Yes but
Field('bar', compute=lambda r:r['foo'])
Field('bar', compute=lambda r:r.foo)
On May 11, 11:28 am, Iceberg wrote:
> I must miss the "compute" feature. Now I am picking it up. Would you
> please confirm whether my understanding is correct?
> The code:
> Field('bar', com
I have this:
def view_totals():
rows = db().select(db.tableorder.ALL, 'sum(tableorder.totalsale)',
for row in rows: print row.tableorder.ordernumber,
return dict()
What would be my view to present my sum?
This is surely a great app. Congratulations. I wish you success like a
Hi Massimo,
Right now validators are triggered even when a record is successfully
being deleted. This can be annoying in case I am deleting old records
as below:
Field('today', 'date',
default =
First I would rewrite it as
def view_totals():
rows = db().select(db.tableorder.ALL,
for row in rows: print
return dict(rows=rows)
{{for row in rows:}}
{{= row
Good point! Will do.
On May 11, 1:08 pm, Iceberg wrote:
> Hi Massimo,
> Right now validators are triggered even when a record is successfully
> being deleted. This can be annoying in case I am deleting old records
> as below:
> db.define_table('my_table',
> Field('today', 'date',
Thanks for the tip, but there seems some more subtle difference
between form.accepts(..., onvalidation=callback) VS Field('bar',
compute=lambda r:r['foo']).
The latter will cause that field no longer showts up in SQLFORM,
because its default self.fields excludes all compute field. Is there
any rea
will try. Thanks.
** Dont know if this is the appropriate place to ask for this but
looking around the group I saw a post about a class certificate
offering. Do you have an online class by any chance?
On May 11, 2:16 pm, mdipierro wrote:
> First I would rewrite it as
> def view_totals():
I followed the www.web2py.com/AlterEgo/default/show/140 in order to generate
a self-certified ssl key using OpenSSL for windows(
The certificates are in the web2py folder
Running web2py I get this error:
C:\Programas\web2py>c:\python26\python w
I personally do not. The university I work for (DePaul Universty)
offers this certificate program:
(as long as other programs on Java and Rails and more).
I teach it. I may teach it in Fall but I am not sure yet.
On Mon, May 10, 2010 at 10:09 PM, mdipierro wrote:
> Anthony made some good points:
> http://groups.google.com/group/web2py/msg/a40b27807edc8603
> For now let's concentrate on one of them for now. If you have
> developed software in web2py that you use internally in your company
> but you canno
Hello I am using web2py on my server and would like to set up a new
domain to add to it
right now it sits at http://serv.cyber-samurai.de
I am running apache + wsgi I have my additional domain pointed to the
server but I am unsure how to configure web2py how to use it.
Do I create a new applicat
It does not hurt to post it and we can decide if we want to use for a
signature page. Can you say the name of the company?
On May 11, 1:36 pm, Miguel Lopes wrote:
> On Mon, May 10, 2010 at 10:09 PM, mdipierro wrote:
> > Anthony made some good points:
> >http://groups.google.com/group/web2py/msg/
You can used routes or virtual hosts in apache to map different
domains to different apps under the same web2py instance.
On May 11, 1:42 pm, Andrew Evans wrote:
> Hello I am using web2py on my server and would like to set up a new
> domain to add to it
> right now it sits athttp://serv.cyber-s
Very cool.
Hi - this sounds like just what I'm lookiing for. Any idea when you
hope to have it ready Andrea?
Thanks for your efforts - this looks a really cool plugin.
On Mar 30, 2:33 pm, mdipierro wrote:
> For strings
> import cgi
> cgi.escape(string)
> On Mar 30, 1:40 am, parroit wrote:
> > Intere
I think you should do this... in controllers/plugin_jqgrid.py function
data() contains
def f(value,fieldname):
r = table[fieldname].represent
if r: return r(value)
return value
replace it with
from gluon.html import xmlescape
def f(value,fieldname):
This is concerns me more:
WARNING:root:WEB2PY CRON: Disabled because no file locking
what os are you using?
On May 11, 1:28 pm, Miguel Lopes wrote:
> I followed thewww.web2py.com/AlterEgo/default/show/140in order to generate
> a self-certified ssl key using OpenSSL for
> windows(http://www.slp
Great job! I am happy to see web2py apps that don't just use the
default admin interface design, and actually do their own.
On May 11, 2:40 am, Adi wrote:
> I saw some discussions flying around about web2py applications and
> users out there (http://groups.google.com/group/web2py/browse_thread
Peter and I are trying to implement a queuing feature in a webpage.
Basically if the user is logged in, he can wait in line for getting to
run a robot from a particular page. I gave it my best shot and couldn't
figure it out.
We need it to be able to have one person access a page at a time and
This is great! You guys did such a nice job, many kudos!
On Tue, May 11, 2010 at 1:55 PM, b00m_chef wrote:
> Great job! I am happy to see web2py apps that don't just use the
> default admin interface design, and actually do their own.
> On May 11, 2:40 am, Adi wrote:
>> I
Yes i did use that way:
rows=db(db.cdsdata.id>0).select(db.cdsdata.id, db.cdsdata.extracted)
But why update_record giving Key error (That method is not found)..
On Sat, May 8, 2010 at 11:46 PM, Vasile Ermicioi wrote:
> web2py is always backward compatible, you can use either row.update or
> r
I did used Mercurial version Tagged 1.77.3 from googlecode. That is Same
with release version 1.77.3 right?
On Sat, May 8, 2010 at 10:10 PM, Thadeus Burgess wrote:
> Looks like you are not running the latest version of web2py .
> --
> Thadeus
> On Sat, May 8, 2010 at 4:34 PM, Eldr3D
This works. I need some guidance as to where to look because I am
going to be dealing with more calculations that includes
On May 11, 2:34 pm, mdipierro wrote:
> I personally do not. The university I work for (DePaul Universty)
> offers this certificate
> program:
I was to display a form using Ajax in response to a click on a link on the
page. I have tried putting this in the view:
New todo
with this in the controller:
def new():
return = LOAD('todo','todo_form',ajax=True)
def todo_form():
form = SQLFORM(db.tasks,fields=['priority','subject','d
On Tue, 11 May 2010 21:16:45 +0100, k...@midnighthax.com said:
> return = LOAD('todo','todo_form',ajax=True)
Typo in my mail: that is actually
return LOAD('todo','todo_form',ajax=True)
def function_A():
return {'something':'blah blah'}
def function_B():
return {another_thing}
then in function_A.html you can use:
{{=something}} {{=LOAD(URL(r=request,f='function_B'),ajax=True)}}
On May12, 4:16am, Keith Edmunds wrote:
> I was to display a form using Ajax in response to a
On Tue, May 11, 2010 at 7:54 PM, mdipierro wrote:
> This is concerns me more:
> WARNING:root:WEB2PY CRON: Disabled because no file locking
> what os are you using?
Windows XP I can check the flavour and service pack tomorrow.
Do you have the win32 extension for Python installed?
On May 11, 3:33 pm, Miguel Lopes wrote:
> On Tue, May 11, 2010 at 7:54 PM, mdipierro wrote:
> > This is concerns me more:
> > WARNING:root:WEB2PY CRON: Disabled because no file locking
> > what os
Sorry, Iceburg, I appreciate your attempt to help, but you've lost me
completely! Can you explain?
On Tue, May 11, 2010 at 9:41 PM, mr.freeze wrote:
> Do you have the win32 extension for Python installed?
> http://sourceforge.net/projects/pywin32/
No. Maybe that's he problem.
Tomorrow I'll re-test the thing with pywin32 installed.
I put a example vhost file at
(the original language is portuguese, but you can use the example)
Alexandre Andrade
2010/5/11 Andrew Evans
> Hello I am using web2py on my server and would like to set up a new
Please, don't read/use my previous email..., it is for another situation:
using php and web2py at same server.
Alexandre Andrade.
2010/5/11 Alexandre Andrade
> I put a example vhost file at
> http://alexandremas.blogspot.com/2010/02/como-configurar-web2py-e-php-no-mesmo.html
> (the origina
It is either
for row in db(query).select(): row.update_record(...)
On May 11, 3:03 pm, Phyo Arkar wrote:
> I did used Mercurial version Tagged 1.77.3 from googlecode. That is Same
> with release version 1.77
Do you get this error only after deplyment or also locally with
On May 11, 7:53 am, Chris S wrote:
> The routes.py file that I am attempting to use is:
> ---
> routes_in = (('/favicon.ico', '/init/static/favicon.ico'),
> ('/robots.txt', '/init/static/robots.txt
i used this script to install web2py:
so i have everything in www-data
and everything works fine.
now..what do i have to install to make php work on the same folder? or
what do i have to config. i have a very old app writed on php so
yes, it applies to the dev environment as well.
i have not used bulk inserts yet, but they would have to run as a
controller that is accessible via URL. (at least as far as i can
tell). Even the bulkloader.py tool distributed with the SDK talks to
a particular app URL and does everything in 30 s
I just posted a new gluon.rewrite.py in trunk that should report more
details about your error.
On May 11, 7:53 am, Chris S wrote:
> The routes.py file that I am attempting to use is:
> ---
> routes_in = (('/favicon.ico', '/init/static/favicon.ico'),
> ('/robots.txt
This is similar to yours but I am posting it anyway:
Fix your routes.py
http://radbox.me/index.html = Invalid Controller.
On May 11, 2:40 am, Adi wrote:
> I saw some discussions flying around about web2py applications and
> users out there (http://groups.google.com/group/web2py/browse_thread/
> thread/606b6e90744ab3b5)
> and thought it wou
Check this out (needs a lot of work)
On May 11, 8:10 am, vihang wrote:
> I had seen the alterego posting. but that is more from using a Table
> instance. I am looking at true ORM capability where I create a class
> with methods which
How safe is this approach? You process 100 records ate the time and
call the function itself again until done. If this fails for any
reason (like time constraints imposed by GAE or other GAE db access
failure), this is not going to call itself again and it will never
complete. Is it a possibility?
With my previous employer, I used web2py to build a few basic
applications. One was an application to input and track inventory
mistakes in warehouse operations. Another was a similar application to
input and track the results of daily audits performed by each
warehouse department. I also made an a
there was a discussion about this on the developers mailing list last
On May 7, 12:50 am, vihang wrote:
> Hello,
> A long time back, someone (mostly probably massimo) had written a few
> lines of code
Glad to hear about this.
Can you tell us in which country and in which field your previous
employer was operating?
On May 11, 7:34 pm, drelyn86 wrote:
> With my previous employer, I used web2py to build a few basic
> applications. One was an application to input and track inventory
> mistakes in
If the execution of a particular Task fails (by returning any HTTP
status code outside of the range 200-299), App Engine will attempt to
retry until it succeeds. The system will back off gradually so as not
thanks for the clarification.
On May 11, 7:43 pm, Richard wrote:
> http://code.google.com/appengine/docs/python/taskqueue/overview.html#...
> """
> If the execution of a particular Task fails (by returning any HTTP
> status code outside of the range 200-299), App Engine will attempt to
> retry
> Does this apply to the dev environment as well? Just fire it up and run it
> via localhost?
Unfortunately no (for the Python API):
When your app is running in the development server,
I've managed to successfully call on a jsonrpc service using localhost.
However I cannot replicate this with a remote server.
For the client I'm using jsonrpc at the Python prompt:
>>> sv = ServiceProxy('')
>>> sv.getRequests()
['json test']
Can you describe what happens in the uncessful test? Do you see a new
ticket file being generate in the errors/ folder? What does it say?
On May 11, 7:46 pm, Miguel Lopes wrote:
> I've managed to successfully call on a jsonrpc service using localhost.
> However I cannot replicate this with a rem
On Tue, May 11, 2010 at 21:38, Richard wrote:
> there was a discussion about this on the developers mailing list last
> week:
> http://groups.google.com/group/web2py-developers/browse_thread/thread/778e4015b8fae372
Yes, started by me.
> On May 7, 12:50 am, vihang wrote:
>> Hello,
>> A long t
On Wed, May 12, 2010 at 1:48 AM, mdipierro wrote:
> Can you describe what happens in the uncessful test? Do you see a new
> ticket file being generate in the errors/ folder? What does it say?
Upps! Sorry false alarm. I was calling the remote server with the port and
this was causing the conn
On May 11, 7:55 pm, Miguel Lopes wrote:
> On Wed, May 12, 2010 at 1:48 AM, mdipierro wrote:
> > Can you describe what happens in the uncessful test? Do you see a new
> > ticket file being generate in the errors/ folder? What does it say?
> Upps! Sorry false alarm. I was calling the remote
Hello I have a problem. I have code written for web2py that has two
functions, the problem is in the looping of the second function. it
only executes the loop once. Is there anyway I can continue looping
def check():
for target_keyword in session.keywords.split(','):
gs = GoogleSearch(
I suppose you want to return several positions that match (domain ==
session.target_domain) then you must not use return (as it escapes the loop
and exits the function scope). You should collect all your matches in a list
and the return the list in the end. Something like:
def check():
On Tue, May 11, 2010 at 22:29, mdipierro wrote:
> http://web2py.com/examples/static/nightly/web2py_src.zip
> http://web2py.com/examples/static/nightly/web2py_win.zip
> http://web2py.com/examples/static/nightly/web2py_osx.zip
Check for... ?
Álvaro Justen - Turicas
Nothing specifically. Just make sure your apps do not break.
On May 11, 9:27 pm, Álvaro Justen wrote:
> On Tue, May 11, 2010 at 22:29, mdipierro wrote:
> >http://web2py.com/examples/static/nightly/web2py_src.zip
> >http://web2py.com/examples/static/nightly/web2py_win.zip
> >http://web2p
I recommend spending a day working through the book (http://web2py.com/
But if you really don't have the time try editing an existing app to
do what you want. Or just pay someone on this mailing list to do it
for you.
On May 11, 4:43 am, pk wrote:
> annotation:
> the project time is very
The book was a huge improvement but there is certainly more to be
done. Unfortunately this kind of work is not fun so happens slowly.
Would it be worth migrating useful content to the book (and slices)
and close the legacy apps (AlterEgo, wiki)?
Having a list of notable web2py driven sites is a g
Some of the apps I am working currently are much more easy to build if
the models can be defined as a class with methods that act on them.
On May 12, 5:51 am, Álvaro Justen wrote:
> On Tue, May 11, 2010 at 21:38, Richard wrote:
> > there was a discussion about this on the developers mailing lis
On May 12, 4:25 am, b00m_chef wrote:
> FYI:
> Fix your routes.py http://radbox.me/index.html = Invalid Controller.
Where did you get that link? http://radbox.me/index should work.
On a second look, your case seems having no need for LOAD. How about
adjust your code like this?
New todo
On May12, 4:43am, Keith Edmunds wrote:
> Sorry, Iceburg, I appreciate your attempt to help, but you've lost me
> completely! Can you explain?
> Thanks
In the database administration a query to select all is (id>0). But
some databases like postgresql starting a sequence default by 0, not
like sqlite with 1. So how can I avoid problems?
On May 12, 4:25 am, Miguel Lopes wrote:
Alternatively, instead of this:
> result_list.append(a_str)
> # Now you can return the list
> return result_list
one could yield the values:
and then whatever other code uses function "check()" can still it
89 matches
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